Ruby on Rails ============= Defines [Ruby on Rails][1] aliases. Aliases ------- - `ror` is short for `rails`. - `rorc` starts the Rails console. - `rordc` starts the Rails console connected to the database. - `rordm` migrates the database. - `rordM` migrates the database and recreates the test database. - `rordr` rolls the database schema back to the previous version. - `rorg` generates new code. - `rorl` displays the log. - `rorlc` truncates logs to zero bytes. - `rorp` installs a plugin. - `rorr` runs code in the application environment. - `rors` starts the Rails server. - `rorsd` starts the Rails server with the debugger. - `rorx` destroys newly generated code. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][2].* - [Robby Russell]( - [Jake Bell]( - [Sorin Ionescu]( [1]: [2]: