-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("core/GUIDReferenceApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local GUIDReferenceApi = {} local function getGuidHandler() return getObjectFromGUID("123456") end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner String Parent object for this search ---@param type String Type of object to search for GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType = function(owner, type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectByOwnerAndType", { owner = owner, type = type }) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param type String Type of object to search for GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByType = function(type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByType", type) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner String Parent object for this search GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByOwner = function(owner) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByOwner", owner) end -- sends new information to the reference handler to edit the main index ---@param owner String Parent of the object ---@param type String Type of the object ---@param guid String GUID of the object GUIDReferenceApi.editIndex = function(owner, type, guid) return getGuidHandler().call("editIndex", { owner = owner, type = type, guid = guid }) end return GUIDReferenceApi end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("arkhamdb/HotfixBag") end) __bundle_register("arkhamdb/HotfixBag", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) -- A Hotfix bag contains replacement cards for the All Cards Bag, and should -- have the 'AllCardsHotfix' tag on the object. Code for the All Cards Bag will -- find these bags during indexing, and use them to replace cards from the -- actual bag. -- Tells the All Cards Bag to recreate its indexes. The All Cards Bag may -- ignore this request; see the rebuildIndexForHotfix() method in the All Cards -- Bag for details. local allCardsBagApi = require("playercards/AllCardsBagApi") function onLoad() allCardsBagApi.rebuildIndexForHotfix() self.addContextMenuItem("Update card index", function() allCardsBagApi.rebuildIndexForHotfix() end) end end) __bundle_register("playercards/AllCardsBagApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local AllCardsBagApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local function getAllCardsBag() return guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "AllCardsBag") end -- Returns a specific card from the bag, based on ArkhamDB ID ---@param id table String ID of the card to retrieve ---@return table table -- If the indexes are still being constructed, an empty table is -- returned. Otherwise, a single table with the following fields -- cardData: TTS object data, suitable for spawning the card -- cardMetadata: Table of parsed metadata AllCardsBagApi.getCardById = function(id) return getAllCardsBag().call("getCardById", {id = id}) end -- Gets a random basic weakness from the bag. Once a given ID has been returned -- it will be removed from the list and cannot be selected again until a reload -- occurs or the indexes are rebuilt, which will refresh the list to include all -- weaknesses. ---@return id String ID of the selected weakness. AllCardsBagApi.getRandomWeaknessId = function() return getAllCardsBag().call("getRandomWeaknessId") end AllCardsBagApi.isIndexReady = function() return getAllCardsBag().call("isIndexReady") end -- Called by Hotfix bags when they load. If we are still loading indexes, then -- the all cards and hotfix bags are being loaded together, and we can ignore -- this call as the hotfix will be included in the initial indexing. If it is -- called once indexing is complete it means the hotfix bag has been added -- later, and we should rebuild the index to integrate the hotfix bag. AllCardsBagApi.rebuildIndexForHotfix = function() return getAllCardsBag().call("rebuildIndexForHotfix") end -- Searches the bag for cards which match the given name and returns a list. Note that this is -- an O(n) search without index support. It may be slow. ---@param name String or string fragment to search for names ---@param exact Boolean Whether the name match should be exact AllCardsBagApi.getCardsByName = function(name, exact) return getAllCardsBag().call("getCardsByName", {name = name, exact = exact}) end AllCardsBagApi.isBagPresent = function() return getAllCardsBag() and true end -- Returns a list of cards from the bag matching a class and level (0 or upgraded) ---@param class String class to retrieve ("Guardian", "Seeker", etc) ---@param upgraded Boolean true for upgraded cards (Level 1-5), false for Level 0 ---@return: If the indexes are still being constructed, returns an empty table. -- Otherwise, a list of tables, each with the following fields -- cardData: TTS object data, suitable for spawning the card -- cardMetadata: Table of parsed metadata AllCardsBagApi.getCardsByClassAndLevel = function(class, upgraded) return getAllCardsBag().call("getCardsByClassAndLevel", {class = class, upgraded = upgraded}) end AllCardsBagApi.getCardsByCycle = function(cycle) return getAllCardsBag().call("getCardsByCycle", cycle) end AllCardsBagApi.getUniqueWeaknesses = function() return getAllCardsBag().call("getUniqueWeaknesses") end return AllCardsBagApi end end) return __bundle_require("__root")