import 'ol/ol.css'; import {Map as olMap, View} from 'ol'; import {Tile as TileLayer, Vector as VectorLayer} from 'ol/layer'; import {OSM, Vector as VectorSource} from 'ol/source'; import Feature from 'ol/Feature'; import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj'; import {Icon, Stroke, Style} from 'ol/style'; import Projection from 'ol/proj/Projection'; import {LineString, Point} from 'ol/geom'; import {readFileSync} from 'fs'; const packets = readFileSync(__dirname + '/../IS_packets.txt', 'utf-8'); import {APRSParser} from 'aprs-parser'; import icon from "./arrow.png"; let parser = new APRSParser(); let tile_layer = new TileLayer({source: new OSM()}); let vector_layer = new VectorLayer({ source: new VectorSource() }); let map = new olMap({ target: 'map', layers: [ tile_layer, vector_layer ], view: new View({ center: fromLonLat([-72.15, 43.90]), zoom: 10 }) }); let colorGen = { hues: null, get: function (totalNum) { if (this.hues === null) { let mult = Math.floor(360 / totalNum); this.hues = Array.from(Array(totalNum).keys()) .map(x => x * mult); // Shuffle (this is not a great shuffle, but I don't care) this.hues.forEach((current, index, arr) => { let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * index); [arr[index], arr[randomIndex]] = [arr[randomIndex], arr[index]]; }); } return this.hues.pop(); } }; let lines = packets.split("\n"); lines // restrict to just prouty times .filter(line => { let date = new Date(line.slice(0,18)); return date > new Date("2018-07-14") && date < new Date("2018-07-15"); }) // parse to APRS packet .map(line => parser.parse(line.slice(29))) // filter by callsign .filter(packet => (packet.from !== undefined) && (packet.from.toString() === "W1HS-9")) // filter to just positional data .filter(packet => 'data' in packet && 'latitude' in // join into Arrays of points .reduce((acc, packet) => { if (!acc.has(packet.from.toString())) acc.set(packet.from.toString(), []); acc.get(packet.from.toString()).push([,]); return acc; }, new Map()) // plot on map .forEach((points, callsign, map) => { let pathFeature = new Feature(new LineString(points)); let styles = [ new Style({stroke: new Stroke( {color: 'hsl(' + colorGen.get(map.size) + ', 75%, 50%)', width: 2})})]; pathFeature.getGeometry().forEachSegment((start, end) => { let dx = end[0] - start[0]; let dy = end[1] - start[1]; let rotation = Math.atan2(dy, dx); // arrows styles.push(new Style({ geometry: new Point(end), image: new Icon({ src: icon, anchor: [0.75, 0.5], rotateWithView: true, rotation: -rotation }) })); }); pathFeature.setStyle(styles); vector_layer.getSource().addFeature(pathFeature); pathFeature.getGeometry().transform(new Projection({code: "EPSG:4326"}), tile_layer.getSource().getProjection()); });