-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("playercards/AllCardsBag") end) __bundle_register("playercards/AllCardsBag", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) local cardIdIndex = { } local classAndLevelIndex = { } local basicWeaknessList = { } local uniqueWeaknessList = { } local cycleIndex = { } local indexingDone = false function onLoad() self.addContextMenuItem("Rebuild Index", startIndexBuild) math.randomseed(os.time()) Wait.frames(startIndexBuild, 30) end -- Called by Hotfix bags when they load. If we are still loading indexes, then -- the all cards and hotfix bags are being loaded together, and we can ignore -- this call as the hotfix will be included in the initial indexing. If it is -- called once indexing is complete it means the hotfix bag has been added -- later, and we should rebuild the index to integrate the hotfix bag. function rebuildIndexForHotfix() if (indexingDone) then startIndexBuild() end end -- Resets all current bag indexes function clearIndexes() indexingDone = false cardIdIndex = { } classAndLevelIndex = { } classAndLevelIndex["Guardian-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Seeker-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Mystic-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Survivor-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Rogue-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Neutral-upgrade"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Guardian-level0"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Seeker-level0"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Mystic-level0"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Survivor-level0"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Rogue-level0"] = { } classAndLevelIndex["Neutral-level0"] = { } cycleIndex = { } basicWeaknessList = { } uniqueWeaknessList = { } end -- Clears the bag indexes and starts the coroutine to rebuild the indexes function startIndexBuild() clearIndexes() startLuaCoroutine(self, "buildIndex") end function onObjectLeaveContainer(container, _) if container == self then broadcastToAll("Removing cards from the All Player Cards bag may break some functions.", "Red") end end -- Create the card indexes by iterating all cards in the bag, parsing their metadata -- and creating the keyed lookup tables for the cards. This is a coroutine which will -- spread the workload by processing 20 cards before yielding. function buildIndex() local cardCount = 0 indexingDone = false -- process the allcardsbag itself for _, cardData in ipairs(self.getData().ContainedObjects) do addCardToIndex(cardData) cardCount = cardCount + 1 if cardCount > 19 then cardCount = 0 coroutine.yield(0) end end -- process hotfix bags (and the additional playercards bag) for _, hotfixBag in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag("AllCardsHotfix")) do local hotfixData = hotfixBag.getData() if not hotfixData.ContainedObjects then break end for _, cardData in ipairs(hotfixData.ContainedObjects) do -- process containers if cardData.ContainedObjects then for _, deepCardData in ipairs(cardData.ContainedObjects) do addCardToIndex(deepCardData) cardCount = cardCount + 1 if cardCount > 19 then cardCount = 0 coroutine.yield(0) end end -- process single cards else addCardToIndex(cardData) cardCount = cardCount + 1 if cardCount > 19 then cardCount = 0 coroutine.yield(0) end end end end buildSupplementalIndexes() indexingDone = true return 1 end -- Adds a card to any indexes it should be a part of, based on its metadata ---@param cardData table TTS object data for the card function addCardToIndex(cardData) -- using the more efficient 'json.parse()' to speed this process up local cardMetadata = json.parse(cardData.GMNotes) if not cardMetadata then return end -- use the ZoopGuid as fallback if no id present cardIdIndex[cardMetadata.id or cardMetadata.TtsZoopGuid] = { data = cardData, metadata = cardMetadata } -- also add data for alternate ids if cardMetadata.alternate_ids ~= nil then for _, alternateId in ipairs(cardMetadata.alternate_ids) do cardIdIndex[alternateId] = { data = cardData, metadata = cardMetadata } end end end function buildSupplementalIndexes() for cardId, card in pairs(cardIdIndex) do local cardMetadata = card.metadata -- If the ID key and the metadata ID don't match this is a duplicate card created by an alternate_id, and we should skip it if cardId == cardMetadata.id then -- Add card to the basic weakness list, if appropriate. Some weaknesses have multiple copies, and are added multiple times if cardMetadata.weakness then table.insert(uniqueWeaknessList, cardMetadata.id) if cardMetadata.basicWeaknessCount ~= nil then for i = 1, cardMetadata.basicWeaknessCount do table.insert(basicWeaknessList, cardMetadata.id) end end end -- Excludes signature cards (which have no class or level) if cardMetadata.class ~= nil and cardMetadata.level ~= nil then local upgradeKey if cardMetadata.level > 0 then upgradeKey = "-upgrade" else upgradeKey = "-level0" end -- parse classes (separated by "|") and add the card to the appropriate class and level indices for str in cardMetadata.class:gmatch("([^|]+)") do table.insert(classAndLevelIndex[str .. upgradeKey], cardMetadata.id) end -- add to cycle index local cycleName = cardMetadata.cycle if cycleName ~= nil then cycleName = string.lower(cycleName) -- remove "return to " from cycle names cycleName = cycleName:gsub("return to ", "") -- override cycle name for night of the zealot cycleName = cycleName:gsub("the night of the zealot", "core") if cycleIndex[cycleName] == nil then cycleIndex[cycleName] = { } end table.insert(cycleIndex[cycleName], cardMetadata.id) end end end end -- sort class and level indices for _, indexTable in pairs(classAndLevelIndex) do table.sort(indexTable, cardComparator) end -- sort cycle indices for _, indexTable in pairs(cycleIndex) do table.sort(indexTable) end -- sort weakness indices table.sort(basicWeaknessList, cardComparator) table.sort(uniqueWeaknessList, cardComparator) end -- Comparison function used to sort the class card bag indexes. Sorts by card level, then name, then subname. function cardComparator(id1, id2) local card1 = cardIdIndex[id1] local card2 = cardIdIndex[id2] if card1.metadata.level ~= card2.metadata.level then return card1.metadata.level < card2.metadata.level elseif card1.data.Nickname ~= card2.data.Nickname then return card1.data.Nickname < card2.data.Nickname else return card1.data.Description < card2.data.Description end end function isIndexReady() return indexingDone end -- Returns a specific card from the bag, based on ArkhamDB ID -- Params table: -- id: String ID of the card to retrieve -- Return: If the indexes are still being constructed, an empty table is -- returned. Otherwise, a single table with the following fields -- cardData: TTS object data, suitable for spawning the card -- cardMetadata: Table of parsed metadata function getCardById(params) if (not indexingDone) then broadcastToAll("Still loading player cards, please try again in a few seconds", {0.9, 0.2, 0.2}) return { } end return cardIdIndex[params.id] end -- Returns a list of cards from the bag matching a class and level (0 or upgraded) -- Params table: -- class: String class to retrieve ("Guardian", "Seeker", etc) -- isUpgraded: true for upgraded cards (Level 1-5), false for Level 0 -- Return: If the indexes are still being constructed, returns an empty table. -- Otherwise, a list of tables, each with the following fields -- cardData: TTS object data, suitable for spawning the card -- cardMetadata: Table of parsed metadata function getCardsByClassAndLevel(params) if (not indexingDone) then broadcastToAll("Still loading player cards, please try again in a few seconds", {0.9, 0.2, 0.2}) return { } end local upgradeKey if (params.upgraded) then upgradeKey = "-upgrade" else upgradeKey = "-level0" end return classAndLevelIndex[params.class..upgradeKey]; end function getCardsByCycle(cycleName) if (not indexingDone) then broadcastToAll("Still loading player cards, please try again in a few seconds", {0.9, 0.2, 0.2}) return { } end return cycleIndex[string.lower(cycleName)] end -- Searches the bag for cards which match the given name and returns a list. Note that this is -- an O(n) search without index support. It may be slow. -- Parameter array must contain these fields to define the search: -- name String or string fragment to search for names -- exact Whether the name match should be exact function getCardsByName(params) local name = params.name local exact = params.exact local results = { } -- Track cards (by ID) that we've added to avoid duplicates that may come from alternate IDs local addedCards = { } for _, cardData in pairs(cardIdIndex) do if (not addedCards[cardData.metadata.id]) then if (exact and (string.lower(cardData.data.Nickname) == string.lower(name))) or (not exact and string.find(string.lower(cardData.data.Nickname), string.lower(name), 1, true)) then table.insert(results, cardData) addedCards[cardData.metadata.id] = true end end end return results end -- Gets a random basic weakness from the bag. Once a given ID has been returned -- it will be removed from the list and cannot be selected again until a reload -- occurs or the indexes are rebuilt, which will refresh the list to include all -- weaknesses. -- Return: String ID of the selected weakness. function getRandomWeaknessId() local availableWeaknesses = buildAvailableWeaknesses() if (#availableWeaknesses > 0) then return availableWeaknesses[math.random(#availableWeaknesses)] end end -- Constructs a list of available basic weaknesses by starting with the full pool of basic -- weaknesses then removing any which are currently in the play or deck construction areas -- Return: Table array of weakness IDs which are valid to choose from function buildAvailableWeaknesses() local weaknessesInPlay = { } local allObjects = getAllObjects() for _, object in ipairs(allObjects) do if (object.name == "Deck") then for _, cardData in ipairs(object.getData().ContainedObjects) do local cardMetadata = JSON.decode(cardData.GMNotes) incrementWeaknessCount(weaknessesInPlay, cardMetadata) end elseif (object.name == "Card") then local cardMetadata = JSON.decode(object.getGMNotes()) incrementWeaknessCount(weaknessesInPlay, cardMetadata) end end local availableWeaknesses = { } for _, weaknessId in ipairs(basicWeaknessList) do if (weaknessesInPlay[weaknessId] ~= nil and weaknessesInPlay[weaknessId] > 0) then weaknessesInPlay[weaknessId] = weaknessesInPlay[weaknessId] - 1 else table.insert(availableWeaknesses, weaknessId) end end return availableWeaknesses end function getBasicWeaknesses() return basicWeaknessList end function getUniqueWeaknesses() return uniqueWeaknessList end -- Helper function that adds one to the table entry for the number of weaknesses in play function incrementWeaknessCount(table, cardMetadata) if (isBasicWeakness(cardMetadata)) then if (table[cardMetadata.id] == nil) then table[cardMetadata.id] = 1 else table[cardMetadata.id] = table[cardMetadata.id] + 1 end end end function isBasicWeakness(cardMetadata) return cardMetadata ~= nil and cardMetadata.weakness and cardMetadata.basicWeaknessCount ~= nil and cardMetadata.basicWeaknessCount > 0 end end) return __bundle_require("__root")