let stations = {}; let messages = []; const timeoutLength = 20 * 60 * 1000; // 20 Minutes const trackedStations = { // Digis/iGates "W1FN-1": null, "W1FN-3": null, "W1FN-5": null, "W1FN-6": null, "W1FN-7": null, "W1FN-8": null, "W1FN-9": null, "W1FN-10": null, "N1GMC-1": null, "N1GMC-2": null, // Vehicles "KC1GDW-6": "Rover 1", "K1EHZ-9": "Rover 2", "N0JSR-9": "Rover 3", "W1KUA-9": "Manager", "KC1GDW-13": "Coordinator", "WB1BRE-12": "EMS", "KC1GDW-11": "Bike Tech", "KC1GDW-14": "Something (panel van thing)" }; const lowVoltage = 11.9; if (Notification.permission !== "granted") { Notification.requestPermission(permission => { if (permission === "granted") { new Notification("Test notification", {body: "whatever"}); } }); } function getTactical(callsign) { if (trackedStations[callsign]) return `${trackedStations[callsign]} [${callsign}]`; else return callsign; } function prettyDuration(duration) { let date = new Date(timeoutLength); return date.getUTCHours() > 0 ? date.getUTCHours() + " Hours": "" + date.getUTCMinutes() > 0 ? date.getUTCMinutes() + " Minutes": "" + date.getUTCSeconds() > 0 ? date.getUTCSeconds() + " Seconds": "" + date.getUTCMilliseconds() > 0 ? date.getUTCMilliseconds() + " Milliseconds" : ""; } function redrawTable() { let table = document.querySelector('table.stations'); table.innerHTML = `Callsign` + `Last Heard` + `Time since Last Heard` + `Last Voltage` + `Last Temperature`; for (let callsign in stations) { let station = stations[callsign]; let nowDelta = new Date(new Date() - station.lastHeard); let tr = table.appendChild(document.createElement('tr')); // TODO: should be set by same thing that sends alert if (nowDelta.getTime() > timeoutLength) { tr.classList.add('timedOut'); } if (station.lastVoltage < lowVoltage) { tr.classList.add('lowVoltage'); } tr.innerHTML = `${getTactical(callsign)}` + `${station.lastHeard.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB')}` + `${nowDelta.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', {timeZone: "UTC"})}` + `${station.lastVoltage||''}` + `${station.lastTemperature||''}`; } } function notify(title, body) { return new Notification(title, {body: body, requireInteraction: true}); } function alertNotHeard(callsign) { notify(`${getTactical(callsign)} has not been heard for ${prettyDuration(timeoutLength)}!`, `Last Heard: ${stations[callsign].lastHeard.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB')}`); } function alertVoltage(callsign) { notify(`${getTactical(callsign)}'s battery has dropepd below ${lowVoltage}V`, `Voltage: ${stations[callsign].lastVoltage}`); } let aprsStream = new WebSocket("wss://adamgoldsmith.name/APRSws"); aprsStream.onmessage = function(event) { let message = JSON.parse(event.data); let callsign = `${message.from.call}-${message.from.ssid || 0}`; let date = new Date(); // TODO: could remove "message.recieved" from server console.log(message); messages.push(message); // TODO: hacky filter if (callsign in trackedStations) { if (!(callsign in stations)) { stations[callsign] = {}; } else { window.clearTimeout(stations[callsign].timeout); } stations[callsign].lastHeard = date; stations[callsign].delta = date - stations[callsign].lastHeard; stations[callsign].timeout = window.setTimeout( alertNotHeard, timeoutLength, callsign); if ('data' in message && 'analog' in message.data) { stations[callsign].lastVoltage = message.data.analog[0] / 10; stations[callsign].lastTemperature = message.data.analog[1]; if (stations[callsign].lastVoltage <= lowVoltage) { alertVoltage(callsign); } } redrawTable(); } }; window.addEventListener("load", redrawTable); window.setInterval(redrawTable, 1000);