-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("core/MythosArea", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) local playArea = require("core/PlayAreaApi") local tokenSpawnTracker = require("core/token/TokenSpawnTrackerApi") local ENCOUNTER_DECK_AREA = { upperLeft = { x = 0.9, z = 0.42 }, lowerRight = { x = 0.86, z = 0.38 }, } local ENCOUNTER_DISCARD_AREA = { upperLeft = { x = 1.62, z = 0.42 }, lowerRight = { x = 1.58, z = 0.38 }, } local currentScenario -- we use this to turn off collision handling until onLoad() is complete local COLLISION_ENABLED = false function onLoad(saveState) if saveState ~= nil then local loadedState = JSON.decode(saveState) or { } currentScenario = loadedState.currentScenario end COLLISION_ENABLED = true end function onSave() return JSON.encode({ currentScenario = currentScenario }) end -- TTS event handler. Handles scenario name event triggering and encounter card token resets. function onCollisionEnter(collisionInfo) if not COLLISION_ENABLED then return end local object = collisionInfo.collision_object if object.getName() == "Scenario" then if currentScenario ~= object.getDescription() then currentScenario = object.getDescription() fireScenarioChangedEvent() end end local localPos = self.positionToLocal(object.getPosition()) if inArea(localPos, ENCOUNTER_DECK_AREA) or inArea(localPos, ENCOUNTER_DISCARD_AREA) then tokenSpawnTracker.resetTokensSpawned(object.getGUID()) end end -- Listens for cards entering the encounter deck or encounter discard, and resets the spawn state -- for the cards when they do. function onObjectEnterContainer(container, object) local localPos = self.positionToLocal(container.getPosition()) if inArea(localPos, ENCOUNTER_DECK_AREA) or inArea(localPos, ENCOUNTER_DISCARD_AREA) then tokenSpawnTracker.resetTokensSpawned(object.getGUID()) end end function fireScenarioChangedEvent() Wait.frames(function() Global.call('titleSplash', currentScenario) end, 20) playArea.onScenarioChanged(currentScenario) end -- Simple method to check if the given point is in a specified area. Local use only, ---@param point Vector. Point to check, only x and z values are relevant ---@param bounds Table. Defined area to see if the point is within. See MAIN_PLAY_AREA for sample -- bounds definition. ---@return Boolean. True if the point is in the area defined by bounds function inArea(point, bounds) return (point.x < bounds.upperLeft.x and point.x > bounds.lowerRight.x and point.z < bounds.upperLeft.z and point.z > bounds.lowerRight.z) end end) __bundle_register("core/PlayAreaApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local PlayAreaApi = { } local PLAY_AREA_GUID = "721ba2" -- Returns the current value of the investigator counter from the playmat ---@return Integer. Number of investigators currently set on the counter PlayAreaApi.getInvestigatorCount = function() return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("getInvestigatorCount") end -- Move all contents on the play area (cards, tokens, etc) one slot in the given direction. Certain -- fixed objects will be ignored, as will anything the player has tagged with -- 'displacement_excluded' ---@param playerColor Color of the player requesting the shift. Used solely to send an error --- message in the unlikely case that the scripting zone has been deleted PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsUp = function(playerColor) return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("shiftContentsUp", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsDown = function(playerColor) return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("shiftContentsDown", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsLeft = function(playerColor) return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("shiftContentsLeft", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsRight = function(playerColor) return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("shiftContentsRight", playerColor) end -- Reset the play area's tracking of which cards have had tokens spawned. PlayAreaApi.resetSpawnedCards = function() return getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("resetSpawnedCards") end -- Event to be called when the current scenario has changed. ---@param scenarioName Name of the new scenario PlayAreaApi.onScenarioChanged = function(scenarioName) getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("onScenarioChanged", scenarioName) end -- Sets this playmat's snap points to limit snapping to locations or not. -- If matchTypes is false, snap points will be reset to snap all cards. ---@param matchTypes Boolean Whether snap points should only snap for the matching card types. PlayAreaApi.setLimitSnapsByType = function(matchCardTypes) getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("setLimitSnapsByType", matchCardTypes) end -- Receiver for the Global tryObjectEnterContainer event. Used to clear vector lines from dragged -- cards before they're destroyed by entering the container PlayAreaApi.tryObjectEnterContainer = function(container, object) getObjectFromGUID(PLAY_AREA_GUID).call("tryObjectEnterContainer", { container = container, object = object }) end return PlayAreaApi end end) __bundle_register("core/token/TokenSpawnTrackerApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local TokenSpawnTracker = { } local SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID = "e3ffc9" TokenSpawnTracker.hasSpawnedTokens = function(cardGuid) return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("hasSpawnedTokens", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.markTokensSpawned = function(cardGuid) return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("markTokensSpawned", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.resetTokensSpawned = function(cardGuid) return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("resetTokensSpawned", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAllAssetAndEvents = function() return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("resetAllAssetAndEvents") end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAllLocations = function() return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("resetAllLocations") end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAll = function() return getObjectFromGUID(SPAWN_TRACKER_GUID).call("resetAll") end return TokenSpawnTracker end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("core/MythosArea") end) return __bundle_require("__root")