-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("core/GUIDReferenceApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local GUIDReferenceApi = {} local function getGuidHandler() return getObjectFromGUID("123456") end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner String Parent object for this search ---@param type String Type of object to search for GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType = function(owner, type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectByOwnerAndType", { owner = owner, type = type }) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param type String Type of object to search for GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByType = function(type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByType", type) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner String Parent object for this search GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByOwner = function(owner) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByOwner", owner) end return GUIDReferenceApi end end) __bundle_register("core/OptionPanelApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local OptionPanelApi = {} -- loads saved options ---@param options Table New options table OptionPanelApi.loadSettings = function(options) return Global.call("loadSettings", options) end -- returns option panel table OptionPanelApi.getOptions = function() return Global.getTable("optionPanel") end return OptionPanelApi end end) __bundle_register("core/PlayAreaApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local PlayAreaApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local function getPlayArea() return guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "PlayArea") end local function getInvestigatorCounter() return guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "InvestigatorCounter") end -- Returns the current value of the investigator counter from the playmat ---@return Integer. Number of investigators currently set on the counter PlayAreaApi.getInvestigatorCount = function() return getInvestigatorCounter().getVar("val") end -- Updates the current value of the investigator counter from the playmat ---@param count Number of investigators to set on the counter PlayAreaApi.setInvestigatorCount = function(count) getInvestigatorCounter().call("updateVal", count) end -- Move all contents on the play area (cards, tokens, etc) one slot in the given direction. Certain -- fixed objects will be ignored, as will anything the player has tagged with 'displacement_excluded' ---@param playerColor Color Color of the player requesting the shift for messages PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsUp = function(playerColor) return getPlayArea().call("shiftContentsUp", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsDown = function(playerColor) return getPlayArea().call("shiftContentsDown", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsLeft = function(playerColor) return getPlayArea().call("shiftContentsLeft", playerColor) end PlayAreaApi.shiftContentsRight = function(playerColor) return getPlayArea().call("shiftContentsRight", playerColor) end -- Reset the play area's tracking of which cards have had tokens spawned. PlayAreaApi.resetSpawnedCards = function() return getPlayArea().call("resetSpawnedCards") end -- Event to be called when the current scenario has changed. ---@param scenarioName Name of the new scenario PlayAreaApi.onScenarioChanged = function(scenarioName) getPlayArea().call("onScenarioChanged", scenarioName) end -- Sets this playmat's snap points to limit snapping to locations or not. -- If matchTypes is false, snap points will be reset to snap all cards. ---@param matchTypes Boolean Whether snap points should only snap for the matching card types. PlayAreaApi.setLimitSnapsByType = function(matchCardTypes) getPlayArea().call("setLimitSnapsByType", matchCardTypes) end -- Receiver for the Global tryObjectEnterContainer event. Used to clear vector lines from dragged -- cards before they're destroyed by entering the container PlayAreaApi.tryObjectEnterContainer = function(container, object) getPlayArea().call("tryObjectEnterContainer", { container = container, object = object }) end -- counts the VP on locations in the play area PlayAreaApi.countVP = function() return getPlayArea().call("countVP") end -- highlights all locations in the play area without metadata ---@param state Boolean True if highlighting should be enabled PlayAreaApi.highlightMissingData = function(state) return getPlayArea().call("highlightMissingData", state) end -- highlights all locations in the play area with VP ---@param state Boolean True if highlighting should be enabled PlayAreaApi.highlightCountedVP = function(state) return getPlayArea().call("countVP", state) end -- Checks if an object is in the play area (returns true or false) PlayAreaApi.isInPlayArea = function(object) return getPlayArea().call("isInPlayArea", object) end PlayAreaApi.getSurface = function() return getPlayArea().getCustomObject().image end PlayAreaApi.updateSurface = function(url) return getPlayArea().call("updateSurface", url) end -- Called by Custom Data Helpers to push their location data into the Data Helper. This adds the -- data to the local token manager instance. ---@param args Table Single-value array holding the GUID of the Custom Data Helper making the call PlayAreaApi.updateLocations = function(args) getPlayArea().call("updateLocations", args) end PlayAreaApi.getCustomDataHelper = function() return getPlayArea().getVar("customDataHelper") end return PlayAreaApi end end) __bundle_register("core/token/TokenSpawnTrackerApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local TokenSpawnTracker = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local function getSpawnTracker() return guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "TokenSpawnTracker") end TokenSpawnTracker.hasSpawnedTokens = function(cardGuid) return getSpawnTracker().call("hasSpawnedTokens", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.markTokensSpawned = function(cardGuid) return getSpawnTracker().call("markTokensSpawned", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.resetTokensSpawned = function(cardGuid) return getSpawnTracker().call("resetTokensSpawned", cardGuid) end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAllAssetAndEvents = function() return getSpawnTracker().call("resetAllAssetAndEvents") end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAllLocations = function() return getSpawnTracker().call("resetAllLocations") end TokenSpawnTracker.resetAll = function() return getSpawnTracker().call("resetAll") end return TokenSpawnTracker end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("util/TokenSpawnTool") end) __bundle_register("util/TokenSpawnTool", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) local tokenManager = require("core/token/TokenManager") local TOKEN_INDEX = {} TOKEN_INDEX[3] = "resourceCounter" TOKEN_INDEX[4] = "damage" TOKEN_INDEX[5] = "path" TOKEN_INDEX[6] = "horror" TOKEN_INDEX[7] = "doom" TOKEN_INDEX[8] = "clue" TOKEN_INDEX[9] = "resource" local stateTable = { ["resource"] = 1, ["ammo"] = 2, ["bounty"] = 3, ["charge"] = 4, ["evidence"] = 5, ["secret"] = 6, ["supply"] = 7 } ---@param index number Index of the pressed key ---@param playerColor string Color of the triggering player function onScriptingButtonDown(index, playerColor) local tokenType = TOKEN_INDEX[index] if not tokenType then return end local rotation = { x = 0, y = Player[playerColor].getPointerRotation(), z = 0 } local position = Player[playerColor].getPointerPosition() + Vector(0, 0.2, 0) local subType = "" local callback = nil -- check for subtype of resource based on card below if tokenType == "resource" then local search = Physics.cast({ direction = { 0, -1, 0 }, max_distance = 2, type = 3, size = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }, origin = position:setAt("y", 2) }) for _, v in ipairs(search) do if v.hit_object.tag == "Card" and not v.hit_object.is_face_down then local metadata = JSON.decode(v.hit_object.getGMNotes()) or {} local uses = metadata.uses or {} for _, useInfo in ipairs(uses) do if useInfo.token == "resource" then subType = useInfo.type break end end break end end -- this is used to load the correct state for additional resource tokens (e.g. "Ammo") local stateID = stateTable[string.lower(subType)] if stateID ~= nil and stateID ~= 1 then callback = function(spawned) spawned.setState(stateID) end end -- check hovered object for "resourceCounter" tokens and increase them instead elseif tokenType == "resourceCounter" then local hoverObj = Player[playerColor].getHoverObject() if hoverObj then if tokenType == hoverObj.getMemo() then hoverObj.call("addOrSubtract") return end end -- check hovered object for "damage" and "horror" tokens and increase them instead elseif tokenType == "damage" or tokenType == "horror" then local hoverObj = Player[playerColor].getHoverObject() if hoverObj then if tokenType == hoverObj.getMemo() then local stateInfo = hoverObj.getStates() local stateId = hoverObj.getStateId() if stateId <= #stateInfo then hoverObj.setState(stateId + 1) return end end end end tokenManager.spawnToken(position, tokenType, rotation, callback) end end) __bundle_register("core/token/TokenManager", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local optionPanelApi = require("core/OptionPanelApi") local playAreaApi = require("core/PlayAreaApi") local tokenSpawnTrackerApi = require("core/token/TokenSpawnTrackerApi") local PLAYER_CARD_TOKEN_OFFSETS = { [1] = { Vector(0, 3, -0.2) }, [2] = { Vector(0.4, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.4, 3, -0.2) }, [3] = { Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.4, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.4, 3, -0.2) }, [4] = { Vector(0.4, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.4, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.4, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.4, 3, -0.2) }, [5] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.4, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.4, 3, -0.2) }, [6] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2) }, [7] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, 0.5) }, [8] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.35, 3, 0.5), Vector(0.35, 3, 0.5) }, [9] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0, 3, 0.5), Vector(-0.7, 3, 0.5) }, [10] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0, 3, 0.5), Vector(-0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0, 3, 1.2) }, [11] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0, 3, 0.5), Vector(-0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(-0.35, 3, 1.2), Vector(0.35, 3, 1.2) }, [12] = { Vector(0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0, 3, -0.9), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.9), Vector(0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0, 3, -0.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, -0.2), Vector(0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0, 3, 0.5), Vector(-0.7, 3, 0.5), Vector(0.7, 3, 1.2), Vector(0, 3, 1.2), Vector(-0.7, 3, 1.2) } } -- stateIDs for the multi-stated resource tokens local stateTable = { ["resource"] = 1, ["ammo"] = 2, ["bounty"] = 3, ["charge"] = 4, ["evidence"] = 5, ["secret"] = 6, ["supply"] = 7 } -- Table of data extracted from the token source bag, keyed by the Memo on each token which -- should match the token type keys ("resource", "clue", etc) local tokenTemplates local playerCardData local locationData local TokenManager = { } local internal = { } -- Spawns tokens for the card. This function is built to just throw a card at it and let it do -- the work once a card has hit an area where it might spawn tokens. It will check to see if -- the card has already spawned, find appropriate data from either the uses metadata or the Data -- Helper, and spawn the tokens. ---@param card Object Card to maybe spawn tokens for ---@param extraUses Table A table of = which will modify the number of tokens --- spawned for that type. e.g. Akachi's playmat should pass "Charge"=1 TokenManager.spawnForCard = function(card, extraUses) if tokenSpawnTrackerApi.hasSpawnedTokens(card.getGUID()) then return end local metadata = JSON.decode(card.getGMNotes()) if metadata ~= nil then internal.spawnTokensFromUses(card, extraUses) else internal.spawnTokensFromDataHelper(card) end end -- Spawns a set of tokens on the given card. ---@param card Object Card to spawn tokens on ---@param tokenType String Type of token to spawn, valid values are "damage", "horror", -- "resource", "doom", or "clue" ---@param tokenCount Number How many tokens to spawn. For damage or horror this value will be set to the -- spawned state object rather than spawning multiple tokens ---@param shiftDown Number An offset for the z-value of this group of tokens ---@param subType Number Subtype of token to spawn. This will only differ from the tokenName for resource tokens TokenManager.spawnTokenGroup = function(card, tokenType, tokenCount, shiftDown, subType) local optionPanel = optionPanelApi.getOptions() if tokenType == "damage" or tokenType == "horror" then TokenManager.spawnCounterToken(card, tokenType, tokenCount, shiftDown) elseif tokenType == "resource" and optionPanel["useResourceCounters"] == "enabled" then TokenManager.spawnResourceCounterToken(card, tokenCount) elseif tokenType == "resource" and optionPanel["useResourceCounters"] == "custom" and tokenCount == 0 then TokenManager.spawnResourceCounterToken(card, tokenCount) else TokenManager.spawnMultipleTokens(card, tokenType, tokenCount, shiftDown, subType) end end -- Spawns a single counter token and sets the value to tokenValue. Used for damage and horror -- tokens. ---@param card Object Card to spawn tokens on ---@param tokenType String type of token to spawn, valid values are "damage" and "horror". Other -- types should use spawnMultipleTokens() ---@param tokenValue Number Value to set the damage/horror to TokenManager.spawnCounterToken = function(card, tokenType, tokenValue, shiftDown) if tokenValue < 1 or tokenValue > 50 then return end local pos = card.positionToWorld(PLAYER_CARD_TOKEN_OFFSETS[1][1] + Vector(0, 0, shiftDown)) local rot = card.getRotation() TokenManager.spawnToken(pos, tokenType, rot, function(spawned) spawned.setState(tokenValue) end) end TokenManager.spawnResourceCounterToken = function(card, tokenCount) local pos = card.positionToWorld(card.positionToLocal(card.getPosition()) + Vector(0, 0.2, -0.5)) local rot = card.getRotation() TokenManager.spawnToken(pos, "resourceCounter", rot, function(spawned) spawned.call("updateVal", tokenCount) end) end -- Spawns a number of tokens. ---@param tokenType String type of token to spawn, valid values are resource", "doom", or "clue". -- Other types should use spawnCounterToken() ---@param tokenCount Number How many tokens to spawn ---@param shiftDown Number An offset for the z-value of this group of tokens ---@param subType Number Subtype of token to spawn. This will only differ from the tokenName for resource tokens TokenManager.spawnMultipleTokens = function(card, tokenType, tokenCount, shiftDown, subType) -- not checking the max at this point since clue offsets are calculated dynamically if tokenCount < 1 then return end local offsets = {} if tokenType == "clue" then offsets = internal.buildClueOffsets(card, tokenCount) else -- only up to 12 offset tables defined if tokenCount > 12 then return end for i = 1, tokenCount do offsets[i] = card.positionToWorld(PLAYER_CARD_TOKEN_OFFSETS[tokenCount][i]) -- Fix the y-position for the spawn, since positionToWorld considers rotation which can -- have bad results for face up/down differences offsets[i].y = card.getPosition().y + 0.15 end end if shiftDown ~= nil then -- Copy the offsets to make sure we don't change the static values local baseOffsets = offsets offsets = { } -- get a vector for the shifting (downwards local to the card) local shiftDownVector = Vector(0, 0, shiftDown):rotateOver("y", card.getRotation().y) for i, baseOffset in ipairs(baseOffsets) do offsets[i] = baseOffset + shiftDownVector end end if offsets == nil then error("couldn't find offsets for " .. tokenCount .. ' tokens') return end -- handling for not provided subtype (for example when spawning from custom data helpers) if subType == nil then subType = "" end -- this is used to load the correct state for additional resource tokens (e.g. "Ammo") local callback = nil local stateID = stateTable[string.lower(subType)] if tokenType == "resource" and stateID ~= nil and stateID ~= 1 then callback = function(spawned) spawned.setState(stateID) end end for i = 1, tokenCount do TokenManager.spawnToken(offsets[i], tokenType, card.getRotation(), callback) end end -- Spawns a single token at the given global position by copying it from the template bag. ---@param position Global position to spawn the token ---@param tokenType String type of token to spawn, valid values are "damage", "horror", -- "resource", "doom", or "clue" ---@param rotation Vector Rotation to be used for the new token. Only the y-value will be used, -- x and z will use the default rotation from the source bag ---@param callback function A callback function triggered after the new token is spawned TokenManager.spawnToken = function(position, tokenType, rotation, callback) internal.initTokenTemplates() local loadTokenType = tokenType if tokenType == "clue" or tokenType == "doom" then loadTokenType = "clueDoom" end if tokenTemplates[loadTokenType] == nil then error("Unknown token type '" .. tokenType .. "'") return end local tokenTemplate = tokenTemplates[loadTokenType] -- Take ONLY the Y-value for rotation, so we don't flip the token coming out of the bag local rot = Vector(tokenTemplate.Transform.rotX, 270, tokenTemplate.Transform.rotZ) if rotation ~= nil then rot.y = rotation.y end if tokenType == "doom" then rot.z = 180 end tokenTemplate.Nickname = "" return spawnObjectData({ data = tokenTemplate, position = position, rotation = rot, callback_function = callback }) end -- Checks a card for metadata to maybe replenish it ---@param card Object Card object to be replenished ---@param uses Table The already decoded metadata.uses (to avoid decoding again) ---@param mat Object The playmat the card is placed on (for rotation and casting) TokenManager.maybeReplenishCard = function(card, uses, mat) -- TODO: support for cards with multiple uses AND replenish (as of yet, no official card needs that) if uses[1].count and uses[1].replenish then internal.replenishTokens(card, uses, mat) end end -- Delegate function to the token spawn tracker. Exists to avoid circular dependencies in some -- callers. ---@param card Object Card object to reset the tokens for TokenManager.resetTokensSpawned = function(card) tokenSpawnTrackerApi.resetTokensSpawned(card.getGUID()) end -- Pushes new player card data into the local copy of the Data Helper player data. ---@param dataTable Table Key/Value pairs following the DataHelper style TokenManager.addPlayerCardData = function(dataTable) internal.initDataHelperData() for k, v in pairs(dataTable) do playerCardData[k] = v end end -- Pushes new location data into the local copy of the Data Helper location data. ---@param dataTable Table Key/Value pairs following the DataHelper style TokenManager.addLocationData = function(dataTable) internal.initDataHelperData() for k, v in pairs(dataTable) do locationData[k] = v end end -- Checks to see if the given card has location data in the DataHelper ---@param card Object Card to check for data ---@return Boolean True if this card has data in the helper, false otherwise TokenManager.hasLocationData = function(card) internal.initDataHelperData() return internal.getLocationData(card) ~= nil end internal.initTokenTemplates = function() if tokenTemplates ~= nil then return end tokenTemplates = {} local tokenSource = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "TokenSource") for _, tokenTemplate in ipairs(tokenSource.getData().ContainedObjects) do local tokenName = tokenTemplate.Memo tokenTemplates[tokenName] = tokenTemplate end end -- Copies the data from the DataHelper. Will only happen once. internal.initDataHelperData = function() if playerCardData ~= nil then return end local dataHelper = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "DataHelper") playerCardData = dataHelper.getTable('PLAYER_CARD_DATA') locationData = dataHelper.getTable('LOCATIONS_DATA') end -- Spawn tokens for a card based on the uses metadata. This will consider the face up/down state -- of the card for both locations and standard cards. ---@param card Object Card to maybe spawn tokens for ---@param extraUses Table A table of = which will modify the number of tokens --- spawned for that type. e.g. Akachi's playmat should pass "Charge"=1 internal.spawnTokensFromUses = function(card, extraUses) local uses = internal.getUses(card) if uses == nil then return end -- go through tokens to spawn local tokenCount for i, useInfo in ipairs(uses) do tokenCount = (useInfo.count or 0) + (useInfo.countPerInvestigator or 0) * playAreaApi.getInvestigatorCount() if extraUses ~= nil and extraUses[useInfo.type] ~= nil then tokenCount = tokenCount + extraUses[useInfo.type] end -- Shift each spawned group after the first down so they don't pile on each other TokenManager.spawnTokenGroup(card, useInfo.token, tokenCount, (i - 1) * 0.8, useInfo.type) end tokenSpawnTrackerApi.markTokensSpawned(card.getGUID()) end -- Spawn tokens for a card based on the data helper data. This will consider the face up/down state -- of the card for both locations and standard cards. ---@param card Object Card to maybe spawn tokens for internal.spawnTokensFromDataHelper = function(card) internal.initDataHelperData() local playerData = internal.getPlayerCardData(card) if playerData ~= nil then internal.spawnPlayerCardTokensFromDataHelper(card, playerData) end local locationData = internal.getLocationData(card) if locationData ~= nil then internal.spawnLocationTokensFromDataHelper(card, locationData) end end -- Spawn tokens for a player card using data retrieved from the Data Helper. ---@param card Object Card to maybe spawn tokens for ---@param playerData Table Player card data structure retrieved from the DataHelper. Should be -- the right data for this card. internal.spawnPlayerCardTokensFromDataHelper = function(card, playerData) local token = playerData.tokenType local tokenCount = playerData.tokenCount TokenManager.spawnTokenGroup(card, token, tokenCount) tokenSpawnTrackerApi.markTokensSpawned(card.getGUID()) end -- Spawn tokens for a location using data retrieved from the Data Helper. ---@param card Object Card to maybe spawn tokens for ---@param playerData Table Location data structure retrieved from the DataHelper. Should be -- the right data for this card. internal.spawnLocationTokensFromDataHelper = function(card, locationData) local clueCount = internal.getClueCountFromData(card, locationData) if clueCount > 0 then TokenManager.spawnTokenGroup(card, "clue", clueCount) tokenSpawnTrackerApi.markTokensSpawned(card.getGUID()) end end internal.getPlayerCardData = function(card) return playerCardData[card.getName() .. ':' .. card.getDescription()] or playerCardData[card.getName()] end internal.getLocationData = function(card) return locationData[card.getName() .. '_' .. card.getGUID()] or locationData[card.getName()] end internal.getClueCountFromData = function(card, locationData) -- Return the number of clues to spawn on this location if locationData == nil then error('attempted to get clue for unexpected object: ' .. card.getName()) return 0 end if ((card.is_face_down and locationData.clueSide == 'back') or (not card.is_face_down and locationData.clueSide == 'front')) then if locationData.type == 'fixed' then return locationData.value elseif locationData.type == 'perPlayer' then return locationData.value * playAreaApi.getInvestigatorCount() end error('unexpected location type: ' .. locationData.type) end return 0 end -- Gets the right uses structure for this card, based on metadata and face up/down state ---@param card Object Card to pull the uses from internal.getUses = function(card) local metadata = JSON.decode(card.getGMNotes()) or { } if metadata.type == "Location" then if card.is_face_down and metadata.locationBack ~= nil then return metadata.locationBack.uses elseif not card.is_face_down and metadata.locationFront ~= nil then return metadata.locationFront.uses end elseif not card.is_face_down then return metadata.uses end return nil end -- Dynamically create positions for clues on a card. ---@param card Object Card the clues will be placed on ---@param count Integer How many clues? ---@return Table Array of global positions to spawn the clues at internal.buildClueOffsets = function(card, count) local pos = card.getPosition() local cluePositions = { } for i = 1, count do local row = math.floor(1 + (i - 1) / 4) local column = (i - 1) % 4 table.insert(cluePositions, Vector(pos.x + 1.5 - 0.55 * row, pos.y + 0.15, pos.z - 0.825 + 0.55 * column)) end return cluePositions end ---@param card Object Card object to be replenished ---@param uses Table The already decoded metadata.uses (to avoid decoding again) ---@param mat Object The playmat the card is placed on (for rotation and casting) internal.replenishTokens = function(card, uses, mat) local cardPos = card.getPosition() -- don't continue for cards on the deck (Norman) or in the discard pile if mat.positionToLocal(cardPos).x < -1 then return end -- get current amount of resource tokens on the card local search = internal.searchOnCard(cardPos, card.getRotation()) local clickableResourceCounter = nil local foundTokens = 0 for _, obj in ipairs(search) do local obj = obj.hit_object local memo = obj.getMemo() if (stateTable[memo] or 0) > 0 then foundTokens = foundTokens + math.abs(obj.getQuantity()) obj.destruct() elseif memo == "resourceCounter" then foundTokens = obj.getVar("val") clickableResourceCounter = obj break end end -- this is the theoretical new amount of uses (to be checked below) local newCount = foundTokens + uses[1].replenish -- if there are already more uses than the replenish amount, keep them if foundTokens > uses[1].count then newCount = foundTokens -- only replenish up until the replenish amount elseif newCount > uses[1].count then newCount = uses[1].count end -- update the clickable counter or spawn a group of tokens if clickableResourceCounter then clickableResourceCounter.call("updateVal", newCount) else TokenManager.spawnTokenGroup(card, uses[1].token, newCount, _, uses[1].type) end end -- searches on a card (standard size) and returns the result ---@param position Table Position of the card ---@param rotation Table Rotation of the card internal.searchOnCard = function(position, rotation) return Physics.cast({ origin = position, direction = {0, 1, 0}, orientation = rotation, type = 3, size = { 2.5, 0.5, 3.5 }, max_distance = 1, debug = false }) end return TokenManager end end) return __bundle_require("__root")