AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 1 g: 1 r: 1 ContainedObjects: - AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 1 g: 1 r: 1 CustomPDF: PDFPage: 0 PDFPageOffset: 0 PDFPassword: '' PDFUrl: Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: '754904' Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onLoad()\n self.createInput({\n input_function = \"jumpToPage\",\n function_owner = self,\n label = \"jump to page\",\n alignment = 3,\n position = Vector(-1.6,0.1,-2.2),\n \ rotation = Vector(0,0,0),\n scale = Vector(0.5,0.5,0.5),\n \ width = 2000,\n height = 300,\n font_size \ = 250,\n font_color = {0.95,0.95,0.95,0.9},\n color = {0.3,0.3,0.3,0.6},\n tooltip = \"Type which page you wish to jump to, then click off\",\n value = \"\",\n validation = 1,\n tab = 1,\n })\nend\n\nfunction jumpToPage(_, _, inputValue, stillEditing)\n if inputValue == \"\" or inputValue == nil then return end -- do nothing if input is empty\n \n if not stillEditing then -- jump to page if not selecting the textbox anymore\n jump((tonumber(inputValue) + 2)/2)\n return\n elseif string.find(inputValue, \"%\\n\") ~= nil then -- jump to page if enter is pressed\n inputValue = inputValue.gsub(inputValue, \"%\\n\", \"\")\n jump((tonumber(inputValue) + 2)/2)\n return\n \ end\n \n if (tonumber(inputValue:sub(-1)) == nil) then -- check and remove non numeric character\n Wait.time(function()\n self.editInput({\n \ index = 0,\n value = inputValue:sub(1,-2)\n })\n \ end, 0.01)\n return\n end\nend\n\nfunction jump(page)\n self.Book.setPage(page - 1) -- offset since 0 index\n Wait.time(function() -- clear page search\n \ self.editInput({\n index = 0,\n value = \"\",\n \ })\n end, 0.01)\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_PDF Nickname: 08 Edge of the Earth Snap: true Sticky: true Tags: - CleanUpHelper_ignore Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 66.88 posY: 3.038 posZ: -13.447 rotX: 0 rotY: 270 rotZ: 0 scaleX: 1.76 scaleY: 1 scaleZ: 1.76 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: '' Convex: true CustomShader: FresnelStrength: 0 SpecularColor: b: 1 g: 1 r: 1 SpecularIntensity: 0 SpecularSharpness: 2 DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 3 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: e32dc3 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: '' LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: 08 Edge of the Earth Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 56.83 posY: 1.25 posZ: -19.96 rotX: 0 rotY: 270 rotZ: 0 scaleX: 1 scaleY: 1 scaleZ: 1 Value: 0 XmlUI: ''