This adds a new SpawnBag capability which will replace the various small memory bags around the table. Initial implementation is for the Bonded container, which is no longer a bag.
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-- Allows spawning of defined lists of cards which will be created from the template in the All
-- Player Cards bag. SpawnBag.spawn will create objects based on a table definition, while
-- SpawnBag.recall will clean them all up. Recall will be limited to a small area around the
-- spawned objects. Objects moved out of this area will not be cleaned up.
-- SpawnSpec: Spawning requires a spawn specification with the following structure:
-- {
-- name: Name of this spawn content, used for internal tracking. Multiple specs can be spawned,
-- but each requires a separate name
-- cards: A list of card IDs to be spawned
-- globalPos: Where the spawned objects should be placed, in global coordinates. This should be
-- a valid Vector with x, y, and z defined, e.g. { x = 5, y = 1, z = 15 }
-- rotation: Rotation for the spawned objects. X=180 should be used for face down items. As with
-- globalPos, this should be a valid Vector with x, y, and z defined
-- spread: Optional. If present and true, cards will be spawned next to each other in a spread
-- moving to the right. globalPos will define the location of the first card, each after that
-- will be moved a predefined distance
-- }
-- See BondedBag.ttslua for an example
SpawnBag = { }
-- To assist debugging, will draw a box around the recall zone when it's set up
local SHOW_RECALL_ZONE = false
local ALL_CARDS_GUID = "15bb07"
-- Distance to expand the recall zone around any added object.
local RECALL_BUFFER_X = 0.9
local RECALL_BUFFER_Z = 0.5
-- In order to mimic the behavior of the previous memory buttons we use a temporary bag when
-- recalling objects. This bag is tiny and transparent, and will be placed at the same location as
-- this object. Once all placed cards are recalled bag to this bag, it will be destroyed
local RECALL_BAG = {
Name = "Bag",
Transform = {
scaleX = 0.01,
scaleY = 0.01,
scaleZ = 0.01,
ColorDiffuse = {
r = 0,
g = 0,
b = 0,
a = 0,
Locked = true,
Grid = true,
Snap = false,
Tooltip = false,
-- Tracks what has been placed by this "bag" so they can be recalled
local placedSpecs = { }
local placedObjectGuids = { }
local recallZone = nil
-- Loads a table of saved state, extracted during the parent object's onLoad
SpawnBag.loadFromSave = function(saveTable)
placedSpecs = saveTable.placed
placedObjectGuids = saveTable.placedObjects
recallZone = saveTable.recall
-- Generates a table of save state that can be included in the parent object's onSave
SpawnBag.getStateForSave = function()
local saveState = {
placed = placedSpecs,
placedObjects = placedObjectGuids,
recall = recallZone,
return saveState
-- Places the given spawnSpec on the table. See SpawnBag.ttslua header for spawnSpec table data and
-- examples
SpawnBag.spawn = function(spawnSpec)
-- Limit to one placement at a time
if (placedSpecs[spawnSpec.name]) then
if (spawnSpec == nil) then
-- TODO: error here
local cardsToSpawn = { }
local allCardsBag = getObjectFromGUID(ALL_CARDS_GUID)
for _, cardId in ipairs(spawnSpec.cards) do
local cardData = allCardsBag.call("getCardById", { id = cardId })
if (cardData ~= nil) then
table.insert(cardsToSpawn, cardData)
-- TODO: error here
if (spawnSpec.spread) then
Spawner.spawnCardSpread(cardsToSpawn, spawnSpec.globalPos, spawnSpec.rotation, false, recordPlacedObject)
Spawner.spawnCards(cardsToSpawn, spawnSpec.globalPos, spawnSpec.rotation, false, recordPlacedObject)
placedSpecs[spawnSpec.name] = true
-- Recalls all spawned objects to the bag, and clears the placedObjectGuids list
SpawnBag.recall = function()
local trash = spawnObjectData({data = RECALL_BAG, position = self.getPosition()})
for guid, _ in pairs(placedObjectGuids) do
local obj = getObjectFromGUID(guid)
if (obj ~= nil) then
if (isInRecallZone(obj)) then
placedObjectGuids[guid] = nil
-- We've recalled everything we can, some cards may have been moved out of the
-- card area. Just reset at this point.
placedSpecs = { }
placedObjectGuids = { }
recallZone = nil
-- Callback for when an object has been spawned. Tracks the object for later recall and updates the
-- recall zone.
function recordPlacedObject(spawned)
placedObjectGuids[spawned.getGUID()] = true
-- Expands the current recall zone based on the position of the given object. The recall zone will
-- be maintained as the bounding box of the extreme object positions, plus a small amount of buffer
function expandRecallZone(spawnedCard)
local pos = spawnedCard.getPosition()
if (recallZone == nil) then
-- First card out of the bag, initialize surrounding that
recallZone = { }
recallZone.upperLeft = { x = pos.x + RECALL_BUFFER_X, z = pos.z + RECALL_BUFFER_Z }
recallZone.lowerRight = { x = pos.x - RECALL_BUFFER_X, z = pos.z - RECALL_BUFFER_Z }
if (pos.x > recallZone.upperLeft.x) then
recallZone.upperLeft.x = pos.x + RECALL_BUFFER_X
if (pos.x < recallZone.lowerRight.x) then
recallZone.upperLeft.x = pos.x - RECALL_BUFFER_X
if (pos.z > recallZone.upperLeft.z) then
recallZone.upperLeft.z = pos.z + RECALL_BUFFER_Z
if (pos.z < recallZone.lowerRight.z) then
recallZone.lowerRight.z = pos.z - RECALL_BUFFER_Z
local y = 1.5
local thick = 0.05
points = { {recallZone.upperLeft.x,y,recallZone.upperLeft.z}, {recallZone.upperLeft.x,y,recallZone.lowerRight.z} },
color = {1,0,0},
thickness = thick,
rotation = {0,0,0},
points = { {recallZone.upperLeft.x,y,recallZone.lowerRight.z}, {recallZone.lowerRight.x,y,recallZone.lowerRight.z} },
color = {1,0,0},
thickness = thick,
rotation = {0,0,0},
points = { {recallZone.lowerRight.x,y,recallZone.lowerRight.z}, {recallZone.lowerRight.x,y,recallZone.upperLeft.z} },
color = {1,0,0},
thickness = thick,
rotation = {0,0,0},
points = { {recallZone.lowerRight.x,y,recallZone.upperLeft.z}, {recallZone.upperLeft.x,y,recallZone.upperLeft.z} },
color = {1,0,0},
thickness = thick,
rotation = {0,0,0},
-- Checks to see if the given object is in the current recall zone. If there isn't a recall zone,
-- will return true so that everything can be easily cleaned up.
function isInRecallZone(obj)
if (recallZone == nil) then
return true
local pos = obj.getPosition()
return (pos.x < recallZone.upperLeft.x and pos.x > recallZone.lowerRight.x
and pos.z < recallZone.upperLeft.z and pos.z > recallZone.lowerRight.z)