ALL_LOCATIONS = { "Southside", "Rivertown", "Merchant District", "French Hill", "South Church", "Uptown", "Hangman's Hill", "Silver Twilight Lodge" } RANDOMIZED_LOCATIONS = { { name = "Southside", guids = { "c898a0", "e7f5fa" }, position = {-30.22, 1.64, -0.03} }, { name = "Rivertown", guids = { "db4b20", "92ee68" }, position = {-23.68, 1.65, -3.83} }, { name = "Merchant District", guids = { "bed0da", "b568b8" }, position = {-23.68, 1.63, 3.86} }, { name = "French Hill", guids = { "fc9d97", "6ed2ae" }, position = {-30.24, 1.63, -7.70} }, { name = "South Church", guids = { "3d2a8a", "1a0ad2" }, position = {-36.77, 1.65, -0.03} }, { name = "Uptown", guids = { "9484e9", "441006" }, position = {-30.22, 1.64, 7.57} }, } SET_ASIDE = { position = { x=-2.52, y=2, z=14.87 }, rotation = { x=0, y=270, z=0 } } PLAYAREA = { position = {-27.92, 4.04, -0.20}, rotation = {0.00, 90, 0.00}, scale = {37.63, 5.10, 37.19} } function onLoad() self.createButton({ label="Set Up", click_function="setup", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,-0.6}, height=120, width=300, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=75 }) self.createButton({ label="Place Clue", click_function="placeClue", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,0}, height=120, width=400, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=75 }) self.createButton({ label="Add Breaches", click_function="addBreaches", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,0.6}, height=120, width=500, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=75 }) PLAYER_COUNTER = getObjectFromGUID('f182ee') TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE = Global.getTable('tokenplayerone') math.randomseed(os.time()) end function setup(_obj, _color, alt_click) locationData = {} -- find Hangman's Hill and Silver Twilight Lodge local objs = Physics.cast({ origin = PLAYAREA.position, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 3, size = PLAYAREA.scale, orientation = PLAYAREA.rotation }) for i,v in ipairs(objs) do local obj = v.hit_object if obj.tag == "Card" then if obj.getName() == "Hangman's Hill" then locationData["Hangman's Hill"] = { guid = obj.getGUID(), breach = 0, clue=0 } elseif obj.getName() == "Silver Twilight Lodge" then locationData["Silver Twilight Lodge"] = { guid = obj.getGUID(), breach = 0, clue=0 } end end end if locationData["Hangman's Hill"] == nil or locationData["Silver Twilight Lodge"] == nil then printToColor("Place Hangman's Hill and Silver Twilight Lodge first", _color) return end for k,loc in pairs(RANDOMIZED_LOCATIONS) do local chosen = math.random(2) local guid = loc.guids[chosen] local card = getObjectFromGUID(loc.guids[3 - chosen]) card.setPosition(SET_ASIDE.position) card.setRotation(SET_ASIDE.rotation) card = getObjectFromGUID(guid) card.setPosition(loc.position) card.setRotation(SET_ASIDE.rotation) locationData[] = { guid = guid, breach = 0, clue=0 } end local numPlayers = PLAYER_COUNTER.getVar("val") local numLocations = 2 local numDraws = numPlayers if numPlayers == 4 then numDraws = 3 numLocations = 3 end for i = 1,numDraws do placeBreaches(numLocations) end self.editButton({ label="Random Location", click_function="getRandomLocation", function_owner=self, position={0,0.1,-0.6}, height=120, width=525, scale={x=1.75, y=1.75, z=1.75}, font_size=60 }) end function getRandomLocation() broadcastToAll(ALL_LOCATIONS[math.random(8)]) end function placeClue() local index = math.random(1, #ALL_LOCATIONS) local name = ALL_LOCATIONS[index] local location = locationData[name] local clue = location.clue local pos = getObjectFromGUID(location.guid).getPosition() local cluePos = { x = pos.x + 0.85, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z - 0.8 + (0.55 * clue) } clue = clue + 1 if clue > 3 then clue = 0 end location.clue = clue printToAll("Clue placed at: " .. name) spawnClue(cluePos) end function spawnClue(position) local obj_parameters = { position = position, rotation = {3.87674022, -90, 0.239081308}, scale = {0.25, 1, 0.25}, type = "Custom_Tile" } local custom = { thickness = 0.1, stackable = true, type = 2, image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.clue, image_bottom = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.doom } local token = spawnObject(obj_parameters) token.setCustomObject(custom) token.use_snap_points = false end function addBreaches() placeBreaches(PLAYER_COUNTER.getVar("val") + 1) end function placeBreaches(numBreaches) local shuffled = { } for i,v in ipairs(ALL_LOCATIONS) do local pos = math.random(1, #shuffled+1) table.insert(shuffled, pos, v) end printToAll("Breaches added to:") for j = 1,numBreaches do printToAll(shuffled[j]) local location = locationData[shuffled[j]] local pos = getObjectFromGUID(location.guid).getPosition() local breach = location.breach local z = breach < 3 and (pos.z - 0.7 + (0.7 * breach)) or (pos.z - 0.35 + (0.7 * (breach - 3))) local breachPos = { x = pos.x + 0.3, y = pos.y + 1, z = z } breach = breach + 1 if breach > 4 then breach = 0 end location.breach = breach spawnResource(breachPos) end end function spawnResource(position) local obj_parameters = { position = position, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.17, 0.17, 0.17}, type = "Custom_Token" } local custom = { thickness = 0.3, merge_distance = 5.0, stackable = false, image = TOKEN_PLAYER_ONE.resource } local token = spawnObject(obj_parameters) token.setCustomObject(custom) token.use_snap_points = false end