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2015-12-16 01:15:30 -05:00
# Editor and input char assignment
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
return 1
# Use human-friendly identifiers.
zmodload zsh/terminfo
typeset -gA key_info
'Control' '\C-'
'ControlLeft' '\e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd'
'ControlRight' '\e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc'
'Escape' '\e'
'Meta' '\M-'
'Backspace' "^?"
'Delete' "^[[3~"
'F1' "$terminfo[kf1]"
'F2' "$terminfo[kf2]"
'F3' "$terminfo[kf3]"
'F4' "$terminfo[kf4]"
'F5' "$terminfo[kf5]"
'F6' "$terminfo[kf6]"
'F7' "$terminfo[kf7]"
'F8' "$terminfo[kf8]"
'F9' "$terminfo[kf9]"
'F10' "$terminfo[kf10]"
'F11' "$terminfo[kf11]"
'F12' "$terminfo[kf12]"
'Insert' "$terminfo[kich1]"
'Home' "$terminfo[khome]"
'PageUp' "$terminfo[kpp]"
'End' "$terminfo[kend]"
'PageDown' "$terminfo[knp]"
'Up' "$terminfo[kcuu1]"
'Left' "$terminfo[kcub1]"
'Down' "$terminfo[kcud1]"
'Right' "$terminfo[kcuf1]"
'BackTab' "$terminfo[kcbt]"
# Bind the keys
bindkey "$key_info[Home]" beginning-of-line
bindkey "$key_info[End]" end-of-line
bindkey "$key_info[Insert]" overwrite-mode
bindkey "$key_info[Delete]" delete-char
bindkey "$key_info[Backspace]" backward-delete-char
bindkey "$key_info[Left]" backward-char
bindkey "$key_info[Right]" forward-char
# Expandpace.
bindkey ' ' magic-space
# Clear
bindkey "$key_info[Control]L" clear-screen
# Bind Shift + Tab to go to the previous menu item.
bindkey "$key_info[BackTab]" reverse-menu-complete