# Initializes OH MY ZSH. # Disable color in dumb terminals. if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then DISABLE_COLOR='true' fi # Add functions to fpath. fpath=($OMZ/themes/*(/) $OMZ/plugins/${^plugins} $OMZ/functions $fpath) # Load and initialize the completion system. autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -i # Source function files. source "$OMZ/functions/init.zsh" # Load all plugins defined in ~/.zshrc. for plugin in $plugins; do if [[ -f "$OMZ/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh" ]]; then source "$OMZ/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.plugin.zsh" fi done # Load and run the prompt theming system. autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit -i # Load the automatic recompiler. autoload -Uz zrecompile # Compile files. for zsh_file in $HOME/.z{login,logout,profile,shenv,shrc,compdump}(N) $OMZ/*.zsh(N); do zrecompile -q -p -U -z "$zsh_file" done # Compile function directories. for (( i=1; i <= $#fpath; i++ )); do function_dir="$fpath[i]" [[ "$function_dir" == (.|..) ]] \ || [[ "$function_dir" == (.|..)/* ]] \ || [[ ! -w "$function_dir:h" ]] && continue function_files=($function_dir/^*(\.(rej|orig)|~|\#)(N-.)) [[ -n "$function_files" ]] \ && function_files=(${${(M)function_files%/*/*}#/}) \ && ( cd "$function_dir:h" && zrecompile -q -p -U -z "${function_dir:t}.zwc" "$function_files[@]" ) \ && fpath[i]="$fpath[i].zwc" done unset function_dir unset function_files