Perl ==== Enables local [Perl][1] module installation on Mac OS X and defines alises. Local Module Installation ------------------------- Perl versions older than 5.14 do not support the local installation of Perl modules natively. This module allows for local installation of Perl modules on Mac OS X in *~/Library/Perl/5.12* by altering the environment. ### Usage For Perl versions older than 5.14, install *local::lib*. curl -L -C - -O tar xvf local-lib-1.008004.tar.gz cd local-lib-1.008004 perl Makefile.PL --bootstrap=$HOME/Library/Perl/5.12 make && make test && make install Install *cpanminus*: curl -L | perl - --self-upgrade Perlbrew -------- An alternative to the above is to use [Perlbrew][2], which allows for the management of multiple, isolated Perl installations in the home directory. Aliases ------- ### General - `pe` executes a one line program in a loop (`perl -wlne`). - `pd` looks up Perl documentation (`perldoc`). ### Perlbrew - `pb` manages Perl environments. - `pba` lists available Perl versions. - `pbi` installs a Perl version. - `pbl` lists installed Perl versions. - `pbo` temporarily turns off Perlbrew. - `pbO` turns off Perlbrew. - `pbs` switches to a Perl version. - `pbu` uninstalls a Perl version. - `pbx` temporarily sets the Perl version to use. Functions --------- - `prep` provides a grep-like pattern search. - `psub` provides a sed-like pattern substitution. Authors ------- *The authors of this module should be contacted via the [issue tracker][3].* - [Sorin Ionescu]( [1]: [2]: [3]: