--[[ Lua code. See documentation: https://api.tabletopsimulator.com/ --]] --[[ The onLoad event is called after the game save finishes loading. --]] function onLoad() init() -- Setup... publicDeckURL="https://arkhamdb.com/api/public/decklist/" privateDeckURL="https://arkhamdb.com/api/public/deck/" cardURL="https://arkhamdb.com/api/public/card/" tabooListURL="https://arkhamdb.com/api/public/taboos/" subnameCards={{name="Randolph Carter",xp=0},{name="Dream Diary",xp=3},{name="Relic of Ages",xp=0},{name="The Necronomicon",xp=0},{name="Archaic Glyphs",xp=3},{name="Strange Solution",xp=4},{name="Forbidden Tome",xp=3},{name="Relic of Ages",xp=0}, {name="Ancient Stone",xp=4}, {"Dream Diary",xp=0},{name="Empower Self",xp=2}} extraPermanents={["Duke"]=true,["Sophie"]=true,["Gate Box"]=true,["Dark Insight"]=true} multiClassCards={{name=".45 Thompson",xp=3},{name="Scroll of Secrets",xp=3},{name="Tennessee Sour Mash",xp=3},{name="Enchanted Blade",xp=3},{name="Grisly Totem",xp=3}} returningCards={{name="On Your Own"}} advancedSignatures={{name="Daisy's Tote Bag"},{name="The Necronomicon"},{name="On the Lam"},{name="Hospital Debts"},{name="Dark Memory"},{name="Heirloom of Hyperborea"}} bondedCardsOneThree={{name="Hallowed Mirror",bondedName="Soothing Melody",bondedCode=05314},{name="Occult Lexicon",bondedName="Blood-Rite",bondedCode=05317},{name="The Hungering Blade",bondedName="Bloodlust",bondedCode=06019},{name="Nightmare Bauble",bondedName="Dream Parasite",bondedCode=06331},{name="Miss Doyle",bondedName="Hope",bondedCode=06031,bondedNameSecond="Zeal",bondedCodeSecond=06032,bondedNameThird="Augur",bondedCodeThird=06033}} bondedCardsBoolean = {{name="Gate Box",bondedName="Dream-Gate",bondedCode="06015a",bondCount=1},{name="Crystallizer of Dreams",bondedName="Guardian of the Crystallizer",bondedCode=06025,bondCount=2},{name="Dream Diary",bondedName="Essence of the Dream",bondedCode=06113,bondCount=1},{name="Empty Vessel",bondedName="Wish Eater",bondedCode=06277,bondCount=1},{name="Segment of Onyx",bondedName="Pendant of the Queen",bondedCode=06022,bondCount=1},{name="Stargazing",bondedName="The Stars Are Right",bondedCode=06028,bondCount=2},{name="Summoned Hound",bondedName="Unbound Beast",bondedCode=06283,bondCount=2}} privateDeck = true makeText() makeButton() makeCheckboxPP() all_cards_bag = getObjectFromGUID("15bb07") weaknesses_bag = getObjectFromGUID("770c4e") -- Get current taboolist tabooList = {} WebRequest.get(tabooListURL, self, 'tabooListCallback') end function init() cardList = {} doneSlots = 0 totalCards = 0 tabooID = 0 end -- Previously this was "spawnZone" function get_deck() if deckID == nil then broadcastToAll("Deck ID required", {0.5,0.5,0.5}) return 1 end deckPos = self.positionToWorld({0.285,1.5,0.48}) permPos = self.positionToWorld({-0.285,1.5,0.48}) -- Get deck from ArkhamDB.. local deckURL if privateDeck then deckURL = privateDeckURL else deckURL = publicDeckURL end WebRequest.get(deckURL .. deckID, self, 'deckReadCallback') end function deckReadCallback(req) -- Result check.. if req.is_done and not req.is_error then if string.find(req.text, "") then broadcastToAll("Private deck "..deckID.." is not shared", {0.5,0.5,0.5}) return end JsonDeckRes = JSON.decode(req.text) else print (req.error) return end if (JsonDeckRes == nil) then broadcastToAll("Deck not found!", {0.5,0.5,0.5}) return else print("Found decklist: "..JsonDeckRes.name) end -- Count number of cards in decklist numSlots=0 for cardid,number in pairs(JsonDeckRes.slots) do numSlots = numSlots + 1 end -- Check for taboos tabooID = JsonDeckRes.taboo_id if tabooID then print("Using List of Taboos from "..tabooList[tabooID].date..".") end -- Save card id, number in table and request card info from ArkhamDB for cardID,number in pairs(JsonDeckRes.slots) do local row = {} row.cardName = "" row.cardCount = number cardList[cardID] = row WebRequest.get(cardURL .. cardID, self, 'cardReadCallback') totalCards = totalCards + number end end function cardReadCallback(req) -- Result check.. if req.is_done and not req.is_error then -- Find unicode before using JSON.decode since it doesnt handle hex UTF-16 local tmpText = string.gsub(req.text,"\\u(%w%w%w%w)", convertHexToDec) JsonCardRes = JSON.decode(tmpText) else print(req.error) return end -- Update card name in table if(JsonCardRes.xp == nil or JsonCardRes.xp == 0) then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].cardName = JsonCardRes.real_name else cardList[JsonCardRes.code].cardName = JsonCardRes.real_name .. " (" .. JsonCardRes.xp .. ")" end -- Make Subname blank if it does not exist if (JsonCardRes.subname == nil and (JsonCardRes.subtype_name ~= "Basic Weakness" and JsonCardRes.subtype_name ~= "Weakness")) then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = JsonCardRes.subname end -- Check for subname for k,v in pairs(subnameCards) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name and (v.xp == JsonCardRes.xp or JsonCardRes.xp == nil)) then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = nil end end -- Check for multiclass for k,v in pairs(multiClassCards) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name and (v.xp == JsonCardRes.xp or JsonCardRes.xp == nil)) then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = JsonCardRes.faction_name end end -- Check for returning cards (cards with the same name/level but different and from a new set) for k,v in pairs(returningCards) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name and JsonCardRes.pack_name == "Return to the Forgotten Age") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Permanent" end end -- Check for advanced signature cards (this happens after subname check, so it should be fine) for k,v in pairs(advancedSignatures) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name) then --The Necronomicon is a whole can of worms, so handle it separately if (JsonCardRes.real_name == "The Necronomicon") then if (JsonCardRes.pack_name == "Read or Die") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "John Dee Translation (Advanced)" elseif (JsonCardRes.pack_name == "The Miskatonic Museum") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Olaus Wormius Translation" elseif (JsonCardRes.pack_name == "Harvey Walters") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Petrus de Dacia Translation" else cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "John Dee Translation" end elseif (JsonCardRes.pack_name == "Read or Die" or JsonCardRes.pack_name == "All or Nothing" or JsonCardRes.pack_name == "Bad Blood") then if (v.name == "Heirloom of Hyperborea") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Artifact from Another Life (Advanced)" else cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Advanced" end else if (cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName == nil) then if (v.name == "Heirloom of Hyperborea") then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Artifact from Another Life" else cardList[JsonCardRes.code].subName = "Signature" end end end end end -- Check if card is permanent (always) if (JsonCardRes.permanent == true or extraPermanents[JsonCardRes.real_name]) then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].permanent = true else cardList[JsonCardRes.code].permanent = false end -- Check for '1:3' bonding cards, which always brings in 3 bonded cards, where the original card is limit 1 per deck. for k,v in pairs(bondedCardsOneThree) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name) then -- Check for Miss Doyle, who has a special exception since her 3 cards are different if (v.name == "Miss Doyle") then local row = {} local rowSecond = {} local rowThird = {} row.cardName = v.bondedName rowSecond.cardName = v.bondedNameSecond rowThird.cardName = v.bondedNameThird row.cardCount = 1 rowSecond.cardCount = 1 rowThird.cardCount = 1 row.permanent = true rowSecond.permanent = true rowThird.permanent = true cardList[v.bondedCode] = row cardList[v.bondedCodeSecond] = rowSecond cardList[v.bondedCodeThird] = rowThird else local row = {} row.cardName = v.bondedName row.cardCount = 3 row.permanent = true cardList[v.bondedCode] = row end end end -- Check for more complicated bonding cards for k,v in pairs(bondedCardsBoolean) do if (v.name == JsonCardRes.real_name and cardList[v.bondedCode] == nil) then local row = {} row.cardName = v.bondedName row.cardCount = v.bondCount row.permanent = true cardList[v.bondedCode] = row end end -- Check for Taboos (add " (Taboo)" to card name) if tabooID then for k,v in pairs(tabooList[tabooID].cards) do if v.code == JsonCardRes.code then cardList[JsonCardRes.code].cardName = cardList[JsonCardRes.code].cardName .. " (Taboo)" end end end -- Update number of processed slots, if complete, start building the deck doneSlots = doneSlots + 1 if (doneSlots == numSlots) then createDeck() end end function createDeck() for k,v in pairs(cardList) do searchForCard(v.cardName, v.subName, v.cardCount, v.permanent) end end function searchForCard(cardName, subName, cardCount, permanent) if cardName == 'Random Basic Weakness' then -- pull a weakness card instead weaknesses_bag.shuffle() local taken = weaknesses_bag.takeObject({ position = deckPos, index = 0, smooth = false, params = { cardName, cardCount, false } }) -- just special case the one permanent for now if taken.getName() == 'Indebted' then taken.setPosition(permPos) end broadcastToAll("Drew random basic weakness: " .. taken.getName()) return end allCards = all_cards_bag.getObjects() for k,v in pairs(allCards) do if (v.nickname == cardName) then if(subName == nil or v.description == subName) then all_cards_bag.takeObject({ position = {0, 1.5, 0}, callback = 'cardTaken', callback_owner=self, index = v.index, smooth = false, params = { cardName, cardCount, permanent, v.guid } }) print('Added '.. cardCount .. ' of ' .. cardName) return end end end broadcastToAll("Card not found: "..cardName, {0.5,0.5,0.5}) end function cardTaken(card, params) -- Check destination deck (permanent?) local destPos local rotation = self.getRotation() if (params[3] == true) then -- permanent card destPos = permPos else destPos = deckPos rotation = rotation + Vector(0, 0, 180) -- Flip non-permanents facedown end if (card.getName() == params[1]) then for i=1, params[2] do local cloneParams = {} cloneParams.position=destPos card.clone(cloneParams).setRotation(rotation) end all_cards_bag.putObject(card) else print('Wrong card: ' .. card.getName()) all_cards_bag.putObject(card) end end function tabooListCallback(req) -- Result check.. if req.is_done and not req.is_error then -- Find unicode before using JSON.decode since it doesnt handle hex UTF-16 local tmpText = string.gsub(req.text,"\\u(%w%w%w%w)", convertHexToDec) JsonTabooRes = JSON.decode(tmpText) else print(req.error) return end for k,v in pairs(JsonTabooRes) do local row = {} row.date = v.date_start row.cards = JSON.decode(v.cards) tabooList[v.id] = row end end function makeText() -- Create textbox local input_parameters = {} input_parameters.input_function = "inputTyped" input_parameters.function_owner = self input_parameters.position = {0.33,0.1,-0.255} input_parameters.width = 2200 input_parameters.scale = {0.1,0.1,0.1} input_parameters.height = 500 input_parameters.font_size = 450 input_parameters.tooltip = "*****PLEASE USE AN UNPUBLISHED DECK IF JUST FOR TTS TO AVOID FLOODING ARKHAMDB PUBLISHED DECK LISTS!*****\nInput deck ID from ArkhamDB URL of the deck\nExample: For the URL 'https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/101/knowledge-overwhelming-solo-deck-1.0', you should input '101'" input_parameters.alignment = 3 -- (1 = Automatic, 2 = Left, 3 = Center, 4 = Right, 5 = Justified) –Optional input_parameters.value="" input_parameters.color = {0.9,0.7,0.5} input_parameters.validation = 2 self.createInput(input_parameters) end function inputTyped(objectInputTyped, playerColorTyped, input_value, selected) deckID = input_value end function makeButton() -- Create Button local button_parameters = {} button_parameters.click_function = "buttonClicked" button_parameters.function_owner = self button_parameters.position = {0,0.05,-0.1} button_parameters.width = 300 button_parameters.height = 100 button_parameters.tooltip = "Click to build your deck!" button_parameters.scale = {1,1,0.6} self.createButton(button_parameters) end function buttonClicked() -- Reset init() get_deck() end function makeCheckboxPP() -- Create Private/Published checkbox local checkbox_parameters = {} checkbox_parameters.click_function = "checkboxPPClicked" checkbox_parameters.function_owner = self checkbox_parameters.position = {-0.33,0.1,-0.255} checkbox_parameters.width = 2100 checkbox_parameters.height = 500 checkbox_parameters.tooltip = "Click to toggle Private/Published deck ID" checkbox_parameters.label = "Private" checkbox_parameters.font_size = 350 checkbox_parameters.scale = {0.1,0.1,0.1} checkbox_parameters.color = {0.9,0.7,0.5} checkbox_parameters.hover_color = {0.4,0.6,0.8} self.createButton(checkbox_parameters) end function checkboxPPClicked() buttons = self.getButtons() for k,v in pairs(buttons) do if (v.label == "Private") then local button_parameters = {} button_parameters.label = "Published" button_parameters.index = v.index self.editButton(button_parameters) privateDeck = false else if (v.label == "Published") then local button_parameters = {} button_parameters.label = "Private" button_parameters.index = v.index self.editButton(button_parameters) privateDeck = true end end end end -- Function to convert utf-16 hex to actual character since JSON.decode doesn't seem to handle utf-16 hex very well.. function convertHexToDec(a) return string.char(tonumber(a,16)) end