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2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
* ArkhamDBExport.js
* Generates a JSON file and card images for import into ArkhamDB
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
// The resolution (in pixels per inch) of the exported images
const RESOLUTION = 200;
// The extension of the image file format to use, e.g., png, jpg
const FORMAT = ImageUtils.FORMAT_JPEG;
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
function getName() {
return 'ArkhamDB Export';
function getDescription() {
return 'Generates a JSON file and card images for import into ArkhamDB';
function getVersion() {
return 1.0;
function getPluginType() {
return arkham.plugins.Plugin.INJECTED;
function unload() {
// Creates a test button during development that calls unload() to clean up.
2021-09-07 22:53:27 -04:00
function renameSlot(slot) {
if (slot.startsWith('1 ')) {
return slot.slice(2);
else if (slot.startsWith('2 ')) {
return slot.slice(2) + ' x2';
else {
return slot;
const tag_replacements = {
"<gua>": "[guardian]",
"<see>": "[seeker]",
"<rog>": "[rogue]",
"<mys>": "[mystic]",
"<sur>": "[survivor]",
2021-09-08 12:42:00 -04:00
"<wil>": "[willpower]",
"<int>": "[intellect]",
"<com>": "[combat]",
"<agi>": "[agility]",
"<wild>": "[wild]",
"<sku>": "[skull]",
"<cul>": "[cultist]",
"<tab>": "[tablet]",
"<mon>": "[elder_thing]",
"<ble>": "[bless]",
"<cur>": "[curse]",
"<eld>": "[eldersign]",
"<ten>": "[auto_fail]",
"<act>": "[action]",
"<fre>": "[free]",
"<rea>": "[reaction]",
2021-09-08 23:13:40 -04:00
"<for>": "<b>Forced</b>",
"<hau>": "<b>Haunted</b>",
"<obj>": "<b>Objective</b>",
"<pat>": "Patrol",
"<rev>": "<b>Revelation</b>",
"<uni>": "{Unique}", // TODO
"<per>": "[per_investigator]",
"<bul>": "- ",
"<squ>": "{Square}", // TODO
"<bultab>": "", // Tab spacing for bullet sections
"<t>": "<b><i>", // Trait
"</t>": "</i></b>",
"<hs>": "", // Horizontal spacer
"<lvs>": "", // Large vertical spacer
"<vs>": "", // Vertical spacer
"<svs>": "", // Small vertical spacer
2021-09-07 22:53:27 -04:00
// TODO: handle investigator cards
const card_types = {
"AHLCG-Event-Default": "event",
"AHLCG-Skill-Default": "skill",
"AHLCG-Asset-Default": "asset",
// TODO: actually handle enemy weaknesses
"AHLCG-WeaknessEnemy-Default": "enemy",
"AHLCG-WeaknessTreachery-Default": "treachery",
function int_or_null(inp) {
if (inp == 'None') {
return null;
else if (inp == 'X') {
return -2;
else {
return parseInt(inp);
2021-09-08 17:12:58 -04:00
function leftPad(str, len, fill) {
return fill.repeat(Math.max(len - str.length, 0)) + str;
2021-09-08 20:08:36 -04:00
function replaceAll(str, search, replace) {
return str.split(search).join(replace);
function build_card(component, pack_code, cycle_prefix, copies) {
function substitute_tags(str) {
2021-09-08 19:57:20 -04:00
str = str.trim();
2021-09-08 20:08:36 -04:00
str = replaceAll(str, "<fullname>", String(component.getName()));
2021-09-07 22:53:27 -04:00
for (let tag in tag_replacements) {
2021-09-08 20:08:36 -04:00
str = replaceAll(str, tag, tag_replacements[tag]);
return str;
const code = cycle_prefix + leftPad(String(component.settings.get('CollectionNumber')), 3, '0');
const card_data = {
code: String(code),
deck_limit: 2, // TODO: could be derived?
flavor: substitute_tags(String(component.settings.get('Flavor'))),
illustrator: String(component.settings.get('Artist')),
is_unique: component.settings.getBoolean('Unique'),
name: substitute_tags(String(component.getName())),
pack_code: String(pack_code),
position: int_or_null(component.settings.get('CollectionNumber')),
quantity: copies,
//restrictions: null, // TODO
// TODO: should also handle "Victory" field
text: substitute_tags(String(
component.settings.get('Keywords') + '\n' + component.settings.get('Rules'))),
traits: substitute_tags(String(component.settings.get('Traits'))),
type_code: card_types[component.getFrontTemplateKey()],
xp: int_or_null(component.settings.get('Level')),
const raw_health = component.settings.get('Stamina');
if (raw_health && raw_health != 'None' && raw_health != '-') { = int_or_null(raw_health);
const raw_sanity = component.settings.get('Sanity');
if (raw_sanity && raw_sanity != 'None' && raw_sanity != '-') {
2021-09-08 22:04:49 -04:00
card_data.sanity = int_or_null(raw_sanity);
const skills = {
Agility: 0,
Intellect: 0,
Combat: 0,
Willpower: 0,
Wild: 0,
for (let i = 1; i<=6; i++) {
let skill_icon = component.settings.get('Skill' + i);
if (skill_icon in skills) {
skills[skill_icon] += 1;
for (let skill in skills) {
if (skills[skill] > 0) {
card_data["skill_" + skill.toLowerCase()] = skills[skill];
const raw_cost = component.settings.get('ResourceCost');
if (raw_cost) {
card_data.cost = int_or_null(raw_cost);
const raw_slot = component.settings.get('Slot');
2021-09-08 19:48:27 -04:00
if (raw_slot && raw_slot != 'None') {
card_data.slot = renameSlot(String(raw_slot));
const raw_slot2 = component.settings.get('Slot2');
if (raw_slot2 && raw_slot2 != 'None') {
2021-09-08 14:57:26 -04:00
card_data.slot += '. ' + renameSlot(String(raw_slot2));
const subtitle = component.settings.get('Subtitle');
if (subtitle && subtitle != '') {
2021-09-08 14:46:26 -04:00
card_data.subname = String(subtitle);
const faction = component.settings.get('CardClass');
if (faction) {
if (faction == 'Weakness') {
card_data.subtype_code = "weakness";
else if (faction == 'Basic Weakness') {
card_data.subtype_code = "basicweakness";
else {
card_data.faction_code = String(faction).toLowerCase();
const faction2 = component.settings.get('CardClass2');
if (faction2 && faction2 != 'None') {
card_data.faction2_code = String(faction2).toLowerCase();
if (card_types[component.getFrontTemplateKey()] == 'enemy') {
// TODO: "weakness" or "basicweakness"
card_data.subtype_code = "basicweakness";
2021-09-07 22:53:27 -04:00
// TODO: parse out some keywords into their own fields
2021-09-07 22:53:27 -04:00
// order by keys
const ordered_card_data = Object.keys(card_data).sort().reduce(
function(obj, key) {
obj[key] = card_data[key];
return obj;
return ordered_card_data;
function exportCard(component, file) {
try {
// create the sheets that will paint the faces of the component
let sheets = component.createDefaultSheets();
if (sheets == null) return;
// export front face
let image = sheets[0].paint(arkham.sheet.RenderTarget.EXPORT, RESOLUTION);
ImageUtils.write(image, file, FORMAT, -1, false, RESOLUTION);
} catch (ex) {
println('Error while making image for ' + component.getName() + ', skipping file');
// Hack to override the default return value of 1
function copyCount(copies_list, name) {
const entries = copies_list.getListEntries().map(function (x) {
return String(x);
if (entries.indexOf(String(name)) == -1) {
return 2;
} else {
return copies_list.getCopyCount(name);
function settingsDialog(task_settings) {
const pack_code_field = textField(task_settings.get("arkhamdb_pack_code"), 15);
const cycle_prefix_field = textField(task_settings.get("arkhamdb_cycle_prefix"), 15);
const panel = new Grid();
"Pack Code", "",
pack_code_field, "grow,span",
"Cycle Prefix", "",
cycle_prefix_field, "grow"
const close_button = panel.createDialog('ArkhamDB Export').showDialog();
return [close_button, pack_code_field.text, cycle_prefix_field.text];
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
function run() {
const arkhamDBAction = JavaAdapter(TaskAction, {
getLabel: function getLabel() {
return 'Generate ArkhamDB Data';
getActionName: function getActionName() {
return 'arkhamdb';
// Applies to Deck Tasks
appliesTo: function appliesTo(project, task, member) {
if (member != null || task == null) {
return false;
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
const type = task.settings.get(Task.KEY_TYPE);
if (NewTaskType.DECK_TYPE.equals(type)) {
return true;
return false;
perform: function perform(project, task, member) {
const deck_task = ProjectUtilities.simplify(project, task, member);
const task_settings = deck_task.getSettings();
const [close_button, pack_code, cycle_prefix] = settingsDialog(task_settings);
// User canceled the dialog or closed it without pressing ok
if (close_button != 1) {
task_settings.set("arkhamdb_pack_code", pack_code);
task_settings.set("arkhamdb_cycle_prefix", cycle_prefix);
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
try {
this.performImpl(deck_task, pack_code, cycle_prefix);
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
} catch (ex) {
} finally {
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
performImpl: function performImpl(deck_task, pack_code, cycle_prefix) {
let copies_list;
try {
copies_list = new CopiesList(deck_task);
} catch (ex) {
copies_list = new CopiesList();
warn("unable to read copies list, using card count of 2 for all files", ex);
const children = deck_task.children.filter(function (child) {
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
return ProjectUtilities.matchExtension(child, 'eon');
const cards = [];
for (let child of children) {
try {
let component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(child.file);
if (component.getFrontTemplateKey() in card_types) {
printf("Generating JSON/PNG for '%s'...\n", child);
let copies = copyCount(copies_list, child.baseName);
let card_data = build_card(component, pack_code, cycle_prefix, copies);
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let export_dir = new File(deck_task.file, 'export');
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
let target_file = new File(export_dir, card_data.code + '.' + FORMAT);
if (!target_file.exists() || child.file.lastModified() > target_file.lastModified()) {
printf("Image for '%s' is out of date, rebuilding...\n", child);
exportCard(component, target_file);
} catch (ex) {
println('Error while processing ' + + ', skipping file');
cards.sort(function (a, b) {
return parseInt(a.code) - parseInt(b.code);
const file = new File(deck_task.file, pack_code + '.json');
2021-09-17 13:40:29 -04:00
printf("Writing '%s'\n", file);
ProjectUtilities.writeTextFile(file, JSON.stringify(cards, null, 4));
ActionRegistry.register(arkhamDBAction, Actions.PRIORITY_IMPORT_EXPORT);