ah_sce_unpacked/unpacked/Bag Tarot Deck (Scripted) a230f9/Card The Emperor · IV 8be589.yaml
2024-01-06 21:32:07 -05:00

52 lines
990 B

x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
Autoraise: true
CardID: 266304
b: 0.71324
g: 0.71324
r: 0.71324
BackIsHidden: true
BackURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1697276706767619573/BC43BD2A94446B804BE325C7255D8179DEB2ABE8/
FaceURL: http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/2021606446230201267/C4CB25A240597A5E973CBE29E63FD5976D40F8E4//
NumHeight: 4
NumWidth: 6
Type: 0
UniqueBack: false
Description: ''
DragSelectable: true
GMNotes: ''
GUID: 8be589
Grid: true
GridProjection: false
Hands: true
HideWhenFaceDown: true
IgnoreFoW: false
LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0
Locked: false
LuaScript: !include "Card The Emperor \xB7 IV 8be589.ttslua"
LuaScriptState: ''
MeasureMovement: false
Name: Card
Nickname: "The Emperor \xB7 IV"
SidewaysCard: false
Snap: true
Sticky: true
Tooltip: true
posX: -11.97
posY: 3.34
posZ: 57.31
rotX: 0
rotY: 90
rotZ: 0
scaleX: 1
scaleY: 1
scaleZ: 1
Value: 0
XmlUI: ''