Adam Goldsmith 659855d19a Migrate to ZIM
Moves init/config files to main directory, instead of in submodule
2016-01-22 19:25:50 -05:00

28 lines
943 B

#-*- mode: sh; -*-
## Zim settings
# Select what modules you would like enabled.
# The second line of modules may depend on options set by modules in the first line.
# These dependencies are noted on the respective module's README.md.
zmodules=(directory environment git history input utility custom \
syntax-highlighting prompt git completion)
## Prompt
# Set your desired prompt here
## Utility
# Uncomment to enable command correction prompts; 'setopt CORRECT'
# See: http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html#Input_002fOutput
## Syntax-Highlighting
# This determines what highlighters will be used with the completion module.
# Documentation of the highlighters can be found here:
# https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting/blob/master/docs/highlighters.md
zhighlighters=(main brackets)
## SSH
# Load these ssh identities with the ssh module