-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("core/MythosAreaApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local MythosAreaApi = {} local MYTHOS_AREA_GUID = "9f334f" -- returns the chaos token metadata (if provided through scenario reference card) MythosAreaApi.returnTokenData = function() return getObjectFromGUID(MYTHOS_AREA_GUID).call("returnTokenData") end -- draw an encounter card to the requested position/rotation MythosAreaApi.drawEncounterCard = function(pos, rotY, alwaysFaceUp) getObjectFromGUID(MYTHOS_AREA_GUID).call("drawEncounterCard", { pos = pos, rotY = rotY, alwaysFaceUp = alwaysFaceUp }) end return MythosAreaApi end end) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("accessories/TokenArranger") end) __bundle_register("accessories/TokenArranger", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) local chaosBagApi = require("chaosbag/ChaosBagApi") local mythosAreaApi = require("core/MythosAreaApi") -- common parameters local buttonParameters = {} buttonParameters.function_owner = self buttonParameters.label = "" buttonParameters.tooltip = "Increase / Decrease" buttonParameters.color = { 0, 0, 0, 0 } buttonParameters.width = 325 buttonParameters.height = 325 local inputParameters = {} inputParameters.function_owner = self inputParameters.font_size = 100 inputParameters.width = 250 inputParameters.height = inputParameters.font_size + 23 inputParameters.alignment = 3 inputParameters.validation = 2 inputParameters.tab = 2 local percentageLabel = {} percentageLabel.function_owner = self percentageLabel.click_function = "none" percentageLabel.width = 0 percentageLabel.height = 0 -- variables with save function local tokenPrecedence = {} local percentage = false local includeDrawnTokens = true -- variables without save function local updating = false local TOKEN_NAMES = { "Elder Sign", "Skull", "Cultist", "Tablet", "Elder Thing", "Auto-fail", "Bless", "Curse", "Frost", "" } -- saving the precedence settings and information on the most recently loaded data function onSave() return JSON.encode({ tokenPrecedence = tokenPrecedence, percentage = percentage, includeDrawnTokens = includeDrawnTokens }) end -- loading data, button creation and initial layouting function onLoad(saveState) if saveState ~= nil and saveState ~= "" then local loadedData = JSON.decode(saveState) tokenPrecedence = loadedData.tokenPrecedence percentage = loadedData.percentage includeDrawnTokens = loadedData.includeDrawnTokens else loadDefaultValues() -- grab token metadata from mythos area Wait.time(function() onTokenDataChanged(mythosAreaApi.returnTokenData()) end, 0.2) end createButtonsAndInputs() -- context menu items self.addContextMenuItem("Load default values", function() loadDefaultValues() updateUI() layout() end) self.addContextMenuItem("Include drawn tokens", function() includeDrawnTokens = not includeDrawnTokens local text = includeDrawnTokens and " " or " not " broadcastToAll("Token Arranger will" .. text .. "include currently drawn chaos tokens.", "Orange") layout() end) self.addContextMenuItem("Toggle percentages", function() if percentage then percentage = false else percentage = "basic" broadcastToAll("Percentages are unreliable when using tokens that draw other tokens (bless or curse for example).", "Yellow") end layout() end) self.addContextMenuItem("Toggle cumulative", function() if percentage == "cumulative" then percentage = "basic" else percentage = "cumulative" end broadcastToAll("Percentages are unreliable when using tokens that draw other tokens (bless or curse for example).", "Yellow") layout() end) end -- delete temporary tokens when destroyed function onDestroy() deleteCopiedTokens() end -- layout tokens when dropped (after 1.5 seconds) function onDrop() Wait.time(layout, 1.5) end -- delete temporary tokens when picked up function onPickUp() deleteCopiedTokens() end -- click_function for buttons on chaos tokens function tokenClick(isRightClick, index) local change = tonumber(isRightClick and "-1" or "1") tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[index]][1] = tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[index]][1] + change self.editInput({ index = index - 1, value = tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[index]][1] }) layout() end -- input_function for input_boxes function tokenInput(input, selected, index) if selected == false then local num = tonumber(input) if num ~= nil then tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[index]][1] = num end layout() end end -- loads the default precedence table function loadDefaultValues() -- 1st value: token modifiers for sorting -- 2nd value: order for equivalent tokens (starts at 2 because of "+1" token) tokenPrecedence = { ["Elder Sign"] = { 100, 2}, ["Skull"] = { -1, 3}, ["Cultist"] = { -2, 4}, ["Tablet"] = { -3, 5}, ["Elder Thing"] = { -4, 6}, ["Auto-fail"] = { -100, 7}, ["Bless"] = { 101, 8}, ["Curse"] = { -101, 9}, ["Frost"] = { -99, 10}, [""] = { 0, 11} } end -- creates buttons and inputs function createButtonsAndInputs() local offset = 0.725 local pos = { x = { -1.067, 0.377 }, z = -2.175 } -- button and inputs index 0-9 for i = 1, 10 do if i < 6 then buttonParameters.position = { pos.x[1], 0, pos.z + i * offset } inputParameters.position = { pos.x[1] + offset, 0.1, pos.z + i * offset } else buttonParameters.position = { pos.x[2], 0, pos.z + (i - 5) * offset } inputParameters.position = { pos.x[2] + offset, 0.1, pos.z + (i - 5) * offset } end buttonParameters.click_function = "tokenClick" .. i inputParameters.input_function = "tokenInput" .. i inputParameters.value = tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[i]][1] -- setting click-/inputfunction self.setVar(buttonParameters.click_function, function(_, _, isRightClick) tokenClick(isRightClick, i) end) self.setVar(inputParameters.input_function, function(_, _, input, selected) tokenInput(input, selected, i) end) -- button/input creation self.createButton(buttonParameters) self.createInput(inputParameters) end -- index 10: "Update / Hide" button self.createButton({ function_owner = self, label = "Update / Hide", click_function = "layout", tooltip = "Left-Click: Update!\nRight-Click: Hide Tokens!", position = { 0.725, 0.1, 2.025 }, color = { 1, 1, 1 }, width = 675, height = 175 }) end -- update input fields function updateUI() for i = 1, 10 do self.editInput({ index = i - 1, value = tokenPrecedence[TOKEN_NAMES[i]][1] }) end end -- order function for data sorting function tokenValueComparator(left, right) if left.value ~= right.value then return left.value > right.value elseif left.order ~= right.order then return left.order < right.order else return false end end -- deletes previously placed tokens function deleteCopiedTokens() for _, token in ipairs(getObjectsWithTag("tempToken")) do token.destruct() end -- this removes the percentage buttons (by index 11+) local buttonCount = #self.getButtons() if buttonCount < 12 then return end for i = buttonCount, 12, -1 do self.removeButton(i - 1) end end -- creates buttons as labels as display for percentage values function createPercentageButton(tokenCount, valueCount, tokenName) local startPos = Vector(2.3, -0.05, 0.875 * valueCount) if percentage == "cumulative" then percentageLabel.scale = { 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 } percentageLabel.position = startPos - Vector(0, 0, 2.85) else percentageLabel.scale = { 2, 2, 2 } percentageLabel.position = startPos - Vector(0, 0, 2.675) end -- determine font_color if tokenName == "Elder Sign" then percentageLabel.font_color = { 0.35, 0.71, 0.85 } elseif tokenName == "Auto-fail" then percentageLabel.font_color = { 0.86, 0.1, 0.1 } -- check if the tokenName contains letters (e.g. symbol token) elseif string.match(tokenName, "%a") ~= nil then percentageLabel.font_color = { 0.68, 0.53, 0.86 } else percentageLabel.font_color = { 0.85, 0.67, 0.33 } end -- create label for base percentage local basePercentage = math.floor((tokenCount.row / tokenCount.total) * 10000) / 100 percentageLabel.label = string.format("%s", string.format("%05.2f", basePercentage) .. "%") self.createButton(percentageLabel) -- optionally create label for cumulative percentage if percentage == "cumulative" then percentageLabel.position = startPos - Vector(0, 0, 2.45) percentageLabel.font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } -- only display one digit for 100% if tokenCount.sum == tokenCount.total then percentageLabel.label = "100.0%" else local cumulativePercentage = math.floor((tokenCount.sum / tokenCount.total) * 10000) / 100 percentageLabel.label = string.format("%s", string.format("%05.2f", cumulativePercentage) .. "%") end self.createButton(percentageLabel) end end -- main function (delete old tokens, clone chaos bag content, sort it and position it) function layout(_, _, isRightClick) if updating then return end updating = true deleteCopiedTokens() -- stop here if right-clicked if isRightClick then updating = false return end -- get ChaosBag and stop if not found local chaosBag = chaosBagApi.findChaosBag() if not chaosBag then updating = false return end -- clone tokens from chaos bag (default position above trash can) local rawData = chaosBag.getData().ContainedObjects -- optionally get the data for tokens in play if includeDrawnTokens then for _, token in pairs(chaosBagApi.getTokensInPlay()) do if token ~= nil then table.insert(rawData, token.getData()) end end end -- generate layout data local data = {} for i, objData in ipairs(rawData) do objData["Tags"] = { "tempToken" } local value = tonumber(objData.Nickname) local precedence = tokenPrecedence[objData.Nickname] data[i] = { token = objData, value = value or precedence[1] } -- order for comparator function if precedence ~= nil then data[i].order = precedence[2] else data[i].order = value end end -- sort table by value (symbols last if same value) table.sort(data, tokenValueComparator) -- laying out the tokens local pos = self.getPosition() + Vector(3.55, -0.05, -3.95) if percentage then pos.z = pos.z - 3.05 end local location = { x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z } local rotation = self.getRotation() local currentValue = data[1].value local tokenCount = { row = 0, sum = 0, total = #data } local valueCount = 1 local tokenName = false for i, item in ipairs(data) do -- this is true for the first token in a new row if item.value ~= currentValue then if percentage then tokenCount.sum = tokenCount.sum + tokenCount.row createPercentageButton(tokenCount, valueCount, tokenName) end location.x = location.x - 1.75 location.z = pos.z currentValue = item.value valueCount = valueCount + 1 tokenCount.row = 0 end spawnObjectData({ data = item.token, position = location, rotation = rotation }) tokenName = item.token.Nickname location.z = location.z - 1.75 tokenCount.row = tokenCount.row + 1 end -- this is repeated to create the button for the last token if percentage then tokenCount.sum = tokenCount.sum + tokenCount.row createPercentageButton(tokenCount, valueCount, tokenName) end -- introducing a small delay to limit update calls Wait.time(function() updating = false end, 0.1) end -- called from outside to set default values for tokens function onTokenDataChanged(parameters) local tokenData = parameters.tokenData or {} local currentScenario = parameters.currentScenario or "" local useFrontData = parameters.useFrontData -- update token precedence for key, table in pairs(tokenData) do local modifier = table.modifier if modifier == -999 then modifier = 0 end tokenPrecedence[key][1] = modifier end updateUI() layout() end end) __bundle_register("chaosbag/ChaosBagApi", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) do local ChaosBagApi = {} -- respawns the chaos bag with a new state of tokens ---@param tokenList Table List of chaos token ids ChaosBagApi.setChaosBagState = function(tokenList) return Global.call("setChaosBagState", tokenList) end -- returns a Table List of chaos token ids in the current chaos bag -- requires copying the data into a new table because TTS is weird about handling table return values in Global ChaosBagApi.getChaosBagState = function() local chaosBagContentsCatcher = Global.call("getChaosBagState") local chaosBagContents = {} for _, v in ipairs(chaosBagContentsCatcher) do table.insert(chaosBagContents, v) end return chaosBagContents end -- checks scripting zone for chaos bag (also called by a lot of objects!) ChaosBagApi.findChaosBag = function() return Global.call("findChaosBag") end -- returns a table of object references to the tokens in play (does not include sealed tokens!) ChaosBagApi.getTokensInPlay = function() return Global.getTable("chaosTokens") end -- returns all sealed tokens on cards to the chaos bag ChaosBagApi.releaseAllSealedTokens = function(playerColor) return Global.call("releaseAllSealedTokens", playerColor) end -- returns all drawn tokens to the chaos bag ChaosBagApi.returnChaosTokens = function(playerColor) return Global.call("returnChaosTokens", playerColor) end -- removes the specified chaos token from the chaos bag ---@param id String ID of the chaos token ChaosBagApi.removeChaosToken = function(id) return Global.call("removeChaosToken", id) end -- spawns the specified chaos token and puts it into the chaos bag ---@param id String ID of the chaos token ChaosBagApi.spawnChaosToken = function(id) return Global.call("spawnChaosToken", id) end -- Checks to see if the chaos bag can be manipulated. If a player is searching the bag when tokens -- are drawn or replaced a TTS bug can cause those tokens to vanish. Any functions which change the -- contents of the bag should check this method before doing so. -- This method will broadcast a message to all players if the bag is being searched. ---@return Boolean. True if the bag is manipulated, false if it should be blocked. ChaosBagApi.canTouchChaosTokens = function() return Global.call("canTouchChaosTokens") end -- called by playermats (by the "Draw chaos token" button) ChaosBagApi.drawChaosToken = function(mat, tokenOffset, isRightClick) return Global.call("drawChaosToken", {mat, tokenOffset, isRightClick}) end -- returns a Table List of chaos token ids in the current chaos bag -- requires copying the data into a new table because TTS is weird about handling table return values in Global ChaosBagApi.getIdUrlMap = function() return Global.getTable("ID_URL_MAP") end return ChaosBagApi end end) return __bundle_require("__root")