function onload() b_display = { index = 0, click_function = 'updateDisplay', label = self.getName(), function_owner = self, position = {0, 1.4, 0}, rotation = {0, 270, 0}, width = 500, height = 200, font_size = 200} local description = string.match(self.getDescription(), '%d+') if description != '' and type(tonumber(description)) == 'number' then b_display.font_size = tonumber(description) end self.createButton(b_display) end function updateDisplay() b_display.label = self.getName() local description = string.match(self.getDescription(), '%d+') if description != '' and type(tonumber(description)) == 'number' then b_display.font_size = tonumber(description) end self.editButton(b_display) end