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2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Push and pop directories on directory stack
alias pu='pushd'
alias po='popd'
2009-08-31 08:58:53 -04:00
alias ss='thin --stats "/thin/stats" start'
2009-10-11 10:09:10 -04:00
alias sg='ruby script/generate'
alias sd='ruby script/destroy'
alias sp='ruby script/plugin'
alias ssp='ruby script/spec'
alias rdbm='rake db:migrate'
alias sc='ruby script/console'
alias sd='ruby script/server --debugger'
alias devlog='tail -f log/development.log'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Basic directory operations
alias .='pwd'
alias ...='cd ../..'
alias -- -='cd -'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Super user
alias _='sudo'
alias ss='sudo su -'
2009-08-31 08:59:34 -04:00
#alias g='grep -in'
2009-09-03 14:45:23 -04:00
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Git related
2009-08-31 08:59:34 -04:00
alias g='git'
2009-09-03 14:45:23 -04:00
alias gst='git status'
alias gl='git pull'
2009-10-11 10:09:10 -04:00
alias gup='git fetch && git rebase'
2009-09-03 14:45:23 -04:00
alias gp='git push'
alias gd='git diff | mate'
2009-10-11 04:56:22 -04:00
alias gdv='git diff -w "$@" | vim -R -'
2009-09-03 14:45:23 -04:00
alias gc='git commit -v'
alias gca='git commit -v -a'
alias gb='git branch'
alias gba='git branch -a'
2009-10-11 10:09:10 -04:00
alias gdb='git branch -d'
alias gcount='git shortlog -sn'
2009-10-12 21:34:53 -04:00
alias gcp='git cherry-pick'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Show history
alias history='fc -l 1'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# List direcory contents
alias ls='ls -F -G'
2009-10-14 09:12:17 -04:00
alias lsa='ls -lahG'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
alias l='ls -la'
alias ll='ls -alr'
alias sl=ls # often screw this up
alias sgem='sudo gem'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Find ruby file
alias rfind='find . -name *.rb | xargs grep -n'
2009-10-11 09:49:24 -04:00
alias afind='ack-grep -il'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Git and svn mix
alias git-svn-dcommit-push='git svn dcommit && git push github master:svntrunk'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# TextMate
2009-08-31 08:59:16 -04:00
alias et='mate . &'
alias ett='mate app config lib db public spec test Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
alias etp='mate app config lib db public spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
alias etts='mate app config lib db public script spec test vendor/plugins vendor/gems Rakefile Capfile Todo &'
2009-10-12 15:17:36 -04:00
# Editor Ruby file in TextMate
alias mr='mate CHANGELOG app config db lib public script spec test'