AltLookAngle: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 0.0 g: 0.0083 r: 0.10624 CustomImage: CustomTile: Stackable: false Stretch: true Thickness: 0.2 Type: 2 ImageScalar: 1.0 ImageSecondaryURL: ImageURL: WidthScale: 0.0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: b171c8 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: false LuaScript: !include 'Custom_Tile Descriptive Phase Tracker b171c8.ttslua' LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Tile Nickname: Descriptive Phase Tracker Snap: true States: '2': AltLookAngle: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 0.0009864086 g: 0.113237955 r: 0.04146277 CustomImage: CustomTile: Stackable: false Stretch: true Thickness: 0.2 Type: 2 ImageScalar: 1.0 ImageSecondaryURL: ImageURL: WidthScale: 0.0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: e75551 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: true LuaScript: "function onLoad()\n -- Add a button to the object\n local params = {}\n params.click_function = 'toPhaseThree'\n params.function_owner = self\n \ params.tooltip = '2. Investigation Phase\\n\\n 2.1 Investigation phase begins.\\n\\n> PLAYER WINDOW <\\n\\n 2.2 Next investigator\u2019s turn begins.\\n\\n> PLAYER WINDOW <\\n\\n 2.2.1 Active investigator may take\\n an action, if able. If an action\\n was taken, return to previous\\n player window. If no action was\\n taken, proceed to 2.2.2.\\n\\n 2.2.2 Investigator\u2019s turn ends.\\n If an investigator has not yet\\n \ taken a turn this phase, return\\n to 2.2. If each investigator has\\n taken a turn this phase,\\n proceed to 2.3.\\n\\n 2.3 Investigation phase ends.'\n params.width = 600\n params.height = 600\n self.createButton(params)\nend\n\nfunction toPhaseThree()\n self.setState(3)\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Tile Nickname: Descriptive Phase Tracker Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: -39.1360855 posY: 1.24541819 posZ: 49.92741 rotX: 0.0208078064 rotY: 269.9888 rotZ: 0.016764963 scaleX: 1.5 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.5 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '3': AltLookAngle: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 0.0 g: 0.0 r: 0.235189646 CustomImage: CustomTile: Stackable: false Stretch: true Thickness: 0.2 Type: 2 ImageScalar: 1.0 ImageSecondaryURL: ImageURL: WidthScale: 0.0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 042d56 Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: true LuaScript: "function onLoad()\n -- Add a button to the object\n local params = {}\n params.click_function = 'toPhaseFour'\n params.function_owner = self\n \ params.tooltip = '3. Enemy Phase\\n\\n 3.1 Enemy phase begins.\\n\\n 3.2 Hunter enemies move.\\n\\n> PLAYER WINDOW <\\n\\n 3.3 Next investigator resolves\\n \ engaged enemy attacks. If an\\n investigator has not yet\\n resolved enemy attacks this\\n phase, return to previous\\n player window. After final\\n investigator resolves engaged\\n enemy attacks, proceed to\\n next player window.\\n\\n> PLAYER WINDOW <\\n\\n 3.4 Enemy phase ends.'\n params.width = 600\n params.height = 600\n self.createButton(params)\nend\n\nfunction toPhaseFour()\n self.setState(4)\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Tile Nickname: Descriptive Phase Tracker Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: -39.1360855 posY: 1.24541819 posZ: 49.92741 rotX: 0.0208078064 rotY: 269.9888 rotZ: 0.016764963 scaleX: 1.5 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.5 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' '4': AltLookAngle: x: 0.0 y: 0.0 z: 0.0 Autoraise: true ColorDiffuse: b: 0.0 g: 0.3496283 r: 0.5313587 CustomImage: CustomTile: Stackable: false Stretch: true Thickness: 0.2 Type: 2 ImageScalar: 1.0 ImageSecondaryURL: ImageURL: WidthScale: 0.0 Description: '' DragSelectable: true GMNotes: '' GUID: 44077a Grid: true GridProjection: false Hands: false HideWhenFaceDown: false IgnoreFoW: false LayoutGroupSortIndex: 0 Locked: true LuaScript: "function onLoad()\n -- Add a button to the object\n local params = {}\n params.click_function = 'toPhaseOne'\n params.function_owner = self\n \ params.tooltip = '4. Upkeep Phase\\n\\n 4.1 Upkeep phase begins.\\n\\n> PLAYER WINDOW <\\n\\n 4.2 Reset actions.\\n\\n 4.3 Ready each exhausted card.\\n\\n 4.4 Each investigator draws 1\\n card and gains 1 resource.\\n\\n \ 4.5 Each investigator checks\\n hand size.\\n\\n 4.6 Upkeep phase ends.\\n Round ends.'\n params.width = 600\n params.height = 600\n self.createButton(params)\nend\n\nfunction toPhaseOne()\n self.setState(1)\nend" LuaScriptState: '' MeasureMovement: false Name: Custom_Tile Nickname: Descriptive Phase Tracker Snap: true Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: -39.1360855 posY: 1.24541819 posZ: 49.92741 rotX: 0.0208078064 rotY: 269.9888 rotZ: 0.016764963 scaleX: 1.5 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.5 Value: 0 XmlUI: '' Sticky: true Tooltip: true Transform: posX: 43.12 posY: 2.34 posZ: -36.62 rotX: 0.0 rotY: 270.0 rotZ: 0.0 scaleX: 1.5 scaleY: 1.0 scaleZ: 1.5 Value: 0 XmlUI: ''