ah_sce_unpacked/unpacked/Bag All Player Cards 15bb07/Card The Necronomicon d45f10.yaml
2021-10-18 15:54:27 -04:00

50 lines
1.0 KiB

Autoraise: true
CardID: 232934
b: 0.713235259
g: 0.713235259
r: 0.713235259
BackIsHidden: true
BackURL: https://i.imgur.com/EcbhVuh.jpg
FaceURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/782999241295993974/70871F727ABBAB3DB22003051B5E1FBF8999AEEB/
NumHeight: 7
NumWidth: 10
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UniqueBack: false
Description: Olaus Wormius Translation
DragSelectable: true
GMNotes: "{\n \"id\": \"02140\",\n \"type\": \"Asset\",\n \"class\": \"Neutral\"\
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GUID: d45f10
Grid: true
GridProjection: false
Hands: true
HideWhenFaceDown: false
IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: ''
LuaScriptState: ''
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Card
Nickname: The Necronomicon
SidewaysCard: false
Snap: true
Sticky: true
Tooltip: true
posX: 9.12
posY: 3.92
posZ: -16.72
rotX: 0.14
rotY: 269.81
rotZ: 359.88
scaleX: 1.0
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scaleZ: 1.0
Value: 0
XmlUI: ''