Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 1.0 g: 1.0 r: 1.0 Description: 'Fixed the backs of the Innsmouth Conspiracy story relics, and added them to the deck importer. Fixed broken/mislabeled agenda/act cards in The Night''s Usurper and Dark Side of the Moon. Seal scripting has been added to Nephthys. Thanks, Tikatoy!' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: af01b8 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: '' LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Notecard Nickname: Arkham SCE 1.5501 - 4/6/2021 - Page 1 Snap: true States: '2': Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 1.0 g: 1.0 r: 1.0 Description: 'Updated the following community content to match the latest workshop version: - Mint Tea Fan''s Signature Replacements - The Beard''s Alice in Wonderland - Antimarkovnikov''s Pick Your Own Path Campaign Guides - Axolotl''s Dark Matter - Dr. Jack Science''s Call of the Plaguebearer' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 5cdc79 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: '' LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Notecard Nickname: Arkham SCE 1.5501 - 4/6/2021 - Page 2 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 23.7535858 posY: 1.51452851 posZ: -13.1283636 rotX: 0.07988473 rotY: 90.0266 rotZ: 359.983154 scaleX: 1.0 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.0 XmlUI: '' '3': Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 1.0 g: 1.0 r: 1.0 Description: 'Tikatoy''s Upkeep Button has been updated to version 4.0. Added Tikatoy''s Midnight Masks Helper. Thanks everyone for contributing and for playing!' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 20998f Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: '' LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Notecard Nickname: Arkham SCE 1.5501 - 4/6/2021 - Page 3 Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 23.7535877 posY: 1.51452851 posZ: -13.1283665 rotX: 0.07988507 rotY: 90.02659 rotZ: 359.983154 scaleX: 1.0 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.0 XmlUI: '' Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 23.75 posY: 1.51 posZ: -13.13 rotX: 0.08 rotY: 90.03 rotZ: 359.98 scaleX: 1.0 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.0 XmlUI: ''