Initial Commit, working chunkwm setup
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# NOTE: any 'chunkc' command that is run from this config file
# that is NOT 'chunkc core::<..>' or 'chunkc set ..'
# MUST be put in the background using &
# e.g:
# chunkc tiling::rule --owner Finder --name Copy --state float &
# NOTE: specify the absolutepath of the file to use for logging.
# 'stdout' or 'stderr' can be used instead of an actual filepath.
chunkc core::log_file stdout
# NOTE: specify the desired level of logging.
# - none, debug, profile, warn, error
chunkc core::log_level warn
# NOTE: specify the absolutepath to the directory to use when loading a plugin.
chunkc core::plugin_dir /usr/local/opt/chunkwm/share/chunkwm/plugins
# NOTE: if enabled, chunkwm will monitor the specified plugin_dir
# and automatically reload any '.so' file that is changed.
chunkc core::hotload 0
# NOTE: the following are config variables for the chunkwm-tiling plugin.
chunkc set custom_bar_enabled 0
chunkc set custom_bar_all_monitors 0
chunkc set custom_bar_offset_top 22
chunkc set custom_bar_offset_bottom 0
chunkc set custom_bar_offset_left 0
chunkc set custom_bar_offset_right 0
chunkc set global_desktop_mode bsp
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_top 0
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_bottom 0
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_left 0
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_right 0
chunkc set global_desktop_offset_gap 0
# NOTE: syntax for desktop-specific settings
# chunkc set 2_desktop_mode monocle
# chunkc set 5_desktop_mode float
# chunkc set 3_desktop_offset_top 190
# chunkc set 3_desktop_offset_bottom 190
# chunkc set 3_desktop_offset_left 190
# chunkc set 3_desktop_offset_right 190
# chunkc set 3_desktop_offset_gap 30
chunkc set desktop_padding_step_size 10.0
chunkc set desktop_gap_step_size 5.0
chunkc set bsp_spawn_left 1
chunkc set bsp_optimal_ratio 1.618
chunkc set bsp_split_mode optimal
chunkc set bsp_split_ratio 0.5
chunkc set monitor_focus_cycle 1
chunkc set window_focus_cycle monitor
chunkc set mouse_follows_focus intrinsic
chunkc set window_float_next 0
chunkc set window_region_locked 1
chunkc set mouse_move_window \"fn 1\"
chunkc set mouse_resize_window \"fn 2\"
chunkc set mouse_motion_interval 35
chunkc set preselect_border_color 0xffd75f5f
chunkc set preselect_border_width 5
chunkc set preselect_border_radius 0
chunkc set preselect_border_outline 0
# NOTE: these settings require chwm-sa.
# (
chunkc set window_float_topmost 0
chunkc set window_fade_inactive 0
chunkc set window_fade_alpha 0.85
chunkc set window_fade_duration 0.25
chunkc set window_use_cgs_move 0
# NOTE: the following are config variables for the chunkwm-border plugin.
# NOTE: syntax for `focused_border_outline` setting
# 0 = false, inline border
# 1 = true, outline border
chunkc set focused_border_color 0xff0f6288
chunkc set focused_border_width 5
chunkc set focused_border_radius 0
chunkc set focused_border_outline 0
chunkc set focused_border_skip_floating 0
chunkc set focused_border_skip_monocle 0
# NOTE: the following are config variables for the chunkwm-ffm plugin.
chunkc set ffm_bypass_modifier fn
chunkc set ffm_standby_on_float 1
# NOTE: specify plugins to load when chunkwm starts.
chunkc core::load
chunkc core::load
#chunkc core::load
# NOTE: sample rules for the tiling plugin
chunkc tiling::rule --owner Finder --name Copy --state float &
chunkc tiling::rule --owner \"App Store\" --state float &
chunkc tiling::rule --owner Emacs --except "^$|\*lsp-ui-doc-.*\*" --state tile &
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import yaml
import json
with open('karabiner.yaml') as in_f:
with open('karabiner.json', 'w') as out_f:
json.dump(yaml.load(in_f), out_f, indent=4)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
check_for_updates_on_startup: false
show_in_menu_bar: true
show_profile_name_in_menu_bar: false
- name: Default profile
selected: true
- {from: {key_code: caps_lock}, to: {key_code: left_control}}
basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds: 50
basic.to_delayed_action_delay_milliseconds: 500
basic.to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds: 1000
basic.to_if_held_down_threshold_milliseconds: 500
- description: Both shifts -> caps lock
- from: {key_code: left_shift, modifiers: {mandatory: [right_shift], optional: [caps_lock]}}
to: [{key_code: caps_lock}]
to_if_alone: [{key_code: left_shift}]
type: basic
- from: {key_code: right_shift, modifiers: {mandatory: [left_shift], optional: [caps_lock]}}
to: [{key_code: caps_lock}]
to_if_alone: [{key_code: right_shift}]
type: basic
- description: No-Op command-q
- from: {key_code: q, modifiers: {mandatory: [command], optional: [caps_lock]}}
type: basic
- description: command-shift-q -> command-alt-q
- from: {key_code: q, modifiers: {mandatory: [command, shift], optional: [caps_lock]}}
to: [{key_code: q, modifiers: [left_command, left_option]}]
type: basic
- description: C-backspace -> M-backspace, except in Emacs, because Emacs is fine
- conditions: [{type: frontmost_application_unless, bundle_identifiers: [org.gnu.Emacs]}]
from: {key_code: delete_or_backspace, modifiers: {mandatory: [control], optional: [caps_lock]}}
to: [{key_code: delete_or_backspace, modifiers: [left_option]}]
type: basic
- description: Alt-left in Firefox -> Ctrl-left
- <<: &match_firefox
conditions: [{type: frontmost_application_if, bundle_identifiers: [org.mozilla.firefox]}]
from: {key_code: left_arrow, modifiers: {mandatory: [option]}}
to: [{key_code: left_arrow, modifiers: [left_control]}]
type: basic
- description: Alt-right in Firefox -> Ctrl-right
- <<: *match_firefox
from: {key_code: right_arrow, modifiers: {mandatory: [option]}}
to: [{key_code: right_arrow, modifiers: [left_control]}]
type: basic
- description: stop fullscreen in firefox
- <<: *match_firefox
from: {key_code: f, modifiers: {mandatory: [left_control]}}
to: [{key_code: f, modifiers: [command]}]
type: basic
- description: mission control mouse to top
- from: {key_code: f3, modifiers: {optional: [caps_lock]}}
# wow this is dumb (moves mouse to top of screen)
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
- mouse_key: {y: -3000, speed_multiplier: 4 }
# then brings up mission control, to show desktop previews
- key_code: mission_control
type: basic
- {from: {key_code: f1}, to: {consumer_key_code: display_brightness_decrement}}
- {from: {key_code: f2}, to: {consumer_key_code: display_brightness_increment}}
- {from: {key_code: f3}, to: {key_code: mission_control}}
- {from: {key_code: f4}, to: {key_code: launchpad}}
- {from: {key_code: f5}, to: {key_code: illumination_decrement}}
- {from: {key_code: f6}, to: {key_code: illumination_increment}}
- {from: {key_code: f7}, to: {consumer_key_code: rewind}}
- {from: {key_code: f8}, to: {consumer_key_code: play_or_pause}}
- {from: {key_code: f9}, to: {consumer_key_code: fastforward}}
- {from: {key_code: f10}, to: {consumer_key_code: mute}}
- {from: {key_code: f11}, to: {consumer_key_code: volume_decrement}}
- {from: {key_code: f12}, to: {consumer_key_code: volume_increment}}
- identifiers:
is_keyboard: true
is_pointing_device: false
product_id: 610
vendor_id: 1452
disable_built_in_keyboard_if_exists: false
ignore: false
manipulate_caps_lock_led: true
fn_function_keys: []
simple_modifications: []
country_code: 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# -*- mode: conf-colon; -*-
cmd - return : osascript -e $'tell application "iTerm2"\n tell current window\n create window with default profile\n end tell\nend tell' || open /Applications/ # open terminal
cmd - e : emacsclient -cn # open Emacs
cmd + shift - e: exec emacsclient -ce '(nm)' # open Emacs with Nevermore
cmd + alt - f: osascript -e $'tell application "System Events" to tell process "Firefox"\n click menu item "New Window" of menu "File" of menu bar 1\n end tell' || open /Applications/ # open firefox
# close focused window
# note: with carabiner this is also 'cmd + shift - q'
cmd + alt - q : chunkc tiling::window --close
# Lock/turn off screen
# requires system setting "require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins"
ctrl + cmd - l : pmset displaysleepnow
ctrl + alt - l : pmset displaysleepnow
# focus window
cmd - h : chunkc tiling::window --focus west
cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --focus south
cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --focus north
cmd - l : chunkc tiling::window --focus east
# cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --focus prev
# cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --focus next
# equalize size of windows
shift + cmd - 0 : chunkc tiling::desktop --equalize
# swap window
shift + alt + cmd - h : chunkc tiling::window --swap west
shift + alt + cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --swap south
shift + alt + cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --swap north
shift + alt + cmd - l : chunkc tiling::window --swap east
# move window
shift + cmd - h : chunkc tiling::window --warp west
shift + cmd - j : chunkc tiling::window --warp south
shift + cmd - k : chunkc tiling::window --warp north
shift + cmd - l : chunkc tiling::window --warp east
# create desktop, move window and follow focus
shift + cmd - n : chunkc tiling::desktop --create;\
id=$(chunkc tiling::query --desktops-for-monitor $(chunkc tiling::query --monitor-for-desktop $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id)));\
chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop $(echo ${id##* });\
chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(echo ${id##* })
# create desktop and follow focus
cmd + alt - n : chunkc tiling::desktop --create;\
id=$(chunkc tiling::query --desktops-for-monitor $(chunkc tiling::query --monitor-for-desktop $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id)));\
chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(echo ${id##* })
# destroy desktop
cmd + alt - w : chunkc tiling::desktop --annihilate
# fast focus desktop
cmd - tab : chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop)
cmd + alt - z : chunkc tiling::desktop --focus prev
cmd + alt - c : chunkc tiling::desktop --focus next
cmd - 1 : i=1; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 2 : i=2; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 3 : i=3; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 4 : i=4; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 5 : i=5; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 6 : i=6; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 7 : i=7; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 8 : i=8; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 9 : i=9; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
cmd - 0 : i=10; chunkc tiling::desktop --focus $(( $(chunkc tiling::query --desktop id) == $i ? $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop) : $i ))
# send window to desktop
shift + cmd - tab : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop $(chunkc get _last_active_desktop)
shift + cmd - z : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop prev
shift + cmd - c : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop next
shift + cmd - 1 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 1
shift + cmd - 2 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 2
shift + cmd - 3 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 3
shift + cmd - 4 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 4
shift + cmd - 5 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 5
shift + cmd - 6 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 6
shift + cmd - 7 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 7
shift + cmd - 8 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 8
shift + cmd - 9 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 9
shift + cmd - 0 : chunkc tiling::window --send-to-desktop 10
# increase region size
shift + alt - a : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.1 --adjust-window-edge west
shift + alt - s : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.1 --adjust-window-edge south
shift + alt - w : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.1 --adjust-window-edge north
shift + alt - d : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio 0.1 --adjust-window-edge east
# decrease region size
shift + cmd - a : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.1 --adjust-window-edge west
shift + cmd - s : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.1 --adjust-window-edge south
shift + cmd - w : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.1 --adjust-window-edge north
shift + cmd - d : chunkc tiling::window --use-temporary-ratio -0.1 --adjust-window-edge east
# set insertion point for focused container
# ctrl + alt - f : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point cancel
# ctrl + alt - h : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point west
# ctrl + alt - j : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point south
# ctrl + alt - k : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point north
# ctrl + alt - l : chunkc tiling::window --use-insertion-point east
# rotate tree
cmd + alt - r : chunkc tiling::desktop --rotate 90
# mirror tree y-axis
cmd + alt - y : chunkc tiling::desktop --mirror vertical
# mirror tree x-axis
cmd + alt - x : chunkc tiling::desktop --mirror horizontal
# toggle window fullscreen
cmd + alt - f : chunkc tiling::window --toggle fullscreen
# toggle window native fullscreen
cmd + alt + shift - f : chunkc tiling::window --toggle native-fullscreen
# toggle window parent zoom
# alt - d : chunkc tiling::window --toggle parent
# toggle window split type
cmd + alt - e : chunkc tiling::window --toggle split
# toggle window fade
# alt - q : chunkc tiling::window --toggle fade
# toggle sticky
# alt - s : chunkc tiling::window --toggle sticky
# float window
cmd + shift - space : chunkc tiling::window --toggle float
# change layout of desktop
cmd + alt - a : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout bsp
cmd + alt - s : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout monocle
cmd + alt - d : chunkc tiling::desktop --layout float
cmd + alt - w : chunkc tiling::desktop --deserialize ~/.chunkwm_layouts/dev_1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user