-- Bundled by luabundle {"version":"1.6.0"} local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire) local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true} local register local modules = {} local require local loaded = {} register = function(name, body) if not modules[name] then modules[name] = body end end require = function(name) local loadedModule = loaded[name] if loadedModule then if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then return nil end else if not modules[name] then if not superRequire then local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name) error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered') else return superRequire(name) end end loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules) loaded[name] = loadedModule end return loadedModule end return require, loaded, register, modules end)(nil) __bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) require("core/PlayArea") end) __bundle_register("core/PlayArea", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules) --------------------------------------------------------- -- general setup --------------------------------------------------------- -- set true to enable debug logging DEBUG = false -- we use this to turn off collision handling until onLoad() is complete COLLISION_ENABLED = false local INVESTIGATOR_COUNTER_GUID = "f182ee" local clueData = {} spawnedLocationGUIDs = {} --------------------------------------------------------- -- general code --------------------------------------------------------- function onSave() return JSON.encode(spawnedLocationGUIDs) end function onLoad(save_state) -- records locations we have spawned clues for spawnedLocationGUIDs = JSON.decode(save_state) or {} local TOKEN_DATA = Global.getTable('TOKEN_DATA') clueData = { thickness = 0.1, stackable = true, type = 2, image = TOKEN_DATA.clue.image, image_bottom = TOKEN_DATA.doom.image } local dataHelper = getObjectFromGUID('708279') LOCATIONS = dataHelper.getTable('LOCATIONS_DATA') self.interactable = DEBUG Wait.time(function() COLLISION_ENABLED = true end, 1) end function log(message) if DEBUG then print(message) end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- clue spawning --------------------------------------------------------- -- try the compound key then the name alone as default function getLocation(object) return LOCATIONS[object.getName() .. '_' .. object.getGUID()] or LOCATIONS[object.getName()] end -- Return the number of clues to spawn on this location function getClueCount(object, isFaceDown, playerCount) local details = getLocation(object) if details == nil then error('attempted to get clue for unexpected object: ' .. object.getName()) end log(object.getName() .. ' : ' .. details['type'] .. ' : ' .. details['value'] .. ' : ' .. details['clueSide']) if ((isFaceDown and details['clueSide'] == 'back') or (not isFaceDown and details['clueSide'] == 'front')) then if details['type'] == 'fixed' then return details['value'] elseif details['type'] == 'perPlayer' then return details['value'] * playerCount end error('unexpected location type: ' .. details['type']) end return 0 end function spawnCluesAtLocation(clueCount, object) if spawnedLocationGUIDs[object.getGUID()] ~= nil then error('tried to spawn clue for already spawned location:' .. object.getName()) end log('spawning clues for ' .. object.getName() .. '_' .. object.getGUID()) log('player count is ' .. getInvestigatorCount() .. ', clue count is ' .. clueCount) -- mark this location as spawned, can't happen again spawnedLocationGUIDs[object.getGUID()] = true -- spawn clues (starting top right, moving to the next column after 4 clues) local pos = object.getPosition() for i = 1, clueCount do local column = math.floor((i - 1) / 4) local row = (i - 1) % 4 spawnClue({ pos.x - 1 + 0.55 * row, pos.y, pos.z - 1.4 - 0.55 * column }) end end function spawnClue(position) local token = spawnObject({ position = position, rotation = { 3.88, -90, 0.24 }, type = 'Custom_Tile' }) token.setCustomObject(clueData) token.scale { 0.25, 1, 0.25 } token.use_snap_points = false end function updateLocations(args) custom_data_helper_guid = args[1] local custom_data_helper = getObjectFromGUID(args[1]) for k, v in pairs(custom_data_helper.getTable("LOCATIONS_DATA")) do LOCATIONS[k] = v end end function onCollisionEnter(collision_info) if not COLLISION_ENABLED then return end -- check if we should spawn clues here and do so according to playercount local object = collision_info.collision_object if getLocation(object) ~= nil and spawnedLocationGUIDs[object.getGUID()] == nil then local clueCount = getClueCount(object, object.is_face_down, getInvestigatorCount()) if clueCount > 0 then spawnCluesAtLocation(clueCount, object) end end end function getInvestigatorCount() local investigatorCounter = getObjectFromGUID('f182ee') return investigatorCounter.getVar("val") end end) return __bundle_require("__root")