# Get the name of the current branch. function rvm_prompt_info() { local ruby_version=$(~/.rvm/bin/rvm-prompt 2> /dev/null) if [[ -n "$ruby_version" ]]; then echo "($ruby_version)" fi } alias rubies='rvm list rubies' alias gemsets='rvm gemset list' local ruby18='ruby-1.8.7-p334' local ruby19='ruby-1.9.2-p180' function rb18 { if [ -z "$1" ]; then rvm use "$ruby18" else rvm use "$ruby18@$1" fi } _rb18() {compadd `ls -1 $rvm_path/gems | grep "^$ruby18@" | sed -e "s/^$ruby18@//" | awk '{print $1}'`} compdef _rb18 rb18 function rb19 { if [ -z "$1" ]; then rvm use "$ruby19" else rvm use "$ruby19@$1" fi } _rb19() {compadd `ls -1 $rvm_path/gems | grep "^$ruby19@" | sed -e "s/^$ruby19@//" | awk '{print $1}'`} compdef _rb19 rb19 function rvm-update { rvm get head rvm reload # TODO: Reload rvm completion? } # TODO: Make this usable w/o rvm. function gems { local current_ruby=`rvm-prompt i v p` local current_gemset=`rvm-prompt g` gem list $@ | sed \ -Ee "s/\([0-9\.]+( .+)?\)/$fg[blue]&$reset_color/g" \ -Ee "s|$(echo $rvm_path)|$fg[magenta]\$rvm_path$reset_color|g" \ -Ee "s/$current_ruby@global/$fg[yellow]&$reset_color/g" \ -Ee "s/$current_ruby$current_gemset$/$fg[green]&$reset_color/g" }