-- set true to enable debug logging DEBUG = false function log(message) if DEBUG then print(message) end end --[[ Known locations and clues. We check this to determine if we should atttempt to spawn clues, first we look for _ and if we find nothing we look for format is [location_guid -> clueCount] ]] LOCATIONS_DATA_JSON = [[ { "Unholy Chamber": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "The Monolith": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Unspeakable Nest": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Altar of Sacrifice": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 3, "clueSide": "front"}, "Buried Archway": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Cacophonic Corridor": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Entrance Hall": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Forsaken Circle": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Twisted Pyramid": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Elder's Vault": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Incomprehensible Glyphs": {"type": "fixed", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"}, "Pocket Dimension": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Otherworldly Web": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 2, "clueSide": "front"}, "Pathway to Nowhere": {"type": "perPlayer", "value": 1, "clueSide": "front"} } ]] HIDDEN_CARD_DATA = { "Hallucinatory Holograms", "Reminiscence (Secrets)", "Reminiscence (Pledge)", "Reminiscence (Covenant)", "Cabin Pressure", "Remember Me?", "Manifested Whispers", "Dark Reflections (Zealot)", "Dark Reflections (Murderer)", "Dark Reflections (Malingnerer)", "Dark Reflections (Sycophant)", "Perspective Switch", "Echoes of Tassilda (Mind)", "Echoes of Tassilda (Matter)", "Madness of Carcosa" } LOCATIONS_DATA = JSON.decode(LOCATIONS_DATA_JSON) function onload(save_state) local playArea = getObjectFromGUID('721ba2') playArea.call("updateLocations", {self.getGUID()}) local dataHelper = getObjectFromGUID('708279') dataHelper.call("updateHiddenCards", {self.getGUID()}) end