Make back image from first card in deck

This commit is contained in:
Adam Goldsmith 2022-01-01 22:22:51 -05:00
parent 82fa427305
commit 8cf31f4272

View File

@ -41,11 +41,23 @@ function copyCount(copies_list, name) {
function getImageFile(parent, image_format, page_num) {
return new File(parent.file, parent.getName() + '_' + page_num + '.' + image_format);
function makeCardImageUncached(card, resolution, back) {
const component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(card.file);
println("Generating image for card ", card);
const sheets = component.createDefaultSheets();
const card_image = sheets[back ? 1 : 0].paint(arkham.sheet.RenderTarget.EXPORT, resolution);
return card_image;
// export front face, or retrive it from a cached file
// TODO: handle two-sided cards
function makeCardImage(card, format, resolution) {
const component = ResourceKit.getGameComponentFromFile(card.file);
const cache_dir = new File(card.parent.file, '.ttsdeck_cache');
const cached_file = new File(cache_dir, + '.' + format);
@ -53,9 +65,7 @@ function makeCardImage(card, format, resolution) {
println("Got cached image for card", card);
} else {
println("Generating image for card ", card);
const sheets = component.createDefaultSheets();
const card_image = sheets[0].paint(arkham.sheet.RenderTarget.EXPORT, resolution);
const card_image = makeCardImageUncached(card, resolution);
ImageUtils.write(card_image, cached_file, format, -1, false, resolution);
@ -103,10 +113,8 @@ function TTSDeckPage(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, page_num, page_
println("End of Row ", row);
// TODO: this should either prompt the user or provde automatic uploading somewhere
this.face_url = String((new File(page_cards[0].parent.file,
page_cards[0].parent.getName() + '_' + page_num + '.' + image_format)).toPath().toUri());
this.back_url = "TODO";
this.face_url = String(getImageFile(page_cards[0].parent, image_format, page_num).toPath().toUri());
this.back_url = String(getImageFile(page_cards[0].parent, image_format, "back").toPath().toUri());
function makeTTSDeck(busy_props, image_format, image_resolution, cards, copies_list) {
@ -228,10 +236,14 @@ function run() {
busy_props.maximumProgress = deck_images.length;
deck_images.forEach((deck_image, index) => {
busy_props.currentProgress = index;
const image_file = new File(member.file, member.getName() + '_' + (index + 1) + '.' + image_format);
const image_file = getImageFile(member, image_format, index + 1);
ImageUtils.write(deck_image, image_file, image_format, -1, false, image_resolution);
let back_image = makeCardImageUncached(page_cards[0], image_resolution, true);
const back_image_file = getImageFile(member, image_format, "back");
ImageUtils.write(back_image, back_image_file, image_format, -1, false, image_resolution);