useLibrary("threads"); const Card = require("ttsdeck/Card.js"); const TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE = 69; const TTS_MAX_ROWS = 7; function TTSDeckPage(image_format, image_resolution, page_num, cards) { this.image_format = image_format; this.image_resolution = image_resolution; this.page_num = page_num; = cards; this.rows = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(cards.length)), TTS_MAX_ROWS); this.columns = Math.ceil(cards.length / this.rows); this.deck_image = null; this.card_jsons = []; this.face_url = String( Card.getImageFile(cards[0].member.parent, image_format, this.page_num) .toPath() .toUri() ); this.back_url = String( Card.getImageFile(cards[0].member.parent, image_format, "back") .toPath() .toUri() ); } = function build(busy_props) { let deck_graphics; for (let row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) { for ( let col = 0; col < this.columns && row * this.columns + col <; col++ ) { if (busy_props.cancelled) return this; let index = row * this.columns + col; let card =[index]; busy_props.status = "Processing Card " + card.member; busy_props.currentProgress = (this.page_num - 1) * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE + index; try { let copies = card.copyCount(); for (let ii = 0; ii < copies; ii++) { this.card_jsons.push(card.makeJSON(this.page_num * 100 + index)); } let card_image = card.makeImage( this.image_format, this.image_resolution ); if (!this.deck_image) { this.deck_image = ImageUtils.create( card_image.width * this.columns, card_image.height * this.rows, false ); deck_graphics = this.deck_image.createGraphics(); } deck_graphics.drawImage( card_image, col * card_image.width, row * card_image.height, null ); } catch (ex) { Thread.invokeLater(() => alert("Error while processing " + card + ": " + ex, true) ); } } println("End of Row ", row); } return this; }; function TTSDeck(image_format, image_resolution, cards) { this.image_format = image_format; this.image_resolution = image_resolution; = cards; this.pages = []; } = function build(busy_props) { busy_props.title = "Processing Cards"; busy_props.maximumProgress =; for ( let page_num = 0; page_num * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE <; page_num++ ) { if (busy_props.cancelled) return this; let page_cards = page_num * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE, (page_num + 1) * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE ); printf("Making page %d, with %d cards:\n", page_num + 1, page_cards.length); this.pages.push( new TTSDeckPage( this.image_format, this.image_resolution, page_num + 1, page_cards ).build(busy_props) ); } return this; }; TTSDeck.prototype.getImages = function getImages() { return => page.deck_image); }; TTSDeck.prototype.makeJSON = function makeJSON(nickname, description) { return { Name: "DeckCustom", Transform: { posX: 0, posY: 0, posZ: 0, rotX: 0, rotY: 0.0, rotZ: 0.0, scaleX: 1.0, scaleY: 1.0, scaleZ: 1.0, }, Nickname: String(nickname || ""), Description: String(description || ""), ColorDiffuse: { r: 0.713239133, g: 0.713239133, b: 0.713239133, }, Grid: true, Locked: false, SidewaysCard: false, DeckIDs: this.pages .map((page) => => card.CardID)) .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []), CustomDeck: this.pages.reduce((acc, page, index) => { acc[String(index + 1)] = { FaceURL: String(page.face_url), BackURL: String(page.back_url), NumWidth: page.columns, NumHeight: page.rows, BackIsHidden: true, }; return acc; }, {}), ContainedObjects: this.pages .map((page) => page.card_jsons) .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []), }; }; module.exports = { TTSDeckPage: TTSDeckPage, TTSDeck: TTSDeck, };