-- set true to enable debug logging DEBUG = false function log(message) if DEBUG then print(message) end end --[[ Known locations and clues. We check this to determine if we should atttempt to spawn clues, first we look for _ and if we find nothing we look for format is [location_guid -> clueCount] ]] LOCATIONS_DATA_JSON = [[ { "Entrance Hall": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Main Lobby": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Gallery": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Auditorium": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Anechoic Chamber": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Instrument Closet": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Recording Studio": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Rehearsal Room": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Scene Shop": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Tiring Room": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Stage Hall": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"} } ]] LOCATIONS_DATA = JSON.decode(LOCATIONS_DATA_JSON) function onload(save_state) local playArea = getObjectFromGUID('721ba2') playArea.call("updateLocations", {self.getGUID()}) end