/* * TTSDeck.js * * Creates a deck image and corresponding "Saved Object" JSON for use * in Tabletop Simulator */ useLibrary('project'); useLibrary('imageutils'); useLibrary('threads'); useLibrary('uilayout'); useLibrary('uicontrols'); importClass(arkham.project.CopiesList); const TTSJson = require('./TTSJson.js'); const TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE = 69; const TTS_MAX_ROWS = 7; const getName = () => 'TTSDeck'; const getDescription = () => 'Generates a TTS deck image and JSON file'; const getVersion = () => 1.0; const getPluginType = () => arkham.plugins.Plugin.INJECTED; function unload() { unregisterAll(); } // Creates a test button during development that calls unload() to clean up. testProjectScript(); // TODO: allow setting a default copy count // Hack to override the default return value of 1 function copyCount(copies_list, name) { const entries = copies_list.getListEntries().map(x => String(x)); if (entries.indexOf(String(name)) == -1) { return 1; } else { return copies_list.getCopyCount(name); } } // export front face, or retrive it from a cached file // TODO: handle two-sided cards function makeCardImage(card, format, resolution) { const component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(card.file); const cache_dir = new File(card.parent.file, '.ttsdeck_cache'); const cached_file = new File(cache_dir, card.file.name + '.' + format); if (cached_file.exists() && cached_file.lastModified() > card.file.lastModified()) { println("Got cached image for card", card); return ImageUtils.read(cached_file); } else { println("Generating image for card ", card); const sheets = component.createDefaultSheets(); const card_image = sheets[0].paint(arkham.sheet.RenderTarget.EXPORT, resolution); cache_dir.mkdir(); ImageUtils.write(card_image, cached_file, format, -1, false, resolution); return card_image; } } function TTSDeckPage(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, page_num, page_cards, copies_list) { this.rows = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(page_cards.length)), TTS_MAX_ROWS); this.columns = Math.ceil(page_cards.length / this.rows); this.deck_image = null; let deck_graphics; this.card_jsons = []; for (let row = 0; row < this.rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < this.columns && row * this.columns + col < page_cards.length; col++) { if (busy_props.cancelled) return; let index = row * this.columns + col; let card = page_cards[index]; busy_props.status = "Processing Card " + card; busy_props.currentProgress = (page_num - 1) * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE + index; try { let component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(card.file); let copies = copyCount(copies_list, card.baseName); for (let ii = 0; ii < copies; ii++) { this.card_jsons.push(TTSJson.makeCardJSON(page_num * 100 + index, component.getName())); } let card_image = makeCardImage(card, image_format, image_resolution); if (!this.deck_image) { this.deck_image = ImageUtils.create( card_image.width * this.columns, card_image.height * this.rows, false); deck_graphics = this.deck_image.createGraphics(); } deck_graphics.drawImage(card_image, col * card_image.width, row * card_image.height, null); } catch (ex) { Thread.invokeLater(() => alert('Error while processing ' + card + ': ' + ex, true)); } } println("End of Row ", row); } // TODO: this should either prompt the user or provde automatic uploading somewhere this.face_url = String((new File(page_cards[0].parent.file, page_cards[0].parent.getName() + '_' + page_num + '.' + image_format)).toPath().toUri()); this.back_url = "TODO"; } function makeTTSDeck(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, cards, copies_list) { const pages = []; busy_props.title = "Processing Cards"; busy_props.maximumProgress = cards.length; for (let page_num = 0; page_num * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE < cards.length; page_num++) { let page_cards = cards.slice(page_num * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE, (page_num + 1) * TTS_CARDS_PER_IMAGE); printf("Making page %d, with %d cards:\n", page_num + 1, page_cards.length); pages.push(new TTSDeckPage(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, page_num + 1, page_cards, copies_list)); if (busy_props.cancelled) return [,]; } const deck_json = TTSJson.makeDeckJSON(pages); return [deck_json, pages.map(page => page.deck_image)]; } function settingsDialog(deck_task) { const task_settings = deck_task.getSettings(); const image_format_field = comboBox([ ImageUtils.FORMAT_JPEG, ImageUtils.FORMAT_PNG ]); image_format_field.setSelectedItem(task_settings.get("tts_image_format", "jpg")); const resolution_field = textField(task_settings.get("tts_image_resolution", "200"), 15); const clear_cache_button = button("Clear Cache", undefined, function (e) { const cache_dir = new File(deck_task.file, '.ttsdeck_cache'); cache_dir.listFiles().forEach((file) => file.delete()); }); const panel = new Grid(); panel.place( "Image Format", "", image_format_field, "grow,span", "Resolution", "", resolution_field, "grow,span", clear_cache_button, "grow,span" ); const close_button = panel.createDialog('TTS Export').showDialog(); return [close_button, image_format_field.getSelectedItem(), Number(resolution_field.text)]; } function run() { const ttsDeckAction = JavaAdapter(TaskAction, { getLabel: () => 'Generate TTS Deck', getActionName: () => 'ttsdeck', // Applies to Deck Tasks appliesTo: function appliesTo(project, task, member) { if (member != null || task == null) { return false; } const type = task.settings.get(Task.KEY_TYPE); if (NewTaskType.DECK_TYPE.equals(type)) { return true; } return false; }, perform: function perform(project, task, member) { let deck_task = ProjectUtilities.simplify(project, task, member); const [close_button, image_format, image_resolution] = settingsDialog(deck_task); // User canceled the dialog or closed it without pressing ok if (close_button != 1) { return; } // persist settings const task_settings = deck_task.getSettings(); task_settings.set("tts_image_format", image_format); task_settings.set("tts_image_resolution", image_resolution); deck_task.writeTaskSettings(); Eons.setWaitCursor(true); try { Thread.busyWindow( (busy_props) => this.performImpl(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, deck_task), 'Setting up...', true); } catch (ex) { Error.handleUncaught(ex); } finally { Eons.setWaitCursor(false); } }, performImpl: function performImpl(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, member) { let copies_list; try { copies_list = new CopiesList(member); } catch (ex) { copies_list = new CopiesList(); alert("unable to read copies list, using card count of 2 for all files", true); } const children = member.getChildren(); const page_cards = children.filter(child => { if (ProjectUtilities.matchExtension(child, 'eon')) { let component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(child.file); return component.isDeckLayoutSupported(); } else { return false; } }); const [deck_json, deck_images] = makeTTSDeck(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, page_cards, copies_list); if (busy_props.cancelled) return; const saved_object = TTSJson.makeSavedObjectJSON([deck_json], member.getName()); busy_props.status = ""; busy_props.maximumProgress = -1; busy_props.title = "Writing JSON"; const json_file = new File(member.file, member.getName() + '.json'); ProjectUtilities.writeTextFile(json_file, JSON.stringify(saved_object, null, 4)); busy_props.title = "Writing Images"; busy_props.maximumProgress = deck_images.length; deck_images.forEach((deck_image, index) => { busy_props.currentProgress = index; const image_file = new File(member.file, member.getName() + '_' + (index + 1) + '.' + image_format); ImageUtils.write(deck_image, image_file, image_format, -1, false, image_resolution); }); member.synchronize(); } }); ActionRegistry.register(ttsDeckAction, Actions.PRIORITY_IMPORT_EXPORT); }