-- CYOA Campaign Guides by Antimarkovnikov, scripted by Chr1Z -- Utility memory bag by Directsun -- Version 2.7.0 -- Fork of Memory Bag 2.0 by MrStump CONFIG = { MEMORY_GROUP = { -- This determines how many frames to wait before actually placing objects onto the table when the "Place" button is clicked. -- This gives the other bags time to recall their objects. -- The delay ONLY occurs if other bags have objects out. FRAME_DELAY_BEFORE_PLACING_OBJECTS = 30, }, } --[[ Memory Bag Groups ]] ------------------------------------------------------- --[[ Utility Memory Bags may be added to a named group, called a "memory group". You can add a bag to a group through the bag's UI: "Setup" > "Group Name" (to the left of the bag). Only one bag from a group may have it's contents placed on the table at a time. When "Place" is clicked on a bag, the other bags in it's memory group are recalled. By default a memory bag is not in any group. It's memory group is "nil". --]] memoryGroupName = { memoryBag = self } function memoryGroupName:get() return self._name end function memoryGroupName:set(newName) GlobalMemoryGroups:unregisterBagInGroup(self:get(), self.memoryBag.getGUID()) GlobalMemoryGroups:registerBagInGroup(newName, self.memoryBag.getGUID()) if newName == "" then self._name = nil else self._name = newName end end -- Click the "Recall" button on all other bags in my memory group. function recallOtherBagsInMyGroup() for _, bag in ipairs(getOtherBagsInMyGroup()) do bag.call('buttonClick_recall') end end -- Return "true" if another bag in my memory group has any objects out on the table. function anyOtherBagsInMyGroupArePlaced() for _, bag in ipairs(getOtherBagsInMyGroup()) do local state = bag.call('areAnyOfMyObjectsPlaced') if state then return true end end return false end -- Return "true" if at least one object from this memory bag is out on the table. function areAnyOfMyObjectsPlaced() for guid, _ in pairs(memoryList) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then return true end end return false end function getOtherBagsInMyGroup() local bags = {} for bagGuid, _ in pairs(GlobalMemoryGroups:getGroup(memoryGroupName:get())) do if bagGuid ~= self.getGUID() then bag = getObjectFromGUID(bagGuid) -- "bag" is nill if it has been deleted since the last time onLoad() was called. if bag ~= nil then table.insert(bags, bag) end end end return bags end --[[ This object provides access to a variable stored on the "Global script". The variable holds the names & guids of all memory bag groups. The global variable is a table and holds data like this: { 'My First Group Name' = { '805ebd' = {}, '35cc21' = {}, 'fc8886' = {}, }, 'My Second Group Name' = { 'f50264' = {}, '5f5f63' = {}, }, } --]] GlobalMemoryGroups = { NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE = '_GlobalUtilityMemoryBagGroups', } -- Call me inside this script's "onLoad()" method! function GlobalMemoryGroups:onLoad(myGuid) -- Create and initialize the global variable if it doesn't already exist: if self:_getGroups() == nil then self:_setGroups({}) end end -- Return the GUIDs of all bags in the "groupName". The return value is a dictionary that maps [GUID -> empty table]. function GlobalMemoryGroups:getGroup(groupName) guids = self:_getGroups()[groupName] or {} return guids end -- Registers a bag in a memory group. Creates a new group if one doesn't exist. function GlobalMemoryGroups:registerBagInGroup(groupName, bagGuid) if groupName == nil or groupName == "" then return end self:_tryCreateNewGroup(groupName) local groups = self:_getGroups() groups[groupName][bagGuid] = {} self:_setGroups(groups) end -- Removes this bag from the memory group. function GlobalMemoryGroups:unregisterBagInGroup(groupName, bagGuid) local groups = self:_getGroups() local group = groups[groupName] if group ~= nil then group[bagGuid] = nil self:_setGroups(groups) end end -- Return the global variable, which is a table holding all memory group names & guids. function GlobalMemoryGroups:_getGroups() return Global.getTable(self.NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE) end -- Override the global variable (i.e. the entire table). function GlobalMemoryGroups:_setGroups(newTable) Global.setTable(self.NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, newTable) end -- Add a new memory group named "groupName" to the global variable, if one doesn't already exist. function GlobalMemoryGroups:_tryCreateNewGroup(groupName) local groups = self:_getGroups() if groups[groupName] == nil then groups[groupName] = {} self:_setGroups(groups) end end -- This object controls the "Group Name" input text field that is part of the bag's ingame UI. groupNameInput = { greyedOutText = "Group Name", widthPerCharacter = 100, padding = 4, memoryBag = self, } function groupNameInput:create(optionalStartingValue) local effectiveText = optionalStartingValue or self.greyedOutText local width = self:computeWidth(effectiveText) self.memoryBag.createInput({ label = self.greyedOutText, value = optionalStartingValue or nil, alignment = 3, -- Center aligned input_function = "groupNameInput_onCharacterTyped", function_owner = self.memoryBag, position = { 2.1, 0.3, 0 }, rotation = { 0, 270, 0 }, width = width, height = 350, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, }) end function groupNameInput:computeWidth(text) return (string.len(text) + self.padding) * self.widthPerCharacter end function groupNameInput:updatedWidth(text) self.memoryBag.editInput({ index = 0, width = self:computeWidth(text) }) end function groupNameInput:onCharacterTyped(text, stillEditing) if stillEditing then self:updatedWidth(text) else if text == "" then self:updatedWidth(self.greyedOutText) end end end function groupNameInput_onCharacterTyped(memoryBag, playerColor, text, stillEditing) groupNameInput:onCharacterTyped(text, stillEditing) end function groupNameInput:setGroupNameToInputField() local inputFields = self.memoryBag.getInputs() if inputFields ~= nil then -- Get input field 0, which corresponds to the groupNameInput. -- Unfortunately "self.getInputs()" doesn't return the inputs in a guaranteed order. local nameField = nil for _, field in ipairs(inputFields) do if field.index == 0 then nameField = field end end memoryGroupName:set(nameField.value) end end --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function updateSave() local data_to_save = { ["ml"] = memoryList, ["groupName"] = memoryGroupName:get() } saved_data = JSON.encode(data_to_save) self.script_state = saved_data end function combineMemoryFromBagsWithin() local bagObjList = self.getObjects() for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do local data = bagObj.lua_script_state if data ~= nil then local j = JSON.decode(data) if j ~= nil and j.ml ~= nil then for guid, entry in pairs(j.ml) do memoryList[guid] = entry end end end end end function updateMemoryWithMoves() memoryList = memoryListBackup --get the first transposed object's coordinates local obj = getObjectFromGUID(moveGuid) -- p1 is where needs to go, p2 is where it was local refObjPos = memoryList[moveGuid].pos local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(obj.getPosition(), refObjPos, nil) local movedRotation = obj.getRotation() for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do memoryList[guid].pos.x = entry.pos.x - deltaPos.x memoryList[guid].pos.y = entry.pos.y - deltaPos.y memoryList[guid].pos.z = entry.pos.z - deltaPos.z -- memoryList[guid].rot.x = movedRotation.x -- memoryList[guid].rot.y = movedRotation.y -- memoryList[guid].rot.z = movedRotation.z end --theList[obj.getGUID()] = { -- pos={x=round(pos.x,4), y=round(pos.y,4), z=round(pos.z,4)}, -- rot={x=round(rot.x,4), y=round(rot.y,4), z=round(rot.z,4)}, -- lock=obj.getLock() --} moveList = {} end function onload(saved_data) GlobalMemoryGroups:onLoad(self.getGUID()) AllMemoryBagsInScene:add(self.getGUID()) fresh = true if saved_data ~= "" then local loaded_data = JSON.decode(saved_data) --Set up information off of loaded_data memoryList = loaded_data.ml memoryGroupName:set(loaded_data.groupName) else --Set up information for if there is no saved saved data memoryList = {} memoryGroupName:set(nil) end moveList = {} moveGuid = nil if next(memoryList) == nil then createSetupButton() else fresh = false createMemoryActionButtons() end end --Beginning Setup --Make setup button function createSetupButton() self.createButton({ label = "Setup", click_function = "buttonClick_setup", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 4.5 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) end --Triggered by Transpose button function buttonClick_transpose() moveGuid = nil broadcastToAll("Select one object and move it- all objects will move relative to the new location", { 0.75, 0.75, 1 }) memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList) memoryList = {} moveList = {} self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createButtonsOnAllObjects(true) createSetupActionButtons(true) end --Triggered by setup button, function buttonClick_setup() memoryListBackup = duplicateTable(memoryList) memoryList = {} self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createButtonsOnAllObjects(false) createSetupActionButtons(false) end function getAllObjectsInMemory() local objTable = {} local curObj = {} for guid in pairs(memoryListBackup) do curObj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) table.insert(objTable, curObj) end return objTable -- return getAllObjects() end --Creates selection buttons on objects function createButtonsOnAllObjects(move) buttonIndexMap = {} local howManyButtons = 0 local objsToHaveButtons = {} if move == true then objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjectsInMemory() else objsToHaveButtons = getAllObjects() end for _, obj in ipairs(objsToHaveButtons) do if obj ~= self then --On a normal bag, the button positions aren't the same size as the bag. globalScaleFactor = 1 / self.getScale().x --Super sweet math to set button positions local selfPos = self.getPosition() local objPos = obj.getPosition() local deltaPos = findOffsetDistance(selfPos, objPos, obj) local objPos = rotateLocalCoordinates(deltaPos, self) objPos.x = -objPos.x * globalScaleFactor objPos.y = objPos.y * globalScaleFactor objPos.z = objPos.z * globalScaleFactor --Workaround for custom PDFs if obj.Book then objPos.y = objPos.y + 0.5 end --Offset rotation of bag local rot = self.getRotation() rot.y = -rot.y + 180 --Create function local funcName = "selectButton_" .. howManyButtons local func = function() buttonClick_selection(obj, move) end local color = { 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.6 } local colorMove = { 0, 0, 1, 0.6 } if move == true then color = colorMove end self.setVar(funcName, func) self.createButton({ click_function = funcName, function_owner = self, position = objPos, rotation = rot, height = 1000, width = 1000, color = color, }) buttonIndexMap[obj.getGUID()] = howManyButtons howManyButtons = howManyButtons + 1 end end end --Creates submit and cancel buttons function createSetupActionButtons(move) self.createButton({ label = "Cancel", click_function = "buttonClick_cancel", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 4.5 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Submit", click_function = "buttonClick_submit", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 5.3 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) if move == false then self.createButton({ label = "Add", click_function = "buttonClick_add", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 6.1 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 0.25, 1, 0.25 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Selection", click_function = "editDragSelection", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, -4.5 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) groupNameInput:create(memoryGroupName:get()) if fresh == false then self.createButton({ label = "Set New", click_function = "buttonClick_setNew", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 6.9 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 0.75, 0.75, 1 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Remove", click_function = "buttonClick_remove", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 7.7 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 1100, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 0.25, 0.25 } }) end end self.createButton({ label = "Reset", click_function = "buttonClick_reset", function_owner = self, position = { 3, 0.3, 0 }, rotation = { 0, 90, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) end --During Setup --Checks or unchecks buttons function buttonClick_selection(obj, move) local index = buttonIndexMap[obj.getGUID()] local colorMove = { 0, 0, 1, 0.6 } local color = { 0, 1, 0, 0.6 } previousGuid = selectedGuid selectedGuid = obj.getGUID() theList = memoryList if move == true then theList = moveList if previousGuid ~= nil and previousGuid ~= selectedGuid then local prevObj = getObjectFromGUID(previousGuid) prevObj.highlightOff() self.editButton({ index = previousIndex, color = colorMove }) theList[previousGuid] = nil end previousIndex = index end if theList[selectedGuid] == nil then self.editButton({ index = index, color = color }) --Adding pos/rot to memory table local pos, rot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation() --I need to add it like this or it won't save due to indexing issue theList[obj.getGUID()] = { pos = { x = round(pos.x, 4), y = round(pos.y, 4), z = round(pos.z, 4) }, rot = { x = round(rot.x, 4), y = round(rot.y, 4), z = round(rot.z, 4) }, lock = obj.getLock(), tint = obj.getColorTint() } obj.highlightOn({ 0, 1, 0 }) else color = { 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.6 } if move == true then color = colorMove end self.editButton({ index = index, color = color }) theList[obj.getGUID()] = nil obj.highlightOff() end end function editDragSelection(bagObj, player, remove) local selectedObjs = Player[player].getSelectedObjects() if not remove then for _, obj in ipairs(selectedObjs) do local index = buttonIndexMap[obj.getGUID()] --Ignore if already in the memory list, or does not have a button if index and not memoryList[obj.getGUID()] then self.editButton({ index = index, color = { 0, 1, 0, 0.6 } }) --Adding pos/rot to memory table local pos, rot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation() --I need to add it like this or it won't save due to indexing issue memoryList[obj.getGUID()] = { pos = { x = round(pos.x, 4), y = round(pos.y, 4), z = round(pos.z, 4) }, rot = { x = round(rot.x, 4), y = round(rot.y, 4), z = round(rot.z, 4) }, lock = obj.getLock(), tint = obj.getColorTint() } obj.highlightOn({ 0, 1, 0 }) end end else for _, obj in ipairs(selectedObjs) do local index = buttonIndexMap[obj.getGUID()] if index and memoryList[obj.getGUID()] then color = { 0.75, 0.25, 0.25, 0.6 } self.editButton({ index = index, color = color }) memoryList[obj.getGUID()] = nil obj.highlightOff() end end end end --Cancels selection process function buttonClick_cancel() memoryList = memoryListBackup moveList = {} self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() if next(memoryList) == nil then createSetupButton() else createMemoryActionButtons() end removeAllHighlights() broadcastToAll("Selection Canceled", { 1, 1, 1 }) moveGuid = nil end --Saves selections function buttonClick_submit() fresh = false if next(moveList) ~= nil then for guid in pairs(moveList) do moveGuid = guid end if memoryListBackup[moveGuid] == nil then broadcastToAll("Item selected for moving is not already in memory", { 1, 0.25, 0.25 }) else broadcastToAll("Moving all items in memory relative to new objects position!", { 0.75, 0.75, 1 }) self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createMemoryActionButtons() local count = 0 for guid in pairs(moveList) do moveGuid = guid count = count + 1 local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end end updateMemoryWithMoves() updateSave() buttonClick_place() end elseif next(memoryList) == nil and moveGuid == nil then memoryList = memoryListBackup broadcastToAll("No selections made.", { 0.75, 0.25, 0.25 }) end combineMemoryFromBagsWithin() groupNameInput:setGroupNameToInputField() self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createMemoryActionButtons() local count = 0 for guid in pairs(memoryList) do count = count + 1 local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end end broadcastToAll(count .. " Objects Saved", { 1, 1, 1 }) updateSave() moveGuid = nil end function combineTables(first_table, second_table) for k, v in pairs(second_table) do first_table[k] = v end end function buttonClick_add() fresh = false combineTables(memoryList, memoryListBackup) broadcastToAll("Adding internal bags and selections to existing memory", { 0.25, 0.75, 0.25 }) combineMemoryFromBagsWithin() self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createMemoryActionButtons() local count = 0 for guid in pairs(memoryList) do count = count + 1 local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end end broadcastToAll(count .. " Objects Saved", { 1, 1, 1 }) updateSave() end function buttonClick_remove() broadcastToAll("Removing Selected Entries From Memory", { 1.0, 0.25, 0.25 }) self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createMemoryActionButtons() local count = 0 for guid in pairs(memoryList) do count = count + 1 memoryListBackup[guid] = nil local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then obj.highlightOff() end end broadcastToAll(count .. " Objects Removed", { 1, 1, 1 }) memoryList = memoryListBackup updateSave() end function buttonClick_setNew() broadcastToAll("Setting new position relative to items in memory", { 0.75, 0.75, 1 }) self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createMemoryActionButtons() local count = 0 for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do guid = obj.guid if memoryListBackup[guid] ~= nil then count = count + 1 memoryListBackup[guid].pos = obj.getPosition() memoryListBackup[guid].rot = obj.getRotation() memoryListBackup[guid].lock = obj.getLock() memoryListBackup[guid].tint = obj.getColorTint() end end broadcastToAll(count .. " Objects Saved", { 1, 1, 1 }) memoryList = memoryListBackup updateSave() end --Resets bag to starting status function buttonClick_reset() fresh = true memoryList = {} memoryGroupName:set(nil) self.clearButtons() self.clearInputs() createSetupButton() removeAllHighlights() broadcastToAll("Tool Reset", { 1, 1, 1 }) updateSave() end --After Setup --Creates recall and place buttons function createMemoryActionButtons() self.createButton({ label = "Place", click_function = "buttonClick_place", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 4.5 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Recall", click_function = "buttonClick_recall", function_owner = self, position = { 0, 0.3, 5.3 }, rotation = { 0, 0, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Setup", click_function = "buttonClick_setup", function_owner = self, position = { 3, 0.3, 0 }, rotation = { 0, 90, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 1, 1, 1 } }) self.createButton({ label = "Move", click_function = "buttonClick_transpose", function_owner = self, position = { 3.8, 0.3, 0 }, rotation = { 0, 90, 0 }, height = 350, width = 800, font_size = 250, color = { 0, 0, 0 }, font_color = { 0.75, 0.75, 1 } }) end --Sends objects from bag/table to their saved position/rotation function buttonClick_place() if anyOtherBagsInMyGroupArePlaced() then recallOtherBagsInMyGroup() Wait.frames(_placeObjects, CONFIG.MEMORY_GROUP.FRAME_DELAY_BEFORE_PLACING_OBJECTS) else _placeObjects() end end function _placeObjects() local bagObjList = self.getObjects() for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) --If obj is out on the table, move it to the saved pos/rot if obj ~= nil then obj.setPositionSmooth(entry.pos) obj.setRotationSmooth(entry.rot) obj.setLock(entry.lock) obj.setColorTint(entry.tint) else --If obj is inside of the bag for _, bagObj in ipairs(bagObjList) do if bagObj.guid == guid then local item = self.takeObject({ guid = guid, position = entry.pos, rotation = entry.rot, smooth = false }) item.setLock(entry.lock) item.setColorTint(entry.tint) break end end end end broadcastToAll("Objects Placed", { 1, 1, 1 }) end --Recalls objects to bag from table function buttonClick_recall() for guid, entry in pairs(memoryList) do local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid) if obj ~= nil then self.putObject(obj) end end broadcastToAll("Objects Recalled", { 1, 1, 1 }) end --Utility functions --Find delta (difference) between 2 x/y/z coordinates function findOffsetDistance(p1, p2, obj) local yOffset = 0 if obj ~= nil then local bounds = obj.getBounds() yOffset = (bounds.size.y - bounds.offset.y) end local deltaPos = {} deltaPos.x = (p2.x - p1.x) deltaPos.y = (p2.y - p1.y) + yOffset deltaPos.z = (p2.z - p1.z) return deltaPos end --Used to rotate a set of coordinates by an angle function rotateLocalCoordinates(desiredPos, obj) local objPos, objRot = obj.getPosition(), obj.getRotation() local angle = math.rad(objRot.y) local x = desiredPos.x * math.cos(angle) - desiredPos.z * math.sin(angle) local z = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle) + desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle) --return {x=objPos.x+x, y=objPos.y+desiredPos.y, z=objPos.z+z} return { x = x, y = desiredPos.y, z = z } end function rotateMyCoordinates(desiredPos, obj) local angle = math.rad(obj.getRotation().y) local x = desiredPos.x * math.sin(angle) local z = desiredPos.z * math.cos(angle) return { x = x, y = desiredPos.y, z = z } end --Coroutine delay, in seconds function wait(time) local start = os.time() repeat coroutine.yield(0) until os.time() > start + time end --Duplicates a table (needed to prevent it making reference to the same objects) function duplicateTable(oldTable) local newTable = {} for k, v in pairs(oldTable) do newTable[k] = v end return newTable end --Moves scripted highlight from all objects function removeAllHighlights() for _, obj in ipairs(getAllObjects()) do obj.highlightOff() end end --Round number (num) to the Nth decimal (dec) function round(num, dec) local mult = 10 ^ (dec or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end --[[ This object provides access to a variable stored on the "Global script". The variable holds the GUIDs for every Utility Memory Bag in the scene. Example: {'805ebd', '35cc21', 'fc8886', 'f50264', '5f5f63'} --]] AllMemoryBagsInScene = { NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE = "_UtilityMemoryBag_AllMemoryBagsInScene" } function AllMemoryBagsInScene:add(guid) local guids = Global.getTable(self.NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE) or {} table.insert(guids, guid) Global.setTable(self.NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE, guids) end function AllMemoryBagsInScene:getGuidList() return Global.getTable(self.NAME_OF_GLOBAL_VARIABLE) or {} end