Adam Goldsmith 55bf9a43b3 Update to Vue3
Also switch from parcel to vite, from vuelayers to vue3-openlayers,
and update openlayers to v6
2022-03-04 13:46:44 -05:00

317 lines
7.7 KiB

<ol-view :zoom="10" :center="[-72.15, 43.9]" projection="EPSG:4326" />
<ol-source-osm />
<ol-vector-layer v-for="gpxURL in routes" :key="gpxURL">
<ol-source-vector :url="gpxURL" :format="new GPX()"> </ol-source-vector>
<ol-style-stroke color="hsl(200, 90%, 30%)" :width="5">
<!-- Station Paths -->
<div v-for="(packets, callsign, idx) in stationPaths" :key="callsign">
<!--Paths -->
<ol-vector-layer render-mode="image">
<ol-style-stroke :color="stationColors[idx].hex()" :width="2">
<!-- Points -->
<ol-vector-layer render-mode="image">
<ol-style-circle :radius="3">
<ol-style-fill :color="stationColors[idx].hex()"> </ol-style-fill>
<!-- Digipeater locations -->
<ol-feature v-for="(position, callsign) in digiPos" :key="callsign">
<ol-geom-point :coordinates="position"> </ol-geom-point>
<ol-style-fill :color="digiColors[callsign].hex()">
<ol-style-text :text="callsign" :offsetY="12"> </ol-style-text>
<!-- Packet Paths -->
<ol-source-vector :features="packetPaths"> </ol-source-vector>
<!-- TODO: fix style -->
<!-- <ol-style :overrideStyleFunction="packetPathStyleFunc"> </ol-style> -->
<script setup>
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import APRSParser from 'aprs-parser/lib/APRSParser';
import distinctColors from 'distinct-colors';
import { GPX } from 'ol/format';
import Feature from 'ol/Feature';
import MultiLineString from 'ol/geom/MultiLineString';
import LineString from 'ol/geom/LineString';
import Style from 'ol/style/Style';
import Stroke from 'ol/style/Stroke';
import packetLog from '/../IS_packets.txt?raw';
const routes = Object.values(import.meta.globEager('./gpx/*.gpx')).map(
(gpx) => gpx.default
const parser = new APRSParser();
const packets = packetLog
// parse to Date and APRS packet
.map((line) => {
let packet = parser.parse(line.slice(29));
packet.date = new Date(line.slice(0, 18));
return packet;
function packetsToStationPathPoints(packets) {
return packets.map((packet) => [packet.data.longitude, packet.data.latitude]);
function pathToString(path) {
return path
(station) => !station.call.match(/WIDE[12]|qA?|UV[123]|.*\*$|UNCAN/)
.map((station) => station.toString().trim().replace(/\*$/, ''));
function groupByCall(acc, packet) {
let callsign = packet.from.toString().trim();
if (!(callsign in acc)) acc[callsign] = [];
return acc;
function colorForDigi(digi) {
if (digi in digiColors.value) {
return digiColors.value[digi].hex();
} else {
return '#000000';
function packetPathStyleFunc(feature, resolution) {
let paths = feature.getProperties().properties.paths.slice(0);
let styles = [];
.forEach((ls) => {
let path = paths.shift().slice(0);
ls.forEachSegment((start, end) => {
let color = colorForDigi(path.shift());
new Style({
geometry: new LineString([start, end]),
stroke: new Stroke({ color: color, width: 2 }),
return styles;
const positionalPackets = computed(() => {
return (
(packet) =>
packet.date > new Date('2018-07-13') &&
packet.date < new Date('2018-07-14')
// filter to just positional data
.filter((packet) => 'data' in packet && 'latitude' in packet.data)
const stationPaths = computed(() => {
// group by callsign
return positionalPackets.value.reduce(groupByCall, {});
const digis = computed(() => {
let digiCalls = new Set(
.map((packet) => pathToString(packet.via))
.reduce((acc, stations) => acc.concat(stations))
return (
// filter to digis
.filter((packet) => digiCalls.has(packet.from.toString().trim()))
// filter to just positional data
.filter((packet) => 'data' in packet && 'latitude' in packet.data)
// group by call
.reduce(groupByCall, {})
const digiPos = computed(() => {
return Object.entries(digis.value).reduce((acc, [digi, packets]) => {
let lastPacket = packets[packets.length - 1];
acc[digi] = [lastPacket.data.longitude, lastPacket.data.latitude];
return acc;
}, {});
const packetPaths = computed(() => {
let digipeaterPostitions = digiPos.value;
return Object.entries(stationPaths.value).map(([station, packets]) => {
let lines = packets.map((packet) => {
let path = pathToString(packet.via);
return {
// first point in path is originating station
coords: [
[packet.data.longitude, packet.data.latitude],
...path.map((hop) => digipeaterPostitions[hop] || [0, 0]),
path: path,
return new Feature({
id: station,
geometry: new MultiLineString(lines.map((p) => p.coords)),
properties: { paths: lines.map((p) => p.path) },
const stationColors = computed(() => {
return distinctColors({
count: Object.keys(stationPaths.value).length,
lightMin: 20,
lightMax: 80,
const digiColors = computed(() => {
let colors = distinctColors({
count: Object.keys(digis.value).length,
lightMin: 20,
lightMax: 80,
return Object.keys(digis.value).reduce((acc, callsign, index) => {
acc[callsign] = colors[index];
return acc;
}, {});
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