-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("playermat/PlaymatApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local PlaymatApi = { } local internal = { } local MAT_IDS = { White = "8b081b", Orange = "bd0ff4", Green = "383d8b", Red = "0840d5" } local CLUE_COUNTER_GUIDS = { White = "37be78", Orange = "1769ed", Green = "032300", Red = "d86b7c" } local CLUE_CLICKER_GUIDS = { White = "db85d6", Orange = "3f22e5", Green = "891403", Red = "4111de" } -- Returns the color of the by position requested playermat as string ---@param startPos Table Position of the search, table get's roughly cut into 4 quarters to assign a playermat PlaymatApi.getMatColorByPosition = function(startPos) if startPos.x < -42 then if startPos.z > 0 then return "White" else return "Orange" end else if startPos.z > 0 then return "Green" else return "Red" end end end -- Returns the color of the player's hand that is seated next to the playermat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.getPlayerColor = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.getVar("playerColor") end -- Returns the color of the playermat that owns the playercolor's hand ---@param handColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.getMatColor = function(handColor) local matColors = {"White", "Orange", "Green", "Red"} for i, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor("All")) do local color = mat.getVar("playerColor") if color == handColor then return matColors[i] end end return "NOT_FOUND" end -- Returns the result of a cast in the specificed playermat's area ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.searchPlaymat = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.call("searchAroundSelf") end -- Returns if there is the card "Dream-Enhancing Serum" on the requested playermat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.isDES = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.getVar("isDES") end -- Returns the draw deck of the requested playmat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.getDrawDeck = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) mat.call("getDrawDiscardDecks") return mat.getVar("drawDeck") end -- Returns the position of the discard pile of the requested playmat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.getDiscardPosition = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.call("returnGlobalDiscardPosition") end -- Transforms a local position into a global position ---@param localPos Table Local position to be transformed ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.transformLocalPosition = function(localPos, matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.positionToWorld(localPos) end -- Returns the rotation of the requested playmat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.returnRotation = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.getRotation() end -- Triggers the Upkeep for the requested playmat ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat ---@param playerColor String Color of the calling player (for messages) PlaymatApi.doUpkeepFromHotkey = function(matColor, playerColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.call("doUpkeepFromHotkey", playerColor) end -- Returns the active investigator id ---@param matColor String Color of the playermat PlaymatApi.returnInvestigatorId = function(matColor) local mat = getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS[matColor]) return mat.getVar("activeInvestigatorId") end -- Sets the requested playermat's snap points to limit snapping to matching card types or not. If -- matchTypes is true, the main card slot snap points will only snap assets, while the -- investigator area point will only snap Investigators. If matchTypes is false, snap points will -- be reset to snap all cards. ---@param matchCardTypes Boolean. Whether snap points should only snap for the matching card -- types. ---@param matColor String for one of the active player colors - White, Orange, Green, Red. Also -- accepts "All" as a special value which will apply the setting to all four mats. PlaymatApi.setLimitSnapsByType = function(matchCardTypes, matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("setLimitSnapsByType", matchCardTypes) end end -- Sets the requested playermat's draw 1 button to visible ---@param isDrawButtonVisible Boolean. Whether the draw 1 button should be visible or not ---@param matColor String for one of the active player colors - White, Orange, Green, Red. Also -- accepts "All" as a special value which will apply the setting to all four mats. PlaymatApi.showDrawButton = function(isDrawButtonVisible, matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("showDrawButton", isDrawButtonVisible) end end -- Shows or hides the clickable clue counter for the requested playermat ---@param showCounter Boolean. Whether the clickable counter should be present or not ---@param matColor String for one of the active player colors - White, Orange, Green, Red. Also -- accepts "All" as a special value which will apply the setting to all four mats. PlaymatApi.clickableClues = function(showCounter, matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("clickableClues", showCounter) end end -- Removes all clues (to the trash for tokens and counters set to 0) for the requested playermat ---@param matColor String for one of the active player colors - White, Orange, Green, Red. Also -- accepts "All" as a special value which will apply the setting to all four mats. PlaymatApi.removeClues = function(matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("removeClues") end end -- Reports the clue count for the requested playermat ---@param useClickableCounters Boolean Controls which type of counter is getting checked PlaymatApi.getClueCount = function(useClickableCounters, matColor) local count = 0 for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do count = count + tonumber(mat.call("getClueCount", useClickableCounters)) end return count end -- Adds the specified amount of resources to the requested playermat's resource counter PlaymatApi.gainResources = function(amount, matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("gainResources", amount) end end -- Discard a non-hidden card from the corresponding player's hand PlaymatApi.doDiscardOne = function(matColor) for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("doDiscardOne") end end PlaymatApi.syncAllCustomizableCards = function() for _, mat in ipairs(internal.getMatForColor("All")) do mat.call("syncAllCustomizableCards") end end -- Convenience function to look up a mat's object by color, or get all mats. ---@param matColor String for one of the active player colors - White, Orange, Green, Red. Also -- accepts "All" as a special value which will return all four mats. ---@return: Array of playermat objects. If a single mat is requested, will return a single-element -- array to simplify processing by consumers. internal.getMatForColor = function(matColor) local targetMatGuid = MAT_IDS[matColor] if targetMatGuid != nil then return { getObjectFromGUID(targetMatGuid) } end if matColor == "All" then return { getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS.White), getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS.Orange), getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS.Green), getObjectFromGUID(MAT_IDS.Red), } end end return PlaymatApi end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("playercards/customizable/HyperphysicalShotcasterUpgradeSheet") end) __bundle_register("playercards/customizable/HyperphysicalShotcasterUpgradeSheet", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) -- Customizable Cards: Hyperphysical Shotcaster -- Color information for buttons boxSize = 38 -- static values xInitial = -0.935 xOffset = 0.069 -- z-values (lines on the sheet) posZ = { -0.9, -0.615, -0.237, 0.232, 0.61, 0.988, 1.185 } -- box setup (amount of boxes per line and amount of marked boxes in that line) existingBoxes = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4 } inputBoxes = {} customizations = { [1] = { checkboxes = { posZ = -0.9, count = 2, } }, [2] = { checkboxes = { posZ = -0.615, count = 2, } }, [3] = { checkboxes = { posZ = -0.237, count = 2, } }, [4] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.232, count = 2, } }, [5] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.61, count = 2, }, }, [6] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 0.988, count = 4, } }, [7] = { checkboxes = { posZ = 1.185, count = 4, }, }, } require("playercards/customizable/UpgradeSheetLibrary") end) __bundle_register("playercards/customizable/UpgradeSheetLibrary", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) -- Common code for handling customizable card upgrade sheets -- Define UI elements in the base card file, then include this -- UI element definition is an array of tables, each with this structure. A row may include -- checkboxes (number defined by count), a text field, both, or neither (if the row has custom -- handling, as Living Ink does) -- { -- checkboxes = { -- posZ = -0.71, -- count = 1, -- }, -- textField = { -- position = { 0.005, 0.25, -0.58 }, -- width = 875 -- } -- } -- Fields should also be defined for xInitial (left edge of the checkboxes) and xOffset (amount to -- shift X from one box to the next) as well as boxSize (checkboxes) and inputFontSize. -- -- selectedUpgrades holds the state of checkboxes and text input, each element being: -- selectedUpgrades[row] = { xp = #, text = "" } local playmatApi = require("playermat/PlaymatApi") -- Y position for UI elements. Visibility of checkboxes moves the checkbox inside the card object -- when not selected. local Y_VISIBLE = 0.25 local Y_INVISIBLE = -0.5 -- Used for Summoned Servitor and Living Ink local VECTOR_COLOR = { unselected = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75 }, mystic = { 0.597, 0.195, 0.796 } } -- These match with ArkhamDB's way of storing the data in the dropdown menu local SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES = { arcane = "1", ally = "0", none = "" } local rowCheckboxFirstIndex = { } local rowInputIndex = { } local selectedUpgrades = { } -- save state when going into bags / decks function onDestroy() self.script_state = onSave() end function onSave() return JSON.encode({ selections = selectedUpgrades }) end -- Startup procedure function onLoad(savedData) if savedData ~= "" then local loadedData = JSON.decode(savedData) if loadedData.selections ~= nil then selectedUpgrades = loadedData.selections end end selfId = getSelfId() maybeLoadLivingInkSkills() createUi() maybeUpdateLivingInkSkillDisplay() maybeUpdateServitorSlotDisplay() self.addContextMenuItem("Clear Selections", function() resetSelections() end) self.addContextMenuItem("Scale: 1x", function() self.setScale({ 1, 1, 1 }) end) self.addContextMenuItem("Scale: 2x", function() self.setScale({ 2, 1, 2 }) end) self.addContextMenuItem("Scale: 3x", function() self.setScale({ 3, 1, 3 }) end) end -- Grabs the ID from the metadata for special functions (Living Ink, Summoned Servitor) function getSelfId() local metadata = JSON.decode(self.getGMNotes()) return metadata.id end function isUpgradeActive(row) return customizations[row] ~= nil and customizations[row].checkboxes ~= nil and customizations[row].checkboxes.count ~= nil and customizations[row].checkboxes.count > 0 and selectedUpgrades[row] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[row].xp ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[row].xp >= customizations[row].checkboxes.count end function resetSelections() selectedUpgrades = { } updateDisplay() end function createUi() if customizations == nil then return end for i = 1, #customizations do if customizations[i].checkboxes ~= nil then createRowCheckboxes(i) end if customizations[i].textField ~= nil then createRowTextField(i) end end maybeMakeLivingInkSkillSelectionButtons() maybeMakeServitorSlotSelectionButtons() updateDisplay() end function createRowCheckboxes(rowIndex) local checkboxes = customizations[rowIndex].checkboxes rowCheckboxFirstIndex[rowIndex] = 0 local previousButtons = self.getButtons() if previousButtons ~= nil then rowCheckboxFirstIndex[rowIndex] = #previousButtons end for col = 1, checkboxes.count do local funcName = "checkboxRow" .. rowIndex .. "Col" .. col local func = function() clickCheckbox(rowIndex, col) end self.setVar(funcName, func) local checkboxPos = getCheckboxPosition(rowIndex, col) self.createButton({ click_function = funcName, function_owner = self, position = checkboxPos, height = boxSize * 10, width = boxSize * 10, font_size = 1000, scale = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 0, 0, 0 } }) end end function getCheckboxPosition(row, col) return { x = xInitial + col * xOffset, y = Y_VISIBLE, z = customizations[row].checkboxes.posZ } end function createRowTextField(rowIndex) local textField = customizations[rowIndex].textField rowInputIndex[rowIndex] = 0 local previousInputs = self.getInputs() if previousInputs ~= nil then rowInputIndex[rowIndex] = #previousInputs end local funcName = "textbox" .. rowIndex local func = function(_, _, val, sel) clickTextbox(rowIndex, val, sel) end self.setVar(funcName, func) self.createInput({ input_function = funcName, function_owner = self, label = "Click to type", alignment = 2, position = textField.position, scale = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 }, width = textField.width * 10, height = inputFontsize * 10 + 75, font_size = inputFontsize * 10.5, color = "White", value = "" }) end function updateDisplay() for i = 1, #customizations do updateRowDisplay(i) end maybeUpdateLivingInkSkillDisplay() maybeUpdateServitorSlotDisplay() end function updateRowDisplay(rowIndex) if customizations[rowIndex].checkboxes ~= nil then updateCheckboxes(rowIndex) end if customizations[rowIndex].textField ~= nil then updateTextField(rowIndex) end end function updateCheckboxes(rowIndex) local checkboxCount = customizations[rowIndex].checkboxes.count local selected = 0 if selectedUpgrades[rowIndex] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[rowIndex].xp ~= nil then selected = selectedUpgrades[rowIndex].xp end local checkboxIndex = rowCheckboxFirstIndex[rowIndex] for col = 1, checkboxCount do local pos = getCheckboxPosition(rowIndex, col) if col <= selected then pos.y = Y_VISIBLE else pos.y = Y_INVISIBLE end self.editButton({ index = checkboxIndex, position = pos }) checkboxIndex = checkboxIndex + 1 end end function updateTextField(rowIndex) local inputIndex = rowInputIndex[rowIndex] if selectedUpgrades[rowIndex] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[rowIndex].text ~= nil then self.editInput({ index = inputIndex, value = " " .. selectedUpgrades[rowIndex].text }) end end function clickCheckbox(row, col, buttonIndex) if selectedUpgrades[row] == nil then selectedUpgrades[row] = { } selectedUpgrades[row].xp = 0 end if selectedUpgrades[row].xp == col then selectedUpgrades[row].xp = col - 1 else selectedUpgrades[row].xp = col end updateCheckboxes(row) playmatApi.syncAllCustomizableCards() end -- Updates saved value for given text box when it loses focus function clickTextbox(rowIndex, value, selected) if selected == false then if selectedUpgrades[rowIndex] == nil then selectedUpgrades[rowIndex] = { } end selectedUpgrades[rowIndex].text = value:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- Editing isn't actually done yet, and will block the update. Wait a frame so it's finished Wait.frames(function() updateRowDisplay(rowIndex) end, 1) end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- Living Ink related functions --------------------------------------------------------- -- Builds the list of boolean skill selections from the Row 1 text field function maybeLoadLivingInkSkills() if selfId ~= "09079-c" then return end selectedSkills = { willpower = false, intellect = false, combat = false, agility = false } if selectedUpgrades[1] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[1].text ~= nil then for skill in string.gmatch(selectedUpgrades[1].text, "([^,]+)") do selectedSkills[skill] = true end end end function clickSkill(skillname) selectedSkills[skillname] = not selectedSkills[skillname] maybeUpdateLivingInkSkillDisplay() updateSelectedLivingInkSkillText() end -- Creates the invisible buttons overlaying the skill icons function maybeMakeLivingInkSkillSelectionButtons() if selfId ~= "09079-c" then return end local buttonData = { function_owner = self, position = { y = 0.2 }, height = 130, width = 130, color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, } for skillname, _ in pairs(selectedSkills) do local funcName = "clickSkill" .. skillname self.setVar(funcName, function() clickSkill(skillname) end) buttonData.click_function = funcName buttonData.position.x = -1 * SKILL_ICON_POSITIONS[skillname].x buttonData.position.z = SKILL_ICON_POSITIONS[skillname].z self.createButton(buttonData) end end -- Builds a comma-delimited string of skills and places it in the Row 1 text field function updateSelectedLivingInkSkillText() local skillString = "" if selectedSkills.willpower then skillString = skillString .. "willpower" .. "," end if selectedSkills.intellect then skillString = skillString .. "intellect" .. "," end if selectedSkills.combat then skillString = skillString .. "combat" .. "," end if selectedSkills.agility then skillString = skillString .. "agility" .. "," end if selectedUpgrades[1] == nil then selectedUpgrades[1] = { } end selectedUpgrades[1].text = skillString end -- Refresh the vector circles indicating a skill is selected. Since we can only have one table of -- vectors set, have to refresh all 4 at once function maybeUpdateLivingInkSkillDisplay() if selfId ~= "09079-c" then return end local circles = {} for skill, isSelected in pairs(selectedSkills) do if isSelected then local circle = getCircleVector(SKILL_ICON_POSITIONS[skill]) if circle ~= nil then table.insert(circles, circle) end end end self.setVectorLines(circles) end function getCircleVector(center) local diameter = Vector(0, 0, 0.1) local pointOfOrigin = Vector(center.x, Y_VISIBLE, center.z) local vec local vecList = {} local arcStep = 5 for i = 0, 360, arcStep do diameter:rotateOver('y', arcStep) vec = pointOfOrigin + diameter vec.y = pointOfOrigin.y table.insert(vecList, vec) end return { points = vecList, color = VECTOR_COLOR.mystic, thickness = 0.02, } end --------------------------------------------------------- -- Summoned Servitor related functions --------------------------------------------------------- -- Creates the invisible buttons overlaying the slot words function maybeMakeServitorSlotSelectionButtons() if selfId ~= "09080-c" then return end local buttonData = { click_function = "clickArcane", function_owner = self, position = { x = -1 * SLOT_ICON_POSITIONS.arcane.x, y = 0.2, z = SLOT_ICON_POSITIONS.arcane.z }, height = 130, width = 130, color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, } self.createButton(buttonData) buttonData.click_function = "clickAlly" buttonData.position.x = -1 * SLOT_ICON_POSITIONS.ally.x self.createButton(buttonData) end -- toggles the clicked slot function clickArcane() if selectedUpgrades[6] == nil then selectedUpgrades[6] = { } end if selectedUpgrades[6].text == SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.arcane then selectedUpgrades[6].text = SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.none else selectedUpgrades[6].text = SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.arcane end maybeUpdateServitorSlotDisplay() end -- toggles the clicked slot function clickAlly() if selectedUpgrades[6] == nil then selectedUpgrades[6] = { } end if selectedUpgrades[6].text == SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.ally then selectedUpgrades[6].text = SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.none else selectedUpgrades[6].text = SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.ally end maybeUpdateServitorSlotDisplay() end -- Refresh the vector circles indicating a slot is selected. function maybeUpdateServitorSlotDisplay() if selfId ~= "09080-c" then return end local center = SLOT_ICON_POSITIONS["arcane"] local arcaneVecList = { Vector(center.x + 0.12, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), Vector(center.x - 0.12, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), Vector(center.x - 0.12, Y_VISIBLE, center.z - 0.05), Vector(center.x + 0.12, Y_VISIBLE, center.z - 0.05), Vector(center.x + 0.12, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), } center = SLOT_ICON_POSITIONS["ally"] local allyVecList = { Vector(center.x + 0.07, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), Vector(center.x - 0.07, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), Vector(center.x - 0.07, Y_VISIBLE, center.z - 0.05), Vector(center.x + 0.07, Y_VISIBLE, center.z - 0.05), Vector(center.x + 0.07, Y_VISIBLE, center.z + 0.05), } local arcaneVecColor = VECTOR_COLOR.unselected local allyVecColor = VECTOR_COLOR.unselected if selectedUpgrades[6] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[6].text == SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.arcane then arcaneVecColor = VECTOR_COLOR.mystic elseif selectedUpgrades[6] ~= nil and selectedUpgrades[6].text == SUMMONED_SERVITOR_SLOT_INDICES.ally then allyVecColor = VECTOR_COLOR.mystic end self.setVectorLines({ { points = arcaneVecList, color = arcaneVecColor, thickness = 0.02, }, { points = allyVecList, color = allyVecColor, thickness = 0.02, } }) end end) return __bundle_require("__root")