/* asgoldsmith-jikomissar */ /** @file csim.c @author Adam Goldsmith @author Jacob Komissar @date 2016-04-25, 2016-04-26, 2016-04-27 @TODO ADD CORRECT NAME COMMENT AT TOP OF FILE Exit statuses: 0 - success 1 - usage error -1 - file error */ /* Headers */ #include #include #include #include "cachelab.h" /* Typedefs and structs */ typedef unsigned char uint8_t; /* Linked Line and related prototypes */ typedef struct linked_line_s linked_line; struct linked_line_s { uint8_t validity; long tag; linked_line* newer; linked_line* older; }; typedef struct { int hits; int misses; int evictions; } results; /* Macros */ #define mprintf(...) if (VERBOSE) printf(__VA_ARGS__) /* General Prototypes */ void print_usage(void); void bad_usage_error(void); long parse_int_arg(char *arg, char opt); long bits_to_size(int bits); linked_line** make_cache(long set_indices, long num_lines); linked_line* make_set(linked_line* newer, long num_lines); void free_cache(linked_line** cache, long num_sets); void free_set(linked_line* line); void print_cache(linked_line** cache, long num_sets); void print_set(linked_line* line); /* Global variables */ uint8_t VERBOSE = 0; /**< If nonzero, mprintf will not print. Set in main() if -v flag is given. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { results score; char buffer[20]; int set_index_bits = 0, block_bits = 0; // Not-useful input variables. long set_indices = 0, num_lines = 0, block_size = 0; //Useful variables char *filename = NULL; int opt = 0; score.hits = 0; score.misses = 0; score.evictions = 0; while ((opt=getopt(argc, argv, "hvs:E:b:t:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { /* TODO: maybe add checking for optarg swallowing actual arguments. */ case 'v': VERBOSE = 1; break; case 's': // 2^s = number of sets set_index_bits = (uint8_t)parse_int_arg(optarg, 's'); set_indices = bits_to_size(set_index_bits); break; case 'E': // associativity - lines per set num_lines = parse_int_arg(optarg, 'E'); break; case 'b': // 2^b = block size block_bits = (uint8_t)parse_int_arg(optarg, 'b'); block_size = bits_to_size(block_bits); break; case 't': filename = optarg; break; case 'h': print_usage(); return 0; default: bad_usage_error(); } } /* If any required arguments were not provided. (argflags != 0b1111) */ if (!set_indices || !num_lines || !block_size || !filename) { bad_usage_error(); } /* End of argument parsing. */ //probably broken: printf("Arguments: s=%hhu, E=%u, b=%hhu, t=%s, v=%hhu, 2^s=%d, 2^b=%u\n", set_index_bits, num_lines, block_bits, filename, VERBOSE, set_indices, block_size); linked_line** cache = make_cache(set_indices, num_lines); print_cache(cache, set_indices); /* FILE READING */ FILE* f = fopen(filename, "r"); if(!f) { printf("Invalid file name: %s", filename); exit(-1); } //char buffer[20]; while (fgets(buffer, 20, f)) { if (buffer[0] == 'I') continue; char* end; char op = buffer[1]; long address = strtol(buffer+3, &end, 16); if (*end != ',' || !(op == 'S' || op == 'L' || op == 'M')) { printf("Invalid input file, last line:\n%s\n", buffer); return -1; } printf("%c %ld\n", op, address); } printSummary(score.hits, score.misses, score.evictions); fclose(f); free_cache(cache, set_index_bits); return 0; } void increment_result_counters(char result, results* score) { score->hits += (result == 'H'); score->misses += (result == 'M' || result == 'E'); score->evictions += (result == 'E'); } linked_line** make_cache(long set_indices, long num_lines) { linked_line** cache = (linked_line**)calloc(set_indices, sizeof(linked_line*)); long ii; for (ii = 0; ii < set_indices; ii++) { cache[ii] = make_set(NULL, num_lines); } return cache; } /** Creates a set by creating and linking a given number of lines. @param newer A pointer to the previously-created element of the set. @param num_lines The number of lines remaining to be added. @return A pointer to the created line. */ linked_line* make_set(linked_line* newer, long num_lines) { linked_line* current = (linked_line*)calloc(1, sizeof(linked_line)); current->newer = newer; num_lines--; if (num_lines) { // If not on the last line current->older = make_set(current, num_lines); } else { current->older = NULL; } return current; } void free_cache(linked_line** cache, long num_sets) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < num_sets; ii++) { free_set(cache[ii]); } free(cache); } /** Frees a set by recursing through it, then freeing each element from oldest to newest. @param line A pointer to the next line in the set. @param num_lines The number */ void free_set(linked_line* line) { if (line != NULL) { free_set(line->older); free(line); } } void print_cache(linked_line** cache, long num_sets) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < num_sets; ii++) { print_set(cache[ii]); } } void print_set(linked_line* line) { if (line != NULL) { print_set(line->older); printf("%p %x.%lx %p:%p\n", (void *) line, line->validity, line->tag, (void *) line->newer, (void *) line->older); } } /** @returns the first line with a matching tag, the first invalid line, or the first line without an older (i.e. the end of the set */ linked_line* find_line(linked_line* line, long tag) { if(line->tag == tag || !line->validity || !line->older) return line; else return find_line(line->older, tag); } void print_usage(void) { printf("Usage: ./csim [-hv] -s -E -b -t \n" "Options:\n" " -h Print this help.\n" " -v Display trace info.\n" " -s The number of set index bits. Must be a positive integer.\n" " -E Associativity (lines per set). Must be a positive integer.\n" " -b The number of block bits. Must be a positive integer.\n" " -t Name of the file to read a valgrind trace from."); } /** Prints the summarized usage and exits with status 1. */ void bad_usage_error(void) { printf("Usage: ./csim [-hv] -s -E -b -t \n"); exit(1); } /** Parses a string into a size_t. @param arg The string to parse. @param opt The option being parsed. If 'E', the output can not be 0. @return The parsed long integer if the argument was an integer. @note Exits if argument is invalid. */ long parse_int_arg(char* arg, char opt) { char* end; long i = strtol(arg, &end, 0); if (*end != '\0' || (!i && opt=='E')) { // associativity can not be zero printf("Invalid argument \"%s\" for option -%c\n", arg, opt); bad_usage_error(); } else if (i < 0) { printf("Argument %ld for option %c too small (must be greater than 0)", i, opt); exit(1); } return i; } /** Calculates a size using a given number of bits. @param bits The power of 2 to use. @note Exits if number of bits is larger than a size_t. */ long bits_to_size(int bits) { int max_shift = 8*sizeof(int); if (bits > max_shift-1) { printf("Argument %hhd too large (-s and -b must be less than %hhd)", bits, max_shift); exit(1); } return (size_t)1 << bits; }