PLAYAREA = { position = {-28.40, 4.15, -0.01}, rotation = { x=0, y=90, z=0 }, scale = {37.64, 5.10, 37.46} } SET_ASIDE_AREA = { position = {-6.52, 1.55, 19.39}, rotation = {0, 270.00, 0} } CONNECTOR_URL_1 = "" CONNECTOR_URL_2 = "" CONNECTOR_URL_3 = "" HEART = 1 STAR = 2 DIAMOND = 3 TRIANGLE = 4 CIRCLE = 5 SQUARE = 6 RETURN_TO_DECK_GUIDS = { "e1b096", "f3d951", "4aa735", "595817", "bbd866", "cc60a6" } LOCATIONS = { { guid="22f371", symbol=HEART, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="3fc05b", symbol=HEART, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="c8f441", symbol=TRIANGLE, connections={ STAR } }, { guid="fefad6", symbol=TRIANGLE, connections={ STAR } }, { guid="db1ed3", symbol=STAR, connections={ DIAMOND, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, HEART } }, { guid="5ef561", symbol=STAR, connections={ DIAMOND, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, HEART } }, { guid="941f46", symbol=DIAMOND, connections={ HEART, SQUARE, STAR, CIRCLE } }, { guid="6ef414", symbol=DIAMOND, connections={ HEART, SQUARE, STAR, CIRCLE } }, { guid="d71f61", symbol=CIRCLE, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="3b4974", symbol=CIRCLE, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="f37af1", symbol=CIRCLE, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="158c7c", symbol=SQUARE, connections={ DIAMOND } }, { guid="fab058", symbol=SQUARE, connections={ DIAMOND } }, { guid="0e6a01", symbol=HEART, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="59bf7d", symbol=HEART, connections={ DIAMOND, STAR } }, { guid="5bc035", symbol=TRIANGLE, connections={ STAR, CIRCLE } }, { guid="baec21", symbol=TRIANGLE, connections={ STAR, CIRCLE } }, { guid="b5e340", symbol=STAR, connections={ HEART, TRIANGLE } }, { guid="07056f", symbol=STAR, connections={ HEART, TRIANGLE } }, { guid="d15d6f", symbol=DIAMOND, connections={ HEART, SQUARE } }, { guid="f0b962", symbol=DIAMOND, connections={ HEART, SQUARE } }, { guid="ae5d5c", symbol=CIRCLE, connections={ SQUARE, TRIANGLE } }, { guid="fb0083", symbol=CIRCLE, connections={ SQUARE, TRIANGLE } }, { guid="0261d3", symbol=SQUARE, connections={ DIAMOND, CIRCLE } }, { guid="80cef8", symbol=SQUARE, connections={ DIAMOND, CIRCLE } } } function onLoad() self.createButton({ label="Set Up", click_function="setup", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,-0.6}, height=120, width=500, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=80 }) self.createButton({ label="Update\nConnections", click_function="updateConnections", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,0.4}, height=240, width=500, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=80 }) playarea = getObjectFromGUID("721ba2") makeIndexes() math.randomseed(os.time()) end function setup() for i,guid in ipairs(RETURN_TO_DECK_GUIDS) do local deck = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if deck == nil then print("Set up is only required for Return to the Boundary Beyond") return end deck.shuffle() deck.takeObject({ position = SET_ASIDE_AREA.position, rotation = SET_ASIDE_AREA.rotation, smooth = true }) end end function makeIndexes() guidMap = {} connMap = {} for i,v in ipairs(LOCATIONS) do guidMap[v.guid] = v end end function updateConnections(obj, color, alt_click) local objs = Physics.cast({ origin = PLAYAREA.position, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 3, size = PLAYAREA.scale, orientation = PLAYAREA.rotation }) local cardObjs = {} local connObjs = {} for i,v in ipairs(objs) do local obj = v.hit_object local guid = obj.getGUID() if guid ~= nil and obj.tag == "Card" then local loc = guidMap[guid] if loc ~= nil and isOnTop(obj) then cardObjs[guid] = obj if connObjs[loc.symbol] == nil then connObjs[loc.symbol] = {} end table.insert(connObjs[loc.symbol], obj) end elseif obj.tag == "Deck" and not obj.is_face_down then local cards = obj.getObjects() local card = cards[#cards] local loc = guidMap[card.guid] if loc ~= nil then cardObjs[card.guid] = obj if connObjs[loc.symbol] == nil then connObjs[loc.symbol] = {} end table.insert(connObjs[loc.symbol], obj) end elseif obj.tag == "Tile" then local url = obj.getCustomObject().image if url == CONNECTOR_URL_1 or url == CONNECTOR_URL_2 or url == CONNECTOR_URL_3 then obj.destruct() end end end local lines = {} for guid,obj in pairs(cardObjs) do for j,conn in ipairs(getLocationInfo(obj).connections) do if connObjs[conn] ~= nil then for k,target in ipairs(connObjs[conn]) do drawConnection(obj, target, lines) end end end end Global.setVectorLines(lines) end function isOnTop(card) local pos = card.getPosition() local objs = Physics.cast({ origin = pos, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 2, size = { 1, 1, 1 }, orientation = card.getRotation() }) for i,v in ipairs(objs) do local obj = v.hit_object if obj.tag == "Card" and obj.getPosition().y > pos.y then return false end end return true end function drawConnection(origin, target, lines) local originPos = origin.getPosition() local targetPos = target.getPosition() table.insert(lines, { points={ originPos, targetPos } }) if not connectsTo(target, origin) then -- draw one-way arrow local midpoint = originPos:lerp(targetPos, 0.5) local direction = (targetPos - originPos):normalize() local arrow1 = direction:copy():rotateOver('y', 45) local arrow2 = direction:copy():rotateOver('y', -45) table.insert(lines, { points={ midpoint-arrow1, midpoint, midpoint-arrow2 } }) end end function connectsTo(origin, target) local symbol = getLocationInfo(target).symbol for i,conn in ipairs(getLocationInfo(origin).connections) do if conn == symbol then return true end end return false end function getLocationInfo(obj) if obj.tag == "Card" then return guidMap[obj.getGUID()] else local cards = obj.getObjects() return guidMap[cards[#cards].guid] end end