AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 1 g: 1 r: 1 CustomImage: CustomTile: Stackable: false Stretch: true Thickness: 0.1 Type: 3 ImageScalar: 1 ImageSecondaryURL: ImageURL: WidthScale: 0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 2d30ee Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: true LuaScript: !include 'Custom_Tile Player Cards 2d30ee.ttslua' LuaScriptState: '{"spawnBagState":{"placed":[],"placedObjects":[]}}' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Tile Nickname: Player Cards Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: false Transform: posX: 60 posY: 1.48 posZ: 71 rotX: 0 rotY: 270 rotZ: 0 scaleX: 10 scaleY: 1 scaleZ: 10 Value: 0 XmlUI: "\n\n \n\u2022\ \ Select a group to place cards\n\u2022 Copy the cards you want for your deck\n\u2022\ \ Select a new group to clear the placed cards and see new ones\n\u2022 Clear to\ \ remove all cards\n\n"