2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#note: image templates: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/813176/card-templates
#TODO: dynamic text sizes
#TODO: remote upload?
import json
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
import textwrap
import math
import os
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
import sys
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # we are running in a bundle
bundle_dir = sys._MEIPASS
else: # we are running in a normal Python environment
bundle_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
IMG_HERO_CHAR_FRONT = Image.open(bundle_dir + "/images/HeroCharFront.png")
IMG_HERO_CHAR_BACK = Image.open(bundle_dir + "/images/HeroCharBack.png")
IMG_HERO_DECK = Image.open(bundle_dir + "/images/HeroCard.png")
IMG_TARGET_HP = Image.open(bundle_dir + "/images/targetHP.png")
FONT_KEYWORD = ImageFont.truetype(bundle_dir + "/fonts/RedStateBlueStateBB_reg.otf", size=40)
FONT_TITLE = ImageFont.truetype(bundle_dir + "/fonts/CrashLandingBB.otf", size=60)
FONT_DESCRIPTION = ImageFont.truetype(bundle_dir + "/fonts/RedStateBlueStateBB_reg.otf", size=30)
FONT_TARGET_HP = ImageFont.truetype(bundle_dir + "/fonts/CrashLandingBB.otf", size=120)
FONT_CHAR_HP = ImageFont.truetype(bundle_dir + "/fonts/ap.ttf", size=120)
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
def drawTextIf(draw, position, font, card, key, wrap=False):
if key in card:
text = str(card[key])
if wrap:
# badly wrap text to fit on card
text = '\n'.join(textwrap.fill(line.strip(), wrap,
for line in text.splitlines())
draw.text(position, text, font=font, fill="#000000")
def addCardToBase(baseImg, baseX, cardNum, cardImg):
baseImg.paste(cardImg, ((cardNum % baseX) * cardImg.width,
int(cardNum / baseX) * cardImg.height))
def makeFaces(deckJson, outfile):
# TODO: probably a more optimal way to fit cards
baseX = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(deckJson['deck']) +
len(deckJson['character']) * 2))
baseImage = Image.new('RGB', (IMG_HERO_DECK.width * baseX,
IMG_HERO_DECK.height * baseX))
cardNum = 0
# Make a card for each hero character card
for card in deckJson['character']:
cardFrontImg = IMG_HERO_CHAR_FRONT.copy()
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(cardFrontImg)
drawTextIf(draw, (150, 70), FONT_CHAR_HP, card, 'name')
drawTextIf(draw, (100, 900), FONT_DESCRIPTION, card, 'power', 40)
drawTextIf(draw, (53, 260), FONT_CHAR_HP, card, 'hp')
addCardToBase(baseImage, baseX, cardNum, cardFrontImg)
cardNum += 1
cardBackImg = IMG_HERO_CHAR_BACK.copy()
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(cardBackImg)
drawTextIf(draw, (150, 70), FONT_CHAR_HP, card, 'name')
drawTextIf(draw, (80, 800), FONT_DESCRIPTION, card, 'incapacitated', 43)
addCardToBase(baseImage, baseX, cardNum, cardBackImg)
cardNum += 1
# Make a card for each card in the deck
for card in deckJson['deck']:
cardImg = IMG_HERO_DECK.copy()
if 'hp' in card: # Draw HP marker, if it exists
# self mask for transparency
cardImg.paste(IMG_TARGET_HP, (510, 36), IMG_TARGET_HP)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(cardImg)
drawTextIf(draw, (52, 50), FONT_TITLE, card, 'name')
drawTextIf(draw, (85, 610), FONT_KEYWORD, card, 'type')
drawTextIf(draw, (52, 670), FONT_DESCRIPTION, card, 'description', 46)
drawTextIf(draw, (120, 910), FONT_DESCRIPTION, card, 'flavor')
drawTextIf(draw, (600, 40), FONT_TARGET_HP, card, 'hp')
addCardToBase(baseImage, baseX, cardNum, cardImg)
cardNum += 1
baseImage.save(outfile + ".png", "PNG")
return (baseX, baseX)
def makeJson(deckJson, imgWidth, imgHeight, outfile):
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
with open(bundle_dir + "/templates/deck.json") as f:
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
outJson = json.load(f)
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
with open(bundle_dir + "/templates/card.json") as f:
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
cardTemplate = json.load(f)
# number of cards in x and y direction
{"NumWidth": imgWidth,
"NumHeight": imgHeight,
#"FaceURL": "http://adam-desktop.dyn.wpi.edu:8000/" + outfile + ".png",
"FaceURL": "file://" + os.getcwd() + "/" + outfile + ".png",
"BackURL": "http://cloud-3.steamusercontent.com/ugc/156906385556221451/CE2C3AFE1759790CB0B532FFD636D05A99EC91F4/"})
# decks start at (10 * deck id)
cardNum = 100
for card in deckJson['character']:
# add front card with back as second state
cardOutBack = cardTemplate.copy()
cardOutBack.update({"Nickname": card['name'],
"Description": "Incapacitated",
"CardID": cardNum + 1})
cardOut = cardTemplate.copy()
cardOut.update({"Nickname": card['name'],
"Description": "Active",
"CardID": cardNum,
"States": {"2": cardOutBack}})
cardNum += 2
for card in deckJson['deck']:
for i in range(0, card['count']):
# add a card object thing for each card, and give it a name
cardOut = cardTemplate.copy()
cardOut.update({"Nickname": card['name'],
"Description": card.get('type', ""),
"CardID": cardNum})
cardNum += 1
with open(outfile + ".json", "w") as f:
json.dump(outJson, f)
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("not enough arguments!")
inputJson = input("Input file: ")
outfile = input("Output file (no suffix): ")
inputJson = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
with open(inputJson) as f:
deckJson = json.load(f)
imgWidth, imgHeight = makeFaces(deckJson, outfile)
makeJson(deckJson, imgWidth, imgHeight, outfile)
with open("hero_3.json") as f:
deckJson = json.load(f)
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
outfile = "out"
2017-04-22 18:13:01 -04:00
2017-04-27 19:53:23 -04:00
imgWidth, imgHeight = makeFaces(deckJson, outfile)
makeJson(deckJson, imgWidth, imgHeight, outfile)