-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("playercards/cards/ScrollofSecrets") end) __bundle_register("playercards/cards/ScrollofSecrets", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) -- this script is shared between the lvl 0 and lvl 3 versions of Scroll of Secrets local mythosAreaApi = require("core/MythosAreaApi") local playmatApi = require("playermat/PlaymatApi") -- get class via metadata and create context menu accordingly function onLoad() local notes = JSON.decode(self.getGMNotes()) if notes then createContextMenu(notes.id) else print("Missing metadata for Scroll of Secrets!") end end function createContextMenu(id) if id == "05116" or id == "05116-t" then -- lvl 0: draw 1 card from the bottom self.addContextMenuItem("Draw bottom card", function(playerColor) contextFunc(playerColor, 1) end) elseif id == "05188" or id == "05188-t" then -- seeker lvl 3: draw 3 cards from the bottom self.addContextMenuItem("Draw bottom card(s)", function(playerColor) contextFunc(playerColor, 3) end) elseif id == "05189" or id == "05189-t" then -- mystic lvl 3: draw 1 card from the bottom self.addContextMenuItem("Draw bottom card", function(playerColor) contextFunc(playerColor, 1) end) end end function contextFunc(playerColor, amount) local options = { "Encounter Deck" } -- check for players with a deck and only display them as option for _, color in ipairs(Player.getAvailableColors()) do local matColor = playmatApi.getMatColor(color) local deckAreaObjects = playmatApi.getDeckAreaObjects(matColor) if deckAreaObjects.draw or deckAreaObjects.topCard then table.insert(options, color) end end -- show the target selection dialog Player[playerColor].showOptionsDialog("Select target deck", options, _, function(owner) drawCardsFromBottom(playerColor, owner, amount) end) end function drawCardsFromBottom(playerColor, owner, amount) -- variable initialization local deck = nil local deckSize = 1 local deckAreaObjects = {} -- get the respective deck if owner == "Encounter Deck" then deck = mythosAreaApi.getEncounterDeck() else local matColor = playmatApi.getMatColor(owner) deckAreaObjects = playmatApi.getDeckAreaObjects(matColor) deck = deckAreaObjects.draw end -- error handling if not deck then printToColor("Couldn't find deck!", playerColor) return end -- set deck size if there is actually a deck and not just a card if deck.type == "Deck" then deckSize = #deck.getObjects() end -- proceed according to deck size if deckSize > amount then for i = 1, amount do local card = deck.takeObject({ top = false, flip = true }) card.deal(1, playerColor) end else -- deal the whole deck deck.deal(amount, playerColor) if deckSize < amount then -- Norman Withers handling if deckAreaObjects.topCard then deckAreaObjects.topCard.deal(1, playerColor) deckSize = deckSize + 1 end -- warning message for player if deckSize < amount then printToColor("Deck didn't contain enough cards.", playerColor) end end end printToColor("Handle the drawn cards according to the ability text on 'Scroll of Secrets'.", playerColor) end end) __bundle_register("core/MythosAreaApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local MythosAreaApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local function getMythosArea() return guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType("Mythos", "MythosArea") end ---@return any: Table of chaos token metadata (if provided through scenario reference card) MythosAreaApi.returnTokenData = function() return getMythosArea().call("returnTokenData") end ---@return any: Object reference to the encounter deck MythosAreaApi.getEncounterDeck = function() return getMythosArea().call("getEncounterDeck") end -- draw an encounter card for the requesting mat ---@param mat tts__Object Playermat that triggered this ---@param alwaysFaceUp boolean Whether the card should be drawn face-up MythosAreaApi.drawEncounterCard = function(mat, alwaysFaceUp) getMythosArea().call("drawEncounterCard", {mat = mat, alwaysFaceUp = alwaysFaceUp}) end return MythosAreaApi end end) __bundle_register("playermat/PlaymatApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local PlaymatApi = {} local guidReferenceApi = require("core/GUIDReferenceApi") local searchLib = require("util/SearchLib") -- Convenience function to look up a mat's object by color, or get all mats. ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@return table: Single-element if only single playmat is requested local function getMatForColor(matColor) if matColor == "All" then return guidReferenceApi.getObjectsByType("Playermat") else return { matColor = guidReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType(matColor, "Playermat") } end end -- Returns the color of the closest playmat ---@param startPos table Starting position to get the closest mat from PlaymatApi.getMatColorByPosition = function(startPos) local result, smallestDistance for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local distance = Vector.between(startPos, mat.getPosition()):magnitude() if smallestDistance == nil or distance < smallestDistance then smallestDistance = distance result = matColor end end return result end -- Returns the color of the player's hand that is seated next to the playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.getPlayerColor = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("playerColor") end end -- Returns the color of the playmat that owns the playercolor's hand ---@param handColor string Color of the playmat PlaymatApi.getMatColor = function(handColor) for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local playerColor = mat.getVar("playerColor") if playerColor == handColor then return matColor end end end -- Returns if there is the card "Dream-Enhancing Serum" on the requested playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.isDES = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("isDES") end end -- Performs a search of the deck area of the requested playmat and returns the result as table ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.getDeckAreaObjects = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("getDeckAreaObjects") end end -- Flips the top card of the deck (useful after deck manipulation for Norman Withers) ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.flipTopCardFromDeck = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("flipTopCardFromDeck") end end -- Returns the position of the discard pile of the requested playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.getDiscardPosition = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("returnGlobalDiscardPosition") end end -- Transforms a local position into a global position ---@param localPos table Local position to be transformed ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.transformLocalPosition = function(localPos, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.positionToWorld(localPos) end end -- Returns the rotation of the requested playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.returnRotation = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getRotation() end end -- Returns a table with spawn data (position and rotation) for a helper object ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param helperName string Name of the helper object PlaymatApi.getHelperSpawnData = function(matColor, helperName) local resultTable = {} local localPositionTable = { ["Hand Helper"] = {0.05, 0, -1.182}, ["Search Assistant"] = {-0.3, 0, -1.182} } for color, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do resultTable[color] = { position = mat.positionToWorld(localPositionTable[helperName]), rotation = mat.getRotation() } end return resultTable end -- Triggers the Upkeep for the requested playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param playerColor string Color of the calling player (for messages) PlaymatApi.doUpkeepFromHotkey = function(matColor, playerColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("doUpkeepFromHotkey", playerColor) end end -- Handles discarding for the requested playmat for the provided list of objects ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param objList table List of objects to discard PlaymatApi.discardListOfObjects = function(matColor, objList) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("discardListOfObjects", objList) end end -- Returns the active investigator id ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") PlaymatApi.returnInvestigatorId = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.getVar("activeInvestigatorId") end end -- Sets the requested playmat's snap points to limit snapping to matching card types or not. If -- matchTypes is true, the main card slot snap points will only snap assets, while the -- investigator area point will only snap Investigators. If matchTypes is false, snap points will -- be reset to snap all cards. ---@param matchCardTypes boolean Whether snap points should only snap for the matching card types ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.setLimitSnapsByType = function(matchCardTypes, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("setLimitSnapsByType", matchCardTypes) end end -- Sets the requested playmat's draw 1 button to visible ---@param isDrawButtonVisible boolean Whether the draw 1 button should be visible or not ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.showDrawButton = function(isDrawButtonVisible, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("showDrawButton", isDrawButtonVisible) end end -- Shows or hides the clickable clue counter for the requested playmat ---@param showCounter boolean Whether the clickable counter should be present or not ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.clickableClues = function(showCounter, matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("clickableClues", showCounter) end end -- Removes all clues (to the trash for tokens and counters set to 0) for the requested playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.removeClues = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("removeClues") end end -- Reports the clue count for the requested playmat ---@param useClickableCounters boolean Controls which type of counter is getting checked PlaymatApi.getClueCount = function(useClickableCounters, matColor) local count = 0 for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do count = count + mat.call("getClueCount", useClickableCounters) end return count end -- updates the specified owned counter ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param type string Counter to target ---@param newValue number Value to set the counter to ---@param modifier number If newValue is not provided, the existing value will be adjusted by this modifier PlaymatApi.updateCounter = function(matColor, type, newValue, modifier) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("updateCounter", { type = type, newValue = newValue, modifier = modifier }) end end -- triggers the draw function for the specified playmat ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param number number Amount of cards to draw PlaymatApi.drawCardsWithReshuffle = function(matColor, number) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("drawCardsWithReshuffle", number) end end -- returns the resource counter amount ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green or Red (does not support "All") ---@param type string Counter to target PlaymatApi.getCounterValue = function(matColor, type) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do return mat.call("getCounterValue", type) end end -- returns a list of mat colors that have an investigator placed PlaymatApi.getUsedMatColors = function() local localInvestigatorPosition = { x = -1.17, y = 1, z = -0.01 } local usedColors = {} for matColor, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do local searchPos = mat.positionToWorld(localInvestigatorPosition) local searchResult = searchLib.atPosition(searchPos, "isCardOrDeck") if #searchResult > 0 then table.insert(usedColors, matColor) end end return usedColors end -- resets the specified skill tracker to "1, 1, 1, 1" ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.resetSkillTracker = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("resetSkillTracker") end end -- finds all objects on the playmat and associated set aside zone and returns a table ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All ---@param filter string Name of the filte function (see util/SearchLib) PlaymatApi.searchAroundPlaymat = function(matColor, filter) local objList = {} for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do for _, obj in ipairs(mat.call("searchAroundSelf", filter)) do table.insert(objList, obj) end end return objList end -- Discard a non-hidden card from the corresponding player's hand ---@param matColor string Color of the playmat - White, Orange, Green, Red or All PlaymatApi.doDiscardOne = function(matColor) for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor(matColor)) do mat.call("doDiscardOne") end end -- Triggers the metadata sync for all playmats PlaymatApi.syncAllCustomizableCards = function() for _, mat in pairs(getMatForColor("All")) do mat.call("syncAllCustomizableCards") end end return PlaymatApi end end) __bundle_register("core/GUIDReferenceApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local GUIDReferenceApi = {} local function getGuidHandler() return getObjectFromGUID("123456") end ---@param owner string Parent object for this search ---@param type string Type of object to search for ---@return any: Object reference to the matching object GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectByOwnerAndType = function(owner, type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectByOwnerAndType", { owner = owner, type = type }) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param type string Type of object to search for ---@return table: List of object references to matching objects GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByType = function(type) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByType", type) end -- returns all matching objects as a table with references ---@param owner string Parent object for this search ---@return table: List of object references to matching objects GUIDReferenceApi.getObjectsByOwner = function(owner) return getGuidHandler().call("getObjectsByOwner", owner) end -- sends new information to the reference handler to edit the main index ---@param owner string Parent of the object ---@param type string Type of the object ---@param guid string GUID of the object GUIDReferenceApi.editIndex = function(owner, type, guid) return getGuidHandler().call("editIndex", { owner = owner, type = type, guid = guid }) end return GUIDReferenceApi end end) __bundle_register("util/SearchLib", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local SearchLib = {} local filterFunctions = { isActionToken = function(x) return x.getDescription() == "Action Token" end, isCard = function(x) return x.type == "Card" end, isDeck = function(x) return x.type == "Deck" end, isCardOrDeck = function(x) return x.type == "Card" or x.type == "Deck" end, isClue = function(x) return x.memo == "clueDoom" and x.is_face_down == false end, isTileOrToken = function(x) return x.type == "Tile" end } -- performs the actual search and returns a filtered list of object references ---@param pos tts__Vector Global position ---@param rot? tts__Vector Global rotation ---@param size table Size ---@param filter? string Name of the filter function ---@param direction? table Direction (positive is up) ---@param maxDistance? number Distance for the cast local function returnSearchResult(pos, rot, size, filter, direction, maxDistance) local filterFunc if filter then filterFunc = filterFunctions[filter] end local searchResult = Physics.cast({ origin = pos, direction = direction or { 0, 1, 0 }, orientation = rot or { 0, 0, 0 }, type = 3, size = size, max_distance = maxDistance or 0 }) -- filtering the result local objList = {} for _, v in ipairs(searchResult) do if not filter or filterFunc(v.hit_object) then table.insert(objList, v.hit_object) end end return objList end -- searches the specified area SearchLib.inArea = function(pos, rot, size, filter) return returnSearchResult(pos, rot, size, filter) end -- searches the area on an object SearchLib.onObject = function(obj, filter) pos = obj.getPosition() size = obj.getBounds().size:setAt("y", 1) return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter) end -- searches the specified position (a single point) SearchLib.atPosition = function(pos, filter) size = { 0.1, 2, 0.1 } return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter) end -- searches below the specified position (downwards until y = 0) SearchLib.belowPosition = function(pos, filter) direction = { 0, -1, 0 } maxDistance = pos.y return returnSearchResult(pos, _, size, filter, direction, maxDistance) end return SearchLib end end) return __bundle_require("__root")