ASSEMBLY = { position = Vector({ x=68, y=2, z=36 }), rotation = { x=0, y=270, z=180 } } SET_ASIDE_POSITION = {2.27, 1.39, 5.47} EXPLORATION_DECK_GUID = "1a1eae" RUINS_DECK_GUID = "a25525" RUINS = { { name="Overgrown Ruins", position={-36.77, 1.64, -7.70} }, { name="Temple of the Fang", position={-36.77, 1.65, 7.57} }, { name="Stone Altar", position={-36.77, 1.65, -0.03} } } ASSEMBLY_OFFSET = Vector({ 0, 0, -4}) function onLoad() self.createButton({ label="Ruins in play", click_function="setup_in_play", function_owner=self, position={0,0.3,2}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=300, width=1800, font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1} }) self.createButton({ label="Shuffle ruins in", click_function="setup_shuffle_in", function_owner=self, position={0,0.3,2.8}, rotation={0,0,0}, height=300, width=1800, font_size=250, color={0,0,0}, font_color={1,1,1} }) makeIndexes() math.randomseed(os.time()) end function makeIndexes() ruinsMap = {} for i,v in ipairs(RUINS) do ruinsMap[] = v end end function setup_in_play(obj, color, alt_click) ruins_in_play = true setup(obj, color, alt_click) end function setup_shuffle_in(obj, color, alt_click) ruins_in_play = false setup(obj, color, alt_click) end function setup(obj, color, alt_click) if DISABLED then return end DISABLED = true local objs = self.getObjects() for i=#objs,1,-1 do self.takeObject({ position = ASSEMBLY.position + (ASSEMBLY_OFFSET * i), rotation = ASSEMBLY.rotation, smooth = false, callback_function=function(obj) pickRandomCard(obj) end }) end self.setPosition(SET_ASIDE_POSITION) Wait.time(setup_2, 1) end function setup_2() local objs = Physics.cast({ origin = ASSEMBLY.position, direction = { x=0, y=1, z=0 }, type = 3, size = { x=3, y=3, z=3 }, orientation = ASSEMBLY.rotation }) local deck for i,v in ipairs(objs) do if v.hit_object.tag == "Deck" then deck = v.hit_object break end end deck.shuffle() explorationDeck = getObjectFromGUID(EXPLORATION_DECK_GUID) deck.setPosition(explorationDeck.getPosition() + Vector({0, 2, 0})) local ruins = getObjectFromGUID(RUINS_DECK_GUID) ruins.shuffle() local ruin = ruins.getObjects()[1] if ruins_in_play then ruins.takeObject({ position = ruinsMap[].position, rotation = {0, 270, 0}, smooth = false }) else ruins.takeObject({ position = explorationDeck.getPosition() + Vector({0, 2, 0}), smooth = false }) end Wait.time(setup_3, 1) end function setup_3() explorationDeck.shuffle() end function pickRandomCard(obj) obj.shuffle() obj.takeObject({ position = ASSEMBLY.position, rotation = ASSEMBLY.rotation, smooth = false }) self.putObject(obj.remainder) end