-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("playercards/CardsWithHelper", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) --[[ Library for cards that have helpers This file is used to share code between cards with helpers. It syncs the visibility of the helper with the option panel and makes sure the card has the respective tag. Additionally, it will call 'initiliaze()' and 'shutOff()' in the parent file if they are present. Instructions: 1) Define the global variables before requiring this file: hasXML = true (whether the card has an XML display) isHelperEnabled = false (default state of the helper, should be 'false') 2) In 'onLoad()'', call 'syncDisplayWithOptionPanel()' ----------------------------------------------------------]] local optionPanelApi = require("core/OptionPanelApi") -- if the respective option is enabled in onLoad(), enable the helper function syncDisplayWithOptionPanel() self.addTag("CardWithHelper") local options = optionPanelApi.getOptions() if options.enableCardHelpers then setHelperState(true) else updateDisplay() end end -- forces a new state function setHelperState(newState) isHelperEnabled = newState updateSave() updateDisplay() end -- toggles the current state function toggleHelper() isHelperEnabled = not isHelperEnabled updateSave() updateDisplay() end -- updates the visibility and calls events (after a small delay to allow XML being set) function updateDisplay() Wait.frames(actualDisplayUpdate, 5) end function actualDisplayUpdate() if isHelperEnabled then self.clearContextMenu() self.addContextMenuItem("Disable Helper", toggleHelper) if hasXML then self.UI.show("Helper") end if initialize then initialize() end else self.clearContextMenu() self.addContextMenuItem("Enable Helper", toggleHelper) if hasXML then self.UI.hide("Helper") end if shutOff then shutOff() end end end end) __bundle_register("playermat/PlayermatApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local PlayermatApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local searchLib = require("util/SearchLib") local localInvestigatorPosition = { x = -1.17, y = 1, z = -0.01 } -- Convenience function to look up a mat's object by color, or get all mats. ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@return table: Single-element if only single playermat is requested local function getMatForColor(matColor) if matColor == "All" then return guidReferenceApi.getObjectsByType("Playermat") else return { matColor = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType(matColor, "Playermat") } end end -- Returns the color of the closest playermat ---@param startPos table Starting position to get the closest mat from PlayermatApi.getMatColorByPosition = function(startPos) local result, smallestDistance for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local distance = Vector.between(startPos, mat.getPosition()):magnitude() if smallestDistance == nil or distance < smallestDistance then smallestDistance = distance result = matColor end end return result end -- Returns the color of the player's hand that is seated next to the playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getPlayerColor = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("playerColor") end end -- Returns the color of the playermat that owns the playercolor's hand ---@param handColor string Color of the playermat PlayermatApi.getMatColor = function(handColor) for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local playerColor = mat.getVar("playerColor") if playerColor == handColor then return matColor end end end -- Instructs a playermat to check for DES ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.checkForDES = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("checkForDES") end end -- Returns if there is the card "Dream-Enhancing Serum" on the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@return boolean: whether DES is present on the playermat PlayermatApi.hasDES = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("hasDES") end end -- gets the slot data for the playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getSlotData = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getTable("slotData") end end -- sets the slot data for the playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param newSlotData table New slot data for the playermat PlayermatApi.loadSlotData = function(matColor, newSlotData) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.setTable("slotData", newSlotData) mat.call("redrawSlotSymbols") return end end -- Performs a search of the deck area of the requested playermat and returns the result as table ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getDeckAreaObjects = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("getDeckAreaObjects") end end -- Flips the top card of the deck (useful after deck manipulation for Norman Withers) ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.flipTopCardFromDeck = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("flipTopCardFromDeck") end end -- Returns the position of the discard pile of the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getDiscardPosition = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("returnGlobalDiscardPosition") end end -- Returns the position of the draw pile of the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getDrawPosition = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("returnGlobalDrawPosition") end end -- Transforms a local position into a global position ---@param localPos table Local position to be transformed ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.transformLocalPosition = function(localPos, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.positionToWorld(localPos) end end -- Returns the rotation of the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.returnRotation = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getRotation() end end -- Returns a table with spawn data (position and rotation) for a helper object ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param helperName string Name of the helper object PlayermatApi.getHelperSpawnData = function(matColor, helperName) local resultTable = {} local localPositionTable = { ["Hand Helper"] = {0.05, 0, -1.182}, ["Search Assistant"] = {-0.3, 0, -1.182} } for color, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do resultTable[color] = { position = mat.positionToWorld(localPositionTable[helperName]), rotation = mat.getRotation() } end return resultTable end -- Triggers the Upkeep for the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param playerColor string Color of the calling player (for messages) PlayermatApi.doUpkeepFromHotkey = function(matColor, playerColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("doUpkeepFromHotkey", playerColor) end end -- Handles discarding for the requested playermat for the provided list of objects ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param objList table List of objects to discard PlayermatApi.discardListOfObjects = function(matColor, objList) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("discardListOfObjects", objList) end end -- Returns the active investigator id ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.returnInvestigatorId = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("activeInvestigatorId") end end -- Returns the class of the active investigator ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.returnInvestigatorClass = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("activeInvestigatorClass") end end -- Returns the position for encounter card drawing ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param stack boolean If true, returns the leftmost position instead of the first empty from the right PlayermatApi.getEncounterCardDrawPosition = function(matColor, stack) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return Vector(mat.call("getEncounterCardDrawPosition", stack)) end end -- Sets the requested playermat's snap points to limit snapping to matching card types or not. If -- matchTypes is true, the main card slot snap points will only snap assets, while the -- investigator area point will only snap Investigators. If matchTypes is false, snap points will -- be reset to snap all cards. ---@param matchCardTypes boolean Whether snap points should only snap for the matching card types ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.setLimitSnapsByType = function(matchCardTypes, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("setLimitSnapsByType", matchCardTypes) end end -- Sets the requested playermat's draw 1 button to visible ---@param isDrawButtonVisible boolean Whether the draw 1 button should be visible or not ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.showDrawButton = function(isDrawButtonVisible, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("showDrawButton", isDrawButtonVisible) end end -- Shows or hides the clickable clue counter for the requested playermat ---@param showCounter boolean Whether the clickable counter should be present or not ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.clickableClues = function(showCounter, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("clickableClues", showCounter) end end -- Toggles the use of class textures for the requested playermat ---@param state boolean Whether the class texture should be used or not ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.useClassTexture = function(state, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("useClassTexture", state) end end -- Removes all clues (to the trash for tokens and counters set to 0) for the requested playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.removeClues = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("removeClues") end end -- Reports the clue count for the requested playermat ---@param useClickableCounters boolean Controls which type of counter is getting checked PlayermatApi.getClueCount = function(useClickableCounters, matColor) local count = 0 for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do count = count + mat.call("getClueCount", useClickableCounters) end return count end -- Updates the specified owned counter ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param type string Counter to target ---@param newValue number Value to set the counter to ---@param modifier number If newValue is not provided, the existing value will be adjusted by this modifier PlayermatApi.updateCounter = function(matColor, type, newValue, modifier) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("updateCounter", { type = type, newValue = newValue, modifier = modifier }) end end -- Triggers the draw function for the specified playermat ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param number number Amount of cards to draw PlayermatApi.drawCardsWithReshuffle = function(matColor, number) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("drawCardsWithReshuffle", number) end end -- Returns the resource counter amount ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param type string Counter to target PlayermatApi.getCounterValue = function(matColor, type) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("getCounterValue", type) end end -- Returns a list of mat colors that have an investigator placed PlayermatApi.getUsedMatColors = function() local usedColors = {} for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local searchPos = mat.positionToWorld(localInvestigatorPosition) local searchResult = searchLib.atPosition(searchPos, "isCardOrDeck") if #searchResult > 0 then table.insert(usedColors, matColor) end end return usedColors end -- Returns investigator name ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlayermatApi.getInvestigatorName = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do local searchPos = mat.positionToWorld(localInvestigatorPosition) local searchResult = searchLib.atPosition(searchPos, "isCardOrDeck") if #searchResult == 1 then return searchResult[1].getName() end end return "" end -- Resets the specified skill tracker to "1, 1, 1, 1" ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.resetSkillTracker = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("resetSkillTracker") end end -- Redraws the XML for the slot symbols based on the slotData table ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.redrawSlotSymbols = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("redrawSlotSymbols") end end -- Finds all objects on the playermat and associated set aside zone and returns a table ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param filter string Name of the filte function (see util/SearchLib) PlayermatApi.searchAroundPlayermat = function(matColor, filter) local objList = {} for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do for _, obj in ipairs(mat.call("searchAroundSelf", filter)) do table.insert(objList, obj) end end return objList end -- Discard a non-hidden card from the corresponding player's hand ---@param matColor string Color of the playermat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlayermatApi.doDiscardOne = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("doDiscardOne") end end -- Triggers the metadata sync for all playermats PlayermatApi.syncAllCustomizableCards = function() for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do mat.call("syncAllCustomizableCards") end end return PlayermatApi end end) __bundle_register("core/OptionPanelApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local OptionPanelApi = {} -- loads saved options ---@param options table Set a new state for the option table OptionPanelApi.loadSettings = function(options) return Global.call("loadSettings", options) end ---@return any: Table of option panel state OptionPanelApi.getOptions = function() return Global.getTable("optionPanel") end return OptionPanelApi end end) __bundle_register("core/GUIDReferenceApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local GUIDReferenceApi = {} local function getGuidHandler() return getObjectFromGUID("123456") end -- Returns the matching object ---@param owner string Parent object for this search ---@param type string Type of object to search for ---@return any: Object reference to the matching object GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType = function(owner, type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectByOwnerAndType", { owner = owner, type = type }) end -- Returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param type string Type of object to search for ---@return table: List of object references to matching objects GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByType = function(type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByType", type) end -- Returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner string Parent object for this search ---@return table: List of object references to matching objects GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByOwner = function(owner) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByOwner", owner) end -- Sends new information to the reference handler to edit the main index ---@param owner string Parent of the object ---@param type string Type of the object ---@param guid string GUID of the object GUIDReferenceApi.editIndex = function(owner, type, guid) return getGuidHandler().call("editIndex", { owner = owner, type = type, guid = guid }) end -- Returns the owner of an object or the object it's located on ---@param object tts__GameObject Object for this search ---@return string: Parent of the object or object it's located on GUIDReferenceApi.getOwnerOfObject = function(object) return getGuidHandler().call("getOwnerOfObject", object) end return GUIDReferenceApi end end) __bundle_register("util/SearchLib", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local SearchLib = {} local filterFunctions = { isCard = function(x) return x.type == "Card" end, isDeck = function(x) return x.type == "Deck" end, isCardOrDeck = function(x) return x.type == "Card" or x.type == "Deck" end, isClue = function(x) return x.memo == "clueDoom" and x.is_face_down == false end, isTileOrToken = function(x) return x.type == "Tile" end, isUniversalToken = function(x) return x.getMemo() == "universalActionAbility" end, } -- performs the actual search and returns a filtered list of object references ---@param pos tts__Vector Global position ---@param rot? tts__Vector Global rotation ---@param size table Size ---@param filter? string Name of the filter function ---@param direction? table Direction (positive is up) ---@param maxDistance? number Distance for the cast local function returnSearchResult(pos, rot, size, filter, direction, maxDistance) local filterFunc if filter then filterFunc = filterFunctions[filter] end local searchResult = Physics.cast({ origin = pos, direction = direction or { 0, 1, 0 }, orientation = rot or { 0, 0, 0 }, type = 3, size = size, max_distance = maxDistance or 0 }) -- filter the result for matching objects local objList = {} for _, v in ipairs(searchResult) do if not filter or filterFunc(v.hit_object) then table.insert(objList, v.hit_object) end end return objList end -- searches the specified area SearchLib.inArea = function(pos, rot, size, filter) return returnSearchResult(pos, rot, size, filter) end -- searches the area on an object SearchLib.onObject = function(obj, filter) local pos = obj.getPosition() local size = obj.getBounds().size:setAt("y", 1) return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter) end -- searches the specified position (a single point) SearchLib.atPosition = function(pos, filter) local size = { 0.1, 2, 0.1 } return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter) end -- searches below the specified position (downwards until y = 0) SearchLib.belowPosition = function(pos, filter) local size = { 0.1, 2, 0.1 } local direction = { 0, -1, 0 } local maxDistance = pos.y return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter, direction, maxDistance) end return SearchLib end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("playercards/cards/WellConnected") end) __bundle_register("playercards/cards/WellConnected", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("playercards/CardsWithHelper") local playermatApi = require("playermat/PlayermatApi") -- intentionally global hasXML = false isHelperEnabled = false local modValue, loopId local buttonParameters = { click_function = "shutOff", function_owner = self, position = { 0.88, 0.5, -1.33 }, font_size = 150, width = 175, height = 175 } function updateSave() self.script_state = JSON.encode({ isHelperEnabled = isHelperEnabled, loopId = loopId }) end function onLoad(savedData) if savedData and savedData ~= "" then local loadedData = JSON.decode(savedData) isHelperEnabled = loadedData.isHelperEnabled loopId = loadedData.loopId end -- use metadata to detect level and adjust modValue accordingly if JSON.decode(self.getGMNotes()).level == 0 then modValue = 5 else modValue = 4 end syncDisplayWithOptionPanel() end function initialize() self.clearButtons() self.createButton(buttonParameters) updateButton() loopId = Wait.time(updateButton, 2, -1) end function shutOff() self.clearButtons() if loopId then Wait.stop(loopId) loopId = nil end end function updateButton() local matColor = playermatApi.getMatColorByPosition(self.getPosition()) local resources = playermatApi.getCounterValue(matColor, "ResourceCounter") local count = tostring(math.floor(resources / modValue)) self.editButton({ index = 0, label = count }) end end) return __bundle_require("__root")