--[[ Lua code. See documentation: http://berserk-games.com/knowledgebase/scripting/ --]] -- Card size used for autodealing -- -- global position constants ENCOUNTER_DECK_POS = {-3.8, 1, 5.7} ENCOUNTER_DECK_SPAWN_POS = {-3.8, 3, 5.7} ENCOUNTER_DECK_DISCARD_POSITION = {-3.8, 0.5, 10.5} g_cardWith=2.30; g_cardHeigth=3.40; containerId = 'fea079' tokenDataId = '708279' maxSquid = 0 CACHE = { object = {}, data = {} } --[[ The OnLoad function. This is called after everything in the game save finishes loading. Most of your script code goes here. --]] function onload() --Player.White.changeColor('Yellow') tokenplayerone = { damageone = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357115146/903D11AAE7BD5C254C8DC136E9202EE516289DEA/", damagethree = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357113055/8A45F27B2838FED09DEFE492C9C40DD82781613A/", horrorone = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357163535/6D9E0756503664D65BDB384656AC6D4BD713F5FC/", horrorthree = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357162977/E5D453CC14394519E004B4F8703FC425A7AE3D6C/", resource = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357192910/11DDDC7EF621320962FDCF3AE3211D5EDC3D1573/", resourcethree = "https://i.imgur.com/1GZsDTt.png", doom = "https://i.imgur.com/EoL7yaZ.png", clue = "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1758068501357164917/1D06F1DC4D6888B6F57124BD2AFE20D0B0DA15A8/" } TOKEN_DATA = { clue = {image = tokenplayerone.clue, scale = {0.15, 0.15, 0.15}}, resource = {image = tokenplayerone.resource, scale = {0.17, 0.17, 0.17}}, doom = {image = tokenplayerone.doom, scale = {0.17, 0.17, 0.17}} } getObjectFromGUID("6161b4").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("721ba2").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("9f334f").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("23a43c").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("5450cc").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("463022").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("9487a4").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("91dd9b").interactable=false getObjectFromGUID("f182ee").interactable=false end function onObjectDrop(player, obj) -- local mat = getObjectFromGUID("dsbd0ff4") -- log(mat.positionToLocal(obj.getPosition())) end function take_callback(object_spawned, mat) customObject = object_spawned.getCustomObject() local player = mat.getGUID(); local image = customObject.image -- Update global stats if PULLS[image] == nil then PULLS[image] = 0 end PULLS[image] = PULLS[image] + 1 -- Update player stats if PLAYER_PULLS[player][image] == nil then PLAYER_PULLS[player][image] = 0 end PLAYER_PULLS[player][image] = PLAYER_PULLS[player][image] + 1 end MAT_GUID_TO_COLOUR = { ["8b081b"] = "White", -- player 2 conrad ["bd0ff4"] = "Orange", -- player ["383d8b"] = "Green", -- playur 4 olivia ["0840d5"] = "Red" } PLAYER_PULLS = { -- player 1 max ["8b081b"] = {}, -- player 2 conrad ["bd0ff4"] = {}, -- player ["383d8b"] = {}, -- playur 4 olivia ["0840d5"] = {} } PULLS = { -- cultist ["https://i.imgur.com/VzhJJaH.png"] = 0, -- skull ["https://i.imgur.com/stbBxtx.png"] = 0, -- tablet ["https://i.imgur.com/1plY463.png"] = 0, -- curse ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1655601092778636039/2A25BD38E8C44701D80DD96BF0121DA21843672E/"] = 0, -- tentacle ["https://i.imgur.com/lns4fhz.png"] = 0, -- minus eight ["https://i.imgur.com/9t3rPTQ.png"] = 0, -- minus seven ["https://i.imgur.com/4WRD42n.png"] = 0, -- minus six ["https://i.imgur.com/c9qdSzS.png"] = 0, -- minus five ["https://i.imgur.com/3Ym1IeG.png"] = 0, -- minus four ["https://i.imgur.com/qrgGQRD.png"] = 0, -- minus three ["https://i.imgur.com/yfs8gHq.png"] = 0, -- minus two ["https://i.imgur.com/bfTg2hb.png"] = 0, -- minus one ["https://i.imgur.com/w3XbrCC.png"] = 0, -- zero ["https://i.imgur.com/btEtVfd.png"] = 0, -- plus one ["https://i.imgur.com/uIx8jbY.png"] = 0, -- elder thing ["https://i.imgur.com/ttnspKt.png"] = 0, -- bless ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1655601092778627699/339FB716CB25CA6025C338F13AFDFD9AC6FA8356/"] = 0, -- elder sign ["https://i.imgur.com/nEmqjmj.png"] = 0, -- frost ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1858293462583104677/195F93C063A8881B805CE2FD4767A9718B27B6AE/"] = 0, } IMAGE_TOKEN_MAP = { -- elder sign ["https://i.imgur.com/nEmqjmj.png"] = "Elder Sign", -- plus one ["https://i.imgur.com/uIx8jbY.png"] = "+1", -- zero ["https://i.imgur.com/btEtVfd.png"] = "0", -- minus one ["https://i.imgur.com/w3XbrCC.png"] = "-1", -- minus two ["https://i.imgur.com/bfTg2hb.png"] = "-2", -- minus three ["https://i.imgur.com/yfs8gHq.png"] = "-3", -- minus four ["https://i.imgur.com/qrgGQRD.png"] = "-4", -- minus five ["https://i.imgur.com/3Ym1IeG.png"] = "-5", -- minus six ["https://i.imgur.com/c9qdSzS.png"] = "-6", -- minus seven ["https://i.imgur.com/4WRD42n.png"] = "-7", -- minus eight ["https://i.imgur.com/9t3rPTQ.png"] = "-8", -- skull ["https://i.imgur.com/stbBxtx.png"] = "Skull", -- cultist ["https://i.imgur.com/VzhJJaH.png"] = "Cultist", -- tablet ["https://i.imgur.com/1plY463.png"] = "Tablet", -- elder thing ["https://i.imgur.com/ttnspKt.png"] = "Elder Thing", -- tentacle ["https://i.imgur.com/lns4fhz.png"] = "Auto-fail", -- bless ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1655601092778627699/339FB716CB25CA6025C338F13AFDFD9AC6FA8356/"] = "Bless", -- curse ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1655601092778636039/2A25BD38E8C44701D80DD96BF0121DA21843672E/"] = "Curse", -- frost ["http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1858293462583104677/195F93C063A8881B805CE2FD4767A9718B27B6AE/"] = "Frost" } function resetStats() for key,value in pairs(PULLS) do PULLS[key] = 0 end for playerKey, playerValue in pairs(PLAYER_PULLS) do for key,value in pairs(PULLS) do PLAYER_PULLS[playerKey][key] = value end end end function getPlayerName(playerMatGuid) local playerColour = MAT_GUID_TO_COLOUR[playerMatGuid] if Player[playerColour].seated then return Player[playerColour].steam_name else return playerColour end end function printStats() local squidKing = "Nobody" printToAll("\nOverall Game stats\n") printNonZeroTokenPairs(PULLS) printToAll("\nIndividual Stats\n") for playerMatGuid, countTable in pairs(PLAYER_PULLS) do local playerName = getPlayerName(playerMatGuid) printToAll(playerName .. " Stats", {r=255,g=0,b=0}) printNonZeroTokenPairs(PLAYER_PULLS[playerMatGuid]) playerSquidCount = PLAYER_PULLS[playerMatGuid]["https://i.imgur.com/lns4fhz.png"] if playerSquidCount ~= nil and playerSquidCount > maxSquid then squidKing = playerName maxSquid = playerSquidCount end end printToAll(squidKing .. " is an auto-fail magnet.", {r=255,g=0,b=0}) end function printNonZeroTokenPairs(theTable) for key,value in pairs(theTable) do if value ~= 0 then printToAll(IMAGE_TOKEN_MAP[key] .. '=' .. tostring(value)) end end end -- Remove comments to enable autorotate cards on hands. -- function onObjectEnterScriptingZone(zone, object) -- Autorotate cards with right side up when entering hand. -- if zone.getGUID() == "c506bf" or -- white -- zone.getGUID() == "cbc751" then -- orange -- object.setRotationSmooth({0,270,0}) -- elseif zone.getGUID() == "67ce9a" then -- green -- object.setRotationSmooth({0,0,0}) -- elseif zone.getGUID() == "57c22c" then -- red -- object.setRotationSmooth({0,180,0}) --end --end function findInRadiusBy(pos, radius, filter, debug) local radius = (radius or 1) local objList = Physics.cast({ origin = pos, direction = {0,1,0}, type = 2, size = {radius, radius, radius}, max_distance = 0, debug = (debug or false) }) local filteredList = {} for _, obj in ipairs(objList) do if filter == nil then table.insert(filteredList, obj.hit_object) elseif filter and filter(obj.hit_object) then table.insert(filteredList, obj.hit_object) end end return filteredList end function dealCardsInRows(paramlist) local currPosition={}; local numRow=1; local numCard=0; local invMultiplier=1; local allCardsDealed=0; if paramlist.inverse then invMultiplier=-1; end if paramlist.maxCardsDealed==nil then allCardsDealed=0; paramlist.maxCardsDealed=paramlist.cardDeck.getQuantity() elseif paramlist.maxCardsDealed>=paramlist.cardDeck.getQuantity() or paramlist.maxCardsDealed<=0 then allCardsDealed=0; paramlist.maxCardsDealed=paramlist.cardDeck.getQuantity() else allCardsDealed=1; end if paramlist.mode=="x" then currPosition={paramlist.iniPosition[1]+(2*g_cardWith*invMultiplier*allCardsDealed),paramlist.iniPosition[2],paramlist.iniPosition[3]}; else currPosition={paramlist.iniPosition[1],paramlist.iniPosition[2],paramlist.iniPosition[3]+(2*g_cardWith*invMultiplier*allCardsDealed)}; end for i = 1,paramlist.maxCardsDealed,1 do paramlist.cardDeck.takeObject ({ position= currPosition, smooth= true }); numCard=numCard+1; if numCard>=paramlist.maxCardRow then if paramlist.mode=="x" then currPosition={paramlist.iniPosition[1]+(2*g_cardWith*invMultiplier*allCardsDealed),paramlist.iniPosition[2],paramlist.iniPosition[3]}; currPosition[3]=currPosition[3]-(numRow*g_cardHeigth*invMultiplier); else currPosition={paramlist.iniPosition[1],paramlist.iniPosition[2],paramlist.iniPosition[3]+(2*g_cardWith*invMultiplier*allCardsDealed)}; currPosition[1]=currPosition[1]+(numRow*g_cardHeigth*invMultiplier); end numCard=0; numRow=numRow+1; else if paramlist.mode=="x" then currPosition[1]=currPosition[1]+(g_cardWith*invMultiplier); else currPosition[3]=currPosition[3]+(g_cardWith*invMultiplier); end end end end function isDeck(x) return x.tag == 'Deck' end function isCardOrDeck(x) return x.tag == 'Card' or isDeck(x) end function drawEncountercard(params) --[[ Parameter Table Position, Table Rotation]] local position = params[1] local rotation = params[2] local alwaysFaceUp = params[3] local faceUpRotation local card local items = findInRadiusBy(ENCOUNTER_DECK_POS, 4, isCardOrDeck) if #items > 0 then for i, v in ipairs(items) do if v.tag == 'Deck' then card = v.takeObject({index = 0}) break end end -- we didn't find the deck so just pull the first thing we did find if card == nil then card = items[1] end actualEncounterCardDraw(card, params) return end -- nothing here, time to reshuffle reshuffleEncounterDeck(params) end function actualEncounterCardDraw(card, params) local position = params[1] local rotation = params[2] local alwaysFaceUp = params[3] local faceUpRotation = 0 if not alwaysFaceUp then if getObjectFromGUID(tokenDataId).call('checkHiddenCard', card.getName()) then faceUpRotation = 180 end end card.setPositionSmooth(position, false, false) card.setRotationSmooth({0,rotation.y,faceUpRotation}, false, false) end IS_RESHUFFLING = false function reshuffleEncounterDeck(params) -- finishes moving the deck back and draws a card local function move(deck) deck.setPositionSmooth(ENCOUNTER_DECK_SPAWN_POS, true, false) actualEncounterCardDraw(deck.takeObject({index=0}), params) Wait.time(function() IS_RESHUFFLING = false end, 1) end -- bail out if we're mid reshuffle if IS_RESHUFFLING then return end local discarded = findInRadiusBy(ENCOUNTER_DECK_DISCARD_POSITION, 4, isDeck) if #discarded > 0 then IS_RESHUFFLING = true local deck = discarded[1] if not deck.is_face_down then deck.flip() end deck.shuffle() Wait.time(|| move(deck), 0.3) else printToAll("couldn't find encounter discard pile to reshuffle", {1, 0, 0}) end end CHAOS_TOKENS = {} CHAOS_TOKENS_LAST_MAT = nil function putBackChaosTokens() local chaosbagposition = chaosbag.getPosition() for k, token in pairs(CHAOS_TOKENS) do if token ~= nil then chaosbag.putObject(token) token.setPosition({chaosbagposition[1],chaosbagposition[2]+0.5,chaosbagposition[3]}) end end CHAOS_TOKENS = {} end function drawChaostoken(params) local mat = params[1] local tokenOffset = params[2] local isRightClick = params[3] local isSameMat = (CHAOS_TOKENS_LAST_MAT == nil or CHAOS_TOKENS_LAST_MAT == mat) if not isSameMat then putBackChaosTokens() end CHAOS_TOKENS_LAST_MAT = mat -- if we have left clicked and have no tokens OR if we have right clicked if isRightClick or #CHAOS_TOKENS == 0 then local items = getObjectFromGUID("83ef06").getObjects() for i,v in ipairs(items) do if items[i].getDescription() == "Chaos Bag" then chaosbag = getObjectFromGUID(items[i].getGUID()) break end end -- bail out if we have no tokens if #chaosbag.getObjects() == 0 then return end chaosbag.shuffle() -- add the token to the list, compute new position based on list length tokenOffset[1] = tokenOffset[1] + (0.17 * #CHAOS_TOKENS) local toPosition = mat.positionToWorld(tokenOffset) local token = chaosbag.takeObject({ index = 0, position = toPosition, rotation = mat.getRotation(), callback_function = function(obj) take_callback(obj, mat) end }) CHAOS_TOKENS[#CHAOS_TOKENS + 1] = token return else putBackChaosTokens() end end function spawnToken(params) -- Position to spawn, -- rotation vector to apply -- translation vector to apply -- token type local position = params[1] local tokenType = params[2] local tokenData = TOKEN_DATA[tokenType] if tokenData == nil then error("no token data found for '" .. tokenType .. "'") end local token = spawnObject({ type = 'Custom_Token', position = position, rotation = {x=0, y=270, z=0} }) token.setCustomObject({ image = tokenData['image'], thickness = 0.3, merge_distance = 5.0, stackable = true, }) token.use_snap_points=false token.scale(tokenData['scale']) return token end function round(params) -- Parameter (int number, int numberDecimalPlaces) return tonumber(string.format("%." .. (params[2] or 0) .. "f", params[1])) end function roundposition(params) -- Parameter (Table position) return {round({params[1], 2}),round({params[2], 2}),round({params[3], 2})} end function isEqual(params) --Parameter (Table table1, Table table2) returns true if the tables are equal if params[1][1] == params[2][1] and params[1][2] == params[2][2] and params[1][3] == params[2][3] then return true else return false end end function isFaceup(params) --Object object if params.getRotation()[3] > -5 and params.getRotation()[3] < 5 then return true else return false end end --Difficulty selector script function createSetupButtons(args) local data = getDataValue('modeData', args.key) if data ~= nil then local z = -0.15 if data.easy ~= nil then args.object.createButton({ label = 'Easy', click_function = 'easyClick', function_owner = args.object, position = {0, 0.1, z}, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.47, 1, 0.47}, height = 200, width = 1150, font_size = 100, color = {0.87, 0.8, 0.70}, font_color = {0, 0, 0} }) z = z + 0.20 end if data.normal ~= nil then args.object.createButton({ label = 'Standard', click_function = 'normalClick', function_owner = args.object, position = {0, 0.1, z}, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.47, 1, 0.47}, height = 200, width = 1150, font_size = 100, color = {0.87, 0.8, 0.70}, font_color = {0, 0, 0} }) z = z + 0.20 end if data.hard ~= nil then args.object.createButton({ label = 'Hard', click_function = 'hardClick', function_owner = args.object, position = {0, 0.1, z}, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.47, 1, 0.47}, height = 200, width = 1150, font_size = 100, color = {0.87, 0.8, 0.70}, font_color = {0, 0, 0} }) z = z + 0.20 end if data.expert ~= nil then args.object.createButton({ label = 'Expert', click_function = 'expertClick', function_owner = args.object, position = {0, 0.1, z}, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.47, 1, 0.47}, height = 200, width = 1150, font_size = 100, color = {0.87, 0.8, 0.70}, font_color = {0, 0, 0} }) z = z + 0.20 end z = z + 0.10 if data.standalone ~= nil then args.object.createButton({ label = 'Standalone', click_function = 'standaloneClick', function_owner = args.object, position = {0, 0.1, z}, rotation = {0, 0, 0}, scale = {0.47, 1, 0.47}, height = 200, width = 1150, font_size = 100, color = {0.87, 0.8, 0.70}, font_color = {0, 0, 0} }) end end end function fillContainer(args) local container = getObjectCache(containerId) if container ~= nil then local data = getDataValue('modeData', args.key) if data == nil then return end local value = data[args.mode] if value == nil or value.token == nil then return end local pos = container.getPosition() if args.object ~= nil then pos = args.object.getPosition() end cleanContainer(container) for _, token in ipairs(value.token) do local obj = spawnToken_2(token, pos) if obj ~= nil then container.putObject(obj) end end if value.append ~= nil then for _, token in ipairs(value.append) do local obj = spawnToken_2(token, pos) if obj ~= nil then container.putObject(obj) end end end if value.random then local n = #value.random if n > 0 then for _, token in ipairs(value.random[getRandomCount(n)]) do local obj = spawnToken_2(token, pos) if obj ~= nil then container.putObject(obj) end end end end if value.message then broadcastToAll(value.message) end if value.warning then broadcastToAll(value.warning, { 1, 0.5, 0.5 }) end end end function spawnToken_2(id, pos) local url = getImageUrl(id) if url ~= '' then local obj = spawnObject({ type = 'Custom_Tile', position = {pos.x, pos.y + 3, pos.z}, rotation = {x = 0, y = 260, z = 0} }) obj.setCustomObject({ type = 2, image = url, thickness = 0.10, }) obj.scale {0.81, 1, 0.81} obj.setName(getTokenName({ url=url })) return obj end end function getTokenName(params) local name = IMAGE_TOKEN_MAP[params.url] if name == nil then name = "" end return name end function getImageUrl(id) if id == 'p1' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/uIx8jbY.png' end if id == '0' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/btEtVfd.png' end if id == 'm1' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/w3XbrCC.png' end if id == 'm2' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/bfTg2hb.png' end if id == 'm3' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/yfs8gHq.png' end if id == 'm4' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/qrgGQRD.png' end if id == 'm5' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/3Ym1IeG.png' end if id == 'm6' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/c9qdSzS.png' end if id == 'm7' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/4WRD42n.png' end if id == 'm8' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/9t3rPTQ.png' end if id == 'skull' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/stbBxtx.png' end if id == 'cultist' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/VzhJJaH.png' end if id == 'tablet' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/1plY463.png' end if id == 'elder' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/ttnspKt.png' end if id == 'red' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/lns4fhz.png' end if id == 'blue' then return 'https://i.imgur.com/nEmqjmj.png' end if id == 'frost' then return 'http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1858293462583104677/195F93C063A8881B805CE2FD4767A9718B27B6AE/' end return '' end function cleanContainer(container) for _, item in ipairs(container.getObjects()) do destroyObject(container.takeObject({})) end end function getObjectsInZone(zoneId) local zoneObject = getObjectCache(zoneId) if zoneObject == nil then return end local objectsInZone = zoneObject.getObjects() local objectsFound = {} for i = 1, #objectsInZone do local object = objectsInZone[i] if object.tag == 'Bag' then table.insert(objectsFound, object.guid) end end if #objectsFound > 0 then return objectsFound end end function getObjectCache(id) if CACHE.object[id] == nil then CACHE.object[id] = getObjectFromGUID(id) end return CACHE.object[id] end function getDataTable(storage) if CACHE.data[storage] == nil then local obj = getObjectCache(tokenDataId) if obj ~= nil then CACHE.data[storage] = obj.getTable(storage) end end return CACHE.data[storage] end function getDataValue(storage, key) local data = getDataTable(storage) if data ~= nil then local value = data[key] if value ~= nil then local res = {} for m, v in pairs(value) do res[m] = v if res[m].parent ~= nil then local parentData = getDataValue(storage, res[m].parent) if parentData ~= nil and parentData[m] ~= nil and parentData[m].token ~= nil then res[m].token = parentData[m].token end res[m].parent = nil end end return res end end end function getRandomCount(to) updateRandomSeed() return math.random(1, to) end function updateRandomSeed() local chance = math.random(1,10) if chance == 1 then math.randomseed(os.time()) end end -- Content Importing --- Loadable Items test local source_repo = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seth-sced/loadable-objects/main' local list_url = 'library.json' local library = nil local request_obj --- function get_source_repo() return source_repo end --- function onClick_toggleUi(player, window) toggle_ui(window) end function onClick_refreshList() local request = WebRequest.get(get_source_repo() .. '/' .. list_url, completed_list_update) request_obj = request startLuaCoroutine(Global, 'my_coroutine') end function onClick_select(player, params) params = JSON.decode(urldecode(params)) local url = get_source_repo() .. '/' .. params.url local request = WebRequest.get(url, function (request) complete_obj_download(request, params) end ) request_obj = request startLuaCoroutine(Global, 'my_coroutine') end function onClick_load() UI.show('progress_display') UI.hide('load_button') end function onClick_cancel() end --- function toggle_ui(title) UI.hide('load_ui') if UI.getValue('title') == title or title == 'Hidden' then UI.setValue('title', 'Hidden') else UI.setValue('title', title) update_window_content(title) UI.show('load_ui') end end function my_coroutine() while request_obj do UI.setAttribute('download_progress', 'percentage', request_obj.download_progress * 100) coroutine.yield(0) end return 1 end function update_list(objects) local ui = UI.getXmlTable() local update_height = find_tag_with_id(ui, 'ui_update_height') local update_children = find_tag_with_id(update_height.children, 'ui_update_point') update_children.children = {} for i,v in ipairs(objects) do local s = JSON.encode(v); --print(s) table.insert(update_children.children, { tag = 'Text', value = v.name, attributes = { onClick = 'onClick_select('.. urlencode(JSON.encode(v)) ..')', alignment = 'MiddleLeft' } } ) end update_height.attributes.height = #(update_children.children) * 24 UI.setXmlTable(ui) end function update_window_content(new_title) if not library then return end if new_title == 'Campaigns' then update_list(library.campaigns) elseif new_title == 'Standalone Scenarios' then update_list(library.scenarios) elseif new_title == 'Investigators' then update_list(library.investigators) elseif new_title == 'Community Content' then update_list(library.community) elseif new_title == 'Extras' then update_list(library.extras) else update_list({}) end end function complete_obj_download(request, params) assert(request.is_done) if request.is_error or request.response_code ~= 200 then print('error: ' .. request.error) else if pcall(function () local replaced_object pcall(function () if params.replace then replaced_object = getObjectFromGUID(params.replace) end end) local json = request.text if replaced_object then local pos = replaced_object.getPosition() local rot = replaced_object.getRotation() destroyObject(replaced_object) Wait.frames(function () spawnObjectJSON({json = json, position = pos, rotation = rot}) end, 1) else spawnObjectJSON({json = json}) end end) then print('Object loaded.') else print('Error loading object.') end end request_obj = nil UI.setAttribute('download_progress', 'percentage', 100) end -- the download button on the placeholder objects calls this to directly initiate a download function placeholder_download(params) -- params is a table with url and guid of replacement object, which happens to match what onClick_select wants onClick_select(nil, JSON.encode(params)) end function completed_list_update(request) assert(request.is_done) if request.is_error or request.response_code ~= 200 then print('error: ' .. request.error) else local json_response = nil if pcall(function () json_response = JSON.decode(request.text) end) then library = json_response update_window_content(UI.getValue('title')) else print('error parsing downloaded library') end end request_obj = nil UI.setAttribute('download_progress', 'percentage', 100) end --- function find_tag_with_id(ui, id) for i,obj in ipairs(ui) do if obj.attributes and obj.attributes.id and obj.attributes.id == id then return obj end if obj.children then local result = find_tag_with_id(obj.children, id) if result then return result end end end return nil end function urlencode(str) str = string.gsub(str, "([^A-Za-z0-9-_.~])", function (c) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end) return str end function urldecode(str) str = string.gsub(str, "%%(%x%x)", function (h) return string.char(tonumber(h, 16)) end) return str end