require("playercards/PlayerCardSpawner") local allCardsBagApi = require("playercards/AllCardsBagApi") local BUTTON_LABELS = {} BUTTON_LABELS["spawn"] = {} BUTTON_LABELS["spawn"][true] = "Spawn all matching cards " BUTTON_LABELS["spawn"][false] = "Spawn first matching card" BUTTON_LABELS["search"] = {} BUTTON_LABELS["search"][true] = "Name matches search term" BUTTON_LABELS["search"][false] = "Name contains search term" local inputParameters = {} inputParameters.label = "Click to enter card name" inputParameters.input_function = "input_func" inputParameters.function_owner = self inputParameters.alignment = 2 inputParameters.position = { x = 0, y = 0.1, z = -0.62 } inputParameters.width = 1200 inputParameters.height = 130 inputParameters.font_size = 107 inputParameters.scale = { 0.3, 1, 0.3 } inputParameters.color = { 0.9, 0.7, 0.5 } inputParameters.font_color = { 0, 0, 0 } function onSave() return JSON.encode({ spawnAll, searchExact, inputParameters.value }) end function onLoad(savedData) local loadedData = JSON.decode(savedData) spawnAll = loadedData[1] or false searchExact = loadedData[2] or false inputParameters.value = loadedData[3] or "" self.createInput(inputParameters) -- shared parameters local buttonParameters = {} buttonParameters.function_owner = self buttonParameters.font_size = 65 buttonParameters.scale = { 0.3, 1, 0.3 } buttonParameters.hover_color = { 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 } buttonParameters.color = { 0.9, 0.7, 0.5 } -- index 0: button for spawn mode buttonParameters.click_function = "spawnMode" buttonParameters.label = BUTTON_LABELS["spawn"][spawnAll] buttonParameters.position = { x = 0.18, y = 0.1, z = 0.555 } buttonParameters.height = 125 buttonParameters.width = 800 self.createButton(buttonParameters) -- index 1: button for search mode buttonParameters.click_function = "searchMode" buttonParameters.label = BUTTON_LABELS["search"][searchExact] buttonParameters.position = { x = 0.18, y = 0.1, z = 0.63 } self.createButton(buttonParameters) -- index 2: start search buttonParameters.click_function = "search" buttonParameters.label = "" buttonParameters.position = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0.8 } buttonParameters.height = 200 buttonParameters.width = 1000 self.createButton(buttonParameters) end function spawnMode() spawnAll = not spawnAll self.editButton({ index = 0, label = BUTTON_LABELS["spawn"][spawnAll] }) end function searchMode() searchExact = not searchExact self.editButton({ index = 1, label = BUTTON_LABELS["search"][searchExact] }) end -- if "Enter press" (\n) is found, start search and recreate input function input_func(_, _, input, stillEditing) if not stillEditing then inputParameters.value = input elseif string.find(input, "%\n") ~= nil then inputParameters.value = input.gsub(input, "%\n", "") search() self.removeInput(0) self.createInput(inputParameters) end end function search() if inputParameters.value == nil or string.len(inputParameters.value) == 0 then printToAll("Please enter a search string.", "Yellow") return end if string.len(inputParameters.value) < 3 then printToAll("Please enter a longer search string.", "Yellow") return end if not allCardsBagApi.isBagPresent() then printToAll("Player card bag couldn't be found.", "Red") return end -- search all objects in bag local cardList = allCardsBagApi.getCardsByName(inputParameters.value, searchExact) if cardList == nil or #cardList == 0 then printToAll("No match found.", "Red") return end if (#cardList > 100) then printToAll("Matched more than 100 cards, please try a more specific search.", "Yellow") return end -- sort table by name (reverse for multiple results, because bottom card spawns first) table.sort(cardList, function(k1, k2) return spawnAll == ( > end) local rot = self.getRotation() local pos = self.positionToWorld(Vector(0, 2, -0.08)) Spawner.spawnCards(cardList, pos, rot, true) end