/* * TTSDeck.js * * Creates a deck image and corresponding "Saved Object" JSON for use * in Tabletop Simulator */ useLibrary('project'); useLibrary('imageutils'); useLibrary('uilayout'); // The resolution (in pixels per inch) of the exported images const RESOLUTION = 200; // The extension of the image file format to use, e.g., png, jpg const FORMAT = ImageUtils.FORMAT_JPEG; function getName() { return 'TTSDeck'; } function getDescription() { return 'Generates a TTS deck image and JSON file'; } function getVersion() { return 1.0; } function getPluginType() { return arkham.plugins.Plugin.INJECTED; } function unload() { unregisterAll(); } // Creates a test button during development that calls unload() to clean up. testProjectScript(); function makeCardJSON(card_id, nickname, description) { return { Name: "Card", Transform: { posX: 0, posY: 0, posZ: 0, rotX: 0, rotY: 0, rotZ: 0, scaleX: 1.0, scaleY: 1.0, scaleZ: 1.0, }, Nickname: String(nickname), CardID: card_id, Description: String(description || ""), ColorDiffuse: { r: 0.713235259, g: 0.713235259, b: 0.713235259, }, Locked: false, Grid: true, Snap: true, Autoraise: true, Sticky: true, Tooltip: true, SidewaysCard: false, }; } function makeDeckJSON(face_url, back_url, num_width, num_height, cards, nickname, description) { const deck_ids = cards.map(function (card) { return card.CardID; }); return { Name: "DeckCustom", Transform: { posX: 0, posY: 0, posZ: 0, rotX: 0, rotY: 0.0, rotZ: 0.0, scaleX: 1.0, scaleY: 1.0, scaleZ: 1.0, }, Nickname: String(nickname || ""), Description: String(description || ""), ColorDiffuse: { r: 0.713239133, g: 0.713239133, b: 0.713239133, }, Grid: true, Locked: false, SidewaysCard: false, DeckIDs: deck_ids, CustomDeck: { "1": { FaceURL: String(face_url), BackURL: String(back_url), NumWidth: num_width, NumHeight: num_height, } }, ContainedObjects: cards, }; } function makeSavedObjectJSON(objects, save_name) { return { SaveName: String(save_name || ""), GameMode: "", Date: "", Table: "", Sky: "", Note: "", Rules: "", PlayerTurn: "", ObjectStates: objects, }; } function run() { const ttsDeckAction = JavaAdapter(TaskAction, { getLabel: function getLabel() { return 'Generate TTS Deck'; }, getActionName: function getActionName() { return 'ttsdeck'; }, // Applies to Deck Tasks appliesTo: function appliesTo(project, task, member) { if (member != null || task == null) { return false; } const type = task.settings.get(Task.KEY_TYPE); if (NewTaskType.DECK_TYPE.equals(type)) { return true; } return false; }, perform: function perform(project, task, member) { member = ProjectUtilities.simplify(project, task, member); Eons.setWaitCursor(true); try { this.performImpl(member); } catch (ex) { Error.handleUncaught(ex); } finally { Eons.setWaitCursor(false); } }, performImpl: function performImpl(member) { const children = member.getChildren(); const cards = children.filter(function (child) { if (ProjectUtilities.matchExtension(child, 'eon')) { let component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(child.file); return component.isDeckLayoutSupported(); } else { return false; } }); const columns = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(cards.length)); const rows = Math.ceil(cards.length / columns); let deck_image; let deck_graphics; let card_jsons = []; for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < columns && row * columns + col < cards.length; col++) { let index = row * columns + col; let card = cards[index]; println("Processing Card ", card); try { let component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(card.file); let sheets = component.createDefaultSheets(); card_jsons.push(makeCardJSON(100 + index, component.getName())); // export front face // TODO: handle two-sided cards let card_image = sheets[0].paint(arkham.sheet.RenderTarget.EXPORT, RESOLUTION); if (!deck_image) { deck_image = ImageUtils.create( card_image.width * columns, card_image.height * rows, false); deck_graphics = deck_image.createGraphics(); } deck_graphics.drawImage(card_image, col * card_image.width, row * card_image.height, null); } catch (ex) { alert('Error while processing ' + card + ': ' + ex, true); } } println("End of Row ", row); } const deck_json = makeDeckJSON('TODO', 'TODO', columns, rows, card_jsons); const saved_object = makeSavedObjectJSON([deck_json], member.getName()); println("Writing output files"); const json_file = new File(member.file, member.getName() + '.json'); ProjectUtilities.writeTextFile(json_file, JSON.stringify(saved_object, null, 4)); const image_file = new File(member.file, member.getName() + '.png'); ImageUtils.write(deck_image, image_file, FORMAT, -1, false, RESOLUTION); member.synchronize(); } }); ActionRegistry.register(ttsDeckAction, Actions.PRIORITY_IMPORT_EXPORT); }