-- set true to enable debug logging DEBUG = false -- we use this to turn off collision handling (for clue spawning) -- until after load is complete (probably a better way to do this) COLLISION_ENABLED = false -- TODO get the log function from global instead -- log = Global.call('getLogFunction', this) function getLogFunction(object) return function (message) if DEBUG then print(message) end end end log = getLogFunction(self) function onload(save_state) self.interactable = DEBUG local dataHelper = getObjectFromGUID('708279') LOCATIONS = dataHelper.getTable('LOCATIONS_DATA') TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE = Global.getTable('tokenplayerone') COUNTER = getObjectFromGUID('f182ee') log('attempting to load state: ' .. save_state) if save_state ~= '' then SPAWNED_LOCATION_GUIDS = JSON.decode(save_state) end COLLISION_ENABLED = true end function onSave() local spawned_locations = JSON.encode(SPAWNED_LOCATION_GUIDS) self.script_state = spawned_locations end --[[ records locations we have spawned clues for, we write this to the save file onsave() so we don't spawn clues again after a load ]] SPAWNED_LOCATION_GUIDS = {} function isAlreadySpawned(object) return SPAWNED_LOCATION_GUIDS[object.getGUID()] ~= nil end function markSpawned(object) SPAWNED_LOCATION_GUIDS[object.getGUID()] = 1 end function buildKey(object) return object.getName() .. '_' .. object.getGUID() end -- try the compound key then the name alone as default function getLocation(object) return LOCATIONS[buildKey(object)] or LOCATIONS[object.getName()] end function isLocationWithClues(object) return getLocation(object) ~= nil end --[[ Return the number of clues to spawn on this location ]] function getClueCount(object, isFaceDown, playerCount) if not isLocationWithClues(object) then error('attempted to get clue for unexpected object: ' .. object.getName()) end local details = getLocation(object) log(object.getName() .. ' : ' .. details['type'] .. ' : ' .. details['value'] .. ' : ' .. details['clueSide']) if ((isFaceDown and details['clueSide'] == 'back') or (not isFaceDown and details['clueSide'] == 'front')) then if details['type'] == 'fixed' then return details['value'] elseif details['type'] == 'perPlayer' then return details['value'] * playerCount end error('unexpected location type: ' .. details['type']) end return 0 end function spawnToken(position, number) local obj_parameters = { position = position, rotation = {3.87674022, -90, 0.239081308} } local custom = { thickness = 0.1, stackable = true } if number == '1' or number == '2' then obj_parameters.type = 'Custom_Token' custom.merge_distance = 5.0 local token = spawnObject(obj_parameters) if number == '1' then custom.image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.damageone token.setCustomObject(custom) token.scale {0.17, 1, 0.17} return token end if number == '2' then custom.image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.damagethree token.setCustomObject(custom) token.scale {0.18, 1, 0.18} return token end end if number == '3' or number == '4' then obj_parameters.type = 'Custom_Tile' custom.type = 2 local token = spawnObject(obj_parameters) if number == '3' then custom.image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.clue custom.image_bottom = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.doom token.setCustomObject(custom) token.scale {0.25, 1, 0.25} token.use_snap_points=false return token end if number == '4' then custom.image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.doom custom.image_bottom = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.clue token.setCustomObject(custom) token.scale {0.25, 1, 0.25} token.use_snap_points=false return token end end end function spawnCluesAtLocation(clueCount, collision_info) local object = collision_info.collision_object if isAlreadySpawned(object) then error('tried to spawn clue for already spawned location:' .. object.getName()) end local obj_parameters = {} obj_parameters.type = 'Custom_Token' obj_parameters.position = { object.getPosition()[1], object.getPosition()[2] + 1, object.getPosition()[3] } log('spawning clues for ' .. object.getName() .. '_' .. object.getGUID()) local playerCount = COUNTER.getVar('val') log('player count is ' .. playerCount .. ', clue count is ' .. clueCount) -- mark this location as spawned, can't happen again markSpawned(object) i = 0 while i < clueCount do if i < 4 then obj_parameters.position = { collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[1] + 0.3, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[2] + 0.2, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[3] - 0.8 + (0.55 * i) } elseif i < 8 then obj_parameters.position = { collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[1] + 0.85, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[2] + 0.2, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[3] - 3 + (0.55 * i) } else obj_parameters.position = { collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[1] + 0.575, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[2] + 0.4, collision_info.collision_object.getPosition()[3] - 5.2 + (0.55 * i)} end spawnToken(obj_parameters.position, '3') i = i + 1 end end function onCollisionEnter(collision_info) -- short circuit all collision stuff until we've loaded state if not COLLISION_ENABLED then return end -- check if we should spawn clues here local object = collision_info.collision_object if isLocationWithClues(object) and not isAlreadySpawned(object) then -- this isn't an either/or as down/up here means at a relatively low angle -- local isFaceUp = not object.is_face_down -- local isFaceDown = (object.getRotation()[3] > 160 and object.getRotation()[3] < 200) local playerCount = COUNTER.getVar('val') local clueCount = getClueCount(object, object.is_face_down, playerCount) if clueCount > 0 then spawnCluesAtLocation(clueCount, collision_info) end end end