PLAYAREA = { position = {-20.04, 4.13, 0.37}, rotation = { x=0, y=90, z=0 }, scale = {34.11, 5.10, 49.91} } ASSEMBLY = { position = { x=68, y=2, z=36 }, rotation = { x=0, y=270, z=180 } } LOCATIONS = { { name = "House in the Reeds", position = Vector({-23.68, 1.65, 7.57}), offset = Vector({3.25, 0, 0}) }, { name = "Schoolhouse", position = Vector({-23.68, 1.65, -0.03}), offset = Vector({3.25, 0, 0}) }, { name = "Congregational Church", position = Vector({-30.22, 1.66, 7.57}), offset = Vector({0, 0, 2.5}) }, { name = "Osborn's General Store", position = Vector({-30.22, 1.65, -7.70}), offset = Vector({0, 0, -2.5}) }, { name = "Burned Ruins", position = Vector({-36.77, 1.67, 7.57}), offset = Vector({-3.25, 0, 0}) }, { name = "Bishop's Brook", position = Vector({-36.77, 1.66, -0.03}), offset = Vector({-3.25, 0, 0}) } } function onLoad() self.createButton({ label="Place\nLocations", click_function="setup", function_owner=self, position={2,0.3,0}, rotation={0,270,0}, height=600, width=1200, font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1} }) makeIndexes() math.randomseed(os.time()) end function makeIndexes() local removedLoc = math.random(6) locationMap = {} for i,loc in ipairs(LOCATIONS) do if i ~= removedLoc then locationMap[] = loc end end end function getPlayAreaObjects() return Physics.cast({ origin = PLAYAREA.position, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 3, size = PLAYAREA.scale, orientation = PLAYAREA.rotation }) end function getAssemblyDeck() local objs = Physics.cast({ origin = ASSEMBLY.position, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 3, size = { x=3, y=3, z=3 }, orientation = ASSEMBLY.rotation }) for i,v in ipairs(objs) do if v.hit_object.tag == "Deck" then return v.hit_object end end return nil end function setup(obj, color, alt_click) if DISABLED then return end DISABLED = true playerColor = color local objs = self.getObjects() for i=#objs,1,-1 do local name = objs[i].name local loc = locationMap[name] if name ~= nil and loc ~= nil then self.takeObject({ position = loc.position, rotation = { 0, 270, 0 }, smooth = false, index = i - 1 }) end end Wait.time(setup_2, 1) end function setup_2() local objs = getPlayAreaObjects() for i,v in ipairs(objs) do local obj = v.hit_object local name = obj.getName() if name == "Set-aside" then takeObjectiveCards(obj) elseif name == "Encounter Deck" then takeEncounterCards(obj) else local loc = locationMap[name] if loc ~= nil then obj.shuffle() for i=1,2 do obj.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + Vector({ 0, 5, 0}), smooth = false }) end end end end Wait.time(setup_3, 1) end function setup_3() local deck = getAssemblyDeck() deck.shuffle() local i = 1 for name,loc in pairs(locationMap) do if i < (#LOCATIONS - 1) then deck.takeObject({ position = loc.position + loc.offset, rotation = ASSEMBLY.rotation, smooth = false }) else deck.remainder.setPosition(loc.position + loc.offset) end i = i + 1 end end function takeObjectiveCards(chest) local objs = chest.getObjects() for i=#objs,1,-1 do local name = objs[i].name if name == "The Hidden Chamber" or name == "Key to the Chamber" then chest.takeObject({ position = ASSEMBLY.position, rotation = ASSEMBLY.rotation, smooth = false, index = i - 1 }) end end end function takeEncounterCards(deck) deck.shuffle() for i=1,3 do deck.takeObject({ position = ASSEMBLY.position, rotation = ASSEMBLY.rotation, smooth = false, index = i - 1 }) end end