ah_sce_unpacked/unpacked/Custom_Model_Bag Fan-Made Accessories aa8b38/Infinite_Bag Attachment Helper 7f4976.yaml
2023-01-29 19:31:52 -05:00

182 lines
8.9 KiB

x: 0
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r: 0.30589
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y: 0
z: 0
Autoraise: true
Order: 0
b: 1
g: 1
r: 1
CastShadows: true
ColliderURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695414379239413/0B8E68F3B7311DCF2138FB701F78D1D93FBA4CAB/
Convex: true
DiffuseURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1750192233783143973/D526236AAE16BDBB98D3F30E27BAFC1D3E21F4AC/
MaterialIndex: 1
MeshURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695414379239413/0B8E68F3B7311DCF2138FB701F78D1D93FBA4CAB/
NormalURL: ''
TypeIndex: 6
Description: 'Drop cards here to display name, cost and skill icons.
See context menu for options.'
DragSelectable: true
GMNotes: ''
GUID: d45664
Grid: true
GridProjection: false
Hands: false
HideWhenFaceDown: false
IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: "local OPTION_TEXT = {\n \"Ancestral Knowledge\",\n \"Astronomical\
\ Atlas\",\n \"Crystallizer of Dreams\",\n \"Diana Stanley\",\n \"Gloria Goldberg\"\
,\n \"Sefina Rousseau\",\n \"Wooden Sledge\"\n}\n\nlocal IMAGE_LIST = {\n --\
\ Ancestral Knowledge\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1915746489207287888/2F9F6F211ED0F98E66C9D35D93221E4C7FB6DD3C/\"\
,\n -- Astronomical Atlas\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695853007989004/9153BC204FC707AE564ECFAC063A11CB8C2B5D1E/\"\
,\n -- Crystallizer of Dreams\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1915746489207280958/100F16441939E5E23818651D1EB5C209BF3125B9/\"\
,\n -- Diana Stanley\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695635919071208/1AB7222850201630826BFFBA8F2BD0065E2D572F/\"\
,\n -- Gloria Goldberg\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695635919102502/453D4426118C8A6DE2EA281184716E26CA924C84/\"\
,\n -- Sefina Rousseau\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1754695635919099826/3C3CBFFAADB2ACA9957C736491F470AE906CC953/\"\
,\n -- Wooden Sledge\n \"http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1750192233783143973/D526236AAE16BDBB98D3F30E27BAFC1D3E21F4AC/\"\
\n}\n\n-- save state and options to restore onLoad\nfunction onSave() return JSON.encode({\
\ cardsInBag, showCost, showIcons }) end\n\n-- load variables and create context\
\ menu\nfunction onLoad(savedData)\n local loadedData = JSON.decode(savedData)\n\
\ cardsInBag = loadedData[1] or {}\n showCost = loadedData[2]\
\ or true\n showIcons = loadedData[3] or true\n\n recreateButtons()\n\
\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Select image\", selectImage)\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"\
Toggle cost\", function(color)\n showCost = not showCost\n printToColor(\"\
Show cost of cards: \" .. tostring(showCost), color, \"White\")\n refresh()\n\
\ end)\n\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"Toggle skill icons\", function(color)\n\
\ showIcons = not showIcons\n printToColor(\"Show skill icons of cards:\
\ \" .. tostring(showIcons), color, \"White\")\n refresh()\n end)\n\n self.addContextMenuItem(\"\
More Information\", function()\n printToAll(\"------------------------------\"\
, \"White\")\n printToAll(\"Attachment Helper by Chr1Z\", \"Orange\")\n \
\ printToAll(\"original by bankey\", \"White\")\n end)\nend\n\nfunction selectImage(color)\n\
\ Player[color].showOptionsDialog(\"Select image:\", OPTION_TEXT, 1, function(_,\
\ option_index)\n local customInfo = self.getCustomObject()\n customInfo.diffuse\
\ = IMAGE_LIST[option_index]\n self.setCustomObject(customInfo)\n self.reload()\n\
\ end)\nend\n\n-- called for every card that enters\nfunction onObjectEnterContainer(container,\
\ object)\n if container == self then\n if object.tag ~= \"Card\" then\n \
\ broadcastToAll(\"The 'Attachment Helper' is meant to be used for single\
\ cards.\", \"White\")\n else\n findCard(object.getGUID(), object.getName(),\
\ object.getGMNotes())\n end\n -- TODO: implement splitting of decks that\
\ get thrown in here\n recreateButtons()\n end\nend\n\n-- removes leaving\
\ cards from the \"cardInBag\" table\nfunction onObjectLeaveContainer(container,\
\ object)\n if container == self then\n local guid = object.getGUID()\n \
\ local found = false\n for i, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\n if card.id\
\ == guid then\n table.remove(cardsInBag, i)\n found = true\n \
\ break\n end\n end\n\n if found ~= true then\n local name\
\ = object.getName()\n for i, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\n if card.name\
\ == name then\n table.remove(cardsInBag, i)\n break\n \
\ end\n end\n end\n recreateButtons()\n end\nend\n\n-- refreshes\
\ displayed buttons based on contained cards\nfunction refresh()\n cardsInBag\
\ = {}\n for _, object in ipairs(self.getObjects()) do\n findCard(object.guid,\
\ object.name, object.gm_notes)\n end\n recreateButtons()\nend\n\n-- gets cost\
\ and icons for a card\nfunction findCard(guid, name, GMNotes)\n local cost =\
\ \"\"\n local icons = {}\n local metadata = {}\n local displayName = name\n\
\n if displayName == nil or displayName == \"\" then displayName = \"unnamed\"\
\ end\n if showCost or showIcons then metadata = JSON.decode(GMNotes) end\n\n\
\ if showCost then\n if GMNotes ~= \"\" then cost = metadata.cost end\n \
\ if cost == nil or cost == \"\" then cost = \"\u2013\" end\n displayName\
\ = \"[\" .. cost .. \"] \" .. displayName\n end\n\n if showIcons then\n \
\ if GMNotes ~= \"\" then\n icons[1] = metadata.wildIcons\n icons[2]\
\ = metadata.willpowerIcons\n icons[3] = metadata.intellectIcons\n icons[4]\
\ = metadata.combatIcons\n icons[5] = metadata.agilityIcons\n end\n\n\
\ local IconTypes = { \"Wild\", \"Willpower\", \"Intellect\", \"Combat\", \"\
Agility\" }\n local found = false\n for i = 1, 5 do\n if icons[i] ~=\
\ nil and icons[i] ~= \"\" then\n if found == false then\n displayName\
\ = displayName .. \"\\n\" .. IconTypes[i] .. \": \" .. icons[i]\n found\
\ = true\n else\n displayName = displayName .. \" \" .. IconTypes[i]\
\ .. \": \" .. icons[i]\n end\n end\n end\n end\n table.insert(cardsInBag,\
\ { name = name, displayName = displayName, id = guid })\nend\n\n-- recreates\
\ buttons with up-to-date labels\nfunction recreateButtons()\n self.clearButtons()\n\
\ local verticalPosition = 1.65\n\n for _, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\n \
\ local id = card.id\n local funcName = \"removeCard\" .. id\n self.setVar(funcName,\
\ function() removeCard(id) end)\n self.createButton({\n label \
\ = card.displayName,\n click_function = funcName,\n function_owner\
\ = self,\n position = { 0, 0, verticalPosition },\n height \
\ = 200,\n width = 1200,\n font_size = string.len(card.displayName)\
\ > 20 and 75 or 100\n })\n verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\n\
\ end\n\n local countLabel = \"Attachment\\nHelper\"\n if #cardsInBag ~= 0\
\ then countLabel = #cardsInBag end\n\n self.createButton({\n label \
\ = countLabel,\n click_function = \"none\",\n function_owner = self,\n\
\ position = { 0, 0, -1.35 },\n height = 0,\n width \
\ = 0,\n font_size = 225,\n font_color = { 1, 1, 1 }\n })\n\
end\n\n-- click-function for buttons to take a card out of the bag\nfunction removeCard(cardGUID)\n\
\ self.takeObject({\n guid = cardGUID,\n rotation = self.getRotation(),\n\
\ position = self.getPosition() + Vector(0, 0.25, 0),\n callback_function\
\ = function(obj) obj.resting = true end\n })\nend"
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Name: Custom_Model_Bag
Nickname: Attachment Helper
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- Asset
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scaleX: 0.8
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Value: 0
XmlUI: ''
Description: Provides card-sized bags that are useful for cards that are attached
facedown (e.g. Backpack).
DragSelectable: true
GMNotes: ''
GUID: 7f4976
Grid: true
GridProjection: false
Hands: false
HideWhenFaceDown: false
IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: ''
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MaterialIndex: -1
MeasureMovement: false
MeshIndex: -1
Name: Infinite_Bag
Nickname: Attachment Helper
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