AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 0 g: 0 r: 0 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 3da8b6 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: !include 'Custom_Model AttachmentFacedown Helper 3da8b6.ttslua' LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Model Nickname: Attachment/Facedown Helper Snap: true States: '1': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.08627259 g: 0.443134964 r: 0.06274338 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: ce6247 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n memoizedCards\ \ = {}\r\n cardJson = loadCards()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectEnterContainer(container,\ \ object)\r\n if container == self then\r\n --use previously-found\ \ cards for faster performace\r\n if memoizedCards[object.getName()]\ \ then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. memoizedCards[object.getName()],\ \ id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\n else\r\ \n findCard(object)\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag, object.getGUID())\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction findCard(object)\r\n local cost = ''\r\n\ \r\n for _, card in pairs (cardJson) do\r\n if ( == object.getName())\ \ then\r\n if card.cost ~= nil then\r\n cost = '['\ \ .. card.cost .. '] '\r\n end\r\n break\r\n end\r\ \n end\r\n\r\n --memoize result\r\n memoizedCards[object.getName()]\ \ = icons\r\n\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = cost .. object.getName(),\ \ id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\ \n self.clearButtons()\r\n verticalPosition = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card\ \ in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\n if _G['removeCard' ..] == nil\ \ then\r\n _G['removeCard' ..] = function()\r\n \ \ removeCard(\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ self.createButton({\r\n label =,\r\n click_function\ \ = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n \ \ position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\n height = 200,\r\n\ \ width = 1200,\r\n font_size = 75,\r\n color\ \ = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\n })\r\n\r\n \ \ verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\r\n end\r\n\r\n countLabel\ \ = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n\ \ label = countLabel,\r\n click_function = 'nothing',\r\n \ \ function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\n width\ \ = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n font_color\ \ = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = cardGUID,\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeCardByGUID(bag,\ \ guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in ipairs (bag) do\r\n \ \ if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n end\r\n end\r\ \n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag, idx)\r\n \ \ end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction loadCards()\r\n return {{[\"name\"] = \"Random\ \ Basic Weakness\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy Adams\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland's .38 Special\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Cover Up\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\"},{[\"name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom of Hyperborea\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Wendy's Amulet\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Abandoned and Alone\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \".45 Automatic\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"\ First Aid\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Machete\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Guard Dog\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence!\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Extra Ammunition (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Police Badge (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Beat Cop (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Shotgun (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Old\ \ Book of Lore\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Research Librarian\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Milan Christopher\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hyperawareness\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Texts\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Working\ \ a Hunch\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deduction\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass (1)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of Itzamna (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Encyclopedia (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Research (4)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Burglary\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \".41 Derringer\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca\",[\"\ cost\"] = 6},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Elusive\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Sneak Attack\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Leo De Luca (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Cat Burglar (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Sure Gamble (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hot Streak (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Knowledge\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Shrivelling\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Initiate\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawn to the Flame\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ward of Protection\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Book of Shadows (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque Statue\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Coat\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Scavenging\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Baseball Bat\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Stray Cat\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cunning Distraction\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what\ \ I found!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky!\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Aquinnah (1)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Close Call (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky!\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Will to Survive (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Flashlight\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Perception\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Manual Dexterity\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Unexpected Courage\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Bulletproof\ \ Vest (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Elder Sign Amulet (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Amnesia\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Paranoia\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Haunted\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Psychosis\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypochondria\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mob Enforcer\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Silver Twilight Acolyte\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Stubborn Detective\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Zoey Samaras\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Rex Murphy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim Culver\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Ashcan\\\" Pete\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Zoey's Cross\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Smite the Wicked\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Search for\ \ the Truth\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex's Curse\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Jenny's Twin .45s\",[\"cost\"] = -2},{[\"name\"] = \"Searching for Izzie\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jim's Trumpet\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Final Rhapsody\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Duke\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Wracked by Nightmares\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Teamwork\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Strange Solution\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Liquid Courage\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Double or Nothing\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hired Muscle\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Clarity of Mind\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Bind Monster (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Fire Axe\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Bait and Switch\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Peter\ \ Sylvestre (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Kukri\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Indebted\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Internal Injury\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Chronophobia\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Aid\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Brother Xavier (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Pathfinder (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Contraband\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Adaptable (1)\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Delve Too Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Song of the Dead (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Fire\ \ Extinguisher (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Flare (1)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Smoking Pipe\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Painkillers\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Bandolier\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Stand Together (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Art Student\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I'm outta here!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Newspaper\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Lure (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Relic Hunter (3)\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Charisma (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Prepared for the Worst\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keen Eye (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Higher Education (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lone Wolf\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Pact (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrapper (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"If it bleeds...\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Springfield\ \ M1903 (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Inquiring Mind\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Expose Weakness (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Thinking\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\ \ (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Alyssa Graham\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite\ \ of Seeking (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Horse\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\" (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\" Vigil\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace\ \ in the Hole (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonlight Ritual\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jewel of Aureolus (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stroke of Luck (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Clothes\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Moment of Respite (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious\ \ Blow (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lightning Gun (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 6},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. William T. Maleson\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Deciphered Reality (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Chicago Typewriter (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"The Gold\ \ Pocket Watch (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (5)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Aquinnah (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Try and Try Again (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Red-Gloved Man (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mark Harrigan\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Minh Thi Phan\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Sefina Rousseau\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Akachi Onyele\"},{[\"name\"] = \"William\ \ Yorick\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Hayes\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Home Front\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Shell Shock\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Analytical Mind\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"The King\ \ in Yellow\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Painted World\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of\ \ Hyades\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit-Speaker\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Angered Spirits\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Bury Them Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Graveyard Ghouls\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvisation\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crisis of Identity\"},{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"True Grit\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let me handle this!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Ever Vigilant (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fieldwork\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone Unturned\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"In the Know (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Sleight of Hand\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\ \ Maneuver\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Alchemical Transmutation\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Uncage\ \ the Soul\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Spirit Athame (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hiding Spot\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Resourceful\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Overzealous\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing the Sign\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Thing That Follows\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Constance Dumaine\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Jordan Perry\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ishimaru Haruko\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sebastien\ \ Moreau\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ashleigh Clarke\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Engram's Oath\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"L'agneau Perdu\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Pattern\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The First Show\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Above and Below\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Heroic Rescue\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Combat Training (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Anatomical Diagrams\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Scientific Theory (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Knuckleduster\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Moxie (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"David\ \ Renfield\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Grounded (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Plucky (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Say Your Prayers\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Desperate\ \ Search\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Reckless Assault\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Run For Your\ \ Life\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Trench Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Ambush\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Charles Ross, Esq.\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Forewarned (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Dario El-Amin\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak Attack (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Storm of Spirits\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Fight or Flight\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"A Test of Will (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Devil's Luck (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Calling in Favors\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I'll see you in hell!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical Reasoning\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Pickpocketing (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Quantum Flux\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Madame Labranche\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Snare Trap (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Inspiring Presence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Eureka!\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"\\\"Watch this!\\\"\"},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer (2)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Torrent of Power\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Waylay\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance\ \ Encounter (2)\",[\"cost\"] = -2},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"On the Hunt\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Stick to the Plan (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Guidance\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Arcane Insight (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Narrow Escape\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Suggestion (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"St. Hubert's Key\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Initiate (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"Not without a fight!\\\"\"},{[\"name\"] = \"True Survivor (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Armor of Ardennes (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Eidetic\ \ Memory (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone Unturned (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Charon's Obol (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lupara (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheat Death (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Time Warp (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Seal of the Elder Sign (5)\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Newspaper (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Infighting (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Key of Ys (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Songs\ \ That the Hyades Shall Sing\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of Aldebaran\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Bleak Desolation\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitant of Carcosa\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"A Moment's Rest\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Coffin\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mapping\ \ the Streets\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The King's Parade\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Archway\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"The Height of the Depths\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Steps of the Palace\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"The Fall\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hastur's End\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Leo Anderson\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ursula Downs\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Finn Edwards\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Father Mateo\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Calvin Wright\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mitch Brown\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Bought in Blood\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jake Williams\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Call of the Unknown\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Smuggled Goods\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Finn's Trusty\ \ .38\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Caught Red-Handed\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Codex of Ages\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Serpents of Yig\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Until the End of Time\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Voice of\ \ the Messenger\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Venturer\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Trusted\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Reliable (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Elli Horowitz\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Tooth of Eztli\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Unearth the Ancients\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Treasure Hunter (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Decorated Skull\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Eavesdrop\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"You handle this one!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Chthonian\ \ Stone\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Protective Incantation (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvised\ \ Weapon\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Yaotl (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Last Chance\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Backpack\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Pact\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Price of Failure\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Doomed\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Accursed Fate\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Bell Tolls\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Scene of the Crime\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Marksmanship (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Persuasion\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Shrewd Analysis\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fence (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Research\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Counterspell (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Perseverance\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Stunning Blow\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Second Wind\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Take the Initiative\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Well\ \ Prepared (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"True Understanding\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Study (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Hatchet Man\"},{[\"name\"] = \"High Roller\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Enraptured\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Recall\ \ the Future (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Try and Try Again (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Cornered (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Intrepid\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Custom Ammunition (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Otherworldly Compass (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose Weakness\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Santiago (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Olive McBride\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance (2)\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Premonition\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Against All Odds\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Trench Coat\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ornate Bow (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"M1918 BAR (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Pay Day (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrifice\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Crystalline Elder Sign (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Handcuffs\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Feed the Mind (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Colt Vest Pocket\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Coup de Gr\xE2ce\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Skeleton Key (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Winging It\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Old Hunting Rifle (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Thermos\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Hemispheric Map (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Timeworn Brand (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Kerosene (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Flamethrower (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Vantage Point\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Pnakotic Manuscripts (5)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Borrowed Time (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"All In (5)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shards of the Void (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Seal of the Seventh Sign (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Impromptu Barrier\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Alter Fate (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Yig's Mercy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Way\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Carolyn Fern\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Joe Diamond\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Preston\ \ Fairmont\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Diana Stanley\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rita Young\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Therapy\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Rational Thought\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Detective's Colt\ \ 1911s\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Unsolved Case\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Family Inheritance\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lodge \\\"Debts\\\"\",[\"\ cost\"] = 10},{[\"name\"] = \"Twilight Blade\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Dark Insight\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Terrible Secret\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I'm done runnin'!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Hoods\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Baron Samedi\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Interrogate\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Delay the Inevitable\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Steadfast\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace of Swords\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Fingerprint Kit\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Connect the Dots\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Curiosity\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Death \u2022 XIII (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Well Connected\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Money Talks\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Cunning\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Moon \u2022 XVIII (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deny Existence\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Prophesy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Four of Cups (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Track Shoes\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Act of Desperation\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Able Bodied\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Five of Pentacles (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace of Rods\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"The 13th Vision\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Tower \u2022 XVI\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Something Worth Fighting\ \ For\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Crack the Case\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Intel Report\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Sign Magick\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Banish (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Meat\ \ Cleaver\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson\",[\"cost\"] = 6},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour\ \ Mash\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Grisly Totem\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Alice Luxley\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Well-Maintained (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mr. \\\"Rook\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Hawk-Eye Folding Camera\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Henry Wan\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Swift Reflexes\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sixth Sense\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing Thin\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Belly of the Beast\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 6},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee\ \ Sour Mash (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Council's Coffer (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Warning\ \ Shot\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Telescopic Sight (3)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Knowledge is Power\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric\ \ Atlas (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Investments\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Decoy\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"De Vermis Mysteriis (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Guiding Spirit (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Fortune or Fate (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Mk 1 Grenades (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Agency Backup (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 7},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ghastly Revelation\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Studious (3)\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Small Favor\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Day, Another\ \ Dollar (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dayana Esperence (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deny Existence (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Trial by Fire\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Bait and Switch (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Anna Kaslow (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallowed Mirror\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Soothing Melody\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult\ \ Lexicon\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood-Rite\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Glimpse the Unthinkable (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\ \"You owe me one!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Double, Double (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Sixth Sense (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Lure (2)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Eucatastrophe (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tommy Muldoon\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mandy Thompson\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony Morgan\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Luke Robinson\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice Hathaway\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Becky\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Rookie Mistake\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Occult Evidence\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Shocking Discovery\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Bounty Contracts\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony's .38 Long Colt\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony's Quarry\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Gate Box\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Detached from Reality\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice's Violin\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Watcher from Another 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1},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Essence of the Dream\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Followed\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Momentum (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Prophecies\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Read the Signs\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Jessica Hyde (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Souls\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dreamlike Horrors\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Endless Secrets\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Cylinders of Kadatheron\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Doom of Sarnath\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ghosts of the Dead\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Palace of Rainbows\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"A Shrine to the Gods\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Crypt of Zulan-Thek\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Wares of Baharna\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Likeness of Old\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"What Remains of Tyrrhia\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Advice of the King\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Timeless Beauty\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Unattainable Desires\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"The City Inside\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Baleful Star\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tetsuo Mori\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Fool me once...\\\ \" (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Sacrifice\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Otherworld Codex (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Enhancing Serum\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let God sort them out...\\\"\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift Reload (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Gregory\ \ Gry\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Healing Words\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ethereal Form\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrounge for Supplies\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Brute Force (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Versatile\ \ (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \".35 Winchester\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Safeguard\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Practice Makes Perfect\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 10},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Three Aces (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Burglary (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Spectral Razor\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Word of Command\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonstone\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Sharp Vision (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucid Dreaming (2)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Off the Galley\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Haste (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Daredevil (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Twila Katherine Price\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"A Glimmer of Hope\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Expeditious Retreat (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghastly Tunnels\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Sentry\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Path\"},{[\"name\"] = \"A\ \ Strange Ghoul\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scouting the Vale\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Something\ \ Below\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitants of the Vale\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Way\ \ Out\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Spider-Infested Waters\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Still Surface\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Rolling Pits\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Center of the Sea\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Empty Vessel (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Wish Eater\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Surprising Find (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Garrote Wire (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Delilah O'Rourke (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Summoned Hound\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Unbound Beast\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Nothing\ \ Left to Lose (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"The Black Cat (5)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Spiritual Resolve (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Abigail Foreman (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"The Eye of Truth\ \ (5)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\" Vigil (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sawed-Off Shotgun (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind's Eye\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Shining Trapezohedron (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Nightmare Bauble (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Dream Parasite\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sister Mary\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Amanda Sharpe\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Trish Scarborough\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Guardian Angel\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Crisis of\ \ Faith\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Obscure Studies\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Whispers from the Deep\"},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Shadows\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Shadow Agents\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Showmanship\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Occult Scraps\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Sea Change Harpoon\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas's Net\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Siren Call\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Psalms\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blessed Blade\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Sanctification\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Hand of Fate\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Cryptographic Cipher\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Deep Knowledge\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Plan of Action\"},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dark Ritual\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Obfuscation\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Faustian Bargain\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Sword Cane\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Tides of Fate\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Radiance\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Promise\ \ of Power\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Token of Faith\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Keep Faith\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Predestined\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Beloved\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Tempt Fate\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Accursed Follower\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dread Curse\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Day\ \ of Reckoning\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Riot Whistle\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Righteous Hunt (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacred Covenant (2)\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Sophist\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Stirring\ \ Up Trouble (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Blasphemous Covenant (2)\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Breaking and Entering\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Skeptic\ \ (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"False Covenant (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Armageddon\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Shroud of Shadows\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Paradoxical Covenant\ \ (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mariner's Compass\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ancient Covenant (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Keen Eye\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Radiant Smite (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"The Truth Beckons\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Gaze of Ouraxsh (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Priest of Two Faiths (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Under\ \ Surveillance (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Pact\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Abyssal Tome (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly\ \ Effect (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Third Time's a Charm (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Manipulate Destiny (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Enchanted Armor (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Blessing of Isis\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\ R\xEDastrad (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Tristan Botley (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Curse of Aeons (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Unrelenting (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Signum Crucis (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy\ \ Rosary (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Shield of Faith (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Fey (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Guided by the Unseen (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Lucky\\\" Penny (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Eye of the Djinn (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Armageddon\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Shroud of Shadows (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit of\ \ Humanity (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Harmony Restored (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchant Weapon (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Nephthys (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"The Stygian Eye (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 10},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Geas (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Ikiaq (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Flute of\ \ the Outer Gods (4)\",[\"cost\"] = -2},{[\"name\"] = \"A Watchful Peace (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Favor of the Moon (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Sun\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Purifying Corruption (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallow (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Spear\ \ (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancestral Knowledge (3)\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ariadne's Twine (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Justify the Means (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky\ \ Dice (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Equilibrium (5)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacob Morrison (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Shrine of the Moirai (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Sweeping Kick (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly Swords (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Written in the Stars\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dragon Pole\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Astronomical Atlas (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Strength in Numbers (1)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Student\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Michael Leigh (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Divination (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Blur (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Dynamite Blast (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hard Knocks (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Hot Streak (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mind Wipe (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Bandolier (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack (2)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Clarity of\ \ Mind (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops! (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Through the Gates\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical Reasoning (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Suggestion (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Alchemical Transmutation (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of\ \ Spirits (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable\ \ Oath (Bloodthirst)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity)\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Truth from Fiction (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Colt Vest Pocket (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of\ \ R'lyeh (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Chthonian Stone (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Alter Fate (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"On Your Own (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dendromorphosis\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Offer You Cannot Refuse\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Fine Print\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sell Your Soul\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Star\ \ \u2022 XVII (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"The Hierophant \u2022 V\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Moon Pendant (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Nathaniel Cho\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Randall Cho\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tommy Malloy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Destructive\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Boxing Gloves\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Flesh Ward\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical\ \ Training\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Relentless\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Safeguard\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Clean Them Out\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dodge\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\"\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Glory\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"One-Two Punch\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stand Together\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Evidence! (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Galvanize (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Lesson Learned\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Overpower (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing Gloves (3)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 5},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite\ \ Blast (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Physical Training (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"One-Two\ \ Punch (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Harvey Walters\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Vault of Knowledge\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Thrice-Damned Curiosity\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Obsessive\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Enlightenment\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Celaeno Fragments\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Disc of Itzamna\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Feed the Mind\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden\ \ Tome\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Higher Education\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Burning the Midnight Oil\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cryptic Writings\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 12},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Invocation\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Preposterous Sketches\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Library Docent (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Glimpse the\ \ Unthinkable (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric Atlas (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Cryptic Writings (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a\ \ plan!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Perception (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Farsight (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Miskatonic Archaeology Funding (4)\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Necronomicon (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Winifred\ \ Habbamock\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Anything You Can Do, Better\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Arrogance\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Reckless\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Mauser C96\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lonnie Ritter\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Jacket\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Cheap Shot\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak By\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Nimble\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daredevil\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Liquid Courage (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Mauser C96 (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheap Shot (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky\ \ Cigarette Case (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Sharpshooter (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Copycat (3)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Beretta\ \ M1918 (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Chuck Fergus (5)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacqueline Fine\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Arbiter of Fates\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Future\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Nihilism\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying Mirror\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Clairvoyance\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Familiar Spirit\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Crystal\ \ Pendulum\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Robes of Endless Night\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic\ \ Gaze\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Parallel Fates\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Voice of Ra\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Prescient\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Eldritch Inspiration (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque Statue\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Robes of Endless Night (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Guts (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Clairvoyance (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Recharge (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (5)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable\ \ Truth (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Stella Clark\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Neither Rain nor Snow\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Called by the Mists\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Atychiphobia\"},{[\"name\"] = \".18 Derringer\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Grimm's Fairy Tales\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Keyring\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Granny Orne\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Mysterious Raven\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrapper\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Will to Survive\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dumb Luck\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Grit Your Teeth\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"\ Look what I found!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Coat (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".18 Derringer (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"Unexpected\ \ Courage (2)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Granny Orne (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lucky! (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"Chainsaw (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Learner (4)\"},{[\"name\"] = \"D\xE9j\xE0 Vu (5)\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"To the Dreamlands\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Fate of the Dreamers\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Prisoners of Conquest\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruins of Sarkomand\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Effigy of Nodens\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Usurp the Night\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Translator's Evidence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Supplicant's Evidence\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"The Priestess's Evidence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Salesman's\ \ Evidence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Assassin's Evidence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Professor's Evidence\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's\ \ Tote Bag\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\"},{[\"name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Heirloom of Hyperborea\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"Triumph and Subjugation\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Green Man Medallion\",[\"cost\"] = 1},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrificial\ \ Beast\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysteries Remain\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0},{[\"name\"] = \"The Dirge of Reason\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Norman\ \ Withers\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Split the Angle\",[\"cost\"] = 2},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Vengeful Hound\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Foolishness\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4},{[\"name\"] = \"To Fight the Black Wind\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Silas Marsh\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Nautical Prowess\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dreams of\ \ the Deep\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Molly Maxwell\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaztaroth\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Gloria Goldberg\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Ruth Westmacott\",[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Liber Omnium\ \ Finium\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mystifying Song\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3},{[\"name\"] = \"Baron Samedi\"}}\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Sefina Rousseau Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 16.3471622 posY: 1.64091611 posZ: -21.31525 rotX: 359.920135 rotY: 270.000671 rotZ: 0.0168785024 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '2': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.576470554 g: 0.333331048 r: 0.3647036 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 CustomUIAssets: - Name: combatIcon Type: 0 URL: Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 1e28aa Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n memoizedCards\ \ = {}\r\n cardJson = loadCards()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectEnterContainer(container,\ \ object)\r\n if container == self then\r\n --use previously-found\ \ cards for faster performace\r\n if memoizedCards[object.getName()]\ \ then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. memoizedCards[object.getName()],\ \ id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\n else\r\ \n findCard(object)\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag, object.getGUID())\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction findCard(object)\r\n local icons = ''\r\n\ \ local cost = ''\r\n\r\n for _, card in pairs (cardJson) do\r\n \ \ if ( == object.getName()) then\r\n local skillIcons\ \ = getIcons(card.skillIcons)\r\n if skillIcons ~= '' then\r\n \ \ icons = '\\n' .. skillIcons\r\n end\r\n \ \ if card.cost ~= nil then\r\n cost = '[' .. card.cost .. ']\ \ '\r\n end\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n\ \ --memoize result\r\n memoizedCards[object.getName()] = icons\r\n\r\n\ \ table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = cost .. object.getName() .. icons, id\ \ = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getIcons(skillIcons)\r\ \n local icons = ''\r\n\r\n for icon, value in pairs (skillIcons) do\r\ \n icons = icons .. icon .. ': ' .. value .. ' '\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ return icons\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\ \n verticalPosition = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\ \n if _G['removeCard' ..] == nil then\r\n _G['removeCard'\ \ ..] = function()\r\n removeCard(\r\n \ \ end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n \ \ label =,\r\n click_function = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\ \n function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\ \n height = 225,\r\n width = 1200,\r\n font_size\ \ = 75,\r\n color = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\ \n })\r\n\r\n verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.55\r\n \ \ end\r\n\r\n countLabel = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\ \n self.createButton({\r\n label = countLabel,\r\n click_function\ \ = 'nothing',\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\ \n width = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n\ \ font_color = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\n\ end\r\n\r\nfunction removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n \ \ guid = cardGUID,\r\n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position\ \ = self.getPosition() + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\ \n obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCardByGUID(bag, guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in\ \ ipairs (bag) do\r\n if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n\ \ end\r\n end\r\n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag,\ \ idx)\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction loadCards()\r\n return {{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Random Basic Weakness\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland\ \ Banks\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wendy Adams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"\ Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland's\ \ .38 Special\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cover Up\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom of Hyperborea\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy's Amulet\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Abandoned and Alone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".45 Automatic\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Physical Training\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Machete\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guard Dog\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence!\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast\",[\"\ cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Extra Ammunition (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Police\ \ Badge (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shotgun (4)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old\ \ Book of Lore\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Research Librarian\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Milan Christopher\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical\ \ Texts\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Mind over Matter\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Working a Hunch\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of Itzamna (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Encyclopedia (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cryptic Research (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Switchblade\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burglary\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca\",[\"cost\"] = 6,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elusive\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Backstab\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak Attack\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cat Burglar\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sure Gamble (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hot Streak (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Forbidden Knowledge\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane\ \ Initiate\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Drawn to the Flame\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque Statue (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Coat\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Baseball\ \ Bat\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Stray Cat\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dig Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning Distraction\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Lucky!\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival\ \ Instinct\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Aquinnah\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Close Call (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky! (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Will to Survive (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flashlight\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Overpower\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Manual Dexterity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Unexpected Courage\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Bulletproof Vest (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elder Sign Amulet (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amnesia\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Paranoia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haunted\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Psychosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hypochondria\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mob Enforcer\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silver Twilight Acolyte\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stubborn Detective\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Zoey Samaras\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex Murphy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim Culver\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Ashcan\\\" Pete\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Zoey's Cross\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smite the Wicked\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Search for the Truth\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex's Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jenny's Twin .45s\",[\"cost\"] = -2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Searching for Izzie\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim's Trumpet\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Final Rhapsody\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Duke\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Wracked by Nightmares\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Teamwork\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Taunt (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Seeking Answers\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liquid Courage\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Double or Nothing\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hired Muscle (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clarity of Mind\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bind Monster (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fire Axe\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Peter\ \ Sylvestre\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Bait and Switch\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kukri\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Indebted\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Internal Injury\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Chronophobia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Aid\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Brother Xavier (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pathfinder (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Adaptable (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delve Too\ \ Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Song of the Dead\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Oops!\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Fire Extinguisher (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flare (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smoking Pipe\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Painkillers\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bandolier\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Art Student\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I'm outta here!\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Switchblade (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Newspaper\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lure (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Relic Hunter (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Charisma\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prepared for the Worst\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keen Eye (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous\ \ Sketches\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Higher Education (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lone Wolf\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Streetwise (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Pact (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrapper (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Emergency Cache (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"\\\"If it bleeds...\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Springfield M1903 (4)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Inquiring Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose\ \ Weakness (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Thinking\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Alyssa Graham\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Horse\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\" (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange\ \ Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\" Vigil\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ace in the Hole (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Moonlight Ritual\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jewel of Aureolus (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Stroke of Luck (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Fine Clothes\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Moment of Respite (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lightning Gun (5)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 6,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dr. William T. Maleson\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deciphered Reality (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chicago Typewriter\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"The Gold Pocket Watch (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\ \ (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Aquinnah (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Try and Try Again (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Red-Gloved Man (5)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mark Harrigan\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Minh Thi Phan\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sefina\ \ Rousseau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Akachi Onyele\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"William Yorick\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Hayes\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Home Front\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shell Shock\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Analytical Mind\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The King in Yellow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Painted World\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of Hyades\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit-Speaker\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Angered Spirits\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bury Them Deep\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Graveyard Ghouls\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvisation\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crisis\ \ of Identity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Grit\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let me\ \ handle this!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ever Vigilant (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fieldwork\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone Unturned\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Know\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stealth\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sleight of Hand\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alchemical Transmutation\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Uncage\ \ the Soul\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit Athame (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hiding Spot\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Resourceful\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Overzealous\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing the\ \ Sign\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Thing That Follows\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Constance Dumaine\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jordan Perry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ishimaru Haruko\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sebastien Moreau\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ashleigh Clarke\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Engram's Oath\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"L'agneau Perdu\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Pattern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The First Show\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Above and\ \ Below\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Combat Training (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anatomical Diagrams\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scientific Theory (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knuckleduster\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moxie (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"David Renfield\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grounded (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Plucky\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Say Your Prayers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Desperate Search\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Reckless Assault\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Run For Your Life\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Trench Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ambush (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Charles Ross, Esq.\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forewarned (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dario El-Amin\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak Attack\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of Spirits\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fight\ \ or Flight\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of\ \ Will (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Devil's Luck (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calling in Favors\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I'll see you\ \ in hell!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".45 Automatic (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical Reasoning\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quantum\ \ Flux\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Recharge (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Madame Labranche\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Snare Trap (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inspiring Presence\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Mano a Mano (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eureka!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Watch this!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Torrent of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrying (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Waylay\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter (2)\",[\"cost\"] = -2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"On the Hunt\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stick to the Plan (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guidance\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane\ \ Insight (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Narrow Escape\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Suggestion (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"St. Hubert's Key\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Arcane Initiate (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Not without a fight!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"True\ \ Survivor (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"\ Eat lead!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armor of Ardennes (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eidetic Memory (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ No Stone Unturned (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Charon's Obol (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lupara (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheat Death (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Time Warp (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Seal of the Elder Sign (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Newspaper (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Infighting (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Key of Ys (5)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Songs\ \ That the Hyades Shall Sing\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars\ \ of Aldebaran\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bleak Desolation\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitant of Carcosa\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Moment's Rest\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Coffin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mapping the Streets\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The King's Parade\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Archway\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Height of the Depths\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Steps of the\ \ Palace\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Fall\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hastur's End\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Leo Anderson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ursula Downs\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Finn Edwards\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Father Mateo\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calvin Wright\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 0,[\"\ Agility\"] = 0,[\"Combat\"] = 0,[\"Intellect\"] = 0}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mitch\ \ Brown\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Bought in Blood\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jake Williams\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Call of the Unknown\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smuggled\ \ Goods\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Finn's Trusty .38\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Caught Red-Handed\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Codex of Ages\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Serpents of Yig\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Until the End of Time\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Voice of the Messenger\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Venturer\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trusted\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Reliable (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr.\ \ Elli Horowitz\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ancient Stone (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tooth of Eztli\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unearth the Ancients\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Treasure Hunter (1)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eavesdrop\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"You handle this one!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Chthonian Stone\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Protective Incantation (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvised Weapon\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaotl (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Last Chance\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Pact\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Price of Failure\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Doomed\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Accursed Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Bell Tolls\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scene of the Crime\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marksmanship\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Persuasion\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrewd Analysis\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fence (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Research\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterspell (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perseverance\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stunning Blow\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Second Wind\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take the Initiative\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well Prepared (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Understanding\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Study (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hatchet Man\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ High Roller (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enraptured\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Recall the Future (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Try and Try Again (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cornered (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Intrepid\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Custom\ \ Ammunition (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Otherworldly Compass (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose Weakness (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Santiago (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Olive McBride\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Premonition\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Against All Odds (2)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Trench Coat\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ornate Bow (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"M1918 BAR (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient\ \ Stone (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Slip Away\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pay Day (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sacrifice (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crystalline Elder Sign (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Handcuffs\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Feed the\ \ Mind (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Colt Vest Pocket\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Coup de Gr\xE2ce\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Skeleton Key (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh (4)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Winging It\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Hunting\ \ Rifle (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Thermos\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hemispheric Map (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeworn Brand (5)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Kerosene (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Flamethrower (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vantage Point\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pnakotic\ \ Manuscripts (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Borrowed Time (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"All In (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shards of the Void (3)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seal\ \ of the Seventh Sign (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Impromptu Barrier\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alter Fate (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yig's Mercy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Another Way\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Joe Diamond\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preston\ \ Fairmont\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Diana Stanley\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rita Young\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 5,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Therapy\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rational\ \ Thought\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detective's Colt 1911s\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unsolved Case\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Family Inheritance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lodge\ \ \\\"Debts\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 10,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Twilight\ \ Blade\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Insight\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Terrible Secret\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I'm done runnin'!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hoods\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Baron Samedi\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Interrogate\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delay the Inevitable\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Steadfast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ace of Swords (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Fingerprint Kit\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Connect the Dots\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Curiosity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Death \u2022 XIII (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well Connected\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Money Talks\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Moon \u2022 XVIII (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deny Existence\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Prophesy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Four of Cups (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Track\ \ Shoes\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Act of Desperation\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Able Bodied\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Five of Pentacles (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace of Rods (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The 13th Vision\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"The Tower \u2022 XVI\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Something Worth Fighting For\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crack the Case\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Intel Report\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sign Magick\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Banish (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Meat Cleaver\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".45 Thompson\",[\"cost\"] = 6,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alice\ \ Luxley\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Well-Maintained (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mr. \\\"Rook\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hawk-Eye Folding Camera\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Henry Wan\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift Reflexes\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sixth Sense\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing\ \ Thin\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Belly of the Beast\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 6,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll\ \ of Secrets (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tennessee Sour Mash (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Grisly Totem (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Council's\ \ Coffer (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Warning Shot\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Telescopic Sight (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Knowledge is Power\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric Atlas (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Investments\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decoy\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"De Vermis Mysteriis (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guiding Spirit\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Fortune or Fate (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mk 1 Grenades (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agency Backup (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 7,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ghastly Revelation\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Studious (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Small Favor\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another\ \ Day, Another Dollar (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dayana Esperence\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Deny Existence (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Trial by Fire\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bait and Switch (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anna Kaslow (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallowed\ \ Mirror\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Soothing Melody\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\ \" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Occult Lexicon\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood-Rite\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Glimpse the\ \ Unthinkable (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"You owe me one!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Double,\ \ Double (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sixth Sense (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lure (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eucatastrophe (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tommy Muldoon\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mandy Thompson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony Morgan\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Luke Robinson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice\ \ Hathaway\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Becky\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rookie\ \ Mistake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Evidence\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shocking Discovery\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bounty Contracts\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony's .38 Long Colt\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tony's Quarry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gate Box\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detached from Reality\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dream-Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice's Violin\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Watcher from Another Dimension\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Hungering Blade (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bloodlust\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Solemn Vow\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Segment of Onyx (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pendant of the Queen\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Astounding Revelation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystallizer of Dreams\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guardian of the Crystallizer\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Easy Mark (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stargazing (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Stars Are Right\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Open Gate\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Miss Doyle (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hope\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Zeal\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Augur\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fortuitous Discovery\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = -2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Centered\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kleptomania\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Narcolepsy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Your Worst Nightmare\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Watch\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Essence of the Dream\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Followed\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Momentum (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Prophecies\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Read the\ \ Signs\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jessica Hyde (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Souls\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dreamlike Horrors\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Endless\ \ Secrets\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cylinders of Kadatheron\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Doom of Sarnath\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghosts of the Dead\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Palace of Rainbows\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Shrine\ \ to the Gods\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Crypt of Zulan-Thek\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wares of Baharna\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Likeness of Old\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"What Remains of Tyrrhia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Advice\ \ of the King\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeless Beauty\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unattainable Desires\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The City Inside\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Baleful Star\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tetsuo Mori\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\ \"Fool me once...\\\" (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Sacrifice\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Otherworld Codex (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Enhancing Serum\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let God sort them out...\\\ \"\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Swift Reload (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Gregory Gry\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Healing Words\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ethereal Form\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrounge for Supplies\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Brute Force (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Versatile (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".35 Winchester\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Safeguard (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Practice Makes Perfect\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Extensive Research (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 10,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Three Aces (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burglary (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spectral Razor\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Word of Command\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonstone\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sharp Vision (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucid Dreaming (2)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Off the Galley\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haste\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Daredevil (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Empower\ \ Self (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Twila Katherine Price (3)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"A Glimmer of Hope\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Expeditious Retreat (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ghastly Tunnels\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Sentry\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Path\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"A Strange Ghoul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scouting\ \ the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Something Below\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitants of the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Way Out\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spider-Infested\ \ Waters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Still Surface\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rolling Pits\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Center of the Sea\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Empty Vessel\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wish Eater\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Surprising Find\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Garrote Wire (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delilah O'Rourke (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Summoned Hound (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Unbound Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nothing Left\ \ to Lose (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Black Cat (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Spiritual Resolve (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Abigail Foreman (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Eye of Truth\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\ \" Vigil (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sawed-Off Shotgun (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind's Eye (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shining Trapezohedron\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nightmare Bauble (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Parasite\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sister Mary\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amanda Sharpe\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trish\ \ Scarborough\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 4,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guardian Angel\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crisis of Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Obscure Studies\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Whispers from the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"In the Shadows\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shadow Agents\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Showmanship\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Scraps\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sea Change Harpoon\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Silas's Net\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Siren Call\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Book of Psalms\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blessed Blade\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rite of Sanctification\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hand of Fate\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptographic Cipher\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic\ \ Grimoire\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Deep Knowledge\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Plan of Action\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Ritual\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obfuscation\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Faustian Bargain\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Sword Cane\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tides of Fate\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Radiance\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Promise of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Token of Faith\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Keep Faith\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Predestined\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Beloved\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tempt Fate\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Accursed Follower\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dread Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Day of Reckoning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Riot Whistle\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Righteous Hunt\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacred Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Eldritch Sophist\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Stirring Up Trouble (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blasphemous Covenant (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Breaking and Entering\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Skeptic (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"False\ \ Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armageddon\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud\ \ of Shadows\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Paradoxical Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mariner's\ \ Compass\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ancient Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Keen Eye\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Radiant Smite (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Truth Beckons\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gaze\ \ of Ouraxsh (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Priest of Two Faiths (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Under Surveillance (1)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Pact\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Abyssal Tome (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly Effect\ \ (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Third Time's a Charm (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Manipulate Destiny (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Armor\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blessing of Isis (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"R\xEDastrad (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tristan Botley (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Curse of Aeons (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unrelenting (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Signum Crucis (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shield of Faith (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fey (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guided\ \ by the Unseen (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Lucky\\\" Penny (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of the\ \ Djinn (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Armageddon (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud\ \ of Shadows (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit of Humanity (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Harmony Restored (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchant Weapon (3)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Nephthys (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Stygian Eye (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 10,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Geas\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (4)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ikiaq (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flute of the Outer Gods (4)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = -2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"A Watchful Peace (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Moon (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Favor of the Sun (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Purifying Corruption (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallow (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Holy Spear (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancestral Knowledge (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ariadne's Twine (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic (2)\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Justify the Means (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rite of Equilibrium (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacob Morrison (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrine of the Moirai (3)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sweeping Kick (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly Swords (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Written in the Stars\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dragon Pole\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Astronomical Atlas (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strength\ \ in Numbers (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical\ \ Student\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Michael Leigh (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Divination (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blur (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical\ \ Training (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Barricade (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hot Streak (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dig Deep (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bandolier (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Preposterous Sketches (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clarity\ \ of Mind (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Oops! (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Through the Gates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".32 Colt (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical Reasoning (4)\",[\"cost\"]\ \ = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Stealth (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Suggestion (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alchemical Transmutation (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm\ \ of Spirits (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Bloodthirst)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient\ \ Stone (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Decorated Skull (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Colt Vest Pocket (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists\ \ of R'lyeh (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Chthonian Stone (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alter Fate (1)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ On Your Own (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dendromorphosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Offer You Cannot\ \ Refuse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Print\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sell Your Soul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"The Star \u2022 XVII (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Hierophant \u2022 V (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moon Pendant (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Nathaniel Cho\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Randall Cho\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tommy Malloy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Self-Destructive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing Gloves\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flesh\ \ Ward\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Grete Wagner\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Relentless\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Safeguard\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Clean Them Out\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ \\\"Get over here!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Glory\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"One-Two Punch\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence! (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Galvanize (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"\\\"Get over here!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lesson Learned (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a\ \ Mano (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Boxing Gloves (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 5,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite\ \ Blast (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"One-Two Punch (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Harvey Walters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vault\ \ of Knowledge\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Thrice-Damned Curiosity\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obsessive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Arcane Enlightenment\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Celaeno Fragments\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of Itzamna\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Feed the Mind\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Higher Education\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burning the Midnight Oil\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic\ \ Writings\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Extensive Research\",[\"cost\"] = 12,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Invocation\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deduction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Library Docent (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Glimpse the Unthinkable (1)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric\ \ Atlas (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Writings (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Farsight (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Miskatonic Archaeology Funding (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Winifred Habbamock\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 5,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Anything You Can Do, Better\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 6}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Arrogance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Reckless\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mauser C96\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky\ \ Cigarette Case\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lonnie Ritter\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Jacket\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"\ cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Daring Maneuver\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak By\",[\"\ cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nimble\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daredevil\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liquid Courage (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mauser C96 (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver (2)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\ \ (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case\ \ (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sharpshooter (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab (3)\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Copycat (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Beretta M1918 (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chuck Fergus (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacqueline\ \ Fine\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arbiter of Fates\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dark Future\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nihilism\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying Mirror\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Familiar\ \ Spirit\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Crystal Pendulum\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Robes of Endless Night\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Parallel Fates\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Voice of Ra\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prescient\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque Statue (2)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Robes of Endless Night (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (3)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Clairvoyance (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\ \ (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance (5)\",[\"\ cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ineffable Truth (5)\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stella Clark\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Neither Rain nor Snow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Called by the Mists\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Atychiphobia\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".18 Derringer\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grimm's Fairy Tales\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Keyring\",[\"cost\"] =\ \ 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Granny Orne\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysterious\ \ Raven\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Scrapper\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Will to Survive\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will\",[\"\ cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grit\ \ Your Teeth\",[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Live and Learn\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\"\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Coat (1)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".18 Derringer (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test\ \ of Will (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\" (2)\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck (2)\",[\"cost\"\ ] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Unexpected Courage (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Granny Orne (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky! (3)\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chainsaw (4)\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Learner (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"D\xE9j\xE0 Vu (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"To the\ \ Dreamlands\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fate of the Dreamers\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prisoners of Conquest\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruins of Sarkomand\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Effigy of Nodens\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Usurp the Night\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Translator's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Supplicant's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Priestess's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"The Salesman's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Assassin's\ \ Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Professor's Evidence\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"On the Lam\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom\ \ of Hyperborea\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Triumph and Subjugation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Green Man Medallion\"\ ,[\"cost\"] = 1,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrificial\ \ Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mysteries Remain\",[\"cost\"] = 0,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Dirge of Reason\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Norman Withers\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Split the Angle\",[\"cost\"] = 2,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vengeful Hound\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Foolishness\",[\"cost\"] = 4,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"To Fight the Black Wind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nautical Prowess\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dreams\ \ of the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter\ \ Drake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Molly Maxwell\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Yaztaroth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gloria Goldberg\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruth Westmacott\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liber Omnium Finium\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"cost\"] = 3,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Baron Samedi\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}}}\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Diana Stanley Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 16.3471642 posY: 1.64091611 posZ: -21.3152542 rotX: 359.920135 rotY: 270.0006 rotZ: 0.01688044 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '3': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.576470554 g: 0.3333312 r: 0.3647037 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: d866f5 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n memoizedCards\ \ = {}\r\n searchUrl=\"\"\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectEnterContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n --use previously-found cards to prevent redundant ArkhamDB requests\r\ \n if memoizedCards[object.getName()] then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag,\ \ {name = object.getName() .. memoizedCards[object.getName()], id = object.getGUID()})\r\ \n recreateButtons()\r\n else\r\n local formatCardName\ \ = string.gsub(string.lower(object.getName()), ' ', '+')\r\n\r\n \ \ WebRequest.get(searchUrl .. formatCardName, function(req)\r\n \ \ searchCallback(req, object)\r\n end)\r\n end\r\n \ \ end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)\r\n \ \ if container == self then\r\n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag, object.getGUID())\r\ \n recreateButtons()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction searchCallback(req,\ \ object)\r\n local traits = ''\r\n\r\n local traitsHtml = string.match(req.text,\ \ '

[^%<]*')\r\n if traitsHtml != nil then\r\n \ \ traits = '\\n' .. string.sub(traitsHtml, 24)\r\n end\r\n\r\n --memoize\ \ result\r\n memoizedCards[object.getName()] = traits\r\n\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag,\ \ {name = object.getName() .. traits, id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\n verticalPosition\ \ = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\n if _G['removeCard'\ \ ..] == nil then\r\n _G['removeCard' ..] = function()\r\ \n removeCard(\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\ \n self.createButton({\r\n label =,\r\n \ \ click_function = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\n function_owner\ \ = self,\r\n position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\n height\ \ = 225,\r\n width = 1200,\r\n font_size = 75,\r\n \ \ color = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\n })\r\ \n\r\n verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ countLabel = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\ \n label = countLabel,\r\n click_function = 'nothing',\r\n \ \ function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\n width\ \ = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n font_color\ \ = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = cardGUID,\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeCardByGUID(bag,\ \ guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in ipairs (bag) do\r\n \ \ if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n end\r\n end\r\ \n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag, idx)\r\n \ \ end\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Gloria Goldberg Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 16.3471642 posY: 1.64091611 posZ: -21.315258 rotX: 359.920135 rotY: 270.000549 rotZ: 0.0168815069 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '4': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.0862727538 g: 0.443135172 r: 0.06274352 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 CustomUIAssets: - Name: combatIcon Type: 0 URL: Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 211ed4 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n memoizedCards\ \ = {}\r\n cardJson = loadCards()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectEnterContainer(container,\ \ object)\r\n if container == self then\r\n --use previously-found\ \ cards for faster performace\r\n if memoizedCards[object.getName()]\ \ then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. memoizedCards[object.getName()],\ \ id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\n else\r\ \n findCard(object)\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag, object.getGUID())\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction findCard(object)\r\n local icons = ''\r\n\ \r\n for _, card in pairs (cardJson) do\r\n if ( == object.getName())\ \ then\r\n local skillIcons = getIcons(card.skillIcons)\r\n \ \ if skillIcons ~= '' then\r\n icons = '\\n' .. skillIcons\r\ \n end\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ --memoize result\r\n memoizedCards[object.getName()] = icons\r\n\r\n \ \ table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. icons, id = object.getGUID()})\r\ \n recreateButtons()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getIcons(skillIcons)\r\n local\ \ icons = ''\r\n\r\n for icon, value in pairs (skillIcons) do\r\n \ \ icons = icons .. icon .. ': ' .. value .. ' '\r\n end\r\n\r\n return\ \ icons\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\ \n verticalPosition = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\ \n if _G['removeCard' ..] == nil then\r\n _G['removeCard'\ \ ..] = function()\r\n removeCard(\r\n \ \ end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n \ \ label =,\r\n icon = 'combatIcon',\r\n click_function\ \ = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n \ \ position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\n height = 225,\r\n\ \ width = 1200,\r\n font_size = 75,\r\n color\ \ = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\n })\r\n\r\n \ \ verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\r\n end\r\n\r\n countLabel\ \ = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n\ \ label = countLabel,\r\n click_function = 'nothing',\r\n \ \ function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\n width\ \ = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n font_color\ \ = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = cardGUID,\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeCardByGUID(bag,\ \ guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in ipairs (bag) do\r\n \ \ if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n end\r\n end\r\ \n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag, idx)\r\n \ \ end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction loadCards()\r\n return {{[\"name\"] = \"Random\ \ Basic Weakness\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\ \" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy Adams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 4,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland's .38 Special\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cover Up\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"On the\ \ Lam\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Heirloom of Hyperborea\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy's Amulet\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Abandoned and Alone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat\ \ Cop\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Machete\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guard Dog\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Extra Ammunition (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Police Badge (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shotgun (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Research Librarian\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Milan Christopher\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Texts\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Working a Hunch\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Deduction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying\ \ Glass (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc\ \ of Itzamna (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Research (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Switchblade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Burglary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elusive\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak\ \ Attack\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Opportunist\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo\ \ De Luca (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cat\ \ Burglar (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sure Gamble (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hot Streak\ \ (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Knowledge\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Initiate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawn to the Flame\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque\ \ Statue (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather\ \ Coat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Baseball Bat\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stray Cat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning Distraction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Aquinnah (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Close Call (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky! (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Will\ \ to Survive (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Flashlight\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency\ \ Cache\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Unexpected Courage\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Bulletproof Vest (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elder Sign Amulet (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amnesia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Paranoia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haunted\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Psychosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hypochondria\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mob Enforcer\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silver Twilight Acolyte\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stubborn Detective\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Zoey Samaras\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex Murphy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim Culver\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Ashcan\\\" Pete\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Zoey's Cross\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Smite the Wicked\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Search\ \ for the Truth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rex's Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny's Twin\ \ .45s\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Searching for Izzie\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim's Trumpet\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Final Rhapsody\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Duke\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Wracked by Nightmares\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Teamwork\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liquid\ \ Courage\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your\ \ Feet\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Double or Nothing\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hired Muscle (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Rite of Seeking\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Clarity of Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bind\ \ Monster (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fire Axe\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Peter Sylvestre\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Bait and Switch\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Kukri\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Indebted\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Internal Injury\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chronophobia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Emergency Aid\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Brother Xavier (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pathfinder (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Adaptable (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delve Too Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Song of the Dead (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Oops!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fire Extinguisher\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flare (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smoking Pipe\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Painkillers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bandolier\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Art Student\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deduction (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I'm outta here!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Switchblade (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Newspaper\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lure (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Relic Hunter (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Charisma (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prepared for\ \ the Worst\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keen Eye (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous\ \ Sketches\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Higher Education (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lone Wolf\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Pact (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Rise to the Occasion\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrapper (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"If it bleeds...\\\"\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Springfield\ \ M1903 (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Inquiring Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Expose Weakness (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Thinking\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Opportunist (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Alyssa Graham\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite\ \ of Seeking (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dark Horse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\ \" (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\" Vigil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace in the Hole (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonlight Ritual\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jewel of Aureolus (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stroke of Luck (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Clothes\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moment of Respite (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lightning Gun (5)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr.\ \ William T. Maleson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Deciphered Reality (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chicago Typewriter (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Gold Pocket Watch (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection (5)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Aquinnah\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Try and Try Again (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Red-Gloved Man (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mark Harrigan\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"\ Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Minh Thi Phan\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sefina Rousseau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Akachi Onyele\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"William Yorick\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Hayes\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Home Front\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shell Shock\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Analytical Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The King in Yellow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Painted World\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of Hyades\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Spirit-Speaker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Angered Spirits\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Bury Them Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Graveyard Ghouls\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvisation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crisis of Identity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".32\ \ Colt\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Grit\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let me handle this!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ever Vigilant (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Fieldwork\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic\ \ Glyphs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone\ \ Unturned\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Know\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sleight of Hand\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\ \ Maneuver\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alchemical\ \ Transmutation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Uncage\ \ the Soul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Astral Travel\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit\ \ Athame (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hiding Spot\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Resourceful\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overzealous\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing the Sign\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Thing That Follows\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Constance Dumaine\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jordan\ \ Perry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ishimaru Haruko\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sebastien Moreau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ashleigh Clarke\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Engram's Oath\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"L'agneau Perdu\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Pattern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The First Show\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Above and Below\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Combat Training (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anatomical Diagrams\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scientific\ \ Theory (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knuckleduster\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Moxie (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"David Renfield\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Grounded (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Cherished Keepsake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Plucky (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Say Your Prayers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Desperate Search\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Reckless Assault\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Run For Your Life\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Trench Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ambush (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Charles Ross, Esq.\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Forewarned (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dario El-Amin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Sneak Attack (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of Spirits\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fight or Flight\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Devil's Luck (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calling in Favors\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I'll see you in hell!\\\"\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical\ \ Reasoning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quantum Flux\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Madame Labranche\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Snare Trap (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inspiring Presence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First\ \ Aid (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eureka!\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Shortcut (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Watch this!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41\ \ Derringer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Torrent of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrying (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Waylay\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance\ \ Encounter (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Emergency Cache (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"On\ \ the Hunt\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Stick to the Plan (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Guidance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Insight\ \ (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Narrow Escape\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Suggestion (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"St. Hubert's Key\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ward of Protection (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Arcane Initiate (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Not without a fight!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Survivor\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armor of Ardennes\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eidetic Memory (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone Unturned (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Charon's Obol (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lupara (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheat Death (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Time Warp (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seal of the Elder\ \ Sign (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Newspaper\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Infighting\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Key of Ys (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Songs 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1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Finn Edwards\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Father Mateo\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calvin Wright\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 0,[\"\ Agility\"] = 0,[\"Combat\"] = 0,[\"Intellect\"] = 0}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mitch\ \ Brown\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bought in Blood\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jake Williams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Call of the Unknown\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smuggled Goods\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Finn's Trusty .38\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Caught Red-Handed\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Codex of Ages\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Serpents of Yig\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Until the End of Time\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Voice of the Messenger\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Survival Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Venturer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Trusted\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Reliable (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Elli Horowitz\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tooth of Eztli\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unearth the Ancients\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Treasure Hunter (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eavesdrop\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"You handle\ \ this one!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Chthonian Stone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Protective Incantation (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvised Weapon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dumb Luck\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaotl\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Last Chance\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Pact\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Price of Failure\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Doomed\"\ 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1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take the Initiative\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well Prepared (2)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Understanding\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Study (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hatchet Man\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"High Roller (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enraptured\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recall the Future (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Try and Try Again (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Cornered (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Intrepid\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Custom\ \ Ammunition (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Otherworldly Compass (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose Weakness (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Santiago (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Olive McBride\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Premonition\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Against All Odds (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trench Coat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ornate Bow (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"M1918 BAR (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pay Day (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrifice (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystalline Elder Sign (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Handcuffs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood\ \ Eclipse (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Feed the Mind (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Colt Vest Pocket\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Coup de Gr\xE2ce\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"The Skeleton Key (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Winging It\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Old Hunting Rifle (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Thermos\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hemispheric Map (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeworn Brand (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kerosene (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flamethrower (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vantage Point\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pnakotic Manuscripts\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Borrowed Time 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Stanley\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rita Young\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 5,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Therapy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rational Thought\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detective's Colt 1911s\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Unsolved Case\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Family Inheritance\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lodge \\\"Debts\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Twilight Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Insight\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = 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\"Well Connected\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Money Talks\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Moon \u2022 XVIII (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deny Existence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prophesy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Four of Cups (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Track Shoes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Act of Desperation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Able Bodied\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Five of Pentacles (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ace of Rods (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The 13th\ \ Vision\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Tower \u2022 XVI\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Something Worth Fighting For\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crack the Case\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Intel Report\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sign Magick\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Banish (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Meat Cleaver\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".45 Thompson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scroll of Secrets\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Enchanted Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Grisly Totem\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Alice Luxley\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well-Maintained\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mr. \\\"Rook\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hawk-Eye Folding Camera\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Henry Wan\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift Reflexes\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sixth Sense\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing Thin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Belly of the Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Tennessee Sour Mash (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"The Council's Coffer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Warning Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Telescopic Sight (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Knowledge is Power\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric\ \ Atlas (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Investments\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decoy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"De Vermis Mysteriis (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guiding Spirit (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fortune or Fate (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mk 1 Grenades (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agency Backup (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghastly\ \ Revelation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Studious\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Small Favor\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Day, Another Dollar (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dayana Esperence (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deny Existence (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trial by Fire\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bait and Switch (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anna Kaslow (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallowed Mirror\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Soothing Melody\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\ \" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Occult Lexicon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blood-Rite\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Glimpse the Unthinkable (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"You owe me one!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Double, Double (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sixth Sense (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lure (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eucatastrophe (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tommy Muldoon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mandy Thompson\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tony Morgan\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Luke Robinson\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice Hathaway\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Becky\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rookie Mistake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Occult Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Shocking Discovery\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bounty Contracts\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony's .38 Long Colt\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tony's Quarry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gate Box\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detached from Reality\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice's Violin\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Watcher\ \ from Another Dimension\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Hungering\ \ Blade (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bloodlust\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Solemn Vow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Segment of Onyx (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pendant of the Queen\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astounding Revelation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystallizer of Dreams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Guardian of the Crystallizer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Easy Mark (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stargazing (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Stars Are Right\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Open\ \ Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Miss Doyle (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Hope\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Zeal\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Augur\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fortuitous Discovery\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Centered\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kleptomania\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Narcolepsy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Your Worst Nightmare\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Watch\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Essence of the Dream\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Followed\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Momentum (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Prophecies\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Read the Signs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jessica Hyde (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Souls\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dreamlike Horrors\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Endless\ \ Secrets\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cylinders of Kadatheron\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Doom of Sarnath\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghosts of the Dead\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Palace of Rainbows\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Shrine\ \ to the Gods\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Crypt of Zulan-Thek\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wares of Baharna\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Likeness of Old\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"What Remains of Tyrrhia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Advice\ \ of the King\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeless Beauty\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unattainable Desires\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The City Inside\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Baleful Star\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tetsuo Mori\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Fool me once...\\\ \" (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Sacrifice\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Otherworld Codex (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Enhancing Serum\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let God sort them\ \ out...\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift\ \ Reload (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gregory\ \ Gry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Healing Words\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ethereal Form\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrounge for Supplies\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Brute Force (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Versatile (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".35 Winchester\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Safeguard (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Practice Makes Perfect\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Three Aces (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burglary (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spectral Razor\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Word of Command (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonstone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sharp Vision (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Lucid Dreaming (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Off the Galley\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream\ \ Diary (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haste (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Daredevil (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Twila Katherine Price (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Glimmer of Hope\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expeditious Retreat (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghastly Tunnels\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Sentry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Path\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Strange Ghoul\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scouting the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Something Below\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitants of\ \ the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Way Out\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spider-Infested Waters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Still Surface\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rolling Pits\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Center of the Sea\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Empty Vessel (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wish Eater\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Surprising Find (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Garrote Wire (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delilah O'Rourke (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Summoned Hound (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unbound Beast\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nothing Left to Lose (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Black Cat (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spiritual Resolve (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Abigail Foreman (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Eye of Truth\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\ \" Vigil (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sawed-Off Shotgun (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind's Eye (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shining Trapezohedron (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nightmare\ \ Bauble (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dream Parasite\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Scavenging (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sister Mary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amanda Sharpe\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Trish Scarborough\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guardian\ \ Angel\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crisis of Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obscure\ \ Studies\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whispers from\ \ the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Shadows\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shadow\ \ Agents\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Showmanship\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult\ \ Scraps\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sea Change Harpoon\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas's Net\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Siren Call\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Psalms\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blessed Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Rite of Sanctification\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hand of Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptographic Cipher\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deep Knowledge\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Plan of Action\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Ritual\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obfuscation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Faustian Bargain\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sword Cane\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tides of Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ward of Radiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Promise of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Token of Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keep Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Predestined\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beloved\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tempt\ \ Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Accursed Follower\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dread Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Day of Reckoning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Riot Whistle\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Righteous Hunt (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacred\ \ Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Sophist\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stirring Up Trouble (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Blasphemous Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Breaking and\ \ Entering\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Skeptic (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"False Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armageddon\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud of Shadows\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Paradoxical Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mariner's Compass\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Keen Eye\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Radiant Smite (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Truth Beckons\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gaze of Ouraxsh (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Priest of Two Faiths\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Under Surveillance\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blood Pact\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Abyssal Tome (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly Effect (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Third Time's a Charm (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Manipulate Destiny\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Armor\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Blessing of Isis (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"R\xEDastrad (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tristan Botley (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Curse of Aeons (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unrelenting (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Signum Crucis (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shield of Faith (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fey (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guided by the Unseen (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Lucky\\\" Penny\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eye of the Djinn (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Armageddon (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud of Shadows (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit of Humanity (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Harmony Restored (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchant Weapon (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nephthys (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Stygian Eye (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Geas\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ikiaq (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flute of the Outer\ \ Gods (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Watchful Peace (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Moon (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Sun (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Purifying\ \ Corruption (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallow\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Holy Spear (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ancestral Knowledge (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ariadne's Twine (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \".25 Automatic (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Justify the Means (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Equilibrium (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacob Morrison (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrine of the Moirai (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sweeping Kick\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Butterfly Swords (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Written in the Stars\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dragon Pole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astronomical Atlas (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strength in Numbers (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Student\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Michael Leigh (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Divination (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blur (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Barricade (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hot Streak (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Rabbit's Foot (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Bandolier (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blackjack (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Rite of Seeking (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Clarity of Mind (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Oops! (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Through the Gates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Logical Reasoning (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Suggestion (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Alchemical Transmutation (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of Spirits (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Bloodthirst)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Colt Vest Pocket (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Chthonian Stone\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Alter Fate (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dendromorphosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Offer You Cannot\ \ Refuse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Print\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sell Your Soul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"The Star \u2022 XVII (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Hierophant \u2022 V (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moon Pendant\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nathaniel Cho\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Randall Cho\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tommy Malloy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Self-Destructive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing\ \ Gloves\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flesh Ward\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Relentless\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Safeguard\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clean Them Out\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Glory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"One-Two Punch\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence! (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Galvanize (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Counterpunch (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lesson Learned (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing Gloves\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\ \ (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"One-Two Punch (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Harvey Walters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vault of Knowledge\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Thrice-Damned Curiosity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obsessive\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Enlightenment\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Celaeno Fragments\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of Itzamna\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Feed the Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Higher Education\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burning the Midnight Oil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Writings\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Invocation\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Library Docent (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Glimpse the Unthinkable (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Esoteric Atlas (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Writings (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\ \" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mind over Matter (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Forbidden Tome (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Farsight (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Miskatonic Archaeology\ \ Funding (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon (5)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Winifred Habbamock\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 5,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anything You Can Do, Better\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 6}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arrogance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Reckless\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mauser C96\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lonnie Ritter\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Jacket\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak By\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nimble\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daredevil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Opportunist\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Liquid Courage (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Mauser C96 (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheap Shot (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky Cigarette Case (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sharpshooter (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Copycat\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beretta M1918 (4)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chuck\ \ Fergus (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacqueline Fine\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arbiter\ \ of Fates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Future\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Nihilism\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying Mirror\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Familiar Spirit\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystal Pendulum\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Robes of Endless Night\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Parallel Fates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Voice of Ra\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prescient\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque Statue (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Robes of Endless Night\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hypnotic Gaze (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Azure Flame (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Clairvoyance (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance (5)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable\ \ Truth (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stella Clark\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"\ Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Neither Rain nor Snow\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Called by the Mists\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Atychiphobia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".18 Derringer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Grimm's Fairy Tales\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Old Keyring\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Granny Orne\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysterious\ \ Raven\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's\ \ Foot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrapper\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Will to\ \ Survive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"A Test of Will\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dumb Luck\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grit Your\ \ Teeth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Leather Coat (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".18 Derringer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck (2)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unexpected\ \ Courage (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Granny\ \ Orne (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lucky! (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chainsaw (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Learner (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"D\xE9j\xE0 Vu (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"To the Dreamlands\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fate\ \ of the Dreamers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prisoners of Conquest\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruins of Sarkomand\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Effigy of Nodens\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Usurp the Night\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Translator's\ \ Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Supplicant's Evidence\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Priestess's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Salesman's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Assassin's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Professor's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom\ \ of Hyperborea\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Triumph and Subjugation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Green Man Medallion\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrificial Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Roland Banks\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysteries Remain\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Dirge of Reason\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Norman Withers\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Split the Angle\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vengeful Hound\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Foolishness\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"To Fight the Black Wind\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Nautical Prowess\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dreams of the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Molly Maxwell\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaztaroth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Gloria Goldberg\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruth Westmacott\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liber Omnium Finium\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Baron Samedi\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}}}\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Crystallizer of Dreams Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 16.3471661 posY: 1.64091623 posZ: -21.3152618 rotX: 359.920135 rotY: 270.0005 rotZ: 0.0168767888 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '5': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.2470581 g: 0.5607843 r: 1 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 089f35 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n skillCards\ \ = {}\r\n skillCount = 0\r\n cardJson = loadCards()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectEnterContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n if object.type == 'Card' then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag,\ \ {name = object.getName(), id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \n elseif object.type == 'Deck' and #cardsInBag == 0 then\r\n \ \ scanDeck(object)\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectLeaveContainer(container,\ \ object)\r\n if container == self then\r\n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag,\ \ object.getGUID())\r\n recreateButtons()\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ scanDeck(object)\r\n for _, containedObject in ipairs(object.getObjects())\ \ do\r\n for _, card in pairs (cardJson) do\r\n if\ \ == and card.type == 'skill' then\r\n skillCount\ \ = skillCount + 1\r\n table.insert(skillCards, {name =,\ \ id = containedObject.guid})\r\n break\r\n end\r\n\ \ end\r\n end\r\n\r\n if skillCount >= 10 then\r\n init(object)\r\ \n else\r\n broadcastToAll('Not enough skill cards in deck', Table)\r\ \n\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = object.getGUID(),\r\n\ \ rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\n end\r\ \nend\r\n\r\nfunction init(object)\r\n local randomSkills = {table.unpack(FYShuffle(skillCards),\ \ 1, 5)}\r\n height = 1\r\n\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = object.getGUID(),\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0,-2.5),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ for _, skillCards in ipairs (randomSkills) do\r\n obj.takeObject({\r\ \n guid =,\r\n rotation\ \ = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,height,0)\r\n })\r\n\r\n height =\ \ height + 0.5\r\n end\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ FYShuffle(tInput)\r\n local tReturn = {}\r\n math.randomseed(os.time())\r\ \n\r\n for i = #tInput, 1, -1 do\r\n local j = math.random(i)\r\n\ \ tInput[i], tInput[j] = tInput[j], tInput[i]\r\n table.insert(tReturn,\ \ tInput[i])\r\n end\r\n\r\n return tReturn\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\ \n self.clearButtons()\r\n verticalPosition = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card\ \ in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\n if _G['removeCard' ..] == nil\ \ then\r\n _G['removeCard' ..] = function()\r\n \ \ removeCard(\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ self.createButton({\r\n label =,\r\n click_function\ \ = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n \ \ position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\n height = 200,\r\n\ \ width = 1200,\r\n font_size = 75,\r\n color\ \ = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\n })\r\n\r\n \ \ verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\r\n end\r\n\r\n countLabel\ \ = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n\ \ label = countLabel,\r\n click_function = 'nothing',\r\n \ \ function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\n width\ \ = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n font_color\ \ = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = cardGUID,\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeCardByGUID(bag,\ \ guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in ipairs (bag) do\r\n \ \ if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n end\r\n end\r\ \n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag, idx)\r\n \ \ end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction loadCards()\r\n return {{[\"name\"] = \"Random\ \ Basic Weakness\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\",[\"type\"] =\ \ \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\",[\"type\"] = \"\ investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Wendy Adams\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Roland's .38 Special\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Cover Up\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"type\"] =\ \ \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom of Hyperborea\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Wendy's Amulet\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Abandoned and\ \ Alone\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Beat Cop\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Machete\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Guard Dog\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence!\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious\ \ Blow\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Extra Ammunition (1)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Police Badge (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shotgun\ \ (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Research Librarian\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr.\ \ Milan Christopher\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Texts\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Working a Hunch\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Magnifying Glass (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of\ \ Itzamna (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia (2)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Research (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"\ event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Burglary\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Leo De Luca\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Elusive\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Backstab\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak Attack\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Cat Burglar (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sure Gamble (3)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hot Streak (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Knowledge\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Holy Rosary\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane\ \ Initiate\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawn to the Flame\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Fearless\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (1)\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque\ \ Statue (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather Coat\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Baseball Bat\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stray Cat\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning\ \ Distraction\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\ \"\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky!\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Aquinnah (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Close Call (2)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky! (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Will to Survive (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Knife\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Flashlight\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Guts\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception\",[\"\ type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Unexpected\ \ Courage\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Bulletproof Vest (3)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Elder Sign Amulet (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"\ asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Amnesia\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Paranoia\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Haunted\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Psychosis\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hypochondria\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mob Enforcer\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"enemy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Silver Twilight Acolyte\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"enemy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stubborn Detective\",[\"type\"] = \"enemy\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Zoey Samaras\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex\ \ Murphy\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\",[\"\ type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim Culver\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Ashcan\\\" Pete\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Zoey's Cross\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Smite the\ \ Wicked\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Search for the Truth\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex's Curse\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny's Twin .45s\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Searching for Izzie\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim's\ \ Trumpet\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Final Rhapsody\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Duke\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Wracked by Nightmares\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Teamwork\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (2)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"type\"] = \"\ asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Shortcut\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Liquid Courage\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Double or Nothing\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hired Muscle\ \ (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Clarity of Mind\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Bind Monster\ \ (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Fire Axe\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Bait and Switch\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre (2)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Kukri\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Indebted\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Internal\ \ Injury\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Chronophobia\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Aid\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Brother Xavier (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"\ I've got a plan!\\\"\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Pathfinder (1)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Adaptable (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Delve\ \ Too Deep\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Song of the Dead (2)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fire Extinguisher (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Flare (1)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Smoking Pipe\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Painkillers\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Bandolier\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together (3)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Art Student\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\ \"I'm outta here!\\\"\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Switchblade\ \ (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"type\"] =\ \ \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Newspaper\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lure (1)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Relic Hunter (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Charisma (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Prepared\ \ for the Worst\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Keen Eye (3)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches\",[\"type\"] = \"\ event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Higher Education (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lone Wolf\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise (3)\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Pact (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rise to\ \ the Occasion\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrapper (3)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"If it bleeds...\\\"\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Springfield M1903 (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Inquiring\ \ Mind\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose Weakness (1)\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Thinking\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Opportunist\ \ (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Alyssa Graham\",[\"type\"] =\ \ \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Seeking (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dark Horse\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\ \ (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\",[\"type\"] = \"\ skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\" (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange\ \ Solution (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\"\ \ Vigil\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace in the Hole (3)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonlight Ritual\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Jewel\ \ of Aureolus (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stroke of Luck (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"\ skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Clothes\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Moment of Respite (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious\ \ Blow (2)\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer (5)\",[\"\ type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lightning Gun (5)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. William T. Maleson\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Deciphered Reality (5)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Chicago\ \ Typewriter (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Gold Pocket Watch\ \ (4)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (5)\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection (5)\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Aquinnah (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Try\ \ and Try Again (3)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Red-Gloved\ \ Man (5)\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mark Harrigan\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Minh Thi Phan\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Sefina Rousseau\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Akachi Onyele\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"William\ \ Yorick\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Hayes\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Home Front\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Shell Shock\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sophie\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Analytical Mind\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The King in Yellow\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"The Painted World\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of Hyades\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit-Speaker\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Angered Spirits\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Bury Them Deep\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Graveyard Ghouls\",[\"type\"] = \"\ enemy\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvisation\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Crisis of Identity\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"True Grit\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let me handle this!\\\"\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ever Vigilant 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\"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Norman Withers\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Split the Angle\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Vengeful Hound\",[\"type\"] = \"enemy\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Foolishness\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"To Fight the Black Wind\",[\"type\"\ ] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"\ },{[\"name\"] = \"Nautical Prowess\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dreams of the Deep\",[\"type\"] = \"skill\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Molly Maxwell\",[\"type\"] =\ \ \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaztaroth\",[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Gloria Goldberg\",[\"type\"] = \"investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruth\ \ Westmacott\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Liber Omnium Finium\"\ ,[\"type\"] = \"treachery\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"type\"] = \"\ investigator\"},{[\"name\"] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"type\"] = \"event\"},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Baron Samedi\",[\"type\"] = \"asset\"}}\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Ancestral Knowledge Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 16.347168 posY: 1.64091635 posZ: -21.3152657 rotX: 359.920135 rotY: 270.000427 rotZ: 0.0168802254 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '6': AltLookAngle: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 Autoraise: true Bag: Order: 0 ColorDiffuse: b: 0.576470554 g: 0.333332181 r: 0.364704728 CustomMesh: CastShadows: true ColliderURL: Convex: true DiffuseURL: MaterialIndex: 1 MeshURL: NormalURL: '' TypeIndex: 6 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 13f090 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: "function onload(saved_data)\r\n cardsInBag = {}\r\n memoizedCards\ \ = {}\r\n cardJson = loadCards()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction onObjectEnterContainer(container,\ \ object)\r\n if container == self then\r\n --use previously-found\ \ cards for faster performace\r\n if memoizedCards[object.getName()]\ \ then\r\n table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. memoizedCards[object.getName()],\ \ id = object.getGUID()})\r\n recreateButtons()\r\n else\r\ \n findCard(object)\r\n end\r\n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ onObjectLeaveContainer(container, object)\r\n if container == self then\r\ \n removeCardByGUID(cardsInBag, object.getGUID())\r\n recreateButtons()\r\ \n end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction findCard(object)\r\n local icons = ''\r\n\ \r\n for _, card in pairs (cardJson) do\r\n if ( == object.getName())\ \ then\r\n local skillIcons = getIcons(card.skillIcons)\r\n \ \ if skillIcons ~= '' then\r\n icons = '\\n' .. skillIcons\r\ \n end\r\n break\r\n end\r\n end\r\n\r\n \ \ --memoize result\r\n memoizedCards[object.getName()] = icons\r\n\r\n \ \ table.insert(cardsInBag, {name = object.getName() .. icons, id = object.getGUID()})\r\ \n recreateButtons()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction getIcons(skillIcons)\r\n local\ \ icons = ''\r\n\r\n for icon, value in pairs (skillIcons) do\r\n \ \ icons = icons .. icon .. ': ' .. value .. ' '\r\n end\r\n\r\n return\ \ icons\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction recreateButtons()\r\n self.clearButtons()\r\ \n verticalPosition = 1.5\r\n\r\n for _, card in ipairs(cardsInBag) do\r\ \n if _G['removeCard' ..] == nil then\r\n _G['removeCard'\ \ ..] = function()\r\n removeCard(\r\n \ \ end\r\n end\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n \ \ label =,\r\n icon = 'combatIcon',\r\n click_function\ \ = \"removeCard\" ..,\r\n function_owner = self,\r\n \ \ position = {0,0,verticalPosition},\r\n height = 225,\r\n\ \ width = 1200,\r\n font_size = 75,\r\n color\ \ = {1,1,1},\r\n font_color = {0,0,0}\r\n })\r\n\r\n \ \ verticalPosition = verticalPosition - 0.5\r\n end\r\n\r\n countLabel\ \ = #cardsInBag == 0 and '' or #cardsInBag\r\n\r\n self.createButton({\r\n\ \ label = countLabel,\r\n click_function = 'nothing',\r\n \ \ function_owner = self,\r\n position = {0,0,-1.25},\r\n width\ \ = 0,\r\n height = 0,\r\n font_size = 225,\r\n font_color\ \ = {1,1,1}\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction nothing()\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction\ \ removeCard(cardGUID)\r\n self.takeObject({\r\n guid = cardGUID,\r\ \n rotation = self.getRotation(),\r\n position = self.getPosition()\ \ + Vector(0,0.5,0),\r\n callback_function = function(obj)\r\n \ \ obj.resting = true\r\n end\r\n })\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction removeCardByGUID(bag,\ \ guid)\r\n local idx = nil\r\n\r\n for i, v in ipairs (bag) do\r\n \ \ if ( == guid) then\r\n idx = i\r\n end\r\n end\r\ \n\r\n if idx ~= nil then\r\n table.remove(cardsInBag, idx)\r\n \ \ end\r\nend\r\n\r\nfunction loadCards()\r\n return {{[\"name\"] = \"Random\ \ Basic Weakness\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland Banks\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\ \" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy Adams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 4,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Roland's .38 Special\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cover Up\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"On the\ \ Lam\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Heirloom of Hyperborea\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Wendy's Amulet\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Abandoned and Alone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat\ \ Cop\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Aid\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Machete\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guard Dog\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Extra Ammunition (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Police Badge (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beat Cop (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shotgun (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying Glass\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Research Librarian\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Milan Christopher\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Texts\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind over Matter\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Working a Hunch\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Barricade\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Deduction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Magnifying\ \ Glass (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc\ \ of Itzamna (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Research (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Switchblade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Burglary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41 Derringer\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo De Luca\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elusive\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backstab\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak\ \ Attack\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Opportunist\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leo\ \ De Luca (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cat\ \ Burglar (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sure Gamble (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hot Streak\ \ (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Knowledge\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Initiate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawn to the Flame\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind Wipe (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blinding Light (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grotesque\ \ Statue (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leather\ \ Coat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scavenging\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Baseball Bat\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's Foot\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stray Cat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning Distraction\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Aquinnah (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Close Call (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lucky! (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Will\ \ to Survive (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Flashlight\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency\ \ Cache\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guts\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Perception\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Manual Dexterity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Unexpected Courage\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Bulletproof Vest (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Elder Sign Amulet (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amnesia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Paranoia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haunted\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Psychosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hypochondria\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mob Enforcer\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silver Twilight Acolyte\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stubborn Detective\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Zoey Samaras\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rex Murphy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim Culver\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Ashcan\\\" Pete\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Zoey's Cross\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Smite the Wicked\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Search\ \ for the Truth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rex's Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny's Twin\ \ .45s\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Searching for Izzie\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jim's Trumpet\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Final Rhapsody\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Duke\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Wracked by Nightmares\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blackjack\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Teamwork\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shortcut\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seeking Answers\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liquid\ \ Courage\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your\ \ Feet\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Double or Nothing\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Hired Muscle (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Rite of Seeking\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Clarity of Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bind\ \ Monster (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fire Axe\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Peter Sylvestre\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Bait and Switch\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Peter Sylvestre (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Kukri\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Indebted\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Internal Injury\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chronophobia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Emergency Aid\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Brother Xavier (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've got a plan!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pathfinder (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Adaptable (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delve Too Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Song of the Dead (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Oops!\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fire Extinguisher\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flare (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smoking Pipe\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Painkillers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bandolier\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Art Student\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Deduction (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"\\\"I'm outta here!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Switchblade (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Newspaper\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lure (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Relic Hunter (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Charisma (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prepared for\ \ the Worst\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keen Eye (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous\ \ Sketches\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Higher Education (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lone Wolf\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Streetwise (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood Pact (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Rise to the Occasion\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrapper (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Emergency Cache\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"If it bleeds...\\\"\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Springfield\ \ M1903 (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Inquiring Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Expose Weakness (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Thinking\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Opportunist (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Alyssa Graham\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite\ \ of Seeking (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dark Horse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Instinct\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\ \" (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\" Vigil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ace in the Hole (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonlight Ritual\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fearless (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jewel of Aureolus (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance Encounter\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stroke of Luck (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Clothes\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moment of Respite (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lightning Gun (5)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr.\ \ William T. Maleson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Deciphered Reality (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chicago Typewriter (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Gold Pocket Watch (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrivelling (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ward of Protection (5)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Aquinnah\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Try and Try Again (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Red-Gloved Man (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mark Harrigan\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"\ Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Minh Thi Phan\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sefina Rousseau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Akachi Onyele\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"William Yorick\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Hayes\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Home Front\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shell Shock\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sophie\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Analytical Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The King in Yellow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Painted World\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stars of Hyades\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Spirit-Speaker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Angered Spirits\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Bury Them Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Graveyard Ghouls\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvisation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crisis of Identity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".32\ \ Colt\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Grit\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let me handle this!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ever Vigilant (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Fieldwork\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic\ \ Glyphs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone\ \ Unturned\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Know\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sleight of Hand\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\ \ Maneuver\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lockpicks\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Alchemical\ \ Transmutation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Uncage\ \ the Soul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Astral Travel\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit\ \ Athame (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hiding Spot\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Resourceful\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overzealous\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing the Sign\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Thing That Follows\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Constance Dumaine\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jordan\ \ Perry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ishimaru Haruko\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sebastien Moreau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ashleigh Clarke\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Engram's Oath\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"L'agneau Perdu\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Pattern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The First Show\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Above and Below\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Combat Training (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anatomical Diagrams\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scientific\ \ Theory (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Knuckleduster\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Moxie (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"David Renfield\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Grounded (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Cherished Keepsake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Plucky (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Say Your Prayers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Desperate Search\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Reckless Assault\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Run For Your Life\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Trench Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ambush (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Charles Ross, Esq.\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Forewarned (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dario El-Amin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Sneak Attack (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of Spirits\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Shadows (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fight or Flight\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Devil's Luck (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calling in Favors\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I'll see you in hell!\\\"\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Automatic (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Logical\ \ Reasoning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Archaic Glyphs\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pickpocketing (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quantum Flux\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Madame Labranche\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Snare Trap (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inspiring Presence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"First\ \ Aid (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eureka!\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Shortcut (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Watch this!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".41\ \ Derringer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Torrent of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scrying (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Waylay\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Chance\ \ Encounter (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ 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lead!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armor of Ardennes\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eidetic Memory (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"No Stone Unturned (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Charon's Obol (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lupara (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheat Death (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Time Warp (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Seal of the Elder\ \ Sign (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Newspaper\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Infighting\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Key of Ys (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Songs That the Hyades Shall Sing\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stars of Aldebaran\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bleak Desolation\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitant of Carcosa\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Moment's Rest\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Coffin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mapping the Streets\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The King's Parade\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Archway\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Height of the Depths\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Steps of the\ \ Palace\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Fall\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hastur's End\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Leo Anderson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ursula Downs\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Finn Edwards\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"]\ \ = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Father Mateo\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Calvin Wright\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 0,[\"\ Agility\"] = 0,[\"Combat\"] = 0,[\"Intellect\"] = 0}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mitch\ \ Brown\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bought in Blood\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jake Williams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Call of the Unknown\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Smuggled Goods\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Finn's Trusty .38\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Caught Red-Handed\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Codex of Ages\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Serpents of Yig\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Until the End of Time\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Voice of the Messenger\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Survival Knife\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Venturer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Trusted\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Reliable (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dr. Elli Horowitz\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tooth of Eztli\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unearth the Ancients\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Treasure Hunter (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eavesdrop\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"You handle\ \ this one!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Chthonian Stone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Protective Incantation (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dark Prophecy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Improvised Weapon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dumb Luck\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaotl\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Last Chance\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Pact\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Price of Failure\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Doomed\"\ 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1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take the Initiative\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well Prepared (2)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"True Understanding\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Study (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hatchet Man\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"High Roller (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enraptured\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recall the Future (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Try and Try Again (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Cornered (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Intrepid\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Custom\ \ Ammunition (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Otherworldly Compass (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expose Weakness (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lola Santiago (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Olive McBride\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Defiance (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Premonition\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Against All Odds (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trench Coat\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ornate Bow (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"M1918 BAR (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pay Day (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrifice (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystalline Elder Sign (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Handcuffs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blood\ \ Eclipse (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Feed the Mind (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Colt Vest Pocket\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Coup de Gr\xE2ce\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"The Skeleton Key (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Winging It\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Old Hunting Rifle (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Thermos\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Hemispheric Map (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeworn Brand (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kerosene (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flamethrower (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vantage Point\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pnakotic Manuscripts\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Borrowed Time 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Stanley\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rita Young\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 5,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Therapy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rational Thought\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detective's Colt 1911s\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Unsolved Case\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Family Inheritance\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lodge \\\"Debts\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Twilight Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Insight\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = 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\"Well Connected\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Money Talks\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cunning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Moon \u2022 XVIII (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deny Existence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Inspiration\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prophesy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Four of Cups (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Track Shoes\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Act of Desperation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Able Bodied\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Five of Pentacles (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ace of Rods (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The 13th\ \ Vision\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Tower \u2022 XVI\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Something Worth Fighting For\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Crack the Case\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Intel Report\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sign Magick\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Banish (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Meat Cleaver\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".45 Thompson\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Scroll of Secrets\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Enchanted Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Grisly Totem\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Alice Luxley\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Well-Maintained\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mr. \\\"Rook\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hawk-Eye Folding Camera\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Henry Wan\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift Reflexes\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sixth Sense\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Drawing Thin\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Belly of the Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \".45 Thompson (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Secrets (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tennessee Sour Mash\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Tennessee Sour Mash (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Blade (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grisly Totem\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"The Council's Coffer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Warning Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Telescopic Sight (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Knowledge is Power\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Esoteric\ \ Atlas (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Investments\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decoy\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"De Vermis Mysteriis (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guiding Spirit (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fortune or Fate (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mk 1 Grenades (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agency Backup (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghastly\ \ Revelation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Studious\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Small Favor\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Day, Another Dollar (3)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dayana Esperence (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deny Existence (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Trial by Fire\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bait and Switch (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Anna Kaslow (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallowed Mirror\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Soothing Melody\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"I've had worse...\\\ \" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Occult Lexicon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blood-Rite\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Glimpse the Unthinkable (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"You owe me one!\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Double, Double (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wither (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sixth Sense (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lure (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eucatastrophe (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tommy Muldoon\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mandy Thompson\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tony Morgan\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Luke Robinson\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice Hathaway\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] =\ \ 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Becky\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rookie Mistake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Occult Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Shocking Discovery\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bounty Contracts\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tony's .38 Long Colt\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Tony's Quarry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gate Box\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Detached from Reality\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Gate\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Patrice's Violin\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Watcher\ \ from Another Dimension\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Hungering\ \ Blade (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Bloodlust\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Solemn Vow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Segment of Onyx (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pendant of the Queen\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astounding Revelation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystallizer of Dreams\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Guardian of the Crystallizer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Easy Mark (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stargazing (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Stars Are Right\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Open\ \ Gate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Miss Doyle (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Hope\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Zeal\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Augur\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Fortuitous Discovery\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Centered\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Kleptomania\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Narcolepsy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Your Worst Nightmare\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"First Watch\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Essence of the Dream\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Followed\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Momentum (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scroll of Prophecies\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Read the Signs\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jessica Hyde (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Souls\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Dreamlike Horrors\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Endless\ \ Secrets\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cylinders of Kadatheron\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Doom of Sarnath\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghosts of the Dead\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Palace of Rainbows\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Shrine\ \ to the Gods\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Crypt of Zulan-Thek\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wares of Baharna\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Likeness of Old\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"What Remains of Tyrrhia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Advice\ \ of the King\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Timeless Beauty\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unattainable Desires\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The City Inside\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"The Baleful Star\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tetsuo Mori\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Fool me once...\\\ \" (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Self-Sacrifice\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Otherworld Codex (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream-Enhancing Serum\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Let God sort them\ \ out...\\\"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Swift\ \ Reload (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gregory\ \ Gry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Healing Words\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ethereal Form\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrounge for Supplies\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Brute Force (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Versatile (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".35 Winchester\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Safeguard (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Practice Makes Perfect\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Three Aces (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burglary (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spectral Razor\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Word of Command (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moonstone\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sharp Vision (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Lucid Dreaming (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Off the Galley\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heroic Rescue (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Leadership\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream Diary (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dream\ \ Diary (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dream Diary (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Haste (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Daredevil (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Empower Self (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Twila Katherine Price (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Glimmer of Hope\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Expeditious Retreat (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ghastly Tunnels\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Sentry\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Another Path\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Strange Ghoul\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scouting the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Something Below\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Inhabitants of\ \ the Vale\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Way Out\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spider-Infested Waters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Still Surface\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rolling Pits\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Center of the Sea\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Empty Vessel (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Wish Eater\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Surprising Find (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Old Book of Lore (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Garrote Wire (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Delilah O'Rourke (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Summoned Hound (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unbound Beast\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nothing Left to Lose (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Black Cat (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spiritual Resolve (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Abigail Foreman (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Eye of Truth\ \ (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Joey \\\"The Rat\\\ \" Vigil (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Sawed-Off Shotgun (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mind's Eye (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shining Trapezohedron (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nightmare\ \ Bauble (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dream Parasite\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Scavenging (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Sister Mary\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Amanda Sharpe\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Trish Scarborough\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guardian\ \ Angel\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crisis of Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obscure\ \ Studies\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whispers from\ \ the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"In the Shadows\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shadow\ \ Agents\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Showmanship\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult\ \ Scraps\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sea Change Harpoon\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas's Net\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Siren Call\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Book of Psalms\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blessed Blade\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Rite of Sanctification\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Hand of Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptographic Cipher\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deep Knowledge\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Plan of Action\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \".25 Automatic\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Ritual\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obfuscation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Faustian Bargain\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sword Cane\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Tides of Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Ward of Radiance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Promise of Power\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 4}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Token of Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Keep Faith\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Predestined\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Beloved\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tempt\ \ Fate\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Accursed Follower\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dread Curse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Day of Reckoning\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Riot Whistle\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Righteous Hunt (1)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacred\ \ Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eldritch Sophist\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stirring Up Trouble (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Blasphemous Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Breaking and\ \ Entering\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Skeptic (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"False Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Armageddon\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud of Shadows\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Paradoxical Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mariner's Compass\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Covenant (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Keen Eye\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Radiant Smite (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Truth Beckons\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gaze of Ouraxsh (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Priest of Two Faiths\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Under Surveillance\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Blood Pact\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Abyssal Tome (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Butterfly Effect (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Third Time's a Charm (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Manipulate Destiny\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchanted Armor\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Blessing of Isis (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Grimoire (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"R\xEDastrad (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tristan Botley (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Curse of Aeons (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unrelenting (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Signum Crucis (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Holy Rosary (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shield of Faith (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fey (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Guided by the Unseen (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Lucky\\\" Penny\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Eye of the Djinn (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Armageddon (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Eye of Chaos (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shroud of Shadows (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Spirit of Humanity (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Harmony Restored (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Enchant Weapon (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nephthys (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Stygian Eye (3)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hyperawareness (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Geas\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hard Knocks (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ikiaq (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flute of the Outer\ \ Gods (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Watchful Peace (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dig Deep (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Moon (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Favor of the Sun (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Purifying\ \ Corruption (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hallow\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Holy Spear (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Ancestral Knowledge (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Ariadne's Twine (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \".25 Automatic (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Justify the Means (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Lucky Dice (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rite of Equilibrium (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jacob Morrison (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Shrine of the Moirai (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sweeping Kick\ \ (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Butterfly Swords (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Written in the Stars\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dragon Pole\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astronomical Atlas (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strength in Numbers (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Medical Student\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Michael Leigh (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Divination (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Blur (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast (2)\"\ 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(2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Strange Solution (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Contraband (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Think on Your Feet (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Rite of Seeking (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"Clarity of Mind (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Oops! (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Rise to the Occasion (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Through the Gates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \".32 Colt\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Eat lead!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Logical Reasoning (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Archaic Glyphs (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stealth (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Suggestion (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Alchemical Transmutation (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Storm of Spirits (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lantern (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Gravedigger's Shovel (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Bloodthirst)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Curiosity)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unspeakable Oath (Cowardice)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Blood Eclipse (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Survival Knife (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Truth from Fiction (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ancient Stone (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Decorated Skull (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Colt Vest Pocket (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mists of R'lyeh (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Chthonian Stone\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Alter Fate (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On Your Own (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Backpack\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Dendromorphosis\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Offer You Cannot\ \ Refuse\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fine Print\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sell Your Soul\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"]\ \ = \"The Star \u2022 XVII (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The\ \ Hierophant \u2022 V (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Moon Pendant\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nathaniel Cho\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 5,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Randall Cho\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Tommy Malloy\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Self-Destructive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing\ \ Gloves\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Flesh Ward\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Relentless\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Safeguard\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clean Them Out\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Counterpunch\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dodge\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Glory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Monster Slayer\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"One-Two Punch\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Stand Together\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vicious Blow\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Evidence! (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Galvanize (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Counterpunch (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Get over here!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Lesson Learned (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mano a Mano (2)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Overpower\ \ (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Boxing Gloves\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grete Wagner\ \ (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dynamite Blast (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Taunt (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Physical Training\ \ (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"One-Two Punch (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Harvey Walters\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vault of Knowledge\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Thrice-Damned Curiosity\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Obsessive\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Enlightenment\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Celaeno Fragments\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Disc of Itzamna\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Encyclopedia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Feed the Mind\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Forbidden Tome\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Higher Education\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Laboratory Assistant\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Whitton Greene\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Burning the Midnight Oil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cryptic Writings\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Extensive Research\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Occult Invocation\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Preposterous Sketches\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Deduction\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Library Docent (1)\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Glimpse the Unthinkable (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Esoteric Atlas 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1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Cheap Shot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Pilfer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sneak By\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Nimble\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daredevil\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Opportunist\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Liquid Courage (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Mauser C96 (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Daring Maneuver (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cheap Shot (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Slip Away 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1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Future\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Nihilism\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ritual Candles\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrying Mirror\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable Truth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Familiar Spirit\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Crystal Pendulum\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Robes of Endless Night\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Astral Travel\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hypnotic Gaze\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Parallel Fates\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = 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= 1,[\"Agility\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Arcane Studies (4)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Recharge (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Azure Flame (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Clairvoyance (5)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ineffable\ \ Truth (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Stella Clark\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"\ Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Neither Rain nor Snow\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Called by the Mists\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Atychiphobia\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \".18 Derringer\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Grimm's Fairy Tales\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Old Keyring\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Granny Orne\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysterious\ \ Raven\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Rabbit's\ \ Foot\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Scrapper\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Will to\ \ Survive\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"A Test of Will\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Dumb Luck\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Grit Your\ \ Teeth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Live and Learn\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\ \"\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Oops!\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Combat\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Take Heart\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Cherished Keepsake (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"Leather Coat (1)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \".18 Derringer (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"A Test of Will (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Look what I found!\\\" (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] =\ \ {[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dumb Luck (2)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Unexpected\ \ Courage (2)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Granny\ \ Orne (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Lucky! (3)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Chainsaw (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {[\"Combat\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Quick Learner (4)\",[\"\ skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"D\xE9j\xE0 Vu (5)\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"To the Dreamlands\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Fate\ \ of the Dreamers\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Prisoners of Conquest\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruins of Sarkomand\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Effigy of Nodens\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Usurp the Night\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Translator's\ \ Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Supplicant's Evidence\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Priestess's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Salesman's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"The Assassin's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Professor's Evidence\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy Walker\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Daisy's Tote Bag\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] =\ \ 2,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"The Necronomicon\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\\\"Skids\\\" O'Toole\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"\ name\"] = \"On the Lam\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] =\ \ 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Hospital Debts\",[\"skillIcons\"]\ \ = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Agnes Baker\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"\ Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Heirloom\ \ of Hyperborea\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dark Memory\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Triumph and Subjugation\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Jenny Barnes\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Green Man Medallion\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"\ ] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Sacrificial Beast\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Roland Banks\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"\ Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 3}},{[\"name\"] = \"Mysteries Remain\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ The Dirge of Reason\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Norman Withers\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"\ ] = 5}},{[\"name\"] = \"Split the Angle\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"\ Will\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Vengeful Hound\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Carolyn Fern\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 3,[\"\ Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Foolishness\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"To Fight the Black Wind\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Silas Marsh\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 2,[\"Agility\"] = 4,[\"Combat\"] = 4,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Nautical Prowess\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"\ Intellect\"] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dreams of the Deep\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Dexter Drake\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"]\ \ = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 2,[\"Combat\"] = 3,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] =\ \ \"Molly Maxwell\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Will\"] = 1,[\"Agility\"\ ] = 1}},{[\"name\"] = \"Yaztaroth\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Gloria Goldberg\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Will\"] = 5,[\"Agility\"] = 1,[\"Combat\"\ ] = 2,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"] = \"Ruth Westmacott\",[\"skillIcons\"\ ] = {[\"Wild\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"Liber Omnium Finium\"\ ,[\"skillIcons\"] = {}},{[\"name\"] = \"Marie Lambeau\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"\ Will\"] = 4,[\"Agility\"] = 3,[\"Combat\"] = 1,[\"Intellect\"] = 4}},{[\"name\"\ ] = \"Mystifying Song\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {[\"Wild\"] = 2}},{[\"name\"] = \"\ Baron Samedi\",[\"skillIcons\"] = {}}}\r\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MaterialIndex: -1 MeasureMovement: false MeshIndex: -1 Name: Custom_Model_Bag Nickname: Astronomical Atlas Helper Number: 0 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 12.8022881 posY: 1.64571238 posZ: -21.8569355 rotX: 359.9203 rotY: 270.000122 rotZ: 0.0168367587 scaleX: 0.725000262 scaleY: 0.725000262 scaleZ: 0.725000262 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 30.24 posY: 4.41 posZ: -33.92 rotX: 0 rotY: 270 rotZ: 0 scaleX: 0.73 scaleY: 0.73 scaleZ: 0.73 Value: 0 XmlUI: ''