ah_sce_unpacked/unpacked/Custom_Tile White Search Assistant def1c0.yaml
2022-03-27 10:12:31 -04:00

409 lines
24 KiB

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LuaScript: !include 'Custom_Tile White Search Assistant def1c0.ttslua'
LuaScriptState: '{"playerColor":"White","playerPosition":"p1"}'
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Custom_Tile
Nickname: White Search Assistant
Snap: true
Autoraise: true
b: 0.168627322
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Description: Right-click and select "Bind to my color"
DragSelectable: true
GMNotes: ''
GUID: 351d93
Grid: true
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Hands: false
HideWhenFaceDown: false
IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: "-- p1 is White, clockwise order\n\nSET_ASIDE_POSITIONS = {\n p1={\
\ x=-64.2, y=2, z=27.2 },\n p2={ x=-64.2, y=2, z=-27.2 },\n p3={ x=-11,\
\ y=2, z=36 },\n p4={ x=-11, y=2, z=-36}\n}\n\nDRAW_DECK_POSITIONS = {\n\
\ p1={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=4.5 },\n p2={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=-22.7 },\n p3={\
\ x=-37, y=2.5, z=26.5 },\n p4={ x=-18.9, y=2.5, z=-26.7 }\n}\n\nHAND_ZONE_POSITIONS\
\ = {\n p1={ x=-65, z=13 },\n p2={ x=-65, z=-13 },\n p3={ x=-28, z=36\
\ },\n p4={ x=-28, z=-36 }\n}\n\nMAT_GUIDS = {\n p1=\"8b081b\",\n p2=\"\
bd0ff4\",\n p3=\"383d8b\",\n p4=\"0840d5\"\n}\n\nfunction onLoad(save_state)\n\
\ self.addContextMenuItem(\"Bind to my color\", bindColor)\n\n playerPosition\
\ = \"p1\"\n playerColor = \"White\"\n\n if save_state ~= nil then\n \
\ local obj = JSON.decode(save_state)\n if obj ~= nil and obj.playerColor\
\ ~= nil and obj.playerPosition ~= nil then\n playerColor = obj.playerColor\n\
\ playerPosition = obj.playerPosition\n end\n end\nend\n\
\nfunction onSave()\n return JSON.encode({\n playerColor = playerColor,\n\
\ playerPosition = playerPosition\n })\nend\n\nfunction bindColor(player_color)\n\
\ playerColor = player_color\n local pos = Player[playerColor].getHandTransform().position\n\
\n matchingPos = nil\n for k in pairs(HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS) do\n \
\ zonePos = HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS[k]\n if pos.x > (zonePos.x-1) and pos.x\
\ < (zonePos.x+1) and pos.z > (zonePos.z-1) and pos.z < (zonePos.z+1) then\n\
\ matchingPos = k\n break\n end\n end\n\n \
\ if matchingPos ~= nil then\n playerPosition = matchingPos\n else\n\
\ print(\"Matching hand zone was not found for \" .. playerColor .. \"\
\ player\")\n end\n\n self.setName(playerColor .. \" Search Assistant\"\
)\nend\n\nfunction getDrawDeck ()\n mat.call(\"getDrawDiscardDecks\")\n \
\ return mat.getVar(\"drawDeck\")\nend\n\nfunction shuffleDrawDeck ()\n \
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n if deck ~= nil then\n deck.shuffle()\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction setAside ()\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local targetPos = Vector(SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition])\
\ + Vector(0, 6, 0)\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction drawSetAside ()\n local objs = Physics.cast({\n origin\
\ = SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition],\n direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0\
\ },\n type = 3,\n size = { 2, 5, 2}\n })\n for i,v in ipairs(objs)\
\ do\n local obj = v.hit_object\n if obj.tag == \"Deck\" then\n\
\ Wait.time(function ()\n obj.deal(#obj.getObjects(),\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\n break\n end\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction updateSearchNumber (player, value, id)\n searchNumber = value\n\
\ if searchNumber ~= nil then\n searchNumber = tonumber(searchNumber)\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction search (player, value, id)\n if searchNumber ==\
\ nil then return end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"startSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"\
endSearch\")\n mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_GUIDS[playerPosition])\n setAside()\n\
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n Wait.time(function ()\n deck.deal(searchNumber,\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\nend\n\nfunction doneSearching (player, shuffle)\n\
\ -- place hand back into deck and optionally shuffle\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local targetPos = Vector(DRAW_DECK_POSITIONS[playerPosition]) + Vector(0,\
\ 8, 0)\n for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
\ if shuffle == \"true\" then\n Wait.time(|| shuffleDrawDeck(), 2)\n\
\ end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"endSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"startSearch\"\
)\n drawSetAside()\nend"
LuaScriptState: '{"playerColor":"Green","playerPosition":"p3"}'
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Custom_Tile
Nickname: Green Search Assistant
Snap: true
Sticky: true
Tooltip: true
posX: -19.88309
posY: 1.51967812
posZ: 35.487
rotX: 359.9201
rotY: 270.015045
rotZ: 0.0168549716
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scaleZ: 1.0
Value: 0
XmlUI: "<Defaults>\n <Button textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\"/>\n <InputField textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\" />\n</Defaults>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"startSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"\
200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180 180 0\">\n <Row>\n \
\ <InputField id=\"searchNumber\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\" characterValidation=\"\
Integer\"\n onValueChanged=\"updateSearchNumber\" placeHolder=\"\
# to search\">\n </InputField>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n \
\ <Button id=\"searchButton\" onClick=\"search\" width=\"100\" height=\"\
50\">Search</Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"\
endSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180\
\ 180 0\" active=\"false\">\n <Row>\n <Button id=\"doneButton1\"\
\ onClick=\"doneSearching(true)\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\"\n \
\ tooltip=\"Place searched cards back in deck and shuffle\"\n \
\ >\n Done\n </Button>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n\
\ <Button id=\"doneButton2\" onClick=\"doneSearching(false)\" width=\"\
150\" height=\"80\"\n tooltip=\"Place searched cards back on\
\ deck in order (left on top)\"\n >\n Done (No shuffle)\n\
\ </Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n"
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LuaScript: "-- p1 is White, clockwise order\n\nSET_ASIDE_POSITIONS = {\n p1={\
\ x=-64.2, y=2, z=27.2 },\n p2={ x=-64.2, y=2, z=-27.2 },\n p3={ x=-11,\
\ y=2, z=36 },\n p4={ x=-11, y=2, z=-36}\n}\n\nDRAW_DECK_POSITIONS = {\n\
\ p1={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=4.5 },\n p2={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=-22.7 },\n p3={\
\ x=-37, y=2.5, z=26.5 },\n p4={ x=-18.9, y=2.5, z=-26.7 }\n}\n\nHAND_ZONE_POSITIONS\
\ = {\n p1={ x=-65, z=13 },\n p2={ x=-65, z=-13 },\n p3={ x=-28, z=36\
\ },\n p4={ x=-28, z=-36 }\n}\n\nMAT_GUIDS = {\n p1=\"8b081b\",\n p2=\"\
bd0ff4\",\n p3=\"383d8b\",\n p4=\"0840d5\"\n}\n\nfunction onLoad(save_state)\n\
\ self.addContextMenuItem(\"Bind to my color\", bindColor)\n\n playerPosition\
\ = \"p1\"\n playerColor = \"White\"\n\n if save_state ~= nil then\n \
\ local obj = JSON.decode(save_state)\n if obj ~= nil and obj.playerColor\
\ ~= nil and obj.playerPosition ~= nil then\n playerColor = obj.playerColor\n\
\ playerPosition = obj.playerPosition\n end\n end\nend\n\
\nfunction onSave()\n return JSON.encode({\n playerColor = playerColor,\n\
\ playerPosition = playerPosition\n })\nend\n\nfunction bindColor(player_color)\n\
\ playerColor = player_color\n local pos = Player[playerColor].getHandTransform().position\n\
\n matchingPos = nil\n for k in pairs(HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS) do\n \
\ zonePos = HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS[k]\n if pos.x > (zonePos.x-1) and pos.x\
\ < (zonePos.x+1) and pos.z > (zonePos.z-1) and pos.z < (zonePos.z+1) then\n\
\ matchingPos = k\n break\n end\n end\n\n \
\ if matchingPos ~= nil then\n playerPosition = matchingPos\n else\n\
\ print(\"Matching hand zone was not found for \" .. playerColor .. \"\
\ player\")\n end\n\n self.setName(playerColor .. \" Search Assistant\"\
)\nend\n\nfunction getDrawDeck ()\n mat.call(\"getDrawDiscardDecks\")\n \
\ return mat.getVar(\"drawDeck\")\nend\n\nfunction shuffleDrawDeck ()\n \
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n if deck ~= nil then\n deck.shuffle()\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction setAside ()\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local targetPos = Vector(SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition])\
\ + Vector(0, 6, 0)\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction drawSetAside ()\n local objs = Physics.cast({\n origin\
\ = SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition],\n direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0\
\ },\n type = 3,\n size = { 2, 5, 2}\n })\n for i,v in ipairs(objs)\
\ do\n local obj = v.hit_object\n if obj.tag == \"Deck\" then\n\
\ Wait.time(function ()\n obj.deal(#obj.getObjects(),\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\n break\n end\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction updateSearchNumber (player, value, id)\n searchNumber = value\n\
\ if searchNumber ~= nil then\n searchNumber = tonumber(searchNumber)\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction search (player, value, id)\n if searchNumber ==\
\ nil then return end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"startSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"\
endSearch\")\n mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_GUIDS[playerPosition])\n setAside()\n\
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n Wait.time(function ()\n deck.deal(searchNumber,\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\nend\n\nfunction doneSearching (player, shuffle)\n\
\ -- place hand back into deck and optionally shuffle\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local targetPos = Vector(DRAW_DECK_POSITIONS[playerPosition]) + Vector(0,\
\ 8, 0)\n for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
\ if shuffle == \"true\" then\n Wait.time(|| shuffleDrawDeck(), 2)\n\
\ end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"endSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"startSearch\"\
)\n drawSetAside()\nend"
LuaScriptState: '{"playerColor":"Orange","playerPosition":"p2"}'
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Custom_Tile
Nickname: Orange Search Assistant
Snap: true
Sticky: true
Tooltip: true
posX: -19.8830948
posY: 1.51967812
posZ: 35.4870033
rotX: 359.9201
rotY: 270.015045
rotZ: 0.0168557111
scaleX: 1.0
scaleY: 1.0
scaleZ: 1.0
Value: 0
XmlUI: "<Defaults>\n <Button textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\"/>\n <InputField textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\" />\n</Defaults>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"startSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"\
200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180 180 0\">\n <Row>\n \
\ <InputField id=\"searchNumber\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\" characterValidation=\"\
Integer\"\n onValueChanged=\"updateSearchNumber\" placeHolder=\"\
# to search\">\n </InputField>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n \
\ <Button id=\"searchButton\" onClick=\"search\" width=\"100\" height=\"\
50\">Search</Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"\
endSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180\
\ 180 0\" active=\"false\">\n <Row>\n <Button id=\"doneButton1\"\
\ onClick=\"doneSearching(true)\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\"\n \
\ tooltip=\"Place searched cards back in deck and shuffle\"\n \
\ >\n Done\n </Button>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n\
\ <Button id=\"doneButton2\" onClick=\"doneSearching(false)\" width=\"\
150\" height=\"80\"\n tooltip=\"Place searched cards back on\
\ deck in order (left on top)\"\n >\n Done (No shuffle)\n\
\ </Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n"
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GUID: 09b9ed
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IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: "-- p1 is White, clockwise order\n\nSET_ASIDE_POSITIONS = {\n p1={\
\ x=-64.2, y=2, z=27.2 },\n p2={ x=-64.2, y=2, z=-27.2 },\n p3={ x=-11,\
\ y=2, z=36 },\n p4={ x=-11, y=2, z=-36}\n}\n\nDRAW_DECK_POSITIONS = {\n\
\ p1={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=4.5 },\n p2={ x=-55, y=2.5, z=-22.7 },\n p3={\
\ x=-37, y=2.5, z=26.5 },\n p4={ x=-18.9, y=2.5, z=-26.7 }\n}\n\nHAND_ZONE_POSITIONS\
\ = {\n p1={ x=-65, z=13 },\n p2={ x=-65, z=-13 },\n p3={ x=-28, z=36\
\ },\n p4={ x=-28, z=-36 }\n}\n\nMAT_GUIDS = {\n p1=\"8b081b\",\n p2=\"\
bd0ff4\",\n p3=\"383d8b\",\n p4=\"0840d5\"\n}\n\nfunction onLoad(save_state)\n\
\ self.addContextMenuItem(\"Bind to my color\", bindColor)\n\n playerPosition\
\ = \"p1\"\n playerColor = \"White\"\n\n if save_state ~= nil then\n \
\ local obj = JSON.decode(save_state)\n if obj ~= nil and obj.playerColor\
\ ~= nil and obj.playerPosition ~= nil then\n playerColor = obj.playerColor\n\
\ playerPosition = obj.playerPosition\n end\n end\nend\n\
\nfunction onSave()\n return JSON.encode({\n playerColor = playerColor,\n\
\ playerPosition = playerPosition\n })\nend\n\nfunction bindColor(player_color)\n\
\ playerColor = player_color\n local pos = Player[playerColor].getHandTransform().position\n\
\n matchingPos = nil\n for k in pairs(HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS) do\n \
\ zonePos = HAND_ZONE_POSITIONS[k]\n if pos.x > (zonePos.x-1) and pos.x\
\ < (zonePos.x+1) and pos.z > (zonePos.z-1) and pos.z < (zonePos.z+1) then\n\
\ matchingPos = k\n break\n end\n end\n\n \
\ if matchingPos ~= nil then\n playerPosition = matchingPos\n else\n\
\ print(\"Matching hand zone was not found for \" .. playerColor .. \"\
\ player\")\n end\n\n self.setName(playerColor .. \" Search Assistant\"\
)\nend\n\nfunction getDrawDeck ()\n mat.call(\"getDrawDiscardDecks\")\n \
\ return mat.getVar(\"drawDeck\")\nend\n\nfunction shuffleDrawDeck ()\n \
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n if deck ~= nil then\n deck.shuffle()\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction setAside ()\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local targetPos = Vector(SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition])\
\ + Vector(0, 6, 0)\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction drawSetAside ()\n local objs = Physics.cast({\n origin\
\ = SET_ASIDE_POSITIONS[playerPosition],\n direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0\
\ },\n type = 3,\n size = { 2, 5, 2}\n })\n for i,v in ipairs(objs)\
\ do\n local obj = v.hit_object\n if obj.tag == \"Deck\" then\n\
\ Wait.time(function ()\n obj.deal(#obj.getObjects(),\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\n break\n end\n end\n\
end\n\nfunction updateSearchNumber (player, value, id)\n searchNumber = value\n\
\ if searchNumber ~= nil then\n searchNumber = tonumber(searchNumber)\n\
\ end\nend\n\nfunction search (player, value, id)\n if searchNumber ==\
\ nil then return end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"startSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"\
endSearch\")\n mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_GUIDS[playerPosition])\n setAside()\n\
\ local deck = getDrawDeck()\n Wait.time(function ()\n deck.deal(searchNumber,\
\ playerColor)\n end, 1)\nend\n\nfunction doneSearching (player, shuffle)\n\
\ -- place hand back into deck and optionally shuffle\n local hand = Player[playerColor].getHandObjects()\n\
\ local offset = Vector(0, 0.2, 0)\n local rot = mat.getRotation()\n \
\ local targetPos = Vector(DRAW_DECK_POSITIONS[playerPosition]) + Vector(0,\
\ 8, 0)\n for i=#hand,1,-1 do\n local card = hand[i]\n card.setPosition(targetPos\
\ - i*offset)\n card.setRotation(Vector(rot.x, rot.y, 180))\n end\n\
\ if shuffle == \"true\" then\n Wait.time(|| shuffleDrawDeck(), 2)\n\
\ end\n\n self.UI.hide(\"endSearch\")\n self.UI.show(\"startSearch\"\
)\n drawSetAside()\nend"
LuaScriptState: '{"playerColor":"Red","playerPosition":"p4"}'
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Custom_Tile
Nickname: Red Search Assistant
Snap: true
Sticky: true
Tooltip: true
posX: -19.8831
posY: 1.51967812
posZ: 35.4870071
rotX: 359.9201
rotY: 270.015045
rotZ: 0.0168568883
scaleX: 1.0
scaleY: 1.0
scaleZ: 1.0
Value: 0
XmlUI: "<Defaults>\n <Button textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\"/>\n <InputField textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\" />\n</Defaults>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"startSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"\
200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180 180 0\">\n <Row>\n \
\ <InputField id=\"searchNumber\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\" characterValidation=\"\
Integer\"\n onValueChanged=\"updateSearchNumber\" placeHolder=\"\
# to search\">\n </InputField>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n \
\ <Button id=\"searchButton\" onClick=\"search\" width=\"100\" height=\"\
50\">Search</Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"\
endSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180\
\ 180 0\" active=\"false\">\n <Row>\n <Button id=\"doneButton1\"\
\ onClick=\"doneSearching(true)\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\"\n \
\ tooltip=\"Place searched cards back in deck and shuffle\"\n \
\ >\n Done\n </Button>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n\
\ <Button id=\"doneButton2\" onClick=\"doneSearching(false)\" width=\"\
150\" height=\"80\"\n tooltip=\"Place searched cards back on\
\ deck in order (left on top)\"\n >\n Done (No shuffle)\n\
\ </Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n"
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posX: 34.55
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XmlUI: "<Defaults>\n <Button textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"\
24\"/>\n <InputField textColor=\"#000000\" fontStyle=\"Bold\" fontSize=\"24\"\
\ />\n</Defaults>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"startSearch\" width=\"150\" height=\"\
200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180 180 0\">\n <Row>\n <InputField\
\ id=\"searchNumber\" width=\"150\" height=\"50\" characterValidation=\"Integer\"\
\n onValueChanged=\"updateSearchNumber\" placeHolder=\"# to search\"\
>\n </InputField>\n </Row>\n <Row>\n <Button\
\ id=\"searchButton\" onClick=\"search\" width=\"100\" height=\"50\">Search</Button>\n\
\ </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n\n<VerticalLayout id=\"endSearch\" width=\"\
150\" height=\"200\" position=\"0 0 -15\" rotation=\"180 180 0\" active=\"false\"\
>\n <Row>\n <Button id=\"doneButton1\" onClick=\"doneSearching(true)\"\
\ width=\"150\" height=\"50\"\n tooltip=\"Place searched cards back\
\ in deck and shuffle\"\n >\n Done\n </Button>\n\
\ </Row>\n <Row>\n <Button id=\"doneButton2\" onClick=\"\
doneSearching(false)\" width=\"150\" height=\"80\"\n tooltip=\"Place\
\ searched cards back on deck in order (left on top)\"\n >\n \
\ Done (No shuffle)\n </Button>\n </Row>\n</VerticalLayout>\n"