CARD_OFFSET = Vector({0, 0.1, -2}) ORIENTATIONS = { {0, 270, 0}, { 0, 90, 0} } READING = { "Temperance", "Justice", "Hermit", "Hanged Man", "Hierophant", "Lovers", "Chariot", "Wheel of Fortune" } function onLoad() self.addContextMenuItem("Chaos", chaos, false) self.addContextMenuItem("Balance", balance, false) self.addContextMenuItem("Choice", choice, false) self.addContextMenuItem("Destiny (Campaign)", destiny, false) self.addContextMenuItem("Accept Your Fate", fate, false) math.randomseed(os.time()) end function chaos(color) self.shuffle() self.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[math.random(2)], smooth = true }) end function balance(color) self.shuffle() self.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[1], smooth = true }) self.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + 2*CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[2], smooth = true }) end function choice(color) self.shuffle() for i=1,3 do self.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + i*CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[1], smooth = true }) end broadcastToColor("Choose and reverse two of the cards.", color) end function destiny(color) self.shuffle() for i=1,8 do self.takeObject({ position = self.getPosition() + i*CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[1], smooth = true }) end broadcastToColor("Each card corresponds to one scenario, leftmost is first. Choose and reverse half of the cards (rounded up).", color) end function fate(color) local guids = {} local cards = self.getObjects() for i,card in ipairs(cards) do for j,reading in ipairs(READING) do if string.match(, reading) ~= nil then guids[j] = card.guid end end end for k,guid in ipairs(guids) do self.takeObject({ guid = guid, position = self.getPosition() + k*CARD_OFFSET, rotation = ORIENTATIONS[1], smooth = true }) end broadcastToColor("Each card corresponds to one scenario, leftmost is first. Choose and reverse half of the cards (rounded up).", color) end